1 Human Inquiry and Science

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Human Inquiry and Science,人类研究与科学,Holographic Overview,All of us try to understand and predict social world, social research are designed to avoid the common pitfalls of ordinary human inquiry,.,人们都试图理解与预测社会,社会科学研究可以避免人们在日常生活中出现的探索误区,Contents,Introduction,Looking for reality,The foundations of social science,Some dialectics of social science,The ethics of social science,1 Introduction,How do you know?,我们如何了解社会?,General knowledge /common sense,常识,The bases of knowledge is agreement,约定俗成,Direct Experience/observation,直接经验或观察,2 Looking for reality,寻求真实,How could you know which is true or not?,我们如何发现真理?,Experimental reality,实验现实,Agreement reality,共识现实,The criteria that must be met,标准是,logical (make sense),逻辑,empirical (not contradict actual observation),实证,Most knowledge comes from agreement secondhand ones,大多数知识来自于约定谷成,-,二手资料,Two sources of secondhand knowledge,Tradition,传统,Authority,权威,(1) Tradition,传统,A culture made up ,in part, of firmly accepted knowledge ,that is, “everyone knows”,由根深蒂固的知识所构成的某种文化,即,人人都知道的常识,Advantages or disadvantages?,Spare time,节省时间,Hinder Human inquiry,阻碍人类的研究,Fools efforts,(2)Authority,权威,Advantages or disadvantages?,Inquiry can be,hinderd,by error of legitimate authorities in their own province or outside their realm of expertise.,权威在自己专长的领域或超出专长的领域中犯的错误也会阻碍研究,A starting point in the searching for knowledge but maybe at the wrong point,是我们进行研究的起点,但是可能有错,(,3,),Errors in Inquiry and Some Solutions,研究误区与解决方式,Aside from former ones, we can stumble and fall we set out to learn for ourselves,除了前述问题外,还有其它的误区,Inaccurate observations,不准确的观察,Casual human inquiry,随便的观察,semiconcious,是不经心的,Scientific observation,科学观察,conscious activity,自觉的观察,Measurement devices help guard against inaccurate observations,测量设计有助于防止不精确的观察,Overgeneration,过度概化,Assure that a few similar events are evidence of a general pattern,从较少的事件中得出一般的规律,Two ways to solve this,两种解决问题的方式,Selecting sufficiently large and representative sample of observations.,选择大量的、有代表性的观察样本,Replication (,复证,): repeating the study and check to see whether the same results are produced each time.,Illogical reasoning,非逻辑推理,Gamblers fallacy,赌徒的谬误,SOLUTION,解决方法,Use logical systems consciously and explicitly,有意识的、准确的利用逻辑系统,Selected observation,选择性观察,Focus on some events and situations which fit our pattern ,ignore those that dont.,注意适于我们定势的事件与情境,忽视了那些其它的信息,Solutions,解决方法,Research design: specify in advance the number and the kind of observations to make.,事先的研究设计,Direct observation and find out “deviant cases” that dont fit into the pattern,直接观察,发现不符合一般规律的“偏离个案”,(,3,),Whats Really Real?,什么是真正的真实?,The nature of reality? 3 views on reality,三种观点,Premodern,view,前现代观点,P21,Assure that they see things as they really are. They dont see it as an assumption.,眼见为实,不是假设,Modern view,现代观点,P22,Accept the diversity as legitimate.,视差异性为合理,Inevitability of subjectivity,不可避免的主观性,Postmodern view,后现代观点,All these which seem real are just images we go through our points of view. (,所有的真实来自于自观点中的想像,),There is nothing out there ,it is all in here.,根本不存在什么外在的世界,一切都存在于内在之中,No objective reality to be,observed,there,are only our subjective view.,没有客观的现实可供观察,只有我们的主观的各种观点而已。,3 The foundations of social science,社会科学的基础,Science is characterized as logic-,emperical,.,科学以逻辑与实证为特征,Two pillars of science,Logic (make sense)and observation(correspond to our observation),两个支柱:逻辑与观察,Three major aspects of social scientific enterprise,Theory, data analysis and data collection,三个方面:理论、数据分析与数据收集,Theory : deals with the logical aspects of science. Part 1,第,1,部分:理论:处理的是科学的逻辑方面,Data collection: deals with the observation aspects. part 2,and part3,第,2,与,3,部分:数据收集:处理的是观察方面,Data analysis: deals with patterns that fit into what we observe logically. part 4,第,4,部分:数据分析:处理的是符合观察结果的模式,袁方:社会学研究方法体系,-,三个层次,方法论,研究的基本逻辑、假设、原则 、规则与程序等,采用何种方法研究社会现象,社会科学可否像自然科学一样客观地认识社会现象,是否存在客观的社会规律 