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Revision:Translate the following phrases into English.1.在解放战争期间2.导演一部电影 3.一部动画片4.采取行动5.为校报编辑文章6.在售票处7.特技8.在二十世纪二十年代9.使某人吃惊的是10.抬头看11.由组成12.互相 13.取得巨大成功 during the Liberation War direct a film an animated movie take action edit some articles for the school newspaper at the box office special effects in the 1920s to ones surprise look up consist of one another/each other achieve great success 1.月光下2.乐器3.突然4.希望某人做某事5.祝你好运!6.许愿7.买得起一幢别墅8.没关系,不必在意。9.突袭某人10.查单词11.浏览12.仔细查看in the moonlightmusical instrumentall of a suddenwish sb. to do sthwish sb. good luckmake a wishafford a villaForget it!take sb. by surpriselook up the word in look throughlook over 1. name of a book, article: _2. have enough money or time to be able to do something: _3. terrible : _4. something that you do; an action: _5. want something that seems impossible: _6. fail to remember: _7. a person who offers service without pay: _8. not clear, not bright: _10.an amusing play or movie that has a happy ending: _ title afford deed comedyfrightening wishforgetdim wish Revision:Guessing game volunteer What are their functions of the infinitives in the sentences?1.I want to learn Japanese.2.My dream is to be a pilot.3.To learn English well is very important.4.I dont like the movie because there is nothing to learn from it.5.If you are busy, you can ask him to book the movie tickets.6.Li Huas father often advises his daughter to read more books. 7.He went to the teachers office to ask for help.宾补object complement宾语 object表语 predicative主语 subject定语attribute状语adverbial宾补 object complement accordionplay the accordion guitarplay the guitar violinplay the violinpianoplay the pianoMusical instruments drum鼓beat the drums erhu二胡play the erhuflute长笛play the fluteMusical instruments harp竖琴bass贝司piccolo短笛clarinet单簧管saxophone萨克斯Some other musical instruments Beethoven a German composer (作曲家) musician pianist He was the greatest composer of his day.He began to lose his hearing in 1801 and became completely deaf in 1819. 9 symphonies (交响曲)5 piano concertos (钢琴协奏曲)a violin concerto (小提琴协奏曲)32 piano sonatas(钢琴奏鸣曲)(1770-1827) The Moonlight Sonata ( )1. Beethoven heard someone playing his Sonata in F in a small house, so he stopped outside it.( )2. The girl was too poor to buy a concert ticket.( )3. A woman next door to the blind girl taught her how to play the music.( )4. Beethoven played a sonata for the girl and her brother, and they both enjoyed it very much.( )5. The girl and her brother named the new piece of music the Moonlight Sonata.Decide if the following statements are true or false.TTFTF The blind girl learned how to play the music by listening to the woman next door play the music.Beethoven himself After hearing Beethoven play the sonata, the blind girl got very excited. The next day she told her friends the story. Yesterday evening I was playing Beethovens Sonata in F. I found it is difficult for me to play. I said to my brother, “How I wish I _ hear Beethoven _ play it!” But my brother said we were too poor to _ a concert ticket.Just at that time, I heard someone_ at the door. A man came in. He asked me_ I had learned to play the music. I told him that I had no teachers and that I had just _ a woman next door _ the music. Then the man sat at the piano and began to play. He played so well that both my brother and I _ _ in the beautiful music.Soon I came to know the man was Beethoven, the great _ himself! couldhimselfafford/buy knockinghow heardplaylost ourselves musician Yesterday evening I was walking in a street when I suddenly stopped o_ a small house. I heard someone p_ my Sonata in F.A girl told a young man that the piece of music was difficult to play. She w_ to hear me play it because they couldnt a_ to buy tickets for the concert.I knocked at the door and went in. I saw a girl s_ at a piano in the d_ candle light and a young man m_ shoes by a table.To my great s_, I found that girl was blind. Nobody taught her to play the music and she learnt it by e_.I sat down and began to play the music for them. Both of them lost themselves in the music.When I r_ home, I worked all night w_ down the new piece of music. I c_ it the Moonlight Sonata.Beethoven wrote a diary the next day. Please help him to complete it.ritingutside laying fford ished ittingim akingeturned arurprisealled Key Points:1. He heard someone playing his Sonata in F. I heard Tom playing the piano when I passed his room.I heard Tom sing two songs at the his birthday party.How I wish I could speak five foreign languages!2. How I wish I could hear Beethoven himself play it. How I wish我多么希望我能hear sb. doing听见某人正在做某事 3. afford to do sth. I cant afford to buy such a big house.4. Forget it. -Im sorry. Ive lost your dictionary.