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英语:,unit1(laughterisgoodforyou),资料(,32,)(译林牛津版,6,),Phrases,有幽默感,取笑,拿,.,开玩笑,对,.,做出反应,/,答复,回应,反应,(vi.+,介词),观察到某人在做某事,身体健康(介词短语),给某人留下深刻印象,拿,.,来开玩笑,排队买票的人们,当演员,成为大家注意的中心,have a sense of humor,make fun of sb/tease sb about,in response to,;,in reaction to,respond to; react to,observe sb doing/do sth,in good physical condition,make/leave sb a deep impression,make jokes about/of sb/sth,play jokes on sb,people queuing for tickets,go on the stage,take center stage/be at the,center of the stage,12.,以他自己的表演方式著称,be known for his own manner of acting,13.,扮演,;,充当,起,作用,14.,表现的好像,15.,奥斯卡金像奖,16.,授予某人诺贝尔和平奖,17.,因他的努力奖励他到北京一游,18.,赢得奖项,19.,扰乱某人的日常生活,20.,一个现场直播电视节目,21.,被活捉,22. ,是众所周知的、鲜为人知的,act as (interpreter),act like /as if,the Academy Awards,award sb the Nobel Peace Prize,reward him with a visit to Beijing for his efforts,win an award (for sth ),upset ones daily routine,a live television program,be caught alive,It is little-known/well-known that,Sb be awarded sth,Sth be awarded to sb,23.,一位杰出的喜剧演员,24.,在人群中很显眼,25. ,适合正式场合,26.,对此事保持沉默,完全沉寂,27.,以,自娱,消遣,28.,狂笑,29.,有脑子,聪明,30. ,俗话说,31.,不久以后,很快,32.,某人做某事是至关重要的,对某人至关重要,在社会中起至关重要的作用,an outstanding comedian,stand out in the crowd,be appropriate for a formal occasion,keep silent over the matter,in total silence,amuse oneself by / with,howl with laughter,have brains,as an old saying goes,,,soon after/shortly after,Sth be ,for/to,sb/sth.,be,of vital importance,to sb,play a vital role in society,It is,vital,/,vitally important,that sb (should) do sth,be enthusiastic about (doing) sth,do sth. with great enthusiasm,33.,对,满怀热情,怀着极大的热情做某事,34.,受到热情的欢迎,35.,进行一场辛苦的比赛,对某人苛刻,36.,做某事是值得的。,值得花时间的事业、讨论、工作,一位相声能手,39.,掌握新技术,39.,工商管理硕士学位,(an MBA),receive an enthusiastic welcome,have a tough match,be tough/hard on sb,It is worthwhile doing/to do sth.,sth be worth doing.,sth be worthy of being done.,sth be worthy to be done.,a worthwhile career/discussion/job,a master of crosstalk,master new skills/techniques,a Masters (degree),in,Business Administration,40.,被聘为,接受、承担更多工作,呈现新貌,41.,做某事很熟练,42.,电影或小说的背景,以,为背景,43.,搬家具,44.,手臂交叉着,45.,这里发生了什么事?,46.,在某事上对某人很恼怒,47.,塞满,挤满,48.,扬眉(表惊讶或反对),49.,一摞貌似官方的文件,be taken on as,take on more work,take on a new look,be skilled in/at doing sth,the setting of the film/novel,be set in,shift some furniture,with ones arms crossed,Whats going on here?,be annoyed with sb. at/about sth.,be crowded with,raise ones eyebrows at sb,a stack of official-looking papers,接受、承担更多工作,呈现新貌,雇佣,把园艺作为爱好,占据太多空间,接着讲没讲完的故事,接管公司,脱下大衣,起飞,.,吸收,欺骗,.,改小,写下,记下,收回某人的话,把某物拆开,take on more work,take on a new look,take on sb=employ sb,take up gardening as his hobby,take up too much room,take up the story when you left off,take over a company,take off the coat,The plane will take off soon,take in=absorb,Dont be taken in by strangers.,take the trousers in,take down,take back what sb said,take sth apart,50.,向某人鞠躬,羞愧地低下头,51.,骗取某人的钱,欺骗某人作某事,52.,依依不舍地离开,拆除(建筑物、墙),53.,感动至流泪,54.,突然冲入,突然笑起来,55.,耸肩,56.,浏览;粗略地看,凝视,盯着看,注视,57.,伸出,搀扶起;支撑、举起;抬起、延迟;阻塞,bow to/before sb/sth,bow ones head in shame,fool/trick sb out of money,fool/trick sb into doing sth,tear oneself away from,tear sth down=pull sth down,be moved to tears,burst in,burst into laughter,burst out laughing,shrug ones shoulders,glance at,怒目而视,glare at,stare at /gaze at,hold out,hold up,保住,(,优势,);,不送(或不卖)某物,hold on to sth,listen to a radio talk show,write an e-mail about crosstalk,learn the traditional Chinese technique of crosstalk,听一个广播脱口秀,写一封关于相声的邮件,学习中国传统相声技巧,a stand-up comedian/comedy actor,tell different jokes in response to the reactions of an audience,respond to the news,一个单口喜剧,表演者,根据观众的反映,讲不同的笑话,对消息做出反映,make jokes about sb/sth;,play jokes/tricks on sb,queue up in lines,lose/reduce/take off weight,put on/gain weight,have oneself weighed,trip over chairs,do an impression of a well-known person,取笑,捉弄某人,排成队,减肥,增肥,给自己称体重,被椅子拌倒,模仿一个著名人士,=,later on =afterwards,one/no/any such person,such a person,host the Academy,Awards,perform his stand-up routine,be broadcast,live,以后,后来,一个,/,没有,/,任何这样的人,这样一个人,主持奥斯卡颁奖典礼,进行他的单口喜剧表演,被现场直播,his outstanding ability to improvise,give/make/deliver a speech,make up a new joke/story,It seems appropriate that-clause,get ones start in silent films,howl with laughter,他杰出的即兴表演的能力,做演讲,编一个新笑话,/,故事,看起来是恰如其分,/,恰当的,从无声电影起步,狂笑,ones popularity with all age,groups,be popular with/among sb,follow (in) the footsteps of sb,live to be 100 years old,live a dream,live with sth = put up with,live through the two world wars,受所有年龄层的欢迎,受某人欢迎,遵循某人的步伐,活到,100,岁,实现梦想,接受或容忍某现象,活过两次世界大战,have (an) effect/ influence on sth,fight/combat/ease/relieve/reduce pain,after,all,look up each new word in the dictionary,对,有影响,抗击,/,缓解,/,减少疼痛,毕竟;终究,在字典里查每个新单词,1. If you hear a comedian _ jokes about the way people behave when they,queue up in lines, or _ why it only rains when you forget your umbrella, you are listening to an observational comedian. (,tell; ask,),2. Prop comedians use things, called props, _ jokes. (,tell,),3. When he started practising stand-up as a child, he told himself jokes while _ in front of the mirror, _ his teeth. (,stand; brush,),telling,asking,to tell,standing,brushing,5.They could only see him _ there _ his lips. (,stand; move,),6.Crystals popularity with all age groups and his ability _ people all over the world,prove that,stand-up can be enjoyed by everyone. (,amuse,),moving,standing,to amuse,4.He is very good at thinking quickly and _ new jokes about the people and things around them. (,make,),making,prove to be a success=turn out to be a success,1.,当你听到一个单口相声演员针对人们排队时的举止说笑话,或者问为什么总是在下雨时才忘了带雨伞,你就是在听一个观察评论类单口喜剧演员在表演。,If you hear a comedian,telling,jokes about the way people behave when they queue up in lines, or,asking,why it only rains when you forget your umbrella, you are listening to an observational comedian.,that/ in which,2.,如果单口喜剧演员指向电脑网球游戏说:“一个月来我每天都打网球,我就弄不懂为什么我还没瘦下来!”,这个演员是在把电脑当作道具使用。,If a comedian points to a computer tennis game and says, ,Ive been playing,tennis every day for a month. I dont understand why I am not losing weight!, he or she is using the computer as a prop.,3.,只有少数单口喜剧演员后来成为著名的影视演员,其中之一便是比利克里斯托。,Only a few stand-up comedians have become famous as television and film actors later on in life.,One such person,is Billy Crystal.,4.,每次主持奥斯卡颁奖典礼的时候,他都会通过电视直播在数百万观众面前表演他的单口喜剧保留节目。,Each time, he performs his stand-up routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV.,Each time,he hosts the show,One little known fact is,that,when,Crystal is the host of the Academy Awards, he always keeps a toothbrush in his pocket for good luck.,5.,有一个鲜为人知的事实是:每次主持奥斯卡颁奖典礼的时候,克里斯托总要在自己的口袋里放一把牙刷,以此得到幸运。