因果概率,如何理解社会科学知识的真理性,研究法,贯穿研究全过程的程序和操作方式、研究的主要手段与步骤,研究法:统计调查研究 实地研究 实验研究 非介入研究,研究设计类型,描述性研究 解释性研究 探索性研究,横剖研究与纵贯研究,普查 抽样调查 个案调查,具体的方法与技术,收集方法,问卷法 访问法 观察法 量表表 实验法 文献法,分析方法,(1)Theory, not philosophy or belief,Social theory has to do with what it is, not what should be.,社会科学理论处理的是”是什么“,而不是应该是什么,Science can not settle debates about values.,科学不解决关于价值的讨论,(2) Social regularities,社会规律,Social science aims to find patterns of regularity in social life.,社会科学的目的在于寻求社会生活的规律,Three objections to social regularities,社会规律的三个方面,The change of triviality,微不足道,Exception,例外,People could interfere,人为干扰,Three objections to social regularities,Exceptions,Social regularities are probabilistic patterns. Any exceptions to the regularity (some cases dont fit the general pattern) dont mean the regularity is unreal.,People could interfere,The change of triviality,Some of regularity seems trivial or obviously true. but the obvious truth (common wisdom)often turns out to be wrong, Darwin coin the phrase “fools experiment”.,琐碎事件有时不琐碎:有些规律看起来细微与明显的正确,但是常识也会有错误,-“,傻子的实验”,Stouffer:morale,p26,(3) Aggregates, not individual,总体而不个体,Regularities of social science reflect the collective behaviors.,社会科学的规律反映的是集体行为,Objects of the research are collections, groups, aggregates,研究的对象是群体,(4) A variable language,变量语言,Understanding usually take place at the level of the concrete,理解常常发生在具体层面上,Abstract to concrete.,从抽象到具体,Research,usually take place at the level of abstract,Concrete to abstract,从具体到抽象,Variables,变量,it varies.,取不同值的概念,“,stubborn” “conservative” “antifeminism”,Variable systems,变量系统,the cause of “antifeminism”,Attributes,属性,:,or values.,characteristics or qualities that describe an object.,也称变量的取值,描述对象的特征或质量,Variables have attributes. are logic grouping of attributes.,变量具有属性,是属性逻辑组合,Variable&Attribute,The relationship between variables and attributes,The relationship between variables and attributes lies at heart of description and explanation in science.,变量与属性间的关系是描述性与解释性研究的核心,education and prejudice(20),Which are more prejudiced?,Educated,Uneducated,Prejudiced,30% 3,90% 9,Unprejudiced,70% 7,10% 1,Relationship & association involves in causation,关系涉及到因果,Cause,原因,Effect,结果,Independent variables,自变量,Dependent variables,因变量,Educated,Uneducated,Prejudiced,30% 3,90% 9,Unprejudiced,70% 7,10% 1,4 Some dialectics of social research,社会科学研究中的辩证关系,(,1)Idiographic (,个案式,)and,nomothetic,(,通则式,) explanation,Diographic,个案式,Fully understand the causes of what happened in this particular instance.,了解特定情况下发生事件的原因,Nomothetic,通则式,Explain a class of situations.,解释一系列的情境,Economically,经济,: one or a few factors.,Partial explanation,部分的解释,Exceptions because of a broader range of overall explanation,At the expense of a complete explanation of any one case.,无法做到对每个个体的完全理解,Comparation,p34,Idiographic :in-depth analysis,个案式为深度研究,Nomothetic,: aim at a more generalized understanding across a class of events,通则式为大多数对象的一般性规律的研究,(2) Inductive and deductive theory,归纳与演绎,Induction: moves from the particular to the general.,归纳:从个别到 一般,Deduction: from the general (a theory or a H) to the particular ones,演绎:从一般到个别,(3)Qualitative and quantitative data,质性与量化资料,Distinction :numerical and,nonnumerical,data.,两者是量化的与非数量化的区别,Quantification: quantify the concept. turn former into numerical form.,量化:将概念定量化处理,把概念转变为数的形式。,Advantages and disadvantages?,Quantitative : statistical analysis; loss of richness of meanings,Qualitative :rich,meaning;purely,verbal description,目的,证实 寻求共识 ;,解释性理解,寻求复杂性,提新问题,价值与事实,分离,不可分,社会文化建构,内容,事实原因影响变量,故事事件过程意义整体探究,层面,宠观,微观,问题,事先确定,过程中产生,设计,结构性的,事先确定的,具体,灵活 演变 宽泛,手段,数字 计算 统计,语言 图像 描述性分析,工具,量表问卷软件,研究者本人,(,身份、前设,),录音机,抽样 法,随机 大量,目的性 样本小,情境,控制性 暂时性 抽象,自然性 整体性 具体,收集资料方法,封闭问卷统计表实验结构性观察,开放访谈 参与观察 实物分析,资料特点,量化 可操作变量 统计数据,描述性资料 实地笔记 当事人引言,分析框架,事先定 加以验证,渐形成,分析方式,量化分析 演绎,归纳法 寻求概念与主题,研究结论,概括性 普适性,独特性 地域性,结果解释,文化客体 主客体对立,文化主位 互为主体,5 The ethics of social research,社会科学研究的伦理问题,No harm to subjects,不伤害研究对象,Voluntary participation,自愿参与,p27,


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