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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Review,:,定语从句,that,which,who(whom),as,whose,when,where,why,限制性定语从句,非限制性定语从句,关系副词,关系代词,介词,+,关系代词,先行词,关系词,Review,:,1.They may give performances in pubs or clubs,for which,they are paid in cash.,2.The musician were to play jokes on each other as well as play music,most of which,was based looselu on the Beatles.,3.After a year or so,in which,the became more,serious about their work.,4.Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert,at which,everyone is clapping and appreciating your music?,5. They may start as a group of hihg-school students,for whom,practising their music in someones house is the first step to fame.,“,介词关系代词,”,引导的定语从句,1.,引导定语从句的类型,eg.,T,he valley,in which,the town lies is very beautiful.,This is the hotel,in which,they stayed.,限制性定语从句,非限制性定语从句,2.,关系代词的确定,关系代词,+,which,关系代词,+,whom,eg.,Do you know the girl,to whom,our teacher is talking?,the school,in which,my friend once studied is very famous.,当先行词是物时,当先行词是人时,3.,介词的选取四原则:,“,一先、二动、三形容、四意义,”,(,1,)根据定语从句中,先行词,(往往为表,时间、地点、原因、方式,等的词),与介词所形成的习惯搭配,;,eg.,Do you still remember the day,on which,we met we met for the first time?,T,here is a shop,in which,we can get some free food.,Do you still rembemer the days,during which,we worked together?,(on the day),(in the shop),(during the days),(,2,)根据定语从句中,谓语动词与介词形成的固定搭配,;,eg.,I,s this the car,for which,you paid a high price?,T,his is the ipad,on which,I spent 3,000yuan.,I,n the dark street, there wast a single person,to whom,she could turn for help.,(pay for,为。付款,),(spend money on sth.,在。上花费金钱),(turn to sb. for help,向某人寻求帮助,),(3),根据与定语从句中的,形容词与介词所形成的固定搭配,;,eg. T,he only one thing,of which,he was not sure is the girls true identity.,H,e was generous with his time,for which,I was grateful.,be sure of,对。是确定,/,确信的,be grateful for sth.,对。心存感激,(4),根据句子的意思来确定介词,。,eg.,This is my car,without which,I can not get there.,This is the pilot,with whom,my brother has worked for ten years.,They are a group of people,for whom,protecting wildlife is everything.,注意:,不是所有与动词形成固定搭配的介词都可提至关系代词前面,常见的此类短语有:,look for,listen to, look after, take care of, look at,take part in, make use of,look forward to,等;,eg.,这就是我正在寻找的手表。,This is the watch which/that I am looking,for.,This is the watch for,which/that I am looking .,2.,(,“,介词,+,关系代词,”,前面或后面可有,some,any,none,both,all,neither,most,each,few,three,several,等代词或数词,此时介词常用,of.,eg.,He loves his parents deeply,both of whom,are very kind to him.,There are forty students in our class,most of whom,are from Henan province.,(,3,),way,做先行词,后接定语从句时,若从句,引导词,在定从中,做状语,,则引导词用,in which/that/,不填,;当,引导词,在从句中,做宾语、主语,等时,引导词用,which/that.,eg. ,the way he treats his children is very good.,the way you told me yesterday dosnt work.,that/in which/,不填,which/that,summary:,基本构成,“,介词,+,关系代词,”,介词选择四原则,引导的定从,注意事项:,介词,+which/whom,一先、二动、三形容、四意义,限制性定语从句,非限制性定语从句,


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