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But since twentieth Century, with the rapid development of vehicle, aviation and pipeline transportation(管道运输), railways are constantly being impacted by new transport tools, so it is urgent to develop high-speed railways.,BACKGROUND,RESEARCH IDEAS,RESEARCH IDEAS,延时符,High-speed rail is a type of rail transport that operates significantly faster than traditional rail traffic, using an integrated system(集成系统) of specialized rolling stock and dedicated tracks. While there is no single standard that applies worldwide, new lines in excess of 250 kilometres per hour and existing lines in excess of 200 kilometres per hour are widely considered to be high-speed, with some extending the definition to include lower speeds in areas for which these speeds still represent significant improvements.,Definitions,Related research,延时符,JANPN(Shinkansen),:,The new service, named Shinkansen (新干线) would provide a new alignment, 25% wider standard gauge, continuously welded rails(无缝钢轨) between Tokyo and Osaka using new rolling stock, designed for 250 km/h (160 mph).,FRANCE(TGV),:,T,he first section of the new Paris,Lyon High-Speed line was inaugurated, with a 260 km/h top speed 270 km/h. Being able to use both dedicated high-speed and conventional lines, the TGV offered the ability to join every city in the country at shorter journey times.,GERMAN(ICE),:,Following the French TGV, in 1991 Germany was the second country in Europe to inaugurate a high-speed rail service, with the launch of the ICE on the new Hannover-W,rzburg high-speed railway, operating at a top speed of 280 km/h .,CHINA,:,Chinese train-makers, after receiving transferred foreign technology, have been able to achieve a considerable degree of self-sufficiency in making the next generation of high-speed trains by developing indigenous capability to produce key parts and improving upon foreign designs.A China Railways CRH3 train set on the Beijing,Tianjin Intercity Railway,SECOND PART,Present situation,Development,PRESENT SITUATION AND DEVELOPMENT,PRESENT SITUATION,Japan,France,German,England,All new lines,,Passenger train and freight train are used separately,Construction of new line,passenger train and freight train mixed use,Neither building new lines nor reconstructing old lines. largely depends on the use of tilting car bodies consisting of vehicles, and the mixture of passenger trains and freight trains.,Part of the construction of new lines,part of the transformation of the old line,passenger trains for special purposes,延时符,DEVELOPMENT,延时符,At present, the high speed railways built by European countries are basically independent of each other. but t,he further development trend of high speed railway is networking,.,In the future, it will be developed into a high-speed railway network connecting both domestic and international, and will be connected with the existing railway lines.,DEVELOPMENT,Japan, Germany and France are developing Magnetically Levitated Train,(,磁悬浮列车) to make the car float up to a certain height on the track, and then use the linear motor(直线电动机) as a driving force to propel the train forward. The speed of the test has reached 517 kilometers.,The advantage of high-speed rail,THIRD PART,CONTENT,Less pollution,Low energy consume,All-weather operation,Faster,More transport capacity,More secure and comfortable,延时符,延时符,Faster than other ground transportation,The top speed of the high-speed train can reach 350km/h, but the car only 120km/h,so,this is a great saving of time.From the following picture, we can see that it takes only five hours if you take a high speed rail from Beijing to Shanghai, but the ordinary train takes nearly 20 hours.,Faster than other ground transportation,Although air transit moves at higher speeds than high-speed rail, total time to destination can be increased by check-in, baggage handling, security, and boarding, which may also increase cost to air travel, so HSR is best suited for journeys of 1 to 4 hours (about 150900 km), for which the train can beat air and car trip time.,延时符,More transport capacity and less,cost,In China,the passenger capacity of the high speed rail can reach hundreds of millions of times, while the passenger volume of the aircraft is only a few million times.As we all known , China has the largest population, and most of us will choo,se trains as the main way of transportation, therefore this requires that our HSR must,have,a large capacity.,More transport capacity and less cost,An airplane spends significant amounts of time loading and unloading cargo and/or passengers as well as landing, taxiing and starting again. Trains spend only a few minutes stopping at intermediate stations, often greatly enhancing the business case at little cost.,延时符,More secure and comfortable,With the continuous development of high-speed rail technology, its safety can be guaranteed . High-speed trains also have comfort advantages, since train passengers are allowed to move freely about the train at any point in the journey.,But,airlines have complicated calculations to try to minimize weight to save fuel or to allow takeoff at certain runway lengths, rail seats are also less subject to weight restrictions than on planes, and as such may have more padding and legroom,(,腿部空间).Technology advances such as continuously welded rail(无缝焊接) have minimized the vibration found on slower railways, while air travel remains affected by turbulence when adverse wind conditions arise.,延时符,All-,weather operation,The high speed rail is almost free from weather and climate conditions, so it can operate safely for 24 hours. therefore High speed trains are more accurate than air transport,Some airlines have cancelled or move their flights to takeoff at night due to hot and high conditions. Such is the case for Hainan Airlines in Las Vegas in 2017, which moved its long haul takeoff slot to after midnight. Similarly, Norwegian Airlines cancelled all its Europe bound flights during summer due to heat.,延时符,low energy consume,If the speed of the high-speed rail is 1, the car will be 5.6 and the plane will be 7,.0,So the high speed rail energy consumption is about 1/5 of the car and the plane.,Travel by rail is more competitive in areas of higher population density or where gasoline is expensive, because conventional trains are more fuel-efficient than cars when ridership is high, similar to other forms of mass transit. Very few high-speed trains consume diesel or other fossil fuels but the power stations that provide electric trains with power can consume fossil fuels.,延时符,Less pollution,C,ompared with the auto, because the high speed railway is only using electricity, it can hardly produce pollution or exhaust gas.,T,he shortage of high-speed rail,FOURTH PART,Shortage,延时符,HSR can be costly due to required tunneling through mountain terrain(地形) as well as earthquake and other safety systems.,HSR usually requires,lots of,land,.,Cities do not always lie in a straight line, therefore,the,train road cant be straight.,The aircraft can change its route frequently, but the high speed railway cant be,.,FIFTH PART,S,ummary,summary,The high-speed rail in China has greatly reduced travel time and has,transformed Chinese society and economy. A World Bank study found a broad range of travelers of different income levels choose HSR for its comfort, convenience, safety and punctuality.,Thanks for watching,


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