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Lesson 8Marco Polo and the Silk RoadUnit 2 Its Show Time!Lesson1agegoodsjourneykingcoaldiscoverinventothern.年龄年龄n.商品,物品商品,物品n.旅行,旅程旅行,旅程n.国王国王n.煤煤v.发现,了解发现,了解v.发明,创造发明,创造adj.别的,其他的别的,其他的 Words agen.年龄 Words 21.To learn about Marco Polo 2.2.To learn some key words and useful expressions Objectives:Words:age,goods,Europe,Asia,journey,king,coal,discover,invent,otherPhrases:a man from,at the age of,learn about,bring backTo learn about Marco Polo Obje3Marco Polo was a Venetian merchant and traveller.Marco Polo was a Venetian merc4冀教版七年级英语下册Unit-2-Its-Show-Time!Lesson-8-Marco-Polo-and-the-Silk-Road课件讲义5马可马可波罗,波罗,1313世纪来自意大利的世界世纪来自意大利的世界著名的旅行家和商人。著名的旅行家和商人。1717岁时跟父亲和岁时跟父亲和叔叔,历时四年多到达元朝。他在中国叔叔,历时四年多到达元朝。他在中国游历了游历了1717年,曾访问当时中国的许多古年,曾访问当时中国的许多古城,到过西南部的云南和东南地区。在城,到过西南部的云南和东南地区。在狱中口述了大量有关中国的故事,其狱狱中口述了大量有关中国的故事,其狱友鲁斯蒂谦写下著名的马可友鲁斯蒂谦写下著名的马可波罗游波罗游记记述了他在东方最富有的国家记记述了他在东方最富有的国家中中国的见闻,激起了欧洲人对东方的热烈国的见闻,激起了欧洲人对东方的热烈向往,对以后新航路的开辟产生了巨大向往,对以后新航路的开辟产生了巨大的影响。的影响。马可波罗,13世纪来自意大利的世界著名的旅行家和商人。176Lets watch a video clip about Marco Polo.Lets watch a video clip aboutClick it.Click it.8Listen and tick the correct answers.1.At the age of _,Marco Polo went to China.A.twenty B.seventeen C.sixteen2.Marco Polo and his father moved goods between _.A.America and Asia B.Europe and Asia C.Europe and America1p21Listen and tick the correct an93.Marco Polo learned about _ in China.A.tea and paper B.coal and silk C.coal and paper3.Marco Polo learned about _10Answer the following questions.1.What country did Marco Polo come from?2.How did he and his brother travel?3.How long did his journey last?4.When did he travel to Beijing?5.What did he bring back to his home country?2p21 1.He came from Italy.2.They travelled on boats,horses and camels.3.His journey lasted about twenty years.4.He travelled to Beijing in 1275.5.He brought some coal,paper,a lot of silk,tea and other goods.Answer the following questions11goodscoalsjourneyhopediscovered3p21goodscoalsjourneyhopediscovere12Translate the phrases into English.1.在在.岁时岁时2.对对.陌生陌生3.把把.带回去带回去4.在在.之间之间5.骑骆驼旅行骑骆驼旅行at the age of.be new to.bring.back to.between.and.travel on camelsTranslate the phrases into Eng13Fill in the blanks.Marco Polo was a man from Italy._ 17,he _ along the Silk Road with his father and uncle.They moved goods _ Europe _ Asia on the Silk Road.Their journey lasted about twenty years!In 1275,Marco Polo travelled to Beijing.He _ the king and worked for him for 17 years.There he _ coal and paper.The Chinese _ coal and _ paper.Marco Polo _ some coal and paper _ to Italy.Marco Polo _ a famous book about his travels to China.At the age ofdiscoveredinventedbroughtbetweenandtravelledmetlearned aboutbackwroteFill in the blanks.Marco Po14Work in groups.What do you know about Marco Polo?Find more information about him and present it to the class.Task tips:Where was he from?How old was he when he came to China?What did he do in China?What amazing things did he learn about in China?How long did he stay in China?4p21Work in groups.What do you kn15Language points 161.at the age of 在在岁时岁时He retired at the age of sixty.