沪教版牛津英语四年级下册module1 unit1

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沪教版牛津英语四年级下册module1 unit1_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,Page,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Tel,:18234057442,Cici,Introduction-self,1.,不许迟到,有事请假,2.,每次需听写单词,3.,课文需背会,4.,每次结课后需给老师读已学课文,单词和语法内容,Page,4,Module 1 Using my five senses,Unit 1 look,!,use,I me,sense,Look at sth./sb.,thin,thick,paint,brush,crayon,an old photo,an old man,talk to sb.,Review the antonyms,反义词,thin ,old,short,thick,fat,new,young,long,tall,What is he doing?,重点:时态,现在进行时, 现在进行时的构成:,am/is/are +,动词的现在分词(,ing,),现在进行时的用法:,表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,常与,now,(现在)连用,He is playing the guitar.,(弹吉他),What is he doing?,Gramar,我用,am,,你用,are,,,is,跟着,she,,,he,,,it,,单数,is,,复数,are,,,is,也用不可数。,请用适当的,be,动词填空:,Look,!,Those crayons _ thin.,Look,!,Those paints _ old.,These paints _ new.,These crayons _ thick.,Look,!,Those brushes _ long.,Those brushes _ short.,are,are,are,are,are,are,Whose pens _ these?,They _ Bettys pens.,They _ Eddies pencils.,What _ you doing? I _ writing.,Whose pencils _ those?,_ you talking? No, I _ reading.,Where _ Danny? She _ in the hall.,are,are,are,are,are,am,Are,am,is,is,What _ he doing? He _ in the playground.,Where _ Peter and Betty? They _ in the library.,Where _ Kitty? She _ singing.,What _ they doing? They _ reading.,Tom and I _ students.,is,are,is,is,is,are,are,are,are,Its time to,(,提醒别人做某事,),Lets ,(,邀请别人一起做某事,),You can,.,(,允许别人做某事,),Shall,we,?,(,提出建议,),Practice,11:11Lets have lunch.,4:10You can go home.,8:00Shall we watch TV?,9:10Its time to go to bed.,现在进行时时态的构成,I am reading a book.,重点,A,难点,B,these,与,those,的区别,this,与,that,的区别,Summary,对划线部分提问:,Ive got,these crayons,.,What have you got,?,Theyre,Bettys,pens.,Whose pens are these?,I am,drawing,.,What are you doing?,Shes,in the hall,.,Where is she?,Thank you!,


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