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Unit 5 Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings.Section AUnit 5 Topic 3 八年级Unit5SectionA比赛课课件How do you feel after singing the song?I feel/am/get(excited,happy,relaxed)How do you feel after The earthquake in Tangshan,July 28,1976The earthquake in Tangshan,Ju01How do you feel after watching the video?I feel/am/getsadfrightenedworriednervous01How do you feel after watchiTeaching aims(教学目标教学目标):1.Learn some new words and phrases;(学会新单词和短语学会新单词和短语)2.Learn how to express our feelings;(学会怎样表达情绪学会怎样表达情绪)3.Learn how to comfort others and give suggestions.(学会怎样安抚别人并提出建议学会怎样安抚别人并提出建议)Teaching aims(教学目标):1.Learn 02 Free talk(自由发言自由发言):What things can make you have bad feelings?I feel _ because _.sadI lost my walletI am _ because _.worriedthe test is comingI get _ because _.disappointedmy parentsnever take me to the park02 Free talk(自由发言):Wha02Make a survey:(做调查)(做调查)Write down your problems and put them into the Problem Box.(写下你的问题,投入问题箱。写下你的问题,投入问题箱。)I feel/am/get _ because_.02Make a survey:(做调查)Write d021.What is Mr.Bean doing?2.How does he feel?02 What is Mr.Bean doing?八年级Unit5SectionA比赛课课件02test n.&v.测试,考查,试验测试,考查,试验1.What is Mr.Bean doing?He is having a test(进行测验进行测验).2.How does he feel?He feels nervous(感到紧张的)感到紧张的).New wordsnervous adj.焦虑的,惶恐的,神经质的焦虑的,惶恐的,神经质的02test n.&v.测试,考查,试验02What is Miss Gan doing?She is .(做演讲做演讲).speechn.演讲演讲giving a speech02What is Miss Gan doing?speec02Memory Challenge(记忆大挑战记忆大挑战)nervousspeechtestRound 1Remember the words in order.(按顺序记忆词汇按顺序记忆词汇)02Memory Challenge(记忆大挑战)nerv02nervousspeechtest02nervousspeechtest02give a speechget frightenedRound 2feel nervoushave a testMemory Challenge(记忆大挑战记忆大挑战)Remember the phrases in order.(按顺序记忆短语按顺序记忆短语)02give a speechget frightenedR02Round 2give a speechget frightenedfeel nervoushave a test02Round 2give a speechget frig03Listen and follow.What are they doing?How does Michael feel?He feels03Listen and follow.What are 03Listen and answer the questions.听对话,回答问题。听对话,回答问题。1.What is Michaels problem?2.What is Kangkangs suggestion?He feels nervous because he will give a speech.He suggests that Michael should listen to a CD about giving speeches and practice.03Listen and answer the questi03Michael is _ because he will give a _ tomorrow.Kangkang asks him to _ and believes Michael can do _.Kangkang also asks Michael to listen to a CD about _ speeches at Kangkangs house.Michael feels _ because of Kangkangs help.He thinks Kangkang is a good _.Read 1a and complete the passage.1cworriedspeechrelaxwellgivingrelaxedfriend(因为)(因为)(做得好)(做得好)03Michael is _ becauWatch the flash and follow it.(观看视频,跟读观看视频,跟读)Watch the flash and follow it.03Work in pairs and act 1a out.(两两人一人一组,表演,表演1a对话)奖品多多哦!奖品多多哦!03Work in pairs and act 1a out04Discuss in groups and give moresuggestions to Michael.(小组讨论,给迈克尔更多的建议小组讨论,给迈克尔更多的建议)Dont worry!/Relax!/Take it easy!You can/should/had better/need to Why notSentence patterns(给建议的句型给建议的句型):Relax!You can listen to a CD about giving speeches and then practice.04Discuss in groups and give m04You can take a deep breath(深呼吸深呼吸).You should have a good sleep.Youd better ask your teacher for help.You need to stay in a good mood.(保持好心情保持好心情)Why not watch a funny movie to relax?04You can take a deep breath(0 05 5I feel sad because I lost my wallet.ProblemSuggestionRelax!You should take care of your things./Take it easy!Why not ask the police for help?05I feel sad because I Problem0 05 5Group work:(小组活动)(小组活动)Each group chooses a problem and give some suggestions.(每组选择一个问题,集体讨论给出建议)Relax!/Dont worry!/Take it easy!You can/should/had better/need toWhy not05Group work:(小组活动)Each grou06SummaryWe have learnt(总结一下吧)(总结一下吧)1.express our feelings (表达情绪表达情绪)I feel/am/get fort others and give suggestions (安抚别人并提出建议安抚别人并提出建议)Relax./Dont worry./Take it easy.You can/should/had better/need to Why not06SummaryWe have learnt(总结一下吧)071.做演讲做演讲2.进行测试进行测试3.感到放松的感到放松的I.Translate the phrases.短语翻译短语翻译give a speechhave a testfeel relaxedExercises071.做演讲I.Translate the phras07.Fill in the blanks.根据汉语意思完根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。成下列句子。每空一词。1.考试之前我总是很紧张。考试之前我总是很紧张。I always _ _ before a test.2.因为一个月的努力,艳芳的数学考因为一个月的努力,艳芳的数学考试终于及格了。试终于及格了。_ _ one-month hard work,Yanfang passed the math exam finally.get nervousBecause of07.Fill in the blanks.根据汉语意思0 08 8Homework:Maria lost her way.Try to comfort her and give her some suggestions.08Homework:八年级Unit5SectionA比赛课课件Thanks for your listening!Thanks for your listening!Thanks for your listening!


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