-Forget it.5. to ones surpriseTo my surprise, he failed to pass the exam.6. Look up 7. lose oneself in Useful phrases:1.在街上行走2.不再3.我多么希望我能4.买不起5.敲门6.坐在钢琴边7.做鞋子8.令某人吃惊的是9.边听边学10.抬头看天11.自言自语walk in the streetno more/not any moreHow I wish I couldcant afford (to buy)knock atsit at the pianomake shoesto ones surpriselearnby ear look up to the skysay to oneself 13. 不必在意。14. 音乐会的票15. 听见某人正在做某事16. 整夜17. 沉浸在之中18. 透过窗户Forget it!tickets for the concerthear sb. doing sth.all nightlose oneself inthrough the window 用本课的单词或短语填空。1. -Im sorry. I broke your cup. -_.2. _, the overweight boy passed the PE test.3. There was a _at the door.4. I had a bad cold and lay awake _.5. Jerry _ playing computer games.6. He didnt even _ from his PSP when his parents came in.7. The poor old man made a living by _.8. -How did you learn to sing the song? -I _. 用动词的适当形式填空 We heard Betty _ 3 songs at the party.(sing) Did you notice Tom _ out just now? (go) I saw him _ a call when I came in. (make) In the PE class ,we students watched the teachers _basketball.(play) Can you hear a dog _(bark) outside? Dont go out. They watched the bus _ into the distance.(disappear) I heard someone _ at the door three times.(knock) I heard someone _ at the door when I fell asleep. I often watch my classmates _basketball after school. The boy is heard _(cry) every day. He was seen _ the house and _ after 5minutes.(enter/leave) Yesterday evening, my father _ (walk) along the river when he suddenly _(hear) someone _(cry) for help. Words Of Part Two1. crazy adj. 疯狂的 Youre crazy to go out in this stormy weather. Johns crazy about computer games. 着迷的,热衷的,狂热的 go crazy drive sb. crazy adv. crazily 2. copy v. Hes busy copying the letters. (抄写)Good morning,“ he said, copying his fathers voice.(模仿,仿效) The top student never copies homework from other students. (抄袭)n. I will send you a copy of the letter. (副本) We have no copies of the book on hand.(份,本,册) The newspaper will publish 3000 copies. 3. teenage a.teenage girls/boysa teenage problem/rebellion(逆反)teenage(teen) magazinesn. teenagerteens She began writing poetry in her teens. 4. influence 影响;作用v. I dont want to influence you. You must decide for yourself. A number of social factors influence life expectancy. n. have a strong/important influence on sb. the influence of the climate on agricultural productionadj. influential 有影响力的an influential book/an influential person 5. combine v. (使)结合 Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.Combine the eggs with a little flour.The trip will combine business with pleasure.n. combinationThe combination of the 50 states forms the United States of America. 6. old-fashioned 老式的;守旧的old-fashioned styles/clothesan old-fashioned man ReadingScan the passage and answer the followingquestions.1.Whats the passage mainly about?2.What music is the most popular ?3.When and where did it begin?4.What feature did it have?5. When did rock and roll become popular?6.When did the Beatles become popular? Time Event Featureearly 1950s birth of _ Black music_ d e v e l o p e d into_ White music _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a n d _ early 1960s R&B became_ _ b e c a m e populart i l l t h e present has continued to change to_ has combined with m u s i c from_ R &Bold-fashioned The Beatles different parts of the worlddeveloprocknroll fast loudmid -1950s The Beatles have been the most successful pop group in the world. _people, especially _, are crazy about them and their music. A lot of the Beatles songs became _. Those songs always had strong rhythms so that people could dance to them. Though their songs became popular during the 1960s, they still have a great _ on the music of today. The Beatles success story suggests that good music is never_ teenager fans popular Millions of influenceold-fashioned . Key points 1. in the 1950s2. in the mid-1960s3. in the early/late 1960s4. combine with5. continue to do sth.6. dance to the music7. have an influence on 1.在二十世纪50年代2.在20世纪60年代中期3.在20世纪60年代早、晚期4.与某某相结合5.继续做6.跟着音乐跳舞7.对产生影响 8. be crazy about sth. 9. copy the styles10. Jazz/ rocknroll /rock music/ light/ classical/folk/ country music11. millions of 12. start as13. start by doing14. be popular with/among8. 对着迷9. 模仿风格10.爵士、摇滚、轻音乐、古典、乡村音乐、11.几百万12.作为开始13. 以开始14. 受到欢迎


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