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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,2011-5-1,Training For RENA,RENA,培训,Overview /,概述,Part 1:components of the rena /,第一部分:,RENA,清洗机的组件,Part 2:turn on the rena /,第二部分:,RENA,的开机,Part 3:operating system /,第三部分:操作系统,Part 4:turn off the rena /,第四部分:,RENA,的关机,Part 1 Components of the RENA RENA,清洗机的组件, 1 InTex. / InTex 1,台, 2 intermediate transports (input station/output station). /,进料台、出料台各,1,个, 1 chiller. /,冷却器,1,个, 1 electrical cabinet. /,电器柜,1,个, 1 InOxSide. /InOxSide 1,台, 2 intermediate transports (input station/output station). /,进料台、出料台各,1,个, 1 chiller. /,冷却器,1,个, 1 electrical cabinet. /,电器柜,1,个,intex /,inOxSide,Chiller,(冷却器),Electrical Cabinet,(电器柜),Electrical Cabinet Inside,电器柜内部图,Chemical pipes and exhaust pipes,化学品供应管和排风管,CDA and DI-water pipes,压缩空气和纯水供应管,Hot air system,热风系统,General information /,概述,InTex,Purpose: washing the speck and etch a suede on the surface of the wafers. /,目的,:,清洗硅片表面的污渍,并在硅片表面刻蚀出绒面。,InOxSide,Purpose : remove the phosphor glass and the phosphor endowed silicon film from the bottom surface and the edges of the wafers. /,目的,:,去除硅片表面的磷硅玻璃;去掉背面及四周的,P-N,结。,Working process /,工作流程,Etch,bath,Input,station,Output,station,ACD,Rinse 3,Acidic,Rinse,Rinse 2,Alkaline,Rinse,Dryer 1,Rinse 1,InOxSide,Etch,bath,Input,station,Output,station,ACD,Rinse 3,Acidic,Rinse,Rinse 2,Rinse 1,Alkaline,Rinse,Intex,工作流程,制绒槽,上料台,下料台,干 燥,漂洗,3#,酸 洗,漂洗,2#,碱 洗,吹 干,漂洗,1#,InOxSide,刻蚀槽,上料台,下料台,干 燥,漂洗,3#,酸 洗,漂洗,2#,漂洗,1#,碱 洗,Intex,Stations,/,各槽子位置图,Stations, Station 1 - Etch bath: The wafers are etched with an acid mixture. /,槽,1 ,制绒槽,:,用酸液在硅片表面刻蚀出绒面。, Station 2 - Rinse 1: The wafers are exempt from the media of the previous station. /,槽,2 ,漂洗槽,1:,去除来自上一个槽子的化学品。, Station 3 - Alkaline clean bath: The wafers will be alkaline rinsed to avoid specking./,槽,3 ,碱洗槽,:,用碱液清洗硅片表面的污渍。, Station 4 - Rinse 2: The wafers are exempt from the media of the previous station. /,槽,4 ,漂洗槽,2:,去除来自上一个槽子的化学品。, Station 5 - Acidic clean bath: The wafers surface will be treated with an acid mixture. /,槽,5 ,酸洗槽,:,用酸液清洗硅片表面。, Station 6 - Rinse 3: The wafers are exempt from the media of the previous station. /,槽,6 ,漂洗槽,3:,去除来自上一个槽子的化学品。, Station 7 Air Channel Dryer: In the last step the wafers are air dried on both sides. /,槽,7 ,空气干燥槽,:,在最后一步中,硅片的两面使用热空气吹风干燥,.,Part 2 Turn on the RENA,第二部分,RENA,的开机,Step 1. Check the media supply such as DI-water,、,CDA,、,HF,、,HNO3,、,HCl,、,KOH and so on. /,检查气、水和化学品的外部供应。例如,DI-water,、,CDA,、,HF,、,HNO3,、,HCl,、,KOH,等等,.,InOxSide,Checking before power on/,开机前检查,CDA,Cold-water,Checking before power on/,开机前检查,Cold water,Turn on the RENA / RENA,开机,Step 2. power on ,the switch is located at electrical,cabinet,. /,第二步:开机,开关位于电器柜上,Step 3. turn on the displayer,;,wait a moment. /,第三步:打开显示器,等待,直至主界面出现。,Step 4. Login,。,Click the “Login” button at the main screen,,,enter the login name and the password at the message window,,,click “,Login”,. /,第四步:登陆。,点击,Login,进入登陆界面,输入用户名及密码,点击,Login,进入,。,Turn on the RENA / login RENA,的开机,/,登陆,User management,/,用户组管理,Dependent on the user group, various functions are enabled or disabled.(10.6.1),不同的用户组,拥有各种不同的权限。,Operator,操作工,Process engineer (process),工艺工程师,Service,维护人员,Administrator,管理员,Part 3 operating system/,操作系统,3.1 Main screen module overview,/,主界面模块概观,In the main screen, a machine overview is shown.The main screen is divided into three areas. Info bar ,Button bar , main screen.,在主界面下,显示了机器的概观。主界面被分成,3,个区域:信息栏,按钮栏 ,主界面,Conveyor modules:,/,传送带模块(滚轮模块), Conveyor 1, Conveyor 2, Conveyor 3,Main screen module overview,主界面模块概观,Process modules:,/,过程模块, Etch bath, Dryer etch bath, Rinse 1, Alkaline clean bath, Rinse 2, Acidic clean bath, Rinse 3, Air Channel Dryer,Software interface of RENA InTex RENA InTex,的软件界面,Software interface of RENA InOxSide RENA InOxSide,的软件界面,Status boxes and info box,状态框和信息框,第一个显示区域:模块操作模式。