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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,A new technology for treating the wastewater containning refractory pollutants-DMC technology,高难度废水处理新工艺-DMC工艺,1,Current Pollution (,行业背景,),In 2004, the total waste water was 48.24 billion tons ( industry waste water 22.11 billion tons, municipal waste water 26.13 billion tons ), while the total COD was 13.392 million tons ( industry waste water COD 5.0970 million tons, municipal waste water 8.295 million tons), and ammonia-nitrogen was 1330 thousand tons ( industry waster water ammonia-nitrogen 422 thoudsand tons, municipal waster water ammonia-nitrogen 908 thoudsand tons ),.,2004年,全国共排废水482.4亿吨(其中工业废水占221.1亿吨,城镇生活污水占261.3亿吨),化学需氧量为1339.2万吨,(其中工业占509.7万吨,城镇生活占829.5万吨),氨氮排放量为133万吨,(其中工业占42.2万吨,城镇生活占90.8万吨)。,2,Design Thoughts,设计理念,循环经济,循环经济是一种以资源的高效利用和循环利用为核心,以“减量化、再利用、资源化”为原则,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为基本特征,符合可持续发展理念的经济增长模式,是对“大量生产、大量消费、大量废弃”的传统增长模式的根本变革。,Circular Economy,Circular economy is based its core conception on high use efficiency and circular use resources , whose primary principle is amount reduced , reuse and resourced, and the basic character is low consumption , low drain and high efficiency . Circular Economy is accorded with durative economy development mode , changing totally the tradional economy mode charactered by mass-produce, great consumption and large abandon .,3,Chinese Policies,国家政策,温家宝总理在十届全国人大三次会议上作的政府报告中也曾经指出:“推进产业化结构优化升级;坚持走新型工业化道路;加快推进经济结构调整和增长方式转变;注重能源资源节约和合理利用;大力发展循环经济;加强环境保护和生态建设,”,Prime minister Wen Jiabao also pointed out in his state report at the third conference of the 10th National Peoples Congress “improve industrialization upgrade, pursue new type of industrialization , quicken to adjust and change economy structure and increase mode, pay attention to saving and using resource reasonably , develop circular economy, enforce environmental protection and ecology construction .,4,D,MC Wastewater treatmeat,DMC清洁法污水处理技术,This technics was invented by Mr. Chen Xiang Wu , the senior engineer . This technics is used in pulp manufacturing which was also invented by Mr. Chen . And this technics has outstanding advantages: totally new design thoughts, unique craftwork flow, flocculation reagent with high efficiency, metal membrane filtrate automatically . This technics has created a revolution in sewage treatmeat area .,DMC清洁法污水处理技术是公司高级工程师程相武先生的最新科研成果,是其发明的催化法造纸制浆技术中的一项污水处理专业技术。它以全新的设计理念,独特的工艺流程和高效絮凝剂以及金属膜自动滤污技术,创造了污水处理领域革命性的清洁生产治污技术。,5,The Patent Certificate 专利证书,6,DMC工艺是一种处理含有难降解有机物的废水的新工艺。这个工艺主要是把要处理的废水和复合絮凝剂混合,发生化学与物理反应,在通过,高浊度污水净化器内使絮体与水快速分离,达到处理要求。,The DMC technology is a new technology which can treat the wastewater containing very complex organic matter . By mixing the wastewater and the compound flocculator together which will set off chemical and phisical reactions, and filtrating the deposition , we can get clear water .,Brief introduction of the DMC technology,工艺简介,7,Wastewater treatmeat Flow Chart,处理工艺流程图,原污水,Wastewater,水质调节系统,Water quality adjust system,压滤机组,Press& filtrate equipment,回水处理系统,Sewagetreatment system,回水再处理系统,Sewage recycle system,调节剂,Regulator,智能絮凝剂投放、生成,Intellective flocculation reagent,粗滤机组,Primaryfiltrateequipment,金属膜机组,Metal membrane filtrate equipment,达标回用,Up to par,出泥,Solid dirt,8,Advantages of the DMC Technology DMC工艺优势,整套DMC工艺具有科技含量高、适用范围广、投入产出比高、建设周期短、占地省、全自动、全封闭、,无噪音、无异味、,净化效率高、免维修、运营费用低。