仁爱版九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Topic 2 Section C 课件(共30张PPT)

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Revision 1. so+动词+主语 (Neither/Nor+ v.+主语)结构以及掌握与so+主语 +动词的区别。2.数字表达法 1.-Lucy dances very well. - _ A. So I am. B. So I do. C. So am I. D. So do I.2.- I am not good at singing . - _ A. Neither is he. B. So does he. C. So is he. D. Neither he is.DA 8888888,88888,888888,8888,888,88888,888,888888,888,8888,888,888,88888,888,888,888888,888,888,888 本节课学习目标 1.会读会写课本P13-14页的新单词 2.掌握本节课的新短语。 3.了解世界人口形势,掌握数字表达方式,意识到人口发展的严重性并为之做出相应的措施。 4. 掌握分数表达法 5.通过阅读练习,提高阅读能力。 自学要求1.读1a,完成下列任务 (1)独立完成1b、1c的练习 (2)翻译下列短语或句子 .一半/1/2 .由于/因为 . 更少的生存空间 . 同时 . 例如 . 到目前为止/至今 .采取措施 .在. 方面效果良好 .多亏/由于 2.复习数字表达法,掌握分数表达法3.阅读1a完成课本1b、1c练习。4.完成2里面的词语运用练习,注意词形变化! Words in Section C1. social 社会的 社交的adj. 2. supply 提供 供应 v. 供应量 补给 供应 n.3. natural 天然的 天生的 adj. 4. worse 更差的 更糟的 adj. 更差 更糟 adv.5. so far 到目前为止6.government 政府 内阁 n.7. take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事 8.thanks to sb./ sth. 幸亏 由于9.paragraph 段 段落 n. 10.opportunity 机会 时机 n.11. newborn 新生的 adj.12. percent 百分之 n.13.offer 提供(东西或机会); 主动提出 The population in developing countries is _ than that in developed countries. Which country has the largest population? Whats the population of China? larger1a 1. Before you read the passage, discuss the questi ns with your partner.1) Why does China carry out the one-child policy?2) What social problems do you think Chinas large population has caused? 1a Read and understand. 2. Write the title of the passage.1b Read 1a and match the main idea with each paragraph.1. _ Paragraph 1 A. the measures to deal with the problems2. _ Paragraph 2 B. the worlds and Asias population 3. _ Paragraph 3 C. the problems caused by large populationPopulation ProblemsBCA 1c Read 1a again and complete the table.Population of China _Social problem less _fewer _ opportunitiesless _ and _crowded _heavy _ natural environmentsGovernment measure _1.3 billionjobenergy watercitiestrafficworsethe one-child policyliving space The one-child policy Every couple can have only one child.So far, the one-child policy has worked well in controlling Chinas population.We still have a long way to go.Paragraph 3The measures to deal with the problems. Asia has a population of _. Thats to say, almost _ of the people in the world live in Asia now.more than 3 billionhalfParagraph 1 The worlds and Asias population. 3 billion 6.8 billion12 (half) 50 percent (50%)Almost half of the people in the world live in Asia. 1.3 billion6.8 billion1 5 20 percent (20%) About one fifth of the people in the world live in China. oneWhat social problems has it causedParagraph 2The problems caused by large population.fifth Because of the large population,there is _ for each family.less living space Because of the large population,it is difficult for lots of people _.to find jobs Because of the large population,it is hard for China to supply _ and _ to satisfy peoples daily needs. energy water Because of the large population,most cities are _ than before, and the traffic is much _.more crowdedheavier Because of the large population,natural environments are becoming _. worse and worse 1a Listen,look and say. Every minute, about 261 babies are born in the world. That means people have to _ food for about 375 840 newborn babies every day. The worlds population _ faster and faster. It has _ one of the biggest social problems today. China _ the largest population in the world. There are about 1.3 billion people in China. It has _ 20 percent of the worlds population. China has _ some policies to control the population, and these policies have _ well. But China still _ a serious population problem.2 Complete the following passage with the correct forms of the given words or phrases. findgrows/ is growingbecomecarried out reachedgrow reach have find work become face carry out has workedfaces 3a Work in groups and search for the information about the following questions. Then share your idea with your group members.1. How do you think we can get more living space?2. What should the government do to offer more job opportunities?3. The energy and water is less and less. What should we do to deal with it?4. The traffic in cities is much heavier than before. How can we solve the problem? 3b Write a short passage of three paragraphs based on 3a. China has the largest population in the world. It has caused many problems. Everyone should do something to solve them. First, the government should keep the one-child policy to control the increasing population, and practice the reform and opening-up to develop our economy. Only in this way we can get more jobs and improve our living conditions. Second, the energy and water is becoming less and less. Wed better save them as much as possible, and try to find more new energy. In order to solve the problem of heavy traffic, we call on everyone to take a bus or walk as often as possible. Choose the best answer.1. _ of the students are boys in our school. A. Two third B. Two threes C. Two thirds D. Second three2. The one-child policy has _ controlling Chinas population. A. been good at B. done well in C. taken care of D. worked well in3. Edison is known _ a great inventor. A. for B. as C. in D. on 4 ._ your help, I made great progress in math. A. Thanks for B. Thanks to C. Thank to D. Because of 5.He stays at home _ his illness. A. because B. because of C. thanks to D. soC DBB B 1. Read the fractions in English.2. Talk about population problems.1. Some words: social, supply, natural, worse, government, paragraph, opportunity, newborn, percent, offer2. Some phrases: half of, one fifth, because of, satisfy peoples daily needs, so far, take measures to do, be known as, work well in, thanks to3. Some sentences: We still have a long way to go. Homework2. Write the composition in 3b.1. Read 1a aloud.3. Finish Section C in your workbook.4. Preview Section D. one sixthone ninthone twentieth five sixthstwo ninthsseven twentieths61 6591 92201 207 one / a half a quarterthree quarters three and a half213414321 past nowso farSo far, I have read five English novels .


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