人教PEP(标准版)四年级英语下册课件 Unit3 Weather B Let's learn

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人教PEP(标准版)四年级英语下册课件 Unit3 Weather B Let's learn_第1页
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人教PEP(标准版)四年级英语下册课件 Unit3 Weather B Let's learn_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 3 Weather,Part B Lets learn,Lets play,Lets check,台顺河小学 王娜,教学内容:,制作思路:,1.通过歌曲,学习 rainy, suuny,cloudy,snowy,windy,并了解它们的,符号,以及单词world的学习。,2.承接上一步,学习上节课学习几个国家的,首都,以及它们的代表性气候。,3.通过一系列练习以及歌谣来稳固所学新知,,使学生能够做到学以致用。,Learning aims:,1.学生能够听懂、会说:Heres the world weather. Its in ;,2.能够听、说、认读:rainy,snowy, windy,sunny, cloudy.,3.了解世界各地各具代表性的气候;了解有关天气预报常用符号。,4.能够看懂、听懂天气预报并用英文表达天气情况。,Lets sing a song:,Learning words:,rainy,sunny,cloudy,snowy,wind,o,w,windy,wind,y,snow,y,rain,y,cloud,y,sunn,y,Can you say?,sunny,cloudy,windy,rainy,snowy,Look at the map.,I ts a map of the,world.,国家、首都:,London,Beijing,It is rainy in London.,New York,It is . in .,It is windy in Beijing.,It is,cloudy in New York.,The world weather,Sydney,It is sunny in Sydney.,Singapore,It is cloudy in Singapore.,Moscow,It is snowy in Moscow.,Listen and repeat:,Whats the weather like?,Lets guess,snowy,windy,rainy,cloudy,Look and say:,Singapore,Whats the weather like,in Singapore?,Its hot and sunny in Singapore.,Whats the _ like in London?,Its _ in London.,London,weather,rainy,Sydney,_ _ _ _ in Sydney?,_ _ in Sydney.,Whats the weather like,Its cloudy,Harbin,Whats the weather like in Harbin?,(,What,about,Harbin?,),Its cold and snowy in Harbin,Hainan,Whats the weather like in Hainan?,(,What,about,_?,),Its hot and sunny in Hainan,Hangzhou,Whats the weather like in Hangzhou?,(,_ _,Hangzhou?,),What,about,Its windy in Hangzhou,(介绍浙江的天气),Amy: Hello.,Chen: Hi, Amy.,Amy: Whats the weather like in .?,Chen: Its . today.,Amy: Oh, no! How about .?,Fairy: Its . today.,Amy: Oh, yes!,Pair work,Test in the class.,Lets match,rainy 晴朗的,snowy 多云的,sunny 下雨的,cloudy 有风的,windy 下雪的,Listening test,Listening test,Extension,Notes:,Whats the weather like in ?,Its rainy. How about ?,The useful words are given, you can,choose them talk about, or you can,write them down.,询问天气怎么样,,Whats the weather ?记心上。,答复起来很容易, Its后面加天气。,Its sunny 天气晴,火红太阳挂天空。,Its cloudy 天多云,雨衣雨伞准备好,,Its rainy 天下雨,路上行人雨伞举,,Its snowy 天下雪,雪中嬉戏多快乐,,Its windy 天刮风,关好窗户别忘记。,Chant 歌谣,1、能听说读写单词:,sunny rainy windy,cloudy snowy,2、能听说读写句子:,What,is the weather ?,Its,.,你能达到本课的学习目标吗?,本课教学内容,单 词: sunny 晴天的snowy雪天的,cloudy多云的 windy有风的,Review: rainy下雨的,句 型: Whats the weather like today?,今天天气怎么样?,Its .它是.,歌 曲: ?Weather song?,Homework:,听今晚的天气预报,填写下表,Thank,you,


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