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Reading:In Light of a Monkey Selfie 2018/6welcome!2018/6welcome!1全国英语优质课比赛一等奖阅读课课件2Paragraphs 1-3 1.Which sentence best describes this picture?2.How did this picture come into being?The best of images was a female macaque grinning grinning toothily into the lens.lens.A macaque got hold of Slaters camera and hit the button.problemParagraphs 1-31.Which senten3Paragraph 4 What made the picture return to the news?Wikimedia refusedSlaters request to take the photos down from Wikimedia Commons.?Paragraph 4 What made the 4Paragraph 5 Wikimedias opinioncopyright _ owns the copyrightno human authorhad NOT held the cameraset up the shotpressed the shutter buttonParagraph 5Wikimedias copyri5Paragraph 6 Questions to ponder1.What was Wikimedias opinion based on?2.Why is Justin Bieber mentioned here?*Find out the cases where the person who presses the button isnt the copyright owner.Paragraph 6 Questions to ponde6US Copyright Lawpress the buttonsurveillance camerassmart phoneslarge-scalephotography projectsThe boss set up the shothold the camerahold the cameraset up the shotset up the shotpress the buttonpress the buttonUS Copyright Lawsurveillance s7Paragraph 7 Questions to ponder1.How did Slater argue on this matter?2.Why did he think he should own the copyright of the monkey selfie?copyright Slaters opinion_ owns the copyrightHe himselfParagraph 7 Questions to pon8Paragraph 7 buying the camerabuying the cameratransporting himself to Indotransporting himself to Indonesianesiaallowing the monkey to“steal”his allowing the monkey to“steal”his cameracameraSlaters opinioncopyright _ owns the copyrightHe himselfLawParagraph 7buying the cameraS9Paragraphs 8-9*Identify the authors attitude towards this issue.*Find evidence in the text to support your idea.Paragraphs 8-9*Identify the 10Identify the authors attitudeBut But if if one one is is to to believe believe hishis own own way way of of telling telling the the story,story,Slater Slater didnt didnt ask ask the the monkeys monkeys to to take take the the selfies selfies and finally took the camera away.and finally took the camera away.If If that that seems seems unfair,unfair,think think about about this.this.If If a a person person left left her her laptop laptop in in a a caf,caf,and and a a poet poet picked picked it it up,up,opened opened up up a a word-processing word-processing program,program,andand typed typed out out a a poem poem which which turned turned out out to to be be the the best best poem poem of of this this generation,generation,could could she she ask ask for for much much more more than than her her laptop back?laptop back?Butdidnt ask the monkeys to take the selfies took the camera away.direct or indirect?cite an example Identify the authors attitude11Appreciation What expressions in this text are useful for expressing ones ideas or opinions?_AppreciationWhat expressions 12(1)According to.(2)In terms of.,.says.(3)The question that arose here was.(4)My position on this was clear:.(5)I believe in this case,.Application(1)According to.Applicati13 Present your point of view on this issue.Application*Which side are you on,Wikimedia or Slater?Or do you have a third-party stand?Please base your opinion on solid grounds.Group-work Present your point of view on14(1)According to.(2)In terms of.,.says.(3)The question that arose here was.(4)My position on this was clear:.(5)I believe in this case,.Application(1)According to.Applicati15*Have you ever come across copyright problems in your life?If you have,please write about it and state your point of view.*Try to follow the structure of argumentation.*You are welcome to use expressions in this article when you argue.Assignment*Have you ever come across co16Thank you very much!Thank you very much!17


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