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典范英语7-08-危险的运动鞋课件Dangerous?2Dangerous?2Reading aloud P17-P253Reading aloud P17-P253Scary!How?tensePersonpowerful verbsonomatopoeias4Scary!How?tensePersonpowerful Plot AnalysisChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3IntroductionBuild-upClimaxResolution5Plot AnalysisChapter 1Chapter Introduction Chapter 1Build-up Chapter 16Introduction Build-up 6Climax Chapter 27Climax Chapter 27Resolution Chapter 38Resolution Chapter 38IntroductionBuild-upClimaxResolutionChapter 1Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Retellingbig,dangerous,hatemove,decide to stay awakego to the garden,hunt for food,carnivorousa bad dream,left them on the bus9IntroductionBuild-upClimaxResoHot SeatOur StoryChapter 210Hot SeatOur StoryChapter 210Our story begins like this.We know he hates us.He just will not shut up his mouth.He keeps saying we are horrible and dangerous.We gotta teach him a lesson Our StoryThe boyWe&annoyed,doubtfulsurprised,frightened11Our story begins like this.WeDiscussionDo you think the trainers really came to life,or was it a dream?Can you give reasons to support your opinion?If the trainers really had a life of their own,do you think they noticed they were spied on?Did you believe in mysterious things?Tell one mysterious story you know.12DiscussionDo you think the traWere you absorbed in your mates story?Did it make you feel it might be happening to you?Which one is more attractive to you,your mates story or the authors?Why?Can you tell your story again to make it more absorbing?13Were you absorbed in your mateVocabulary DevelopmentAbout Onomatopoeias thud(P3)stomp(P5)clump(P4)whump(P8)gulp(P21)burp(P22)crunch(P22)squeak(P31)14Vocabulary DevelopmentAbout OnAbout Walking clumping to(P4)heading this way(P5)marching down(P17)tip-toe down(P17)pitter-patters nearer(P24)15About Walking clumping to(P4)About Eating guzzle(P22)licks it up(P22)gobble(P23)munch(P27)nibble(P28)16About Eating guzzle(P22)16More VerbsI have to squash myself against the wall.(P4)My big brother throws himself into a chair.(P6)He props his big purple feet up on one another.(P6)Theyve got two big purple tongues that stick out at me.(P9)They are stomping down the garden path!(P19)They squeeze through the letter box.(P18)17More VerbsI have to squash mysWritingSuppose one object came to life and did some weird things.Write what you saw and heard.Try to make your story attractive with the words and expressions you have learned.Write a summary of this story in no less than 120 words.18WritingSuppose one object came


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