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Inversion 倒装句倒装句 Inversion 倒装句倒装句 正常语序正常语序主语主语+谓语谓语倒装语序呢?倒装语序呢?正常语序主语正常语序主语+谓语倒装语序呢?谓语倒装语序呢?(1)The birds flew away.Away flew the birds.正常语序正常语序主语主语+谓语谓语前置成分前置成分+谓语谓语+主语主语倒装语序倒装语序完全完全(2)I have never seen this film.前置成分前置成分+助动词助动词+主语主语+谓语动词谓语动词Never have I seen this film.倒装语序倒装语序部分部分(1)The birds flew away.Away f倒装倒装全部倒装全部倒装之之倒装全部倒装之倒装全部倒装之1.一只小狗坐在房间外。一只小狗坐在房间外。lA little dog sits outside the room.l Outside the room sits a little dog.A small factory lies in south of the riverIn south of the river lies a small factory.2.一个小工厂位于小河的南面。一个小工厂位于小河的南面。(outside)(lie in)1.一只小狗坐在房间外。一只小狗坐在房间外。A cry came from the valley.From the valley came a cry.3.从山谷传来了哭声。从山谷传来了哭声。(valley)Conclusion 1:当当_ 置于置于_ 时,时,要用要用_ 倒装。倒装。地点状语地点状语句首句首 完全完全From the valley came a cry.3.1.On the top of the hill_ where I once visited the monk.A.a temple stands B.does a temple standC.a temple stands there D.stands a templeOn the top of the hill_ w2.Under the tree _ of eight years old.A.sat a little girlB.did a little girl sitC.a little girl was sittingD.a little girl sat2.Under the tree _ of eil3、Just in front of our house _ with a history of 1000 years.lA.does a tall tree stand lB.stands a tall tree.lC.a tall tree is standing lD.a tall tree stands 3、Just in front of our house _l4.At the foot of the mountain _.lA.a village lies lB.lies a village lC.does a village lie lD.lying a village4.At the foot of the mountainl我们学校旁边我们学校旁边有一条河。有一条河。A river lies_Next to our school_.next to our school.lies a river我们学校旁边有一条河。我们学校旁边有一条河。A river lies_铃响了。铃响了。公车来了。公车来了。There goes the bell.Here comes the bus.现在轮到你了。现在轮到你了。Now comes your turn!Up go the prices.价格上涨了。价格上涨了。Down sits Li Ming.李明坐下了。李明坐下了。全部倒装情形二:全部倒装情形二:Observation and thinking.There goes the bell.Here comesl那个男孩走开了。那个男孩走开了。lAway went the boy.l小孩子冲了出来。小孩子冲了出来。lOut rushed the children.Conclusion 2:当当_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_等等 副词副词置于置于_ 时,时,句子就用句子就用_.here there outinnowthenupdownaway句首句首全部倒装全部倒装off那个男孩走开了。?那个男孩走开了。?Conclusion 2:当当_,Away he went.Away went the time.Here is your letter.There she comes.补充结论补充结论当主语是当主语是_ 时,时,句子句子_.人称代词人称代词不用倒装不用倒装Away he went.Away went the tim1._ notebook that I promised you last year.A.Here is the B.Here are theC.Is here the D.Are here the2.Now _ your turn to keep guard.A.there is B.is goingC.comes D.has come 5 points for each_ notebook that I promis3.The students had just taken their seats,then _.A.the teacher come B.came the teacherC.the teacher comesD.comes the teacher3.The students had just taken 翻译句子翻译句子1.现在结果出来了。现在结果出来了。2.当你明白了的时候,时间已经溜走了。当你明白了的时候,时间已经溜走了。_ when you understood it.Now comes the result.Away went the time 翻译句子翻译句子1.现在结果出来了。现在结果出来了。2.当你明白了的时候,时间已当你明白了的时候,时间已全部倒装之三:全部倒装之三:【翻译句子翻译句子】(8 points for each)1.山顶上有一幢高楼。_on the top of the mountain.There is a tall building2.山顶上耸立着一座古塔._on the top of the mountain.There stands an ancient tower全部倒装之三:【翻译句子】(全部倒装之三:【翻译句子】(8 points for eac3.开平现存开平现存1833座碉楼。座碉楼。lThere _1833 watchtowers in Kaiping.exist3.开平现存开平现存1833座碉楼。座碉楼。exist一个老妇人独自一人住在小河边。一个老妇人独自一人住在小河边。_beside the river alone.There lives an old lady一个老妇人独自一人住在小河边。一个老妇人独自一人住在小河边。_Conclusion 3:此种倒装句的结构为:此种倒装句的结构为:There _主语主语是是there be 句型的变式。句型的变式。代替代替be动词的动词的动词还有动词还有:seem,happen,appear,rise,等。等。be/lie/exist/stand学习秘诀:学习秘诀:只需记住此种句型只需记住此种句型Conclusion 3:此种倒装句的结构为:此种倒装句的结构为:There _1.(2010江苏)Is everyone here?Not yet.Look,there_the rest of our guests!A.come B.comes C.is coming D.are coming2.