高考英语作文 训练 Notice(20PPT)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,应用文写作之通知公告,通知作为应用文的一种,也是常考的题型。通知通常用来把有关事情告诉特定的读者或听众。通知的正文就是通告的内容,是主体部分,包括通告的对象、事由、时间、地点等。一般分为口头通知和书面通知两种。,Notice,Mar 5th,,,2014,Next Monday Professor Fan from Liaoning University will give us a lecture on how to learn a foreign language well in the meeting hall.,The lecture will begin at 8,:,00.,Please gather at 7,:,45 in front of the classroom building.,Everyone,_,is,_,requested,_,to,take a note book to take notes.,After the lecture,,,we will have a talk.,Students Union,【结构分析与解读】,通知的主体部分主要为:通告的对象、事由、时间、地点。句,用简单句说明通知的事由和地点;句,同样运用简单句表达通知的时间;句,运用祈使句表达集合的地点;句,运用了被动语态表述通知的对象。句,运用简单句表达。文章思路清晰,结构严谨,基本上无复杂的语言结构就已经把内容表达完整。,1,通知写作应注意的问题。,(1),书面通知较之口头通知所使用的句式要复杂些。书面通知可以将若干的信息通过一个句子表达出来,而口头通知则可以分为几个句子表达。,(2),通知的语言要简明,条理清晰,要求明确,特别是时间概念很重要,必须写得十分明确,不容丝毫含糊。,(3),通知是要告诉大家即将进行的活动,因此其主要时态是一般将来时。,写作指导,(4),为避免命令之嫌,通知中常采用被动语态或,“,please,祈使句,”,表示要求。如:,All teachers are requested to meet in the school meeting room at 4 pm on Friday to celebrate Teachers Day.Please be there on time.,2,常用的词汇和句式。,(1),地点的表示方法。,in Room 8,,,in the meeting room,,,in the stadium,,,in the teachers office,,,in the lab,,,at the Friendship Theater,,,at the school gate,,,on the farm,,,on the second floor,,,on the playground,(2),时间的表示方法,(,钟点,星期,年,月,日,),。,in,June,,,2014/,on,June 19,,,2014/,on,Thursday,,,June 19,,,2014/,at,7,:,00 pm on June 19,,,2014/,at,7,:,00 on the evening of June 19,,,2014/,at,7,:,00 pm on Thursday,,,June 19,,,2014/,at,7,:,00 on Thursday evening,,,June 19,,,2014/from 2,:,00 pm to 4,:,30 pm,on,Thursday,,,June 19,,,2014,January,(Jan.) 一月;,February,(Feb.) 二月;,March,(Mar.) 三月;,April,(Apr.) 四月;,May,(,M,ay.)五月;,June,(Jun.)六月;,July,(Jul.)七月;,August,(Aug.)八月;,September,(Sept.)九月;,October,(Oct.)十月;,November,(Nov.)十一月;,December,(Dec.)十二月 .,星期一: Mon.=,Monday,星期二: Tues.=,Tuesday,星期三: Wed.=,Wednesday,星期四: Thur.=,Thursday,星期五: Fri.=,Friday,星期六: Sat.=,Saturday,星期天: Sun.=,Sunday,时间的表达,1.“年、月、日、小时”的表达,1)表示“在某年”: in + 阿拉伯数字(读的时候用基数词,从后到前,分两截来读)。如:,He was born in 1971. (1971读作nineteen seventy-one) 20 15(twenty fifteen),使用year时,year放在数词之前。如:in the year 253 B.C. (读作two five three B.C.),2)表示“在某月”: in +月份名词(开头第一字母要大写), 如:in January / February。,3)表示“在某月某日”: on +月份+序数词(th可省略,要读出)。如National Day is on Oct. 1., on + the + 序数词+ of + 月份。如:National Day is on the 1st of October.,4)表示“在某整点钟”: at +基数词(+ oclock / sharp) 如:Our meeting will begin at five oclock.,5)表示“在几点几分”:不超半小时用“at+分钟+past+小时”如:at twenty past six. 超半小时用“at+分钟+to+小时”如:at a quarter to twelve 表“半小时”用half, “一刻”用quarter。,6)“某年某月某日某小时某分”的综合表达,按“at + 小时 + on + 月份 + 日期的序数词,+年份”写出, 年份前常用逗号。 如: at half past eight on September 2(nd), 1993.(从小到大,不用of),3,写作要点:开头,对象、内容、时间、地点,结束语。,书面表达,你校英语俱乐部决定举办,“,模拟联合国大会,(Model UN Conference)”,,请你用英语以短文形式写一则通知。内容包括:,1.,参赛对象:高一、高二学生,2.,活动内容:三人一组代表某国阐述观点,辩论,投票表决,通过决议,(resolution),3.,报名截止时间:,2015,年,9,月,21,日,4.,报名地点:学生会办公室,Notice,In order to promote the understanding of international relations and global affairs,_,_,English Club,开头,对象,In order to promote the understanding of international relations and global affairs,为了增进对国际关系和国际事务的理解,a Model UN Conference will be held in our school.,a,Model UN Conference,that is an,meaningful activity,will be held in our school.,参赛对象:高一、高二学生,All the students of Senior One and SeniorTwo are welcome to attend the conference.,It is an invaluable chance for students,to attend the conference, particularly all,the students of Senior One and Senior Two are fortunate,to take part in the conference.,活动内容:三人一组代表某国阐述观点,辩论,投票表决,通过决议,(resolution),代表,on behalf of represent,阐述观点,state an/their,opinion,express an opinion,辩论,debate,投票 vote,vote,on 就表决 vote by ballot 投票表决,approve some resolutions 通过决议,Every team,consists of three students, who will co-operate and express their opinion about a certain topic on,behalf of a country.,The conference participants will debate over the issues , vote on them and finally approve some resolutions.,What students of t,he conference,should do is that they will have a heated (hot) debate for the certain topic. Also they will vote by ballot. Finally the,conference,will end up,approv,ing,some resolutions.,报名截止时间:,2015,年,9,月,21,日 报名地点:学生会办公室,截止时间 deadline,Anyone who wants to take part in the activity please go to the office of the Students Union to sign up.The deadline is Sep. 21st, 2015.,If you want to attend the conference to improve your ability and build yourself up , please dont miss the deadline that is Sep. 21st, 2015. Also dont forget to,go to the office of the Students Union to sign up,.,结尾,We are looking forward to meeting you at the conference.,English Club,Only after you attend the conference can you feel the value of the activity. So w,e are looking forward to meeting you at the conference.,NOTICE,In order to promote the understanding ofinternational relations and global affairs, a Model UN Conference will be heldin our school.,All the students of Senior One and SeniorTwo are welcome to attend the conference. Every team made up of three studentswill work together to state their opinions in English on a certain issue onbehalf of a country. The conference participants will debate over the issues,vote on them and finally approve some resolutions. Anyone who wants to takepart in the activity please go to the office of the Students Union to sign up.The deadline is Sep. 21st, 2015.,We are looking forward to meeting you atthe conference.,English Club,


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