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英语写作专题一英语写作专题一说服性议论文说服性议论文1英语写作专题一说服性议论文1说服性信函说服性信函 说服性信函指以信件的形式表达自说服性信函指以信件的形式表达自己的观点或立场,并期待对方认同或接受。己的观点或立场,并期待对方认同或接受。在写作过程中,要以合理的语气和口吻为在写作过程中,要以合理的语气和口吻为基调,用有说服力的素材来支撑自己的观基调,用有说服力的素材来支撑自己的观点,以说明阐述为主,以理动人,以理服点,以说明阐述为主,以理动人,以理服人。人。2说服性信函 说服性信函指以信件的形式表达自己的【写作指导】【写作指导】我们可以通过以下三个部分来进行写作:我们可以通过以下三个部分来进行写作:第一部分:第一部分:引入。写信人首先需要引入。写信人首先需要简要说明简要说明写信的主要目的。写信的主要目的。如果需要的话,也可以大致作个自我介绍。如果需要的话,也可以大致作个自我介绍。第二部分:第二部分:阐述。这是说服性信函的阐述。这是说服性信函的主体和核心主体和核心部分。部分。写信人需要在这个部分写信人需要在这个部分有条理地有条理地列出自己的理由。列出自己的理由。理由要力求客观、真实、有说服力,要理由要力求客观、真实、有说服力,要重点突出、层次分明重点突出、层次分明。同。同时,要注意适当时,要注意适当提高语言的力度,发挥语言的功力提高语言的力度,发挥语言的功力,以更好地展,以更好地展现自己的立场。阐述部分决定了说服性信函的成败,需要写信人现自己的立场。阐述部分决定了说服性信函的成败,需要写信人精心策划、布局,以达到最佳效果。精心策划、布局,以达到最佳效果。第三部分:第三部分:总结。可以用生动的语言重申自己的核心观点,总结。可以用生动的语言重申自己的核心观点,或以情动人、引起共鸣,或升华延伸、画龙点睛。这部分应该注或以情动人、引起共鸣,或升华延伸、画龙点睛。这部分应该注意语言的意语言的简练和冲击力简练和冲击力,切忌冗杂拖拉切忌冗杂拖拉的表达。的表达。3【写作指导】理由要力求客观、真实、有说服力,要重点突出、层次写作时应注意以下几点:写作时应注意以下几点:1.1.要注意英文书信的格式,兼顾文化差异,同时要注意英文书信的格式,兼顾文化差异,同时要注意避免语法错误;要注意避免语法错误;2.2.第一和第三部分注重简练,而第二部分作为信第一和第三部分注重简练,而第二部分作为信函的主体,要注重条理和说服力;函的主体,要注重条理和说服力;3.3.要注意提高自己语言表达的层级,尝试使用较要注意提高自己语言表达的层级,尝试使用较高级别的词汇、句型或结构。高级别的词汇、句型或结构。4写作时应注意以下几点:4 1.1.覆盖了所有的覆盖了所有的要点要点 2.2.应用了较多的语法结构和词汇应用了较多的语法结构和词汇 3.3.有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全全 文结构紧凑文结构紧凑词汇词汇,句型句型 ,语法多样化语法多样化要要点点全全连连接接词词如何算是一篇好文章?如何算是一篇好文章?5 1.覆盖了所有的要点词汇,句型,语法多样化要点全连如【常用表达】【常用表达】引入:引入:I am writing to.I am writing to.I hope that.I hope that.That is to say.That is to say.As far as I am concerned.As far as I am concerned.In my opinion.In my opinion.Personally.Personally.6【常用表达】6阐述:阐述:Here are my reasons.Here are my reasons.First of allFirst of all,I think,I think it would be better if.it would be better if.SecondSecond,.,.ThirdThird,.,.Moreover.Moreover.Whats more.Whats more.However.However.Instead.Instead.Here Id like to give my advice on.Here Id like to give my advice on.I would like to suggest that.I would like to suggest that.If I were you,I would.If I were you,I would.7阐述:7总结:总结:In short.In short.All things considered.All things considered.To sum up.To sum up.In brief.In brief.Please take my advice into consideration Please take my advice into consideration and make a final decision.and make a final decision.8总结:81.(1.(因为因为)_ his help,I finished the work at)_ his help,I finished the work at last.last.Thanks toThanks toAs a result ofAs a result ofOwing to Owing to Due to Due to 因为因为Because of Because of /with/with91.(因为)_ his help,I finish2.More roads will have to be built with more cars,2.More roads will have to be built with more cars,_(所以)(所以)well have less field to grow well have less field to grow rice.rice.thereforethereforeSo So as a result/consequence as a result/consequence thus thus 结果结果102.More roads will have to be b3.The rent is reasonable,3.The rent is reasonable,_,_,the the location location is perfect.is perfect.房租很合理,另外,位置也很好。房租很合理,另外,位置也很好。whats morewhats moremoreover/furthermoremoreover/furthermorein addition in addition besides besides 另外另外(递进)递进)113.The rent is reasonable,_4.The young man didnt enjoy his old job.4.The young man didnt enjoy his old job._(_(相反相反 )he finds the new job very he finds the new job very interesting.interesting.On the contrary,On the contrary,However,However,转折转折But/yet/whileBut/yet/while124.The young man didnt enjoy 5.5._(_(总之总之),we should make good use,we should make good use of computer.of computer.In generalIn generalIn a word/all in allIn a word/all in all总结总结In short/briefIn short/briefGenerally speakingGenerally speaking135._(总之),we should m6.6._(_(我认为我认为),students had better ,students had better not buy a cellphone.we should spend time not buy a cellphone.we should spend time and money on other more important things.and money on other more important things.As far as Im concernedAs far as Im concernedIn my opinion/its my opinion In my opinion/its my opinion thatthat个人观点个人观点I think/believeI think/believe146._(我认为),studen 劝说劝说性的性的书书信写作信写作文体分析文体分析文体分析文体分析劝说性的书信写作目的是向某个组织或个人提出提出劝说性的建性的建议的一种应用文体。