现代大学英语精读4第五课man of the moment1-28

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,(paragraph,1-28),MAN OF THE Moment,Knowledge Questions,the,ex-bank robber,曾经的银行抢劫犯,ex- : (in nouns) former,e.g. ex-wife,前妻,ex-president,前总统,get ones breath back,: to let sb. have a rest,e.g. I need time to get my breath back after running.,跑步之后我需要时间来休息。,Paraphrase:,Puffing like a whale, arent you?,You are breathing loudly and quickly as a whale, arent you?,Puff: Here it means to breathe loudly and quickly,e,specially after you,have been running.,“,I bet its running off you underneath there, isnt it, eh? Eh?,” (paragraph 14),What does “,it”,refer to? And what does “,underneath there”,refer to?,“It” refers to Sharons sweat. And,“underneath there” refers to her arms and legs.,2) What do you think of Vics words to Sharon?,I think it is rude and impolite to comment on a womans physical conditions in public in this way.,trickle v. to flow, or to make something flow, slowly in a thin stream,e.g. Tears were trickling down her cheeks.,泪水不断地从她的脸颊流淌下来。,She trickled the water into the container.,她将水慢慢注入容器里。,m,utter,(,vi,./ vt.,),: to speak or say something in a quite voice that is difficult to hear,咕哝,;,小声抱怨,e.g. The old man muttered to himself.,老人喃喃自语。,The employee was muttering complaints.,那个雇员在小声发着牢骚。,Paraphrase,:,Were working on you, arent we? Were slowly melting you down, arent we?,Were trying to persuade you to lose weight, arent we? Were trying to melt your fat down, arent we?,Work on sb. :to try to persuade sb.,to,agree to sth. or to do sth.,Work on sth. : to try hard to improve or achieve sth.,torment v.,to annoy a person or an animal a cruel way because you think it is amusing,折磨,e.g. He was,constantly,tormented with headache.,他不断受到头痛的折磨。,a,shade : a little; slightly,e.g. Shes a shade overweight.,她有一点胖。,He was feeling a shade of disappointed.,他感觉有一点失落。,bloody adj. /adv. to emphasize a comment or an an,gry,statement in a rude way,e.g. Dont be such a bloody fool!,不要做这样的傻瓜!,What the bloody hell,are,you doing?,该死的,你到底在做些什么?,sum up : to give a summary of the main facts or arguments,e.g. For me, the novel summed up th,e,major problems of human existence.,对于我来说,这本书概括出了关于人类存在的几个主要问题。,Totally lazythat just about sums him up.,懒到家了,这大体上就是他的真实写照。,Comprehension Questions:,Before the television interview, Vic took delight in tormenting Sharon in the garden because she was fat, which made Sharon cry and run into the house. And Douglas tried several times to stop him, but failed.,Appreciation Questions:,1) Give a brief introduction to all characters.,Douglas Beechey, the man who became a popular hero seventeen years ago by attacking Vic Parks who was bobbing the bank where he worked,Nerys, Douglass wife, who was shot and badly disfigured in the raid,Vic parks, the ex-bank robber who has now became a famous television personality,Trudy, Vics wife,Sharon, a woman employed by Vic to look after his children,2) How would you describe Vics attitude towards Sharon?,From Vics words we can find that Vic didnt like Sharon and he was impolite to Sharon. And he didnt show any respect to Sharon, because he was always talking about her overweight openly in a rude and cruel way.,3) Why do you think Vic treated Sharon that way?,He was selfish, cruel and bad-tempered as an ex-bank bobber.,He thought he had the right to take delight in tormenting his staff in front of strangers as a man of the moment now.,He didnt like this girl because she was fat.,The End,


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