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,*,*,单击此处编辑标题文的格式,单击此处编辑大纲正文的格式,第二个大纲级,第三个大纲级,第四个大纲级,第五个大纲级,第六个大纲级,第七个大纲级,第八个大纲级,第九个大纲级,单击此处编辑标题文的格式,单击此处编辑大纲正文的格式,第二个大纲级,第三个大纲级,第四个大纲级,第五个大纲级,第六个大纲级,第七个大纲级,第八个大纲级,第九个大纲级,*,*,Sight Interpretation,Learning Objects,What is Sight Interpreting?,The Types of Sight Interpreting,How to Prepare for Sight Interpreting ?,Tips for Sight Interpreting,Principles in Sight Interpreting,Reading,What is Sight Interpreting?,Listening & Reading,The Types of Sight Interpreting,Consecutive Sight Translation,逐步视译,Simultaneous Sight Translation,同步视译,Simultaneous Interpretation With Text,有稿同步口译,Consecutive Interpretation With Text,有稿逐步口译,视译既是口译工作的一种,也是训练接续传译和同声传译的基础。,How to Prepare for Sight Interpreting?,Fast reading,Skimming and Scanning,Translating Key Points,Attention to the Beginning and End,Flexible Switch,Ability to Predict,Fluent and Appropriate Expression,Segmentation,Practice,发展是硬道理。,法治就是保障。,课堂秩序很差。,这是必修课程。,不要急于求成。,考试不是目的。,你的电脑有病毒。,我们天天上网。,天空万里无云。,地球绕着太阳转。,Development is the only way out.,Government by law is the guarantee.,The class is in a state of chaos.,This is a required course.,Dont be in a hurry to succeed.,Examination is not the purpose.,Your computer has got a virus.,We go on line every day.,There is no cloud in the sky.,The earth moves around the sun.,人生短暂,艺术千秋。,月亮高高挂在天上。,他的罪行使他送命。,他把这件事置于脑后。,这是逃避现实的疗法。,每个人生活都有甜有苦。,当众说谎简直是要了他的命。,这两个国家互相侦察。,Life is short and art is long.,The moon is high in the sky.,His crimes cost his life.,He put this matter out of his head.,This is an escapist therapy.,Every life has its roses and thorns.,Lying in public is an agony to him.,The two countries spy on each other.,Tips for Sight Interpreting,Control the speed.,Use a single slash and double slashes.,Use other marks.,The Symbol for Chunking,切分标志,逻辑连词:,and, although, but, because ,so etc.,But before I begin, I want to just speak briefly about Haiti, because during the last eight days, the people of Haiti and the people of the world have joined together to deal with a tragedy of staggering proportions.,The Symbol for Chunking,切分标志,逻辑连词:,and, although, but, because ,so etc.,But before I begin, I want to just speak briefly about Haiti,/,because during the last eight days, the people of Haiti,/,and the people of the world have joined together to deal with a tragedy of staggering proportions.,That is the unique monetary policy which will be discussed at the next European Union Conference.,从句结构,包裹主语从句,定语从句,状语从句等。看到或听到关系副词如,which, where, why, how,等和关系代词,who, which, whom, what, that,等就可以切断。,That is the unique monetary policy,/,which will be discussed at the next European Union Conference.,从句结构,包裹主语从句,定语从句,状语从句等。看到或听到关系副词如,which, where, why, how,等和关系代词,who, which, whom, what, that,等就可以切断。,This is an important speech on a very important subject.,介词短语 由,at, in, before, on,等介词加名词形成的短语结构, 可以在介词处从主结构切断。,This is an important speech,/,on a very important subject.,介词短语 由,at, in, before, on,等介词加名词形成的短语结构, 可以在介词处从主结构切断。,Speaking of ties, Hong Kong has always enjoyed a special relationship with UK, serving as the powerful platform of trade between UK and China.,介词分词,包括现在分词和过去分词,形容词短语做定语和状语。可以将分词结构切除,翻译成一个独立完整的句子。,Speaking of ties, Hong Kong has always enjoyed a special relationship with UK,/,serving as the powerful platform of trade between UK and China.,介词分词,包括现在分词和过去分词,形容词短语做定语和状语。可以将分词结构切除,翻译成一个独立完整的句子。,Marks,Single slash,Double slashes,Circles,Underlines,Principles for Sight Interpreting,1. Syntactic Linearity,顺句驱动,2. Anticipation,适度超前,3. Readjustment,随时调整,1. Syntactic Linearity,顺句驱动,Linearity interpreter closely follows the source-language structure and lexical choices in interpreting,顺句驱动是指顺结构,顺词序的翻译,而非字对字死译。,My visit to China comes on an important anniversary, as the Vice President mentioned.,我访华恰逢一个重要的周年纪念,副主席刚才谈到了这一点。,2. Anticipation,适度超前,Please allow me to be on behalf of ,to extend our warmest welcome,to the participants of this conference and wish the conference,a success,.,我谨代表,对与会代表表示热烈欢迎,/,并预祝本次大会,(取得圆满成功),/,3. Readjustment,随时调整,我国将提交自己的报告,,时间是,在京都会议召开之前。,My country will submit its report,between now and Kyoto,.,Practice,I come to China at an important time.,我来到中国,正逢一个重要的时刻。,They built the bridge in two months.,他们修建这座桥,只用了两个月的时间。,It is nevertheless many years since our two worlds first touched.,但是,多年以前,我们两个世界就开始接触了。,他们要把准备工作做完,然后再考虑其他建议。,The speed of integration in international trade of LDCs (less developed countries) has been slow.,国际贸易的一体化速度(融入国际贸易的速度),就最不发达国家而言,一直是缓慢的。,They will get the preparation done before considering other proposals.,Sight Interpreting Exercise,Developing countries, the least developed countries and some island countries have encountered serious problems in their economic development.,With regard to the comprehensive implementation of the policies of “one country, two systems”, “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” and “a high degree of autonomy”, the determination of Chinese government will never change,We would like to accommodate you at the Haiyun Hotel. Its a 20-minute drive from the hotel to get to the downtown area of Shanghai and a 5-minute walk to the Teaching Building of the university. We believe that you will enjoy your stay here. Please dont hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do for you. My telephone number is 58855200, extension 2700.,市长先生阁下、女士们、先生们:,这是我首次访问你们这座富有活力的美丽城市,我为此深感荣幸。我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员对东道主的诚挚邀请、隆重接待和盛情款待表示深深的谢意。同时我也想向市长先生和上海人民转达纽约市政府和人民的热烈问候和良好祝愿。,您一定是我们久盼已久的客人,来自哈佛大学的威廉斯教授吧。请允许我作自我介绍。我叫王刚,正在上海大学攻读经济管理学士学位。我们十分感谢您不辞辛劳远道来访我院。我为能在这里接待您而深感荣幸和愉快。,正是基于对这一状况的认识,我们来到上海寻求进一步合作的更好途径。我非常珍惜我们两座城市之间的密切关系,我也非常重视我们作为你们的最重要的贸易伙伴之一所享有的地位。,Self-Practice,1) Do the logic analysis and segmenting on the paper first by using makers,2) Keep practicing until you can do the sight translation of a script fluently.,3) Try to keep in mind those typical writing patterns and expressions for later interpreting.,


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