大学英语精读第一册unit4 Turning off TV练习答案

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Vocabulary Activities 2,busy _ 2) refuse _,3) at most _ 4) same _,5) success _ 6) sunrise _,7) noisy _ 8) at present _,9) necessary _ 10) turn on _,free,accept,at least,different,failure,sunset,quiet,in the past,unnecessary,turn off,Vocabulary Activities 3,1) Being a sailor (,水手,) _ long periods of time away from home.,2) The mayor put forward a _ to improve public transportation.,3) Both parents should take equal responsibility for the _ needs of their children.,4) _ the essay looked quite good, but actually it was full of mistakes.,5) Though Washington, D.C. is the seat of government of the United States, New York is _ the nations most important city.,involves,proposal,emotional,At first glance,actually,Vocabulary Activities 3,6) He was so _ to hear of his mothers illness that he could no longer concentrate on his studies.,7) A _ summer day in that area is hot and dry.,8) Mr. Smith kept thinking hard, but failed to _ a workable plan.,9) Enid considered teaching a _ career(,职业,).,10) Einstein once said: “_ is more important than knowledge.”,disturbed,typical,come up with,worthwhile,Imagination,Vocabulary Activities 3,11) The government is taking effective measures to overcome _ difficulties.,12) The houses in our _ are very expensive.,13) I am afraid that the _ between rich and poor is still widening in our country.,14) His spare-time _ includes cooking, tennis and swimming.,current,neighborhood,gap,activities,Vocabulary Activities 4,1) Ted is expected to _ after he has considered the problem. (come up with),2) I hear young people under 18 _ buying cigarettes in that country. (prohibit),3) Taking responsibility for yourself is part of the process of _ . (grow),4) Efforts _ of different races (,种族,) and cultures have not met with (,获得,) complete success. (bring together),5) The United States experienced a sharp rise _ after the Second World War, known as the “baby boom” (,生育高峰,). (rate),6) The crop failure was due _ to the drought (,干旱,). (part),come up with some good ideas,are prohibited from,growing up,to bring together people,in its birth rate,in part,Verbs,Nouns,Adj.& Pp.,Adv.,honesty,honest,honestly,dishonest,child,childish,childishly,childhood,act,act,active,actively,action,activity,emotion,emotional,emotionally,unemotional,accept,acceptance,acceptable,acceptably,distract,distraction,distracted,distracting,1) honest, honest, dishonest, honestly,a) I _ think you would be making a mistake if you went into business with George.,b) Jack said that he would have nothing to do with _ people like Tom,c) They failed to convince (,使确信,) her of his _.,d) To be quite _ about it, your plan is utterly (,完全,) impracticable.,e) He tried to be an _ man all his life.,honestly,dishonest,honesty,honest,honest,2) child, childhood, childish, childishly,a) It is _ to run into danger for nothing.,b) Harry was behaving very _ at the dinner party last night.,c) Do you wish you were a _ again?,d) _ is usually a happy time of life.,e) He likes classical music ever since _.,childish,childishly,child,Childhood,childhood,3) act (v.), act (n.), action, activity, active, actively,The main task of the committee was organizing cultural _.,b) The young man captured (,抓到,) the murderer single-handed. And for that brave _ he was given a medal by the local government.,c) During his _ years the retired engineer made great contributions (,贡献,) to the development of technology in his field.,d) Mary used to _ in plays when she was in college.,e) It is good for old people to be _ involved in their communities.,f) _ speak louder than words.,g) Bike riding is a healthy _.,activities,act,active,act,actively,Actions,activity,4) emotion, emotional, unemotional, emotionally,a) Women are often said to be more _ than men.,b) Sometimes it is an advantage to be _, for example at work.,c) The old lady spoke of her dead daughter with _.,d) _ speaking, I feel great sympathy (,同情,) for you, but I still think you are wrong.,e) His constant fears show that he is suffering from a serious _ disorder (,失调,).,emotional,unemotional,emotion,Emotionally,emotional,5) accept, acceptance, acceptable, acceptably,a) John was happy the clothes he wore to the party were _; he was,_,dressed.,b) I wondered if they would _ our proposal.,c) It took years for Einsteins theory to gain _.,d) Do you think the prince (,王子,) will _ our invitation (,邀请,) ?,acceptable,acceptably,accept,acceptance,accept,6) distract, distraction, distracted, distracting,a) Any sound can be