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Chinese people focus on “Heaven and Man”(天,人合), Westerners focus on “people oriented”(以人为本 ).,1.Because of the differences i,3,1.,The concept of two different diet,2.,Differences between Chinese and,Western food objects,3.,Dietary differences in the way,不同的饮食观念,不同的饮食对象,不同的饮食方式,1.The concept of two different,4,The concept of two different diet,the key why Chinese cuisine has its own unique charm lies in its taste. The delicious generation is to reconcile, to make the taste of food heated after the cooked flavor, and plus ingredients to reconcile the taste. Smell spices, mixed together with integration of co-ordination is added so that they can complement each other harmoniously.,The concept of two different d,5,The concept of two different diet,Contractively , the West focuses on a rational eating. They pay much attention on the nutrients rather than food color, smell, taste, and shape. They care about how many calories, vitamins, protein should be taken . Even when the taste is the same, it must be eaten- because the nutrition.,The concept of two different d,6,Differences between Chinese and Western food objects,Chinese cuisine enphasises,taste,a,lot,Pay much attention on the cooking process.,while the Chinese people were looked horter,had narrow shouder,legs are short, weak quality.,Westeners think food is just used for filling your stomack.,eat large pieces of meat, whole piece of chicken and other hard vegetables.,Many Westerners would consider what is thrown away in China are excellent materials.,the Western diet characterized by their own country, I feel more emphasis on nutrition than the Chinese one has.,In their countries, the human body generally robust than the Chinese people: tall, long legs, wide shoulders,well-developed muscles,there are relatively well-developed food industries, such as canned food, fast food and so on,although taste is monotonous, but to save time, and the,well-nourished,According to the Western diet was significant differences in the characteristics of the object, they call the Chinese “plant character”,while Westerners called “the animal character”,有人根据中西方饮食对象的 明显差异这一特点,把中国人称为植物性格,西方人称为动物性格。,Differences between Chinese an,7,When the chinese go to a restarant,however, they ask for a small room with plain walls where they cannot be seen except by the members of their own party, where jackets can come off and they can proceed with the serious business which brought them there.The chinese intentions are both honourable and whole-hearted.,When Westerners go to a restaurant they ask for a good table,which means a good position from which to and be seen.They usually there to be entertained socially-also,incidentally,to eat.,Dietary differences in the way,When the chinese go to a rest,8,.,Comparison of Chinese and Western,table manners,Comparison of Chinese and West,9,.,Chinese table manners,The general etiquette on the table,Keep your feet under your seat ,and back straight.,Keep quiet with mouth full,Tableware for your own should not be put in the,public plate.,To take food scoop soup, you should use,chopsticks public key.,Never dig teeth with your fingers, apply a toothpick,and cover with hand or handkerchief.,Avoid coughing and sneezing on table. If you cant,help coughing, remember to say sorry.,The event of accidents, such as wine, water, soup,splashed into others clothes, you can apologize.,There is no need to be panic.,In the case of the master himself cooking food, do,not forget to appreciate the owner.,While eating, youd better not smoke.You should,ask for your neighbors permission if you have to.,Chinese table mannersThe gener,10,.,Western table manners,When you are invited to the banquet, you should show more attention to the topic shared on table rather than the food.,After the hostess picks up the napkin, you can also pick up your napkin on the lap. Sometimes there is a small bread in the napkin,you can put it on the small dish on table.,Dinner is usually started from the soup. The biggest key In front of you is the spoon for soup. Do not misuse the spoon on the middle of your table, because it may be used to take vegetables and salad,.,In the hostess picked up her spoon or a fork before the guests can not eat any dish. Each hostess usually have to wait until after the guests began to get food. She will not like the Chinese habit of, as you eat. When she picked up the spoon or fork when it means that we can all do so.,If there are fish dish, then mostly in the soup after it is brought to the table may have a special fish fork, which fork to eat meat may also be similar, usually smaller, in short, harpoons on the meat fork farther away from the lateral side of the plate.,Before the fish are usually placed on the tables, fish bones have long tick the net, if you eat a piece of fish, there are thorns, you can be left holding bread roll, or a piece of bread, his right hand holding a knife to stab poke.,If the mouth has been a thorn, it should be quietly as far as possible not to attract attention to it with your fingers out and put the edge of the plate, do not on the table, or throw in the ground.,Western table manners When you,11,The Tableware in China and the west,Chopsticks and Spoon,Folk, knife and Spoon,The Tableware in China and the,12,Chopstick Usage,Chopsticks should always be held correctly, between the thumb and first two fingers of the right hand.,When not in use, chopsticks must always be placed neatly on the table with two sticks lying tidily next to each other at both ends. Failure to do so is evocative of the way the dead would be placed in a coffin before the funeral and is a major faux pas.,Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, even for the left-handed. Although chopsticks may now be found in either hand, a few still consider left-handed chopstick use improper etiquette. One explanation for the treatment of such usage as improper is that within the confines of a round table this may be inconvenient.,Never wave your chopsticks around as if they were an extension of your hand gestures.,Never use chopsticks to move bowls or plates.,Never suck the chopsticks,Decide what to pick up before reaching with chopsticks, instead of hovering them over or rummaging through dishes.,When picking up a piece of food, never use the tips of your chopsticks to poke through the food as with a fork; exceptions include tearing apart larger items such as vegetables.,Never stab chopsticks vertically into a bowl of rice, as this resembles incense sticks used at temples to pay respects to the deceased.,Chopstick Usage Chopsticks sho,13,Use of Western tableware,Europeans use knives and forks without changing hands, from cutting to get food are left holding again. Americans, after cutting down the knife with his right hand holding fork to your mouth.,Eat Western food according to the order from outside to inside access to knives and forks. The biggest key is the spoon, the largest meat knife and fork is used. Cutting food with knife and fork should be cut each one, or one can not at the same time all the chopping.,Each dish eaten, it will discharge tray flat knife and fork close together to show finished. If not finished, then placed into the eight-character or cross-placed, knifeedge inward. Chicken, lobster, when, after the master hands can be torn by hand to eat, or cut into small pieces can be cut meat knife and fork to eat.,Banquet in progress, due to accidentally occurred anomalies. If too much force, knife and fork collision plate, audible, or utensils fall to the ground, or knocked over drinks and so on, should be calm and do not have to worry.,Tableware touch a voice can be gentle to the neighbor say Im sorry.,Tableware floor can not discard the proposed re-use, but by sending a waiter to pay the other. Neighbor who drinks knocked splashed and should apologize to help dry. If the other side are women, can only clean napkin or a handkerchief can be proffered, from her own brush.,The banquet, what happened did not face a sudden panic disorder, resourceful, using their knowledge and language ability to make things ease, this is a high accomplishment,Use of Western tableware Europ,14,Story,希特勒举行的一次宴会上,一位中国使节按照在 国内进西餐的习惯,用餐巾去揩拭刀叉,殊不知 这种做法极不礼貌,仿佛是责备刀叉不干净。希 特勒一见之下,立即命令侍者将全体客人的餐具 一律重新换过,使那位中国使节窘迫难堪。,李鸿章出使德国时也出了类似的洋相。李鸿章应 俾斯曼之邀前往赴宴,由于不懂西餐礼仪,他把 一碗吃水果后洗手用的水端起来喝了。当时俾斯 曼不了解中国虚实,为不使李鸿章丢丑,他也将 洗手水一饮而尽,见此情形,其他文武百官只得 忍笑奉陪。,Story希特勒举行的一次宴会上,一位中国使节按照在 国内进,15,Thank You For Your Attention,Thank You For Your Attention,16,


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