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Unit 3 Seeing a Doctor Part BUnit 3 Seeing a DoctorPart B1a lot of许多 词汇词汇a lot of词汇2open打开打开open打开3medicinemedicine4hospitalhospital5Whats wrong with you?I broke my leg.Whats wrong with you?I broke6Whats wrong with you?I have a headache.Whats wrong with you?I have 7Whats wrong with you?I have a toothache.Whats wrong with you?I have 8Whats wrong with you?I have a fever.Whats wrong with you?I have 9Whats wrong with you?I have a cold.Whats wrong with you?I have 10Whats wrong with you?I have a _.Whats wrong with you?I have 11headacheI have afeverheadacheI have afever12What does the doctor ask Ben to do?Listen and underline:You mustnt go to school.You must drink a lot of water.What does the doctor ask Ben t13Whats wrong with you?I have a cold.Whats wrong with you?I have a14Whats wrong with you?I have a backache.Whats wrong with you?I have a15Whats wrong with you?I have a headache.Whats wrong with you?I have a16Whats wrong with you?I have a stomachache.Whats wrong with you?I have a17Whats wrong with you?I have a fever.Whats wrong with you?I have a18Sentence LearningI have a _.headacheSentence LearningI have a _191.Unit 3 Where did you go?A Lets learnUnit 3 Where did you go?A Let20a.read a booka.talkeda.stayeda.watcheda.slepta.wasa.drankread a booktalkedstayedwatched21a.washed the clothesa.drank teaa.cleaned the rooma.had a cold a.watched TVa.A:What did you do the day before yesterday/yesterday/last weekend/?a.B:I.a.slepta.Pair worka.read a film magazinewashed the clothesdrank teacle22a.This is my microblog.You can see my daily life from it.()a.微博微博This is my microblog.You can 23a.Where did you go last Saturday?Where did you go last Saturday24a.:I went to a forest park.a./went/a.go-went:I went to a forest park./went25a.:What did you do there?a.I went fishing.a.went fishing:What did you do there?I went26a.went campinga.go campingwent campinggo camping27a.A:What did he/she do yesterday?a.B:He/She _.a.went fishinga.went swimminga.went hikinga.went shoppingA:What did he/she do yesterday28a.:Did you do anything else?a.Yes,I rode a bike and then I rode a horse.:Did you do anything else?Yes29a.rode a bikea.ride a bikerode a bikeride a bike30a.rode a horsea.ride a horserode a horseride a horse31a.:What happened then?a.Oh,I hurt my foot.a.hurt-hurt:What happened then?Oh,I hu32a.hurt my foota.hurt my foothurt my foothurt my foot33a.hurt my heada.hurt my handa.hurt my armhurt my headhurt my handhurt m34a.went campinga.slepta.dranka.rode a horsea.sawa.went fishing a.Catch the planeb.找飞机,看谁快找飞机,看谁快a.dida.rode a bikea.fixeda.hurt my footwent campingsleptdrankrode a h35a.A:Where did you go last weekend?b.B:I stayed at home.c.A:What did you do there?d.B:I _.a.watched TVA:Where did you go last weeken36a.A:Where did you go on your holiday?b.B:I went to Xinjiang.c.A:What did you do there?d.B:I _.a.rode a horseA:Where did you go on your hol371.Unit4a.Road safetyUnit 4 Road safety381.Introducea.T:How can you cross the road safety?b.S:We must look for a zebra crossing.c.We must look at the traffic lights and d.wait for the green man.See the red e.man,we mustnt cross the road.You f.can wait on the pavement.You g.mustnt play on the road.h.T:Well done.Now lets play a game.IntroduceT:How can you cross 391.Wordsa.look 【lka.动词,和at构成固定词组:look at,意为看.”b.eg:He is looking at the boys over there.他正在看那边的男孩。c.小练习:填上合适的介词:d.To keep safe,you can look _for cars and blkes.a.a.outWords look 【lk 动词,和at401.Wordsa.can 【kna.情态动词 ,表示:会、能.后跟动词原形b.eg:I can swim.我会游泳。a.小练习:单项选择:b.He can_ basketball well.c.A.plays B.playd.a.拓展:其否定形式can not=cant有时还表示请求、允许,或推测b.eg:Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?a.BWordscan 【kn情态动词 ,表示:会411.Wordsa.clean 【kli:n a.动词,解释为打扫;形容词,解释为干净的;b.eg:1.This is my clean room.这是我干净的房间。c.2.Lets clean our classroom.让我们打扫一下我们的教室。d.小练习:Be careful to keep yourself clean.e.Whats meaning of clean?f.清洁的Wordsclean 【kli:n 动词,解421.Expressionsa.Red man,stop.a.stop to do停下来去做某事;stop doing停下某事。b.eg:1Lets stop to have a rest.我们停下来歇会儿吧c.2Stop talking,please.Lets sing an English song.d.不要说话了,让我们唱支英文歌曲吧。e.小练习:英译汉:f.Now,stop talking.Class begins_g.不要讲话了,开始上课。Expressions Red man,stop.431.Expressionsa.You mustnt run quickly on the road.b.你不能在路上快速跑。a.quick是形容词,后修饰名词;quickly是副词后修饰动词。b.eg:The bus is coming,and you must be quick.c.车子过来了,你必须快点。d.Quickly,the bus is coming.e.快点,公交车来了。f.小练习:用所给词的适当形式填空:Be _(quick)!快点!a.quicklyExpressionsYou mustnt run qui441.Dialoguea.Red man,stop.Green man go!b.红灯停,绿灯走!c.What must you do on the road?d.在公路上你必须做什么?e.I must look out for cars.f.我必须小心汽车。g.Right!h.対了!DialogueRed man,stop.Green m451.Summarya.looka.cana.cleana.Red man,stop.a.What must you do on the road?SummarylookcancleanRed man,st461.Exercisea.词性转换a.1.cannot(缩写形式)_b.2.must not(缩写形式)_c.3.quick(副词)_ d.4.loud(副词)_a.cant a.mustnta.quickly a.loudlyExercise词性转换1.cannot(缩写形式)_471.Exercisea.词组互译a.1.踢足球_b.2.在路上跑_c.3.绿灯_d.4.快速跑_e.5.大声说话_f.6.在课上_a.play footballa.run on the roada.green man a.run quickly a.talk loudlya.in classExercise词组互译1.踢足球_48


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