a _ to me when Im trying to study.,b) Nobody can work well if he is _.,c) The radio _ me from paying attention to my work.,d) Please turn your music down - its very _.,e) I can accomplish a great deal more in the library than at home, where there are too many _.,distraction,distracted,distracts,distracting,distractions,V Usage,The article is,not,used in a number of set expressions,at first glance at work by plane,in hospital into town on television,on foot to school,Some other set expressions are normally used with either,a,or,the,as a whole,整体来看,at a distance,隔一段距离,at a glance,看一眼就,, 马上,in the distance,在远方,in the morning on the radio,on the phone on the whole,大体上,1) The Johnsons decided to,ride,to the seaside for the weekend.,2) Our manager will,visit,France this winter.,3) He,rest,ed,after walking ten miles.,VI Structure 1,The Johnsons decided to,take a ride,to the seaside for the weekend.,Our manager will,pay a visit,to France this winter.,He,had/took a rest,after walking ten miles.,VI Structure 1,4) I,talked,with her yesterday afternoon.,5) This morning the technicians (,技术员,),discussed,the question of improving the design of the machine.,6) Nathan Hale,looked for the last time,at his beautiful country and said that he,I had a talk with her yesterday afternoon.,This morning the technicians had a discussion on /about the question of improving the design of the machine,Nathan hale took a last look at his beautiful country and said that he only regretted he had but one life to lose for his country.,1),If we had your support, we might succeed in performing our task.,2),Even if there were air and water, plants still couldnt grow on the moon.,3),If you dont work hard, you will accomplish nothing.,4),If it had not been for their assistance,(,帮助,), he would have found himself in trouble.,With your support, we might succeed in performing our task.,Even with air and water, plants still couldnt grow on the moon.,Without hard work/Without working hard ,you will accomplish nothing.,Without their assistance ,he would have found himself in trouble .,VI Structure 2,5) The Wangs settled down in this country,about four and a half years ago,.,6) She joined the Youth League,less than three months ago,.,7) I got to know her in Beijing,20 years ago,.,8) The railway was completed,over a century ago,.,It has been (is) about four and a half years since the Wangs settled down in this country.,It has been (is) less than three months since she joined the Youth League.,It has been (is) 20 years since I got to know her in Beijing.,It has been (is) over a century since the railway was completed.,VI Structure 2,1) What did the monitor propose at the class meeting? (we, put on a short play, at the English evening),2) Which places of interest do you suggest he visit? (the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, etc),3) What did the director propose? (the novel, make into a film),4) How is the dispute (,争端,) to be settled? What is your proposal? ( by peaceful means),He proposed that we put on a short play at the English evening.,I (would like to )suggest that he visit the Great Wall ,the Summer Palace, etc.,He proposed that the novel be made into a film.,My proposal is that the dispute be settled by peaceful means.,VI Structure 3,IX Translation,1),接受这份工作就得经常在周末上班,但约翰并不在意。,Taking this job would involve working on weekends frequently, but John didnt mind/care.,2),众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多而引起的。,It is well known that lung cancer is caused at least in part by smoking too much.,IX Translation,3),我祖父母说,发明电视的那个人曾住在他们那个地段。,My grandparents said that the man who invented television had once lived in their neighborhood.,4),我提议咱们会后马上去办公室找史密斯教授,邀请他参加我们的英语晚会。,I propose that we go to find Prof. Smith in his office right after the meeting and invite him to our English evening.,IX Translation,5),她因为那病开过两次刀,身体十分虚弱,几乎站不起来。,Because she had been operated on twice for the disease, she was so weak that she could barely stand up.,6),教育家们认为,伴随着电视机长大的一代人,在电视机前花的时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习了。,Educators think that the generation growing up with television spend so much of their time in front of the TV that they do not have enough time to study.,IX Translation,7),我真希望你能拿出一个比这更好的解决办法 来。,I do hope that you can come up with a better solution than this one.,8),乍一看,这幅画并不好,但经过仔细观察,我们才发现它的确是一幅杰作。,At first glance the picture didnt look very good, but after examining it carefully, we found that it was indeed a masterpiece.,


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