,第二个显示区域:错误指示。,第三个显示区域:模块状态显示。,信息框,附加的显示区域,显示模块的一些重要的过程值。,Info bar,/,信息栏,In the info bar, the following information is displayed:,/,在信息栏中,以下信息被显示:,1. Time /,时间,2. Date /,日期,3. Operating mode:,/,操作模式,- Current operating mode (OM) of the complete machine.,/,当前机器的操作模式。,4. Operating mode request: /,操作模式请求,- If an operation mode change-over is performed, this is always a request. The controller checks if the requested operating mode is feasible. Decisive for this is the status of the individual modules. An OM change can take place only when all modules are available for the new OM.,-,在操作模式改变之前,都会发送一个请求给控制器。控制器再逐一检查请求的操作模式是否可执行,只有当所有的模块都准备好在新模式下运行之后,操作模式的改变才会成功。,5. Login name:,/,登陆名,- Name of the current user logged in the system. /,当前登陆系统的用户名字,Button bar /,按钮栏,Sign off from the System /,从系统中退出,Help currently visible main screen /,当前界面的帮助文件,User management,/,用户管理,To the main screen media supplies /,进入材料供应界面,Back from media supplies,/,从材料供应界面返回主界面,Return back to the main screen from all other screens,/,从其他界面返回主界面,Button bar /,按钮栏,Operation modes of the machine,/,机器的操作模式,1.Mode Off/ Off,模式,The background color of the status display is blue. The module is switched off and no outputs are switched on./,该模式下状态的背景颜色是蓝色,所有模块是关闭的,没有任何输出。,2. Mode Manual /,手动模式,The background color of the status display is yellow.,The module is in the manual mode. /,该模式下状态的背景颜色是黄色,模块处于手动模式。,3.Mode Service/,维护模式,The background color of the status display is red.,The module is in the service mode. /,该模式下状态的背景颜色是红色,模块处于维护模式。,4.Mode Auto/,自动模式,The background color of the status display is green . The module is in the automatic operation mode. /,该模式下状态的背景颜色是绿色,模块处于自动模式。,Mode manual,/,手动模式,Mode Service,/,维护模式,Mode Auto /,自动模式,Button bar,/,按钮栏,进入维护子菜单,进入手动子菜单,进入配方参数子菜单,进入手动补给功能概观界面,进入趋势图子菜单,进入过程值概观界面,进入诊断子菜单,关闭警告信息,确认错误信息,Additional buttons in the main screen,主界面中附加的按钮,1.“Enter a note” button,/,输入记录,This button opens a text editor. This provides the possibility for writing and saving text messages./,打开一个文本编辑器,写入并保存文本信息。,2. “Stop” button/,停止 按钮,Stop the automatic operation of the machine. /,停止自动操作,3.“Start” button/,开始 按钮,Start the automatic operation./,启动自动操作,4.“Test Lamps” button/,测试信号灯 按钮,Pushing this button, all lamps at the signal tower light up and the beeper sounds. Push again to stop. /,点击这个按钮,所有信号灯将被点亮,蜂鸣器响起。再点一次关闭。,5.“Reset Input”/“Reset Output” button /,输入、输出计数复位 按钮,This button resets the wafer counter of the input resp. output.,6.“Lock windows” button /,锁上前窗 按钮,The Process engineer can lock and unlock the front windows.,3.2 Operate the software /,软件操作,Make sure the status of modules are “Full DI” or “Full Chem.” and the windows are closed. /,确认监测屏幕上显示各模块溶液均满槽,(即,Full DI,、,Full Chem),和设备门窗均关闭。,“Etch Bath” status is “Not Ready”.,“Dryer 1” and “Dryer 2” is “Ready”.,/ Etch Bath,显示“,Not Ready”,,,Dryer1,Dryer2,显示“,Ready,”。,system operating /,系统操作,system operating /,系统操作,Stop the conveyors /,滚轮停止,Click “Manual” button - click “F4” button three times,/,点击,Manual,按钮,随后点,F4,(三次),Click “Drives” button to enter the conveyor submenu,/,点击,“Drives”,,,进入,rives,菜单,Click “All Conveyors” button -click “stop” button,/,点击,All Conveyor,点击,Stop,停止滚轮,Click “F10” to return the main screen,/,点,F10,退回主界面,Click “Manual” button , /,点击,Manual,按钮,Click “F4” button three times,随后点,F4,(三次),Enter the Drives submenu,进入,drives,子菜单,Click “All Conveyors” button - “Stop” , click “F10” to return the main screen,/,点击,“,All Conveyor,”,点击,“,Stop,”,停止滚轮,,点,F10,退回主界面,system