大学英语第二册Uuit 1 课后习题答案及详解

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 1 Another School Year-What for ?,课后答案及详解,preview,1 Listen to the recording of the text and then fill in the following sentences.,1,. aim/purpose; training; practical/professional skills; technical training; universities,2. graduate school; Shakespeares plays; be a pharmacist,3. making a living ; keep himself ; his family; expose; ideas,4. walking; average; a living; all about,2,5. in danger; mechanized savages; push-button Neanderthals,6. have left us; peculiar accomplishments; species,7. center; storehouse,8. sarcastic; humorous,2 Read the text for better comprehension and answer the questions.,1. The author is talking about irritating experiences, tough problems or failures as a college teacher.,No, he isnt. The word “disaster” here means “ a complete failure”.,2. No, it isnt. It means that he has just graduated as a post-graduate student. As a college teacher, he or she must have an advanced degree like a PHD.,3. It simply means “ one of the students”. The word “ body” here means the whole group of students. The teacher refers to the student as a “ beanpole” because he is tall and thin, just like a beanpole.,No, it isnt. It is meant to be humorous rather than insulting.,4. He teaches English literature.,5. The student shows his dislike toward the course by using the word,“,stuff”. He doesnt like the course because he thinks it useless for his planned career.,6. May he doesnt think necessary to spend money on the book since he intends to drop the course.,7. It means the latter, “Although I was new to the faculty”. It is a humorous way of referring to a certain type of people.,8. He is talking about the difference between university education and vocational school training. No, there isnt. It is usually called the pharmacy School. He wants to emphasize the difference between university education and vocational school training. He used a sarcastic tone. It means “,技工”,in Chinese.,9. He is talking about to the graduation certificate/diploma for university or college graduates. He has the people like pharmacists in mind.,10. It means that he/she has learned/absorbed some profound ideas of the past.,11. It refers to “whether I told him all this”, that is his effort to tell the student what the nature of the university education really is.,12. It means “hold gold”, that is to be true or valid. It is intransitive.,13. It means “things of the same kind(类似的事情)”.,14. It is called the future continuous tense. The future continuous is used for ongoing future actions, while simple future is used to talk about things that will happen at a time later than now.,15. He wants to tell his student about the importance of the responsibility he/she should take at work. He is trying to say that as a pharmacist, you should make sure that aspirin is not mixed with poisonous chemicals; as an engineer, you should make sure that,the fence you design, for instance, for will successfully keep out bulls; as a lawyer, you make sure that an innocent person is not sentenced to death because of your incompetence.,16. These are all useful things to doand brings up your children.,17. “May” is used to express a hope or wish in formal English. This expression can be interpreted as “I hope your income will always be enough/sufficient”. In other words, the author hopes that the skills his student,learns at college will at college will always provide him and his family with a living.,18. It means “民主思想” in Chinese. Will you be the head of a family who brings up kids in the democratic ideas?,19. It is an informal expression referring to an annoying person.,20. He means that his aim is trying to make money. That is his purpose for coming to school. No, he doesnt.,21. It means “if you dont have any goal in life apart from making money to satisfy your desire for material riches”.,22. You shouldnt be studying here at college.,23. “That new species of mechanized savage” refers to new type of humans who are intellectually simple and not developed and who can only work machines. The “push-button Neanderthal” refers to an uneducated, ignorant person who can only use/operate machines by pushing the buttons.,24. It is unavoidable to produce a certain number of such mechanized and push-button graduate in our college. A number of students have graduated from our college as mechanized and push- button graduates.,25. As a person, if he/she hadnt read bout love in the books, they would never know what love is and how to love.,26. The existence of the faculty of the liberal arts college itself says clearly:,Vocabulary,Do the following exercises on word formation rules.,The following words are adjectives ending with the suffixes ent and ant, and their corresponding nouns usually ending with ence and -ance. Decide which of the following should be the former, and which the latter.,1. different 2. independent 3. extravagant 4. competent,5. arrogant 6. important 7. confident 8. fragrant,9. significant 10. convenient 11.evident 12. intelligent,13. relevant 14. present 15. urgent 16. violent,17. current 18. frequent 19.distant,2 Guess the corresponding nouns of the following, paying special attention to their pronunciation.,1.qualification clarification unification notification classification identification,intensification justification simplification,certification glorification specification,2. modernization mechanization