Culture of Ireland-爱尔兰文化

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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Food Culture of Ireland,Bruce Xu,120801107,1,1,4,1. Food in early Ireland,2. The potato in Ireland,3. Food in Ireland today,2,3,4. Pub culture,Food and drink,2,Food in early Ireland,There are many references to food and drink in early Irish literature. Honey seems to have been widely eaten and used in the making of mead(蜂蜜酒). The old stories also contain many references to banquets(盛宴), although these may well be greatly exaggerated(夸张的) and provide little insight into everyday diet. There are also many references to fulacht fia, which are archaeological sites commonly believed to have once been used for cooking venison. The fulacht fia have holes or troughs in the ground which can be filled with water. Meat can then be cooked by placing hot stones in the trough until the water boils. Many fulach fia sites have been identified across the island of Ireland, and some of them appear to have been in use up to the 17th century.,Excavations at the Viking settlement in the Wood Quay area of Dublin have produced a significant amount of information on the diet of the inhabitants of the town. The main animals eaten were cattle, sheep and pigs, with pigs being the most common. This popularity extended down to modern times in Ireland. Poultry and wild geese(鹅) as well as fish and shellfish were also common, as were a wide range of native berries and nuts, especially hazel. The seeds of knotgrass and goosefoot were widely present and may have been used to make a porridge(粥,麦片).,3,A world famous pint of Guinness(吉尼斯黑啤酒) along with a slice of wheaten soda bread,4,The potato in Ireland,The potato would appear to have been introduced into Ireland in the second half of the 16th century, initially as a garden crop. It eventually came to be the main food field crop of the tenant(佃户) and labouring classes. As a food source, the potato is extremely efficient in terms of energy yielded per unit area of land. The potato is also a good source of many vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C (especially when fresh). As a result, the typical 18th and 19th century Irish diet of potatoes and buttermilk was a contributing factor in the population explosion that occurred in Ireland at that time. However, due to the political rule of the time, the majority of Irish produce (root crops, cereals (谷类)and animal produce) was exported to Britain, leaving few strains of potato as the sole food source for the Irish. This, along with the spread of potato blight led to shortages and famine, the most notable instance being the Great Irish Famine (1845-1849), which more or less undid(取消) all the growth in population of the previous century. The cause of which was a UK-armed demand to keep food exports at the pre famine level which caused a form of forced starvation, and thus prompted disease and emigration(移民),5,Food in Ireland today,In the 20th century the usual modern selection of foods common to Western cultures has been adopted in Ireland. Both US fast-food culture and continental European dishes have influenced the country, along with other world dishes introduced in a similar fashion to the rest of the Western world. Common meals include pizza, curry(咖喱), Chinese food, and lately, some west African dishes have been making an appearance. Supermarket shelves now contain ingredients for, among others, traditional, European, American (Mexican/Tex-Mex), Indian, Polish and Chinese dishes.,The proliferation of fast food has led to increasing public health problems including obesity(肥胖), and one of the highest rates of heart disease in the world. Due to the current anti-meat fad, the government has broadcasted television advertisements to discourage meat consumption. In the north, the Ulster fry has been particularly cited as being a major source for a higher incidence of cardiac problems, quoted as being a heart attack on a plate. All the ingredients are fried, although more recently the trend is to grill as many of the ingredients as possible. These advertisements however, do not explain the health and vigor(活力,精力) of native Irish people while eating their traditional diets high in both fat and meat,6,Traditional Irish dish,Irish stew is usually made with lamb or mutton and vegetables,.,Irish stew 爱尔兰炖肉,7,Colcannon 马铃薯卷心菜泥,8,It is a mixture of,mashed potatoes, kale,(羽衣甘蓝),or cabbage, and,seasonings,(调味品),An old Irish Halloween tradition was to serve colcannon with prizes of coins concealed in it.,9,Irish breakfast,10,Fried eggs,Bacon,(培根),Sausage,Tomato,black pudding,white pudding,(布丁),11,Soda bread is a quick bread,using baking soda instead of yeast.,12,Irish whiskey,water of life,Irelands famous beverage,13,Guinness,Irish dry stout,originated in the brewery of,Arthur,Guinness,Dublin.,Irelands famous beverage,14,Irelands famous beverage,15,Irish Coffee,The original Irish coffee was invented by Joseph Sheridan, a head chef work at Shannon International Airport.,On a miserable winter evening in the 1940s, Sheridan added whiskey to the coffee to warm the passengers. Sheridan told them it was Irish coffee.,Irelands famous beverage,16,Irelands famous beverage,A travel writer, Stanton Delaplane, brought Irish coffee to the United States when he worked with the Buena Vista Cafe in San Francisco to start serving it on November 10, 1952. The cafe owners recreate the Irish method for flouting the cream on top of it.,17,Thank you!,18,


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