,对污水处理效果优异,处理后的水循环使用不外排,彻底杜绝了二次环境污染,处理后的水质达到国家一级排污标准。,The DMC technology has many outstanding advantages :high technology content , wide application range , high ratio of output to input , short construction period , small floor area, full automation, closed cycle, noiselessness , without peculiar smell, high purification effeciency , no need of maintenance , low running cost . In addition, the treated wastewater can be recycled many times and neednt to drain ourside, thus the secondary pollution can be avoided thoroughly . The water quality measures up to the national first class standard .,9,Flocculation Theory,絮凝技术原理,We have made different kinds of high active , high concentration and high efficiency flocculation reagent aiming at different kinds of pollution factors in waste water .According to hydrokinetics, electro-phoresis theory and through acting together of compressed double-electroy layer, electric neutralization, absorbtive bridge etc. theories , we get the floccculated result .,The flocculation reagent has many advantages: cheap, easily composed , posionous , low dosage and raw material easily got, applicable to wide PH range with high efficiency .,针对不同的污水中的污染因子的种类和浓度,研制出不同成分的高活性、高浓度、高效率的有机絮凝剂。应用流体动力学、电泳原理,通过“压缩双电层作用”、“电中和”、“吸附架桥”等过程协同作用,。,絮凝剂具有制作方法简单、无毒、用量少、原料来源广泛、适用pH值范围较宽以及絮凝效果好、药剂费用低等特点,。,10,Core Equipment Introduction: Auto-clean Filter equipement,自动清洗过滤器,Filtration and clean course:,过滤和清洗过程说明, make the Sieve net incline and revolve sieve canister,滤网做成沿滤筒倾斜旋转的斜网,2. to make use of cut force which is brought by slantwise angle between the drawknife and the sieve net.,利用网内的刮刀与斜网形成的夹角,产生剪切力进行过滤,3. to clean up the dirt by the brush which is set on the other side of the drawknife .,网内切刀的另一面,设置有刷子清理残留污渍,4. to asbord the oil dirt by the converse haustellum in drawknife .,过滤器的刮刀上设计了一个反吸器,主要吸入油污等,11,Wastewater Treatment Technics Flow水处理工艺流程图,12,Start-up tests 小试实验,For Various wastewaters对各类污水的处理,13,The Treatment of the water containing motor oil reaction time T=0.3h机油废水的处理 反应时间为0.3 h,14,The Treatment of the effluent form a chemical plant reaction time T=0.3h化工废水的处理 反应时间为0.3 h,15,The Treatment of the effluent form pulp making 制浆废水的处理 反应时间为0.3 h,16,Removel of chroma after Treatment of the effluent form pulp making reaction time T=0.03制浆废水的处理变化 反应时间为0.03 h,17,The Reaction Time for Treating the Pulping Wastewater,(制浆废水反应时间),18,COD removal rate after the treatment(COD去除率),19,Change of PH after the treatment(处理后PH变化情况),20,应用范围Range of Application,1、纺织漂染污水净化与回用,To purify and recycle the wastewater drained from the textile bleached and dried mill,2、再生纸造纸污水净化和循环回用,To purify and recycle the wastewater drained from the reuse paper mill,3、生猪屠宰厂污水的净化处理,To purify the wastewater drained from pig slay mill,4、燃煤工业锅炉湿法除尘器污水的净化与循环回用,To purify and recycle the wastewater drained from the waterish dust catcher of the coal boiler,5、石英砂厂洗砂污水的净化与循环回用,To purify and recycle the wastewater watering the quartz from the quartz mill,6、煤矿矿井水力采煤污水的净化与循环回用,To purify and recycle and the wastewater drained from the hydraulic coal mine,7、钢铁铸造厂铸造生产污水的净化与循环回用,To purify and recycle the wastewater drained from the steel foundry,8、工矿企业利用江河湖水自制自来水的实用技术及设备,To apply in the industry and mining enterprise using rivers and lakes water to make pure water .,9、城市市政生活污水的净化与再生回用,To purify and recycle the city domestic wastewater,10、羊毛衫缩绒加工污水的净化与循环回用,To purify and recycle the wastewater drained from the wool sweater factory,21,应用效果Application Effect,各地权威检测部门测试了污水净化器进水和出水的有关数据 。