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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Driving Employee Motivation,Kurt Nelson,1,Why do some people climb mountains?,2,While others run?,3,And others just sit?,4,And why do millions of people go to work each day?,5,Motivation,is the force that drives our actions,6,And with the right,motivation,What cant we do?,7,History has given us many models of Motivation,Need for achievement (n-ach),Need for authority and power (n-pow),Need for affiliation (n-affil),McClelland,Needs Based Motivational Model,Locke & Lathum,Goal Setting,Bandura,Self Efficacy,8,Technically Motivation is,9,Motive,+,Action,But I prefer this,10,And for employees, we need to understand how to tap into that,11,And for employees, we need to understand how to tap into that,Motive,+,Action,12,The,4-Drive Model,Employee Motivation,of,Lawrence & Nohria,2002,Is a new motivational model that helps show us how to tap into it,13,The,4-Drive Model,Employee Motivation,of,Lawrence & Nohria,2002,Is a new motivational model that helps show us how to tap into it,It was developed by these two a few years back,14,The,4-Drive Model,Employee Motivation,of,Lawrence & Nohria,2002,And we are just touching the surface of it here,15,Acquire,We all have a,drive to acquire,money, things, prestige, power,16,Bond,We also want to,Bond with others -,and have positive, meaningful relationships,17,Comprehend or Challenged,We also strive to,UNDERSTAND,and,feel,CHALLENGED,18,Defend,And we need to,DEFEND,those,things,and,ideas,we BELIEVE IN,19,The Question is,So What?,20,The Question is,Who Cares?,21,The Question is,How Does This Matter?,22,It all really boils down to,Why is this,important?,23,Because it,24,IncreasesEffort,Because it,25,IncreasesEffort,AidsRetention,Because it,26,IncreasesEffort,AidsRetention,EnhancesPersistence,Because it,27,IncreasesEffort,AidsRetention,DrivesCreativity,EnhancesPersistence,Because it,28,ImprovesFocus,IncreasesEffort,AidsRetention,DrivesCreativity,EnhancesPersistence,Because it,29,So lets see,how we can impact,each of the,four drives,to improve,employee motivation,30,Acquire,Bond,Challenge & Comprehend,Defend,Reward Systems,Recognition,Perks,Culture,Teamwork,Social events,Job Design,Training,Big picture,Reputation,Focus on competition,Transparency,31,Impact Acquire thru,Reward,Anything to do with,Recognition,Anything to do with,Perks,Anything to do with,Salary,Incentives,Benefits,Time off,Special allowance,Awards,Thank yous,Top of class,32,Culture,Anything to do with,Teamwork,Anything to do with,Social,Anything to do with,Improve Bonding by,Values,Norms,Daily behaviors,Job structure,Projects,Support,Gather,Sports/teams,Fun,33,Challenge & Comprehend,Job Design,Anything to do with,Training,Anything to do with,Goals,Anything to do with,Skill training,People training,Coaching,Stretch goals,Employee input,Line of site,Job sharing,New challenges,Mentoring,34,Reputation,Anything to do with,Threats,Anything to do with,Transparency,Anything to do with,Build the will to Defend,Current Issues / Success,Trust,Competitors,Environment,Outside,Company,Group,Personal/ideas,35,And weve just touched the tip of the,36,To find out more,37,


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