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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,主从复合句,名词性从句,定语从句,状语从句,复合句的种类,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,时间状语从句,地点状语从句,原因状语从句,目的状语从句,结果状语从句,条件状语从句,让步状语从句,比较状语从句,方式状语从句,构成从句的三大核心要素,连接词,语序,时态,陈述性,一致性,(兼顾主句时态),唯一性(重点),名词性从句的连接词,名词性从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。其关联词有,连词,that, if, whether,;,连接代词,what, who, which,等和,连接副词,when, where, why, how,等。,从句,连接词,主语从句,宾语从句,介词后,宾语从句,形容词后,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,that,whether,if,Wh,-,词(含,how),带后缀,ever,的词,名词性从句类型判断,V,(谓语动词),主语从句,V,(谓语动词),宾语从句,L.V,(联系动词),表语从句,N,(名词),同位语从句,定语语从句,为保持句子平衡,,that,引导主语从句时,常用,it,作形式主语而把真正的主语从句后置。主要有以下几种情况:,It is +n. ( a pity / a shame / a fact / no wonder ,etc )+ that-clause,It is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.,It is no wonder that he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day., It is +adj. ( certain / likely / probable / true , etc.) + that-clause,It is probable that he told her everything.,It is true that the scientist will give us a lecture next week.,It is +p.p. (said / reported /believed ,etc. )+that-clause,It is reported that China has sent another man-made,satellite into orbit., It +v. (seems / happened, etc. )+that-clause,It seems that Alice is not coming to the party at all.,It happened that I was out that day.,其他情况,:,It doesnt matter whether he will come or not.,It makes no difference where we had the meeting.,It suddenly occurred to me that she had forgotten to,lock the door.,1.,You know,that I am a teacher of English.,2. That I am a teacher of English is known to you all .,3. It is known to you all that I am a teacher of English.,4. The fact that I am a teacher of English is known to,you all.,5. I am worried about whether you can do well in the exam.,6. What I am worried about is whether you can do well in,the exam.,that I am a teacher of English,That I am a teacher of English,that I am a teacher of English,whether you can do well in,the exam.,Object Clause,Subject Clause,Subject Clause,Predicative Clause,Appositive Clause,that I am a teacher of English,whether you can do well in the exam.,Object Clause,判断下列从句的类型,Subject Clause,What I am worried about,1. 1989,These photographs will show you,.,A. what does our village look like,B. what our village looks like,C. how does our village look like,D. how our village looks like,2. 1992Word has come,some American,guests will come for a visit to our school next week.,what B. that C. whether D. when,3. 2004,全国卷,I I like _ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.,A. this B. that C. it D. one,名词性从句高考题赏析,4. 1995,is a fact that English is being,accepted as an international language,A.There B. This C. That D. It,5. 1996,we cant get seems better,than,we have.,6. 1999 I drove to,Zhuhai,for the air show last week., Is that,you had a few days off?,A. why B. when C. what D. where,7. 04,湖南卷,I think Father would like to,know_Ive,been up to so far, so I decide to send him a quick note.,A. which B. why C. what D. how,What , what B. What, that,C. That ,that D. That , what,8.2001,A computer can only do _ you have instructed it to do.,A. how B. after C. what D. when,9.2004,全国卷,IYou are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _ I disagree.,10. 2005,浙江卷,Danby left word with my secretary _ he would call again in the afternoon.,A. who B. that C. as D. which,11. 04,天津卷,A modern city has been set up in_ was,a wasteland ten years ago.,A. what B. which C. that D. where,12. 