(2009福建)For a moment nothing happened.Then_all shouting together.A.voices had come B.came voices C.voices would come D.did voices come3.(2009上海)Hearing the dog barking fiercely,away_.A.fleeing B.was fleeing the thief C.the thief was fleeing D.fled the thief4.(2012皖南八校)Out there,in the corner of the street,_ in long,dirty clothes.A.a woman sat B.sat a woman C.sitting a woman was D.a woman was sittingABDB1.(2010江苏江苏)Is everyone here?5.(2014淮南二模)Look!Out of the classroom_who hurry to catch the bus home.A.the children B.do the children rush C.rush the children D.are the children rushed6.(2011安徽密卷)The Great Hall of the People is heavily guarded,because inside its walls_from all over the country.A.where sit the representatives B.the representatives sit there C.that the representatives sit D.sit the representatives7.(2013池州)_a certain doubt among the people about how to prevent thick smog in big cities at present.A.There has B.It has C.It exists D.There existsCDD5.(2014淮南二模淮南二模)Look!Out of the l4)表语置于句首时,表语置于句首时,为了使上下文紧为了使上下文紧密衔接密衔接,常把表语放在句首常把表语放在句首,倒装结构为:倒装结构为:表语连系动词主语表语连系动词主语l出席晚会的有黄先生,张小姐和其他出席晚会的有黄先生,张小姐和其他的宾客。的宾客。lMr.H,Miss Zh and other guests are present at the party.l Present at the party are Mr.H,Miss H and other guests.4)表语置于句首时,为了使上下文紧密衔接表语置于句首时,为了使上下文紧密衔接,常把表语放在句首常把表语放在句首,l中国人被瞧不中国人被瞧不起的日子一去起的日子一去不复返了。不复返了。lThe days when Chinese were looked down upon are gone.Gone are the days when Chinese were looked down upon.中国人被瞧不起的日子一去不复返了。中国人被瞧不起的日子一去不复返了。Gone are the(2009江苏江苏)Distinguished guests and friends,welcome to our school._the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni(校友校友)from home and abroad.A.Attend B.To attend C.Attending D.Having attendedC(2009江苏江苏)Distinguished guests a 倒装句之形式倒装倒装句之形式倒装1.Though he was tired,he still went on with his work.Tired though he was,he still went on with his work.as2.Though they would search here and there,they could find nothing in the room.Search though/as they would here and there,they could find nothing in the room.表语的倒装表语的倒装谓语动词的倒装谓语动词的倒装 倒装句之形式倒装倒装句之形式倒装1.Thoug状语的倒装状语的倒装3.Though I studied hard,I could not make progress.Hard as/though I studied,I could not make progress.状语的倒装状语的倒装3.Though I studied hard,翻译翻译1.虽然他还是个小孩子,但他很努力虽然他还是个小孩子,但他很努力。Though he was a little child,he studied hard.Little child though/as he was,he studied hard.2.尽管他努力了,但考试还是通不过。尽管他努力了,但考试还是通不过。Though he might try,he didnt pass the exam.Try though/as he might,he didnt pass the exam.3.虽然我跑的很快,但还是错过了最后一班公交。虽然我跑的很快,但还是错过了最后一班公交。Though I ran fast,I missed the last bus.Fast though/as I ran,I missed the last bus.翻译翻译1.虽然他还是个小孩子,但他很努力。虽然他还是个小孩子,但他很努力。Though he高考链接高考链接1.(2011全国)Try_she might,Sue couldnt get the door open.A.if B.when C.since D.as2.(2009重庆)Unsatisfied _with the payment,he took the job just to get some work experience.A.though was he B.though he wasC.he was though D.was he though3.(2013池州)_,he talks a lot about his favourite singers after class.A.A quiet student as he may beB.Quiet student as he may beC.Be a quiet student as he mayD.Quiet as he may be a student.DBB高考链接高考链接1.(2011全国全国)Try_she might4.(2011江西)Much_he has a good taste forChinas football matches,he cant avoid beinginfluenced by the side effects of the footballgambling.A.that he claims B.does he claimC.Is it that he claims D.as he claimsD4.(2011江西江西)Much_he has a gThank you!See you!See you!


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