,6.,他说这是因为他小时候开始练习单口喜剧时,总是站在镜子前面边刷牙边对自己讲笑话。,He says,it is because,when he started practicing stand-up as a child, he told himself jokes while standing in front of the mirror,brushing his teeth!,7.,克里斯托之所以如此出名,原因之一就是他有非凡的即兴发挥才能。,One reason (that/ why),Crystal has become so famous,is,his outstanding ability to improvise.,8.,他说:“看来,他不愧是从无声电影起步的啊!”,Instead of telling the joke he had planned , Crystal,made up,a new one.,He said, ,It seems appropriate that,he got his start in silent films!,9.,他希望效仿鲍勃,.,霍普和乔治,.,伯恩斯等单口戏剧明星,这两位著名演员都活到了一百岁,而且生命不息,工作不止。,He hopes to follow in the footsteps of other famous comedians, such as Bob Hope and George Burns, who lived to be 100 years old and kept working until the end of their lives.,10.,不管是什么原因,研究表明,英语格言“笑是灵丹妙药”到头来可能真的没错。,Whatever the reason, research shows that in the end, the English saying ,Laughter is the best medicine, may be true,after all,.,11.,我认为幽默是一种重要的娱乐形式,因为它使我们笑而笑又使我们保持健康。,I think humor is a vital form of entertainment, because it makes us laugh and laughing keeps us healthy.,They _ over chairs, _ into doors, and _ down on stage for years. ( trip, walk, fall),2. Doctors _ what,effect,stand-up and other forms of comedy,have on,us. (research),3.Like other stand-up comedians who _to,act in films, Crystal still enjoys stand-up. (go on),4.Instead of telling the jokes he _, Crystal,made up a new one,. (plan),have been tripping,walking,falling,have been researching,have gone on,had planned,Whatever,the reason, research shows that in the end, the English saying Laughter is the best medicine may be true,after all,.,Whatever,the reason is/may be/might be,No matter what,reasons there may/might be,Wh- + ever,可以用来引导状语从句或名词性从句,No matter + wh-,只可以用来引导状语从句,whoever you are , you cant go in without permission.,No matter who you are , you cant go in without permission,.,Such,与,all, no, any, some, few, little, many, several,等连用时,应放在它们,后面,。,all such questions,no such person,any such behavior,such a man,He _ some excuse about the dog eating his school uniform.,The grass in the garden _ to her knees.,Chris _ smoking when he was at school.,John was in the garden _ a fence.,made up,took up,came up,putting up,make up; take up; put up; come up,We need one more person to,make up a football team,.,Foreign students only,make up 5 percent,in this school.,My grandpa is good at,making up stories,.,He,made up some excuse,about his being late.,Jane,made herself up,as a princess in the party.,They,made up a bed,for me on the sofa .,Have they,made it up,since last quarrel ?,I saved as much as I could, and my mum,made up the rest of the money for the bike,.,Nothing can,make up for,your fault !,某些表示时间的名词(词组),副词也可用作从属连词,each time, the first time, next time, the last time, the moment, the instant, the minute, by the time, immediately, instantly, directly,等都可引导时间状语从句。,The last time,I went to Hong Kong, I visited the Disney Park.,The boy burst into tears,immediately,he saw his mother.,Call me up,the minute/ the moment,he arrives.,win an Academy Award/Oscar,award a medal to somebody,sb be awarded sth,sth be awarded to sb,sb be awarded a medal for bravery,receive/get/win an award for (doing) sth,reward sb for (doing) sth/ with sth,赢得奥斯卡奖,授予某人一枚奖牌,因勇敢而获奖,因,而获奖,因,得到,作为回报,


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