realization,civilization globalization specialization,Americanization industrialization urbanization,idealization centralization marketization,nationalization privatization,3.permission discussion admission profession,commission confession remission impression,emission oppression submission compression,transmission expression omission depression,3.Give derivatives of the following words.,Sense: sensitive; sensible; senseless; sensibility; oversensitive; insensitive,technique: technical; technically; technician,special: specially; specialty; specialize,Intellect: intellectual; intelligent; intelligence,Civil: civilize; civilization; civilized; uncivilized,2.Translate the following verb+noun collocations into English.,1. fold ones arms 10. rear/raise ones children,2.fold the letter 11. rear sheep,3. acquire knowledge 12. raise ones family,4.generate ideas 13. raise ones voice,5. generate jobs 14. raise tax,6.generate power 15. raise the question,7.generate interest 16. maintain contact,8.employ workers 17. maintain law and order,9.use/employ time 18. maintain peace,3 Give the synonyms or antonyms of the following words.,Synonyms,1. reasonably/rather/quite 12. enter/join,2.clearly/evidently 13. however/but,3.keep 14. sharp/thoughtful,4.raise 15. thinker/intellectual,5.gain/obtain 16. shake/tremble/shiver,6.produce 17.unavoidably/certainly,7.prove 18.help/assist,8.department(university) 19.suppose/presume/think/guess,9.Humanity 20.strange/odd/unusual/queer,10.druggist/chemist(BrE) 21.achievement/success/victory,11.type/example/model/case 22.special skill,Antonyms,1.unavoidable 6.unfold,2.modestly 7.unemployed,3.general 8.incompetence,4.unqualified 9.insensitive,5.uncivilized/savage,4 Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms,.,1.to see to it; exposed to 6.preside over,2.out for; succeed in 7.stuck for; see to it that,3.averages out 8.true of; true of,4.specialize in 9.out to; see to it that,5.stuck for 10. have no business,5 Fill in the blanks with the right word or expression in brackets.,1.in making; to find 6.Poor as he was; put,2.see 7.for,3.out; of; of 8.in,4.to 9.believed in; forcing,5.by; for 10.physicist; sensitive,6 Translate the following sentences into English.,1.It is wrong to raise our children in the way(that) we grow flowers in the greenhouse. We must expose them to all social problems because they will be dealing with them as citizens very soon.,2.As time goes by we are inevitably going to get more and more involved in international affairs. And conflicts are sure to occur because there always exist different views and interests among nations.,3.We are proud of our accomplishments, and we have reason to be. But we must never become arrogant.,Otherwise we will lose our friends.,4. Information is easily available now. An average computer can store the information of a small library.,5. That construction company is not qualified to manipulate the project. They do not have any legal document to certify that they have the necessary expertise. We must find a company that specializing in building theatres.,6.These think tanks do not make decisions. They are out to propose new ideas and penetrating analyses that will be extremely useful for decision makers.,7.The growth of GDP is not everything. Our country cannot be said to have been modernized until the quality of our peoples lives is really improved.,8.Poor as we were in many aspects at that time, we were still quite happy as children, for there was clean air, clean water, lots of fish, crabs and eels in the rivers, lakes and ponds; and lots of flowers, trees and birds in the fields.,9.Once the absolute power is given to any individual or any particular group of people, that person or group is sure to abuse that power because, just as Lord Action said. “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”,10.Traditionally, school education in our country was always said to be more important and useful compared with all other pursuits.,Grammar,1 point out how future time is expressed and what concept each future expression conveys.,Generally it is far more complicated to talk about the future than to talk about the present and past. Future time is expressed in the following ways.,Future at Present,a “,will,” as in 3):used to say something is expected to happen,“,will be doing,” as in 4): used to say that you are sure that something will happen because arrangements have been made,b. “,be going to,” as in 2), 5): used to say that something will happen quite soon or talk about sbs intentions or what they have decided to do,c. “,the present progressive,” as in 10): used to talk about something will happen because you have planned or arranged it,d. “,the simple present,” as in 9): used to say that something will definitely happen at a particular time, especially because it has been officially arranged,Future in the Past,“,would,” as in 7): used to say what you intended to do or expected to happen,“,was/were going to,” as in 1): used to say that something was expected to happen,“,was/were to do,” as in 6), 8): used to talk about something that would happed because it had been planned or arranged,2 Learn to use emphasizing coordinating conjunctions,1 Point out the grammatical form each pair of the conjunctions connects.,Emphasizing coordinating conjunctions are always used to express the two coordinating parts of the sentence. For example : bothand, not only but (also), eitheror, notbut , and, neitheror, etc. It is important to note that the two coordinating parts of the sentence should be connected with the same grammatical form.,1.two nouns 2.two adjectives,3.two prepositional 4.two infinitive phrases,5.two nouns phrases 6. two nouns phrases,7.two prepositions phrases,8. two prepositions phrases,2 Combine each pair of the sentence using the right emphasizing coordinating conjunctions.,1.The province is strong,both,in industry,and,in agriculture.,/The province is,not only,strong in industry ,but also,in agriculture.,2.Relief agencies say the immediate problem is,not,a lack of food,but,transportation.,3.Generally, after working for the company for five years, young employees,either,are promoted,or,leave.,4.TV programs for children should,not only,entertain,but also,teach.,5.Obviously, these children are motivate,not,by a desire to achieve,but,by fear of failure.,6.At present, it would be,neither,practical,nor,desire to eliminate examinations altogether.,7.Asian Americans are playing a more active role in politics than ever before,both,at local,and,national level.,8.My uncle believes that in our town sightseeing is best done,either,by tour bus,or,by bicycle.,9.Wood flooring,not only,cleans easily,but,is environmentally friendly.,10. Until I read the article I knew,neither,where she was brought up,nor,(where she was) educated.,11.I find the new manager,neither,easy to get along with,nor,delightful to talk to.,12.Contrary to what people had expected,not only,did he attend the meeting,but,he,also,spoke for twenty minutes.,3 Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.,(1)other (2) best (3) reason (4) mental (5) next,(6) As (7) take (8) cool (9)thinking (10)rest,4 Translate the following sentences into English.,1.The premier,is leaving,for New York for a UN conference.,2.He,is to meet,the heads of state of several countries during his stay in New York.,3.What are you,going to do,during the National Day holidays? Are you,going home,or,staying,on campus?,4.-What do you think school,will be,like in twenty years time?,-I think children will probably,learn,at home with a mechanized teacher.,5.Thirty years ago, my grandparents never,thought,they,would be,able to move into a two-storey house with all modern facilities.,6.What they lack is,not,money,but,experience.,7.They have come to China,not only,to learn Chinese,but,to learn about Chinese culture as well.,8.What children want most from their parents are,not,material things,but,love and attention.,9.You may,either,write your essay in your regular exercise book,or,do it on your computer.,10. Im not sure quire sure why he didnt show up.,Either,he was not interested,or,he simply forgot about it.,11.A society should respect,both,its scientists,and,its garbage collectors.,12.He is miserly,both,with his money,and,with his time.,Identify and correct the mistake(s). Note there is no mistake in two of the sentences.,1.I will phone you as soon as I,arrive,in Beijing.,【知识要点】在as soon as引导的时间状语从句中,如果主句用了一般将来时,则其引导的从句要用一般现在时。,2.We can,hardly,imagine what life will be like,in,50 years.,【知识要点】如果句中同时出现情态助动词和实义动词,作为强调做某事很艰难的副词hardly要放在情态助动词后,实意动词前,而hard无此用法;在表示某段时间之后,要用介词in,而不是after。,3.(No mistake),【知识要点】 句中will表示一种意愿。,4.Please be seated, everyone. The show,is about to begin,.,【知识要点】 be about to do sth. 表示某事即将发生,will则没有此意。,5.It is predicted that in about ten years time, China,will be able to,send man to the Moon.,【知识要点】 will be able to do sth. 表示将有做某事的可能。,6.Drop in whenever you please. Youll,always be,welcome.,【知识要点】 频度副词always, usually, often, sometimes, never等通常放在be动词后,主动词前;如果句中同时出现助动词和主动词,则放在两者中间。,7.Neither his parents, nor his brother,was,able to come to his performance.,【知识要点】用neither.nor连接主语成分时,根据“就近原则”,谓语动词形式要与就近主语保持一致。,8.Both her friends and her English teacher,believe,she will win the talent contest.,【知识要点】用bothand连接主语成分时,谓语动词要用复数形式。,9.My father regards creativity both,as,a gift and as a skill.,【知识要点】 所有用并列连词连接的成分在语法结构上必须保持一致。,10.(No mistake),【知识要点】 从表面结构上看,用either.or连接的成分在语法结构上不一致,但其语法作用是一样的,即在after class前省略了do it。,Writing,Write an essay of about 250-300 words on any of the topics.,What I Expect to Get out of College,Earlier in life I dreamed about entering college and achieving success. I wondered what it would be like as my teenage years passed and the time to graduate from high school approached. I have now entered university and have had time to think about the question of what I expect from college.,I think there are three important things. Firstly, I hope to learn as much as possible and grow in my understanding.,It is a very special thing to have the opportunity to learn and gain knowledge and I hope to take advantage of it.,Secondly, I expect that Ill gain other skills that will prepare me from my working life. For example, organization skills, management skills, communication skills and team work skills.,Thirdly, I hope to become a more well rounded and cultured person by being exposed to some of the finer aspects of culture such as art, music, literature and philosophy. University is a time when we can learn more about the greatest artists, writers and thinkers in history.,Essentially, university is an opportunity to advance oneself in terms of intellect, character, and spirit. Its a chance to engage with the knowledge and experience of the past so you can step forward into a brighter future.,(208 word),


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