04,上海卷,After Yang,Liwei,succeeded in circling the earth,_our astronauts desire to do is walk in space.,A. where B. what C. that D. how,why B. where C. what D. how,定语从句的引导词,关,系,代,词,引导词,先行词,功能,可否省略,Who,人,主、宾,*在限定性定从中,做从句动词宾语可省略,Whom,人,宾,Which,物,主、宾,That,人、物,主、宾,Whose,人、物,定语,as,the sameas, suchas,关,系,副,词,When,时间状语,Where,地点状语,Why,修饰,reason,状语 (,for which,),Prep+which,或,whom,定语从句,只用,that,不用,which,的几种情况,that,指物时一般可以和,which,换用,但在下列几种情况下只用,that,不用,which,:,先行词为,all, anything, everything, nothing, something,等;如,:,We are ready to do something that is of some help to others.,先行词被,all, only, no, some, any, every, each, few, little,等修饰时;如:,I have read all the books (that) you gave me.,先行词被序数词或形容词最高级等修饰时;如:,The first lesson (that),Mr,Green gave us will never be forgotten.,如果有两个或两个以上分别表示人和物的先行词时;如:,We know nothing about the doctors and hospitals (that) you are talking about.,当主句是以,who,或,which,开头的疑问句时,;,如,Who is that boy that was here just now?,当引导词在从句中作表语时。如,;,China isnt the country,that,it used to be.,定语从句,不能使用,that,的情况,定语从句中介词置于关系代词之前时,指人用,whom,,指物用,which,。,如:,Do you know the man,to whom,he is speaking?,This is the house,in which,I lived last year.,引导非限制性定语从句不能用,that,。如:,Mr,Smith has two sons,both of whom,worked abroad.,Beijing ,which,is the capital of our country, has changed a lot .,They arrived at a farm house,in front of which,sat a boy of seventeen.,注意:如何判断介词,The girl _ which he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.,He is the man _ whom I think you can depend .,1、看定语从句中动词与介词的搭配,for,on,2、看定语从句中形容词与介词的搭配,He referred me to some reference books _ which I am not very familiar.,Dolphins might be trained to cooperate with fishermen and help them by finding or even catching fish, _ all of which activities dolphins are expert.,with,in,3、根据先行词判断,所用的介词与先行词 搭配,The rate _ which wild animals are being destroyed has increased.,This is our classroom, _ which there is a teachers desk.,at,in the front of,The committee consists of 20 members, 5 of _ are women.,The book contains 50 poems, most of _ were written in 1930s.,There are two left, one of _ is almost finished, and the other of _ is not quite.,I have a sentence, the meaning of _ I dont understand.,whom,which,which,which,which,名词/代词/数词+,of +which/whom,一,.,定语从句与同位语从句,1.When ,where,why,在定从和同从中的应用,1) we havent yet settled the,question_we,are going to spend our summer vacation on 1st Oct.,A.when,B.where,C.that,D.which,2) Ill never forget the day _ I joined the League.,A. when,B.that,C.in,which D. which,3,) The,reason_he,moved to the USA is not clear to me.,A.why,B.that,C.when,D.which,4) We havent found out the,problem_the,computer was out of order.,A.why,B.that,C.which,D.whether,5) Is this the,reason_at,the meeting for his being absent from his work?,A.why,he explained,B.he,explained,C.when,he,expained,D.how,he explained,小结,:,相同点,:,when,where,why,在定从中和同从中均充当状语成分,不同点:,when,where,why,在定从中有相应的先行词,可表示为介词关系代词;而在同从中无相应先行词,不可表示为介关系代,That,在定从与同从中的区别,用,A:that,B:which,填空,1) we all have heard the news_ our team won.,2) we dont believe the news_ he told us yesterday.,A,B/A,3) the police ruled out (,排除,) the possibility _ Justin told them.,4)The police ruled out the possibility_,Jutin,was taken away by the aliens.,5) The news_ you told me yesterday was true.,6) The news_ the president will visit our school spread quickly.,B/A,A,B/A,A,用,A:that,B:which,填空,小结,:,定语从句与先行词是修饰关系,关系代词,thatwhich,在从句中做主,宾,表等成分,从句成分,不完整,;,同位语从句与被解释词是解释说明关系,连接词,that,在句中不作成分,从句成分,完整,.,二,.,定从与主从,宾从和表从,1.,定从与主从,翻译,:,不论谁在公共场所随意吐痰都该被罚,翻译,:,无论他做什么都不会对我有什么影响,.,a.Whoever,spits in public should be,punished,.,b.Anyone,who spits in public should,a.Whatever,he does makes no,difference to me.,b.Anything,that he does makes no ,小结,:whoever=anyone who;,whatever=anything that,判断正误,:,a.Who,breaks the law will be punished,b.Whoever,breaks the law will be punished.