operating /,系统操作,Click “Mode Auto” to enter the Auto operating mode.,/,点击,Mode Auto,按钮,设备进入自动模式,.,The machine will pump up the chemical from Tank to etch bath ,the status will be “Filling ch.” with yellow color. Then ,waiting until the filling chemical process completed. /,设备将自动开始从,Tank,中向,Etch bath,添加腐蚀液,界面上,Etch bath,单元下方显示为黄色“,Filling chemie,”和黄色,not ready,等待,Etch bath,添加完成,,The mode field change from yellow “Manual” to green “Auto” /,黄色“,Manual,”转变成绿色“,Auto,”,system operating /,系统操作,Waiting until the filling chemical process completed. /,等待,化学品添加完成,,,When the process completed the status of the etch bath will be “Full chem.” with green color . The second display field will be “Ready” with green color . /,下方,状态,显示为绿色“,Full chem.,”和绿色“,Ready,”。,waiting until the filling chemical process completed. /,等待化学品添加完成,system operating /,系统操作,Click the “start” button ,all modules will be in process. then , the operator can insert the wafers .,随后点击“,start”,按钮各模块自动运行,然后,操作工可以开始放如硅片了。,After click “start” button , all of the modules will be “Ready” and “In Process”. /,点击“,start,”按钮之后,所有的模块状态变成“,Ready,”和“,In Process,”。,Signal light /,信号灯,Signal light /,信号灯,The signal light provides quick information about the operating status of the machine.,/,信号灯可以快速的显示机器的当前操作状态。,With the machine switched on, the following signals apply:,/,当机器打开之后,下表中的信号表示着不同的状态,:,Signal light,Alarm,Description,描述,Green,continuous light,Off,The machine is in the automatic mode.,The machine is ready and in process.,机器处于自动模式,所有模块工作正常,Green blinking,Off,The machine is in the automatic mode.,The machine is ready to perform the process.,机器处于自动模式,所有模块就绪,准备工作,Yellow,continuous light,Off,The machine is in the manual operating,mode.,机器处于手动模式,Yellow blinking,On,Instruction error is present.,指示性错误被发现,Red,continuous light,Off,Machine error or abort error is present and,was acknowledged.,机器错误或异常错误被发现,并且需要确认,Red blinking,On,A new machine error or abort error is,present.,一个新的机器错误或异常错误被发现,Part 4 Turn off the rena / RENA,的关机,1. Please make sure that there is no wafers in the machine . /,确保机器中没有硅片。,2. Click the “Stop” button at the bottom of the interface./,点击界面下方的“,Stop,”按钮。,3. Click “Mode Manual” button to enter the manual mode .then , click “Manual” - “Etch Bath”- “Drain bath” /,点击“,Mode manual,”按钮进入手动模式,,,选中“,Etch bath,”,点击,Drain Bath,即把,Etch bath,中的反应液排到,Tank,内。,4. Press “F10” to return the main screen. /,点击,F10,退回主菜单,Click the “Stop” button at the bottom of the interface. /,点击界面下方的“,Stop,”按钮。,Click “Mode Manual” button to enter the manual mode /,点击“,Mode manual,”按钮进入手动模式,Click “Drain bath” to drain the chemical from “etch bath” to “tank” /,选中“,Etch bath,”,点击,Drain Bath,即把,Etch bath,中的反应液排到,Tank,内。,Turn off the RENA / RENA,的关机,5. Waiting for the Etch Bath until display “Empty” with yellow color. /,等待,Etch bath,排液完成,在,Etch bath,模块上只显示为黄色“,not ready,”。表明液体排完,6. Click “Mode Off” button to enter the Off mode . /,点击“,Mode Off,” 按钮, 进入,Off,模式,7. Closing the front windows . /,关机前窗,8. Click,“,logoff,”,button, the logoff window will be show.,Click,“,logoff,”,button in the new window, the front windows will be locked. /,点击右上角的“,Log off,”,跳出一个对话框。点击对话框中“,Log off,”,门将被密封。,9. Turn on the displayer. Power off. /,关掉显示器,关闭设备电源。,Make sure the Etch Bath module shows “not ready” and “draining” with yellow color,/,确认 “,Etch Bath,”模块显示黄色的“,Not ready,”和黄色的“,Draining,”,Make sure the status of the modules,确认各槽子的状态,Click,“,logoff,”,button, the logoff window will be show. Click,“,logoff,”,button, the front windows will be locked.,点击“,logoff,”按钮,点击新窗口中的“,logoff,”,前窗将被锁上,Training for rena,Thats all .Thank you. /,谢谢 ,再见。,


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