Film Art-PPT

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2012/12/6,#,Narrative as a Formal,System,-The shaping power of narration,By Elsa,Principles of Narrative,Construction,What is narrative?,Plot and story,Time and space,Openings, closings and patterns of development,Range,of story information,Depth,N,arration: the flow of story information,Principles of Narrative,Construction,What is narrative?,Plot and story,Time and space,Openings closings and patterns of development,Narrative Form,Narrative(or story) is a fundamental way that humans make sense of the world.,Story/,Narrative,Film,Fairy tales myths,Newspaper,Conversation,What is narrative,causality,time,space,a,chain of events in cause-effect relationship occurring in time and space.,Parallels: two lines of actions that are organized by time, space and causality,A man tosses and turns.,Unable,to sleep.,A,mirror breaks,.,A,telephone rings,.(P75),The wizard of,Oz,绿野仙踪,Hoop Dreams,篮球梦,(P75-76),Why they are important?,connect it spatially and clarify the cause and,effect.,a,chain of events in,cause-effect,relationship occurring in,time,and,space,.,Plot and story,Plot:,all story events that are directly depicted, either visibly or audibly present.,Story:,the set of events in a narrative, including both the explicitly presented and those views infer,Diegetic material:,剧情材料,Non diegetic material:,非剧情材料,viewers create the story based on the plot,story,Plot,Explicitly present events,Presumed and inferred events,added non diegetic material,(,music credits of a film,),Explicitly present events,Causality:,Characters(visible. Persons or person-like, with a body and traits, which are designed to play causal roles in the overall story action),Natural events,(,disasters, for example,),that may trigger and react to events,Agent,of it,Story,a,. crime conceived,b,. crime planned,c. crime,committed,Plot d. Crime discovered,e. Detective investigates,f. Detective reveals a, b and c,Causality:,Techniques,:,Present cause but withhold the story effects,Present effect but withhold the cause(detective film),Effects:,1.Connect,events by means of cause and effect,2.create strong curiosity,Techniques,and,Effects,Time,Techniques:,flashback(Edward Scissor hands),flash-forward,Alternation of past and present(Distant Voices, Still Lives),Cause and their effects are basic to narrative , but they take place in time,Temporal order,temporal duration,temporal frequency,The effect,:,surprise,Temporal order,temporal duration,temporal frequency,Time,Temporal duration,Story duration,: the time that the films story stretches,Plot duration,: the slices of story duration that are presented,Screen duration,: the time it takes to watch a movie,Cause and their effects are basic to narrative , but they take place in time,Temporal order,temporal duration,temporal frequency,Story duration plot durationscreen duration(north and northwest, or Titanic),Plot duration=screen duration,Screen durationplot duration(moments are stretched to be minutes: to emphasize),Temporal order,temporal duration,temporal frequency,Temporal order,temporal duration,temporal frequency,Time,Temporal frequency,Multiple narrators: each describe the same event,Flashback,Cause and their effects are basic to narrative , but they take place in time,Temporal order,temporal duration,temporal frequency,effects:,1.To,see the same action in several ways,2.More information,is provided in the repetition,3.Recontextualize,old information,space,Story space,Plot space,Screen space,Openings, closings and Patterns of Development,A change from initial situation to a final situation,Principles of Narrative,Construction,What is narrative?,Plot and story,Time and space,Openings closings and patterns of development,Range,of story information,Depth,N,arration: the flow of story information,narration,Narration,1,. the way of distributing story information,in order to,achieve,such specific,effects,as creating expectations or increase suspense,2.,Moment-by-moment process,that guides us in building the story out of the plot.,Range of story information,Depth of story,Narration,Unrestricted narration,(Omniscient narration),:,viewers know more, see and hear more that any of the characters can,Restricted narration:,the narration is restricted to what one character knows, so the views dont see or hear anything that this character cant see and hear.,Mixed and fluctuating narration,Range of story information,Depth of story,Narration,Unrestricted narration,Viewer,All characters,Range of story information,Depth of story,Restricted,narration,Viewer,-Marlowe,Mixed and,fluctuating narration,The agency(character a),Viewer,Thornhill(character b),Narration,To,create curiosity and,surprise,Range of story information,Depth of story,To create,suspense:,unrestricted,narration,restricted narration,effect,“the bomb is underneaththe public is aware of thatfifteen minutes of suspense”Hitchcock(P90),Narration,Objectivity,what the characters say and do: the external behaviors,subjectivity,perceptual subjectivity(visual or auditory point of view of the character),mental subjectivity (inner images, memory, fantasy, dreams or hallucinations),Range of story information,Depth of story,How deeply the plot plunges into a characters,psychological,states.,Narration,Objectivity,concealing information,Create curiosity and surprise,subjectivity,characters psychological states.,Increase sympathy,cue about stable expectations,To explain the motives,Range of story information,Depth of story,effect,Any choice about range or depth affects how the spectator thinks and feels about the film as it progress.,The director manipulate the depth and range of information to achieve specific effects.,Narration,Range of story information,Depth of story,narrator,A character,Non-character narrator,specific agent who purports to be telling us the story.,(not necessarily restricted),(not necessarily omniscient, possibly restricted, documentaries fictional),Principles of Narrative,Construction,What is narrative?,Plot and story,Time and space,Openings closings and patterns of development,Range,of story information,Depth,N,arration: the flow of story information,summary,Thank you!,The shaping power of narration,


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