(,c.Who,robbed the bank is not clear.,d.Whoever,robbed the bank is not clear.,小结,:,时态与意义判断,.,.(,误,),正,),(,正,),(,误,),翻译,(用定、主、表、宾四种从句),众所周知,纸首先在中国制造。,1,),As is known to us all, paper was first,made in China. (,定从,),2) It is known to us all that paper was,first made in China.,(主从),3) What is known to us all is that paper,was first made in China.,(表从),4) We all know that paper was,first made in China.,(宾从),小结,:,定语从句与主宾表从句在特定情况下可以表示相同的意思。,填空:,1) He told us all _ had happened 10 years ago. A. that B. what C. which,2)He has told us all _ he experienced abroad. A. which B. what C. how D.,when,小结,:what = something that,all that = what,练习:,Our hometown is no longer _ she was 20 years ago.,A That B. which C. where D. what,2) It seems to us that no reason _ he gave us for his,absense,is believable.,that B. what C. why D. which,3) The art center is _ used to be a factory, _millions of tractors were made.,what, where B. where, where,C. what, which D. where, which,4) The place _ the bridge is supposed to be built should be _ the cross river traffic is the,heavest,.,which, where B. at which ,which,C. at which, where D. which, in which,5)No one believed his reason for being late _ he was caught in a traffic jam, _ make him,embrassed,.,Athat, which B. why, which,C.,why,what,D. that, what,6)_ is known to all is that the old scientist, for _life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties.,A. As, whom B. What, whom,C. It, whose D. As, whose,总结:,用什么样的关系词或连接词,均要在从句中分析查找。关系词和连接词存在某种转化关系:,What= all that / something that,Whatever= anything that,Whoever = anyone who,2.,高考考查的趋势是多种复合句的融合,而非单一句法的考查。,3.,定语从句与名词性从句的本质区别:,定从多存在被修饰的先行词,且先行词(或关系词)在从句中作成分;名从没有先行词,名从中的连接词除了,that,、,whether,外,均在从句中作成分。,状语从句,状语从句按意义和作用可分为:,时间状从、地点状从、原因状从,目的状从、结果状从、方式状从、,让步状从、条件状从、比较状从等九种。,状语从句放在主句之前常用逗号隔开;,放在主句之后不用逗号。,状语从句的引导词,1.,时间状从:,2.,地点状从:,3.,原因状从:,8.,让步状,从,when, as, while, as soon as, while, before, after, since , till, until,,,the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the instant, immediately , no sooner than, hardly when, scarcely when,where,,,wherever,anywhere,everywhere,because, since, as,now that,4.,目的状从:,5,.,结果状从:,6.,方式状从:,状语从句的引导词,so that, in order that,(,for fear that,,,in the hope that, for the purpose that,),so that, such that,as, as if, how,状语从句的引导词,7.,条件状从:,8.,比较状从:,9.,让步状语从句:,though, although, even if, even though,,,as(,用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装,),,,no matter +,疑问词,疑问词,+ever,as,as, than,,,the more the more ;,if, unless, as/so long as,(,只要,),only if, in case, on condition that,(条件是,),状语从句中的省略,若主从句中的主语一致,且从句为系表结构,可省略从句主语及,be,动词;,若主从句中的主语一致,可省略从句主语,并将从句谓语转化为相应分词;,若从句为,it be,结构,则可直接省略,it be,。,When she was very young, she began to learn to play the piano.,When you arrive there, you can get many friends.,Whenever it is possible, you should come and help.,When arriving,注:,as,在引导时间状语从句时,没有这种省略现象。我们不可说,As walking, she found a nice shining thing on the ground.,There are few people nowadays, if there are any, who remember him.,You should stay where you are, unless you are asked to leave.,Even if I am invited to, I wont go to such a bad lecture.,She has finished the work earlier than it has been expected.,He opened the desk, as if he was in search of something important.,Thank you,Bye!,


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