仁爱 七年上册Unit2 topic1SectionA

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仁爱 七年上册Unit2 topic1SectionA_第1页
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Unit 2 Looking DifferentTopic1 I have a small nose. headhed facefes hairhe eyeaear nose nz mouth ma necknek a face.round a facelong hair.short hair.long eyes.big eyes.small a neck.long wide mouth but you dont have a big mouth.宽的have a big mouth 大嘴巴(指话多的人,夸夸其谈,藏不住秘密)大嘴巴You have a I have a big head. I have big eyes. I have long hair. I have a round face.自我描述接龙游戏 She has a long face. She has big eyes.She has a wide mouth. She is a beauty. They have round_.She has_. He has_. It has_.We have small _.I have abig_.Listen and complete the sentences. Then read them aloud.nose eyes faceslong hair a wide mouth big ears 动词have表示有,肯定句中主语后,第三人称单数用has.(She/he/it/Jane/Michaelhas )其它人称用have.(I/You/They/Wehave) Complete the following sentences with have/has.have hasYou _ a round face.I _ a wide mouth. He/Kangkang _ a big head.She/Jane _ long hair.We _ big ears. They _ small eyes.It _ a long neck.have havehas hashave havehas This is my friend. She has long hair. She has a long face. She has small eyes. She has a small mouth.I have a good friend.She is a beauty. We are good friends. I have a good friend.画一张朋友的画像并且写下几句话 She/He has She/He is Who is good-looking? We grow great by dreams not by good looking. 我们因梦想而伟大而不是华丽的外表。Beauty is in the heart. 美在心灵 头: 大眼睛: 小鼻子: 长脖子: 短头发: 大嘴: 圆脸: headbig eyesa small nosea long neckshort haira wide moutha round face hasI weyou they havehe she it have/has !


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