测试报告单表明 :氨氮去除率可以达到85,总氮去除率可达95 ,有机氮去除率可达96 ,BOD去除率可达95 ,悬浮物的去除率则高达98.3% - 99.6% ,出水浊度达到3 度(3 毫克 / 升)以下。,The authority examine the departments at each place tested the entry and out data in the wastewater Purifier, and the test reports showed that : the removal rates of the following factors : ammonia & nitrogen: 85, total nitrogen : 95%, organic nitrogen : 96%, BOD 95%, SS 98.3%-99.6%, and the thickness of water-out is under 3mg/l .,22,The DMC cleaning technics and traditional technic,Design scale: eg: treated water quantity of a factory is 6000m,3,of each day,primary water quality:CODcr=1500mg/L BODs=800mg/LChinese standard of treated water quality draining :,CODcr100mg/L BODs30mg/L,Item项目,Traditional (RMB)传统,DMC cleaning technique DMC清洁法,Total investment of engineer,工程总投资,8million yuan,800万元,4.8million yuan,480万元,Investment index of One ton,吨水投资指标,1330yuan/m,3,1330元/m3,798yuan/m,3,798元/m3,Occupation index,占地面积指标,0.64m,2,/m,3,0.64m2/m3,0.12m,2,/m,3,0.12m2/m3,Electricity consuming index,耗电指标,0.73degree/m,3,0.73度/m3,0.32 73degree/ /m,3,0.32度/m3,Medicament consuming index,药剂耗量指标,0.001kg/m,3,0.002kg/m,3,Water treatment of,One ton running cost,吨水处理运行成本,0.59yuan/m,3,(No including depreciation),不含折旧费,0.40yuan/m,3,( No including depreciation ),Total cost ofWater treatment of One ton,吨水处理总成本,0.68yuan/m,3,( including depreciation ),含折旧费,0.48yuan/m,3,( including depreciation),23,Environmental index analysis,环境指标分析,1,Environmental,benefit,:,saving water resource, playing active role on resuming zoology,environment of zone and decreasing water pollution of ambient drainage area and beautifing local,environment,1环境效益:对区域生态环境恢复及减小周围流域水污染起到了积极作用,同时美化当地环境。,2 Noise:chose high-powered,diving pump, Non,-,oxygen aerator,with low noise,2 臭味:无氧化曝气设备,基本无臭味,对周围环境影响较小。,3 Odour,:,Non,-,oxygen aerator has no odour and has little influence on Surrounding,3 噪声:选用高性能潜水泵,无氧化曝气设备,噪声低。,4Other index,:,According to report of engineering s check and accept,detected petroleum,sulfid and PH is up to par,4 其它指标:根据工程验收监测报告,还对总排口石油类、硫化物、pH进行了监测,均达到,相应国家标准。,24,Summary,总 结,DMC sewage treatment technology abandons traditional biomembrane-contact oxidation ,reduces occopation areas,improves sewage treatment efficiency ,shortens time of treatment,and reduces treatment cost. The automatic washing filter not only can dispel the peculiar smell , but also filter most organic matter , inorganic matter and a small amount of bacterium in sewages. The whole set of craft totally meets the demand of the water treatment trade at present . As regards market at present , it has extremely a wide development prospect !,DMC法污水清洁处理新工艺采用先进的智能絮凝及管道混和系统以及独特的过虑系统,摒弃了传统的生物膜接触氧化法处理模式,极大减少了占地面积,提高了处理污水效率,缩短了处理时间,降低了处理成本。采用的自动清洗过滤器,不仅能消除异味,还能过滤掉污水中绝大部分有机物、无机物及少量细菌。整套工艺的技术优势完全符合目前水处理行业的现状及要求,真正做到可行性的污水处理,就目前市场而言,具有极其广阔的发展前景!,25,Thank you!,26,


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