他于他于60岁时退休。岁时退休。I began to write at the age of forty.我在四十岁起开始写作的。我在四十岁起开始写作的。1.at the age of 在岁时172.be new to 对对陌生陌生Im new to the job.我还不熟悉这份工作。我还不熟悉这份工作。Im new to this town.我还不熟悉这个镇。我还不熟悉这个镇。2.be new to 对陌生183.goods n.商品,货物商品,货物Money can be exchanged for goods or services.钱可以用来换取商品或服务。钱可以用来换取商品或服务。They are rather keen to purchase Chinese goods.他们渴望购买中国货。他们渴望购买中国货。3.goods n.商品,货物194.journey n.旅行,旅程旅行,旅程Life is a pleasant journey.人生是一次愉快的旅程。人生是一次愉快的旅程。My films try to describe a journey of discovery,both for myself and the watcher.我的电影试图为我自己也为观众描述一我的电影试图为我自己也为观众描述一个自我发现的心灵之旅。个自我发现的心灵之旅。4.journey n.旅行,旅程205.discover v.发现,了解发现,了解She discovered that theyd escaped.她发现他们已经逃跑了。她发现他们已经逃跑了。Who knows what they might discover?谁知道他们会发现什么谁知道他们会发现什么?5.discover v.发现,了解216.invent v.发明,创造发明,创造He invented the first electric(电动的电动的)clock.他发明了第一个电动机械钟。他发明了第一个电动机械钟。Did you invent this?这是你发明的?这是你发明的?6.invent v.发明,创造227.other adj.别的,其他的别的,其他的Where are the other books?其他的书在哪里?其他的书在哪里?Shes driving the car with one hand and wiping the window with the other.她一只手开车,一只手擦车窗。她一只手开车,一只手擦车窗。The other team is not strong at all.另一队根本不强壮。另一队根本不强壮。7.other adj.别的,其他的23Now 2 mins to test your spelling.1.English-Chinese age goods journey king2.Chinese-English 发现发现,了解了解 发明发明,创造创造 别的别的,其他的其他的When finished,exchange your papers to see who does the best.Now 2 mins to test your spelli241.People think _(年龄年龄)is important.2.Many dogs have been used to transport(运输运输)_(货物货物).3.Nancy _(旅行旅行)to the United States for the first time.4.Im the _(王王)of the world.5.I burnt(燃烧燃烧)_(煤炭煤炭)in this stove(火炉火炉).6.Can you help me _(找到找到)more music that Ill like?I.根据提示写出单词的正确形式。根据提示写出单词的正确形式。age goodsjourneyed king coal discover Quiz注注:word:word 文档文档点击此处链接点击此处链接1.People think _(年龄)is im257.I didnt _(创造创造)the story.Everything I told you is true.8.Do you have any _(别的别的)questions?9.As you listen to the dialog,you might hear some phrases that are _(对对陌生陌生)you.10.In most countries men are called up(应征入伍应征入伍)_(在在岁时岁时)eighteen.inventotherat the age of new to7.I didnt _(创造)the st261.吉姆八岁时学习骑马。吉姆八岁时学习骑马。2.他们将会乘坐骆驼旅行。他们将会乘坐骆驼旅行。3.我姐姐将会给我带一些光碟回来。我姐姐将会给我带一些光碟回来。4.对这个孩子来说,城市里的一切都是对这个孩子来说,城市里的一切都是新的。新的。5.这些商人经常在中国与俄罗斯之间运这些商人经常在中国与俄罗斯之间运送货物。送货物。II.Translate the sentences into English.1.Jim learnt to ride a horse at the age of 8.2.They will travel on camels.3.My sister will bring some CDs back for me.4.Everything in the city is new to the child.5.These businessman often move goods between China and Russia.1.吉姆八岁时学习骑马。II.Translate the27 Homework1.Find more information about Marco 2.Polo and present it to the class.2.Preview Lesson 9:Dannys School Project Homework Find more informa28


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