仁爱英语八年级上册Unit2 Topic2 sectionA (共23张PPT)

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Unit 2 K eeping H ealthy Topic 2 Section A I must ask him to give up smoking A:Whats wrong with her?:She has a cold. A: She should see a doctor.她应该去看医生._ B: She had better see a doctor._她最好去看医生. A: Whats wrong with her?她最好不要看太长时间电视too longB: She has sore eyes._ A: She shouldnt watch TV. _她不应该看太长时间电视.too long A: She had better not watch TV_ _ 学习目标:1. 知识目标:动名词(即:动词+ing)作主语的用法(难点)2. 能力目标:如何回答选择疑问句 (重点)3. 情感目标:学会辨别哪些是好的,哪些是 坏的生活习惯。 New wordscause k:z v. 促使、引起health hel n. 健康 (不可数名词)tonight tnait n. 今晚,今夜sleepy sli:pi adj. 想睡的,困倦的medicine medisn n 药 (不可数名词)fingernail fg ( r ) nel n. 指甲meal mi:l n. 一餐(饭)(可数名词)without wiaut prep. 没有 (后接名词、代词或动名词) 1.What _(cause) the childs headache?2.I went to bed too late last night,so I feel_(sleep) in class now.3.You should look after your _(healthy) well.4.We usually have three _(meal) a day.5.Take some _(medicine),and then you” will feel better soon.causedsleepy healthmealsmedicine Is he Yao Ming or Liu Xiang?Is he Yao Ming or Liu Xiang?He is Yao Ming.He is Liu Xiang.Is it a cat or a dog?It is a dog.选择疑问句选其中一项回答,不能用Yes/No回答. G ood Bad 1. going to bed early 2. getting up late 3. doing morning exercises 4. keeping fingernails long 5. washing hands before meals 6. playing sports right after meals7. going to school without breakfast 8. brushing teeth twice a day 小结:动名词E 动名词作主语练习题:1 、打篮球对我们的健康有好处。Playing basketball is good for our health.2、抽烟对我们的心脏有坏处。Smoking is bad for our hearts3、保持健康是非常重要的。Keeping healthy isDriving4、开车太快会导致事故。accidentsvery importanttoo fast causes 1a A:Is going to bed early good or bad?B:Its good. A:Is getting up late good or bad?B:Its bad.G etting up early is good. A:Is doing morning exercises good or bad?B:Its good. A:Is keeping fingernails long good or bad?B:Its bad.K eeping fingernails short is good. A:Is washing hands before meals good or bad?B:Its good. A:Is playing sports right after meals good or bad?B:Its bad.Not playing sports right after meals is good. A:Is going to school without breakfast good or bad?B:Its bad.Having breakfast before going to school is good. A:Is brushing teeth twice a day good or bad?B:Its good.动名词(即:动词ing)作主语是单数。 小结: Whats wrong with Kangkang? Why does he look like this?3. Is staying up late good for your health?Answer the questions of 1a: He has a headache.Because he watched a soccer game last night and went to bed very late.No, it isnt. Read 1a Find out the phrases in 1a.看起来累2.什么造成这件事?3.熬夜4.对有害5.对有益6.好好休息look tiredWhat caused it?stay up late be bad for be good forhave a good rest 1b 假如你 feel sleepy terrible tired ,谈论一下是什么原因造成, 你应该做些什么来阻止它, 请同学口头演练出来.A: I feel sleepy because I went to bed very late last night.B: Oh, staying up late is bad for your health. You should go to bed early 感觉: tired terrible 原因: watched TV all night drank too much 后果: watching TV all night drinking too much 应该: watch TV sometimes drink less Listen to the tape and check ( )what Wang Junfeng did and what he should do.(录音3)2 Work alone太少早餐吃很多、很丰盛吃药Sum up Practice 练习(完成句子)1、 李明想熬夜看足球赛。2 、 你禁止在这里游泳。 3、 杯子的水太少了。4、 你感冒了,你应该吃些药。5、 看电视对我们的眼睛有害处。Ling ming wants to to watch the football match.stay up latehere.YouThere is too little water in the glass.You had a cold, you should take some medicine.Watching TV is bad for our eyes .mustnt swim


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