先提出先提出建建议,随后给出充足的理由充足的理由劝说对方接受你的建方接受你的建议,提出的理由要合情合理,用词要恰当,既要委婉礼貌委婉礼貌,又要有有说服力服力。15 劝说性的书信 劝说劝说性的性的书书信写作信写作基本基本基本基本结结结结构和内容构和内容构和内容构和内容首先点明写信的目的是提点明写信的目的是提劝说性的建性的建议,然后讲清楚建清楚建议的事的事项、理由、具体建、理由、具体建议和措施和措施,最后再一次提出希望,礼貌再一次提出希望,礼貌结束全文。束全文。16 劝说性的书信写常用句型常用句型1.I1.I m writing to m writing to try totry to persuade you to.persuade you to.2.First of all,I think it would be better 2.First of all,I think it would be better if.if.3.Here I3.Here I d like to give my advice on./I d like to give my advice on./I would like to suggest that.would like to suggest that.4.If I were you,I would.4.If I were you,I would.5.I strongly hope that you can5.I strongly hope that you can6.In my opinion,you should6.In my opinion,you should7.Please take my advice into consideration and 7.Please take my advice into consideration and make a final decision.make a final decision.8.I will be more than happy to see 8.I will be more than happy to see improvements in this regard.improvements in this regard.17常用句型17黄金模板黄金模板Dear_,Gladtohearfromyou.IGladtohearfromyou.Imsorrytomsorrytohearthatyouhearthatyou_.I Imwritingtomwritingtopersuadeyoutopersuadeyouto_.Firstofall,Firstofall,IthinkitwouldbeIthinkitwouldbebetterif_.betterif_.SecondlySecondly,_.,_.LastLastbutnotleast,butnotleast,_._.IdohopeyoucantakemysuggestionIdohopeyoucantakemysuggestions intoconsiderationandmakeafinaldecision.intoconsiderationandmakeafinaldecision.Lookingforwardtoyourquickreply.Lookingforwardtoyourquickreply.Yours,LiHua18黄金模板18作文作文 假如你是李华,你的一个美国读书的笔假如你是李华,你的一个美国读书的笔友友JohnJohn给你写信,向你诉说他最近因身体不好而给你写信,向你诉说他最近因身体不好而影响学习,并坦言自己平时学习忙,很少锻炼。影响学习,并坦言自己平时学习忙,很少锻炼。请根据这一情况给他写一封劝说信,鼓励他积极请根据这一情况给他写一封劝说信,鼓励他积极锻炼身体,从而为更好地学习打下基础锻炼身体,从而为更好地学习打下基础 。19作文 19Dear John,Dear John,Glad to hear from you!I am sorry to hear thatGlad to hear from you!I am sorry to hear that you have been ill for days and hope you have got better you have been ill for days and hope you have got better now.now.I Im writing to persuade you tom writing to persuade you to take more exercise take more exercise after class.after class.You have studied so hard that you have had no You have studied so hard that you have had no time for exercise.But it is really harmful to your time for exercise.But it is really harmful to your health.health.First of all,First of all,exercise can improve your exercise can improve your physical condition and refresh your mind.physical condition and refresh your mind.Secondly,Secondly,after after one or two hours of exercise you can study better than one or two hours of exercise you can study better than now.I think only now.I think only if you if you have a strong body have a strong body can youcan you keep keep on studying without feeling bad or ill.on studying without feeling bad or ill.OtherwiseOtherwise,your,your study will be interrupted from time to time by sickness.study will be interrupted from time to time by sickness.I do hope you can take my suggestionI do hope you can take my suggestions/advices/advice into into consideration and make a final decision.consideration and make a final decision.Looking forward to your quick reply.Looking forward to your quick reply.Yours,Yours,Li Hua Li Hua20Dear John,Glad to hea212122/10/2922/10/29


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