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Words精讲12Words精讲12distinction/dstkn/n.差别,区分,卓著=di-分离分离+-stinct-刺刺+-ion名名词词词词尾尾-把刺分开把刺分开-区分区分extinct(把刺拿出去把刺拿出去)adj.灭绝灭绝的的instinct(内在的刺激内在的刺激)n.本能,本性本能,本性sting n.刺刺stingy(像刺一像刺一样样小的心胸小的心胸)adj.小气的小气的make/draw a between A and B 区分区分A与与B之之间间的差的差别别tell the difference between A and Bdistinguish A from B distinct adj.清晰的;明清晰的;明显显的的 It is/obvious/evident that.很明很明显显.be /different from.in.在在.方面与方面与.不同不同22024/8/2distinction/dstkn/n.差别majority/mdrti/n.大半;大多数=maj大的大的+-or形容形容词词词词尾尾+-ity名名词词词词尾尾majestic adj.雄雄伟伟的,壮的,壮丽丽的的mayor n.市市长长be in the/a 占大多数占大多数The majority of students in our class _(be)hard-working.Its distinct that the majority of work_(have)been finished.the of+可名复可名复+V复复 the of+不可数不可数n.+V单单minor adj.较较少的,次要的少的,次要的minortiy n.少数,少数民族少数,少数民族32024/8/2majority/mdrti/n.大半;大多数=elect/lekt/v.选择,选举=e+lect(选择选择,收集收集)-选选出出collect(收集到一起收集到一起)v.收集收集,搜集搜集recollect(再次收集起再次收集起记忆记忆)v.回回忆忆,回想,回想neglect(没有没有选择选择)vt.忽忽视视,疏忽,疏忽select(采集到一起再采集到一起再进进行分离行分离)-v.选择选择,精,精选选intellect(之之间选择间选择一个最好的一个最好的)-n.才智非凡的人才智非凡的人;智力;智力 to do sth选择选择做做.elect sb(as)+职职位位election n.42024/8/2elect/lekt/v.选择,选举=e+lect(occur/k/vi.发生,存在,出现=oc+curr(流流,跑跑)事情跑事情跑过过来即来即为为“发发生生”,事情跑入事情跑入脑脑中即中即为为“想起想起”concur v.同意;同同意;同时发时发生生recur v.重重现现,再,再发发生生incur v.招致,引招致,引发发It s to sb that.某人想起某人想起 to do sth 某人想起做某人想起做.Sth s to sb(想法想法)突然出突然出现现在某人在某人脑脑海里海里It hits/strikes sb that某人突然想起某人突然想起 52024/8/2occur/k/vi.发生,存在,出现=oc+cindicate/ndket/vt.标示;表明;暗示=in-向内向内+-dic-说说,讲讲+-ate动词词动词词尾尾-里面里面说说,暗示,暗示addict(说说了了还说还说)vt.使沉溺;使上使沉溺;使上瘾瘾diction(说话说话状状态态)n.措措词词;用用语语dictum(说说的的话话)n.格言格言benediction n.祝福祝福 that 表明表明 sth to sb 向某人指出向某人指出indication n.62024/8/2indicate/ndket/vt.标示;表明apparently/prntl/adv.显而易见地apparent adj.显显而易而易见见的的It is/obvious that.是是显显而易而易见见的的72024/8/2apparently/prntl/adv.显而易hire/ha/v.租用;聘用hire sth/sb 租用某物租用某物/雇佣某人雇佣某人hire sth out出租某物出租某物82024/8/2hire/ha/v.租用;聘用hire sth/shire/employ/renthire短期租佣短期租佣employ 长长期雇佣期雇佣 sbrent长长期租用期租用 sthI took my driving license with me on holiday,in case I wanted to _a car.The cost of _ a house in central Xian in higher than that in any other area of the city.Its standard practice for a company like this one to _ a security officer.hire;renting;employ92024/8/2hire/employ/renthire短期租佣92023/reform/rif:m/v./n.改革=re+form(形状,形式形状,形式)-再形成再形成-改造改造perform=per(完全,完全,彻彻底底)+form-从从头头到尾做出形状到尾做出形状表演表演;执执行行conform(共同共同的形式的形式)v.一致;遵守一致;遵守 touniform(一种形状)一种形状)n.校服;校服;adj.统统一的一的transform(改(改变变形状形状)v.变变形,改造形,改造deform(使形状坏使形状坏)vt.使成畸形;使使成畸形;使变变形形economic/political/educational 经济经济/政治政治/教育改革教育改革reformation n.102024/8/2reform/rif:m/v./n.改革=re+grasp/grsp/vt./n.抓住,掌握 sb by the arm/hand 抓住某人的胳膊抓住某人的胳膊/手手within ones 在某人的控制之中在某人的控制之中beyond ones 为为某人所不能理解某人所不能理解112024/8/2grasp/grsp/vt./n.抓住,掌握 immigrant/mrnt/n.移民=im-入入,向内向内+-migr-迁移迁移+-ant名名词词词词尾尾immigrate v.移入移入immigration n.emigrant (从本国移往他国的从本国移往他国的)移民移民migrant n.候候鸟鸟,移居者移居者 workers 外来工外来工122024/8/2immigrant/mrnt/n.移民=im-boom n.繁荣 vi.处于经济迅速发展时期economic boom经济经济繁荣繁荣baby boom婴婴儿潮儿潮132024/8/2boom n.繁荣 vi.处于经济迅速发展时期ecovice n&adj/代理;副职 president 副副总统总统 chairman 副主席副主席 manager 副副经经理理vice versa 反之亦然反之亦然142024/8/2vice n&adj/代理;副职 presidecivil/svl/adj.公民的,民间的,国内的city 城市城市citizen 市民;公民市民;公民citizenship n.公民公民权权利利/身份身份civil war 内内战战 civil servant 公公务员务员civilian n.平民,百姓平民,百姓civilize v.使开化,使文明使开化,使文明civilized adj.文明的,开化的文明的,开化的civilization n.文明文明152024/8/2civil/svl/adj.公民的,民间的,国内authority/rt/n.权威;权力author 创创造者,作家造者,作家auth=auct=aug增加增加auction 拍拍卖卖augment v.增加,增加,扩扩大大August 八月;奥古斯特八月;奥古斯特august(加加强强权权力和地位的力和地位的)adj.威威严严的的162024/8/2authority/rt/n.权威;权力aulive on 继续生存,靠.生活live by 靠(手段、方式)生活靠(手段、方式)生活live a.life过过着着.生活生活live through经历经历.而幸存而幸存live up to符合符合;不辜负不辜负live with忍受;与忍受;与.一起生活一起生活172024/8/2live on 继续生存,靠.生活live by lMozart was dead but his music lives _.Had she live up _her promise,she would have made it to Yale University.As you go through this book,you will find that each of the millions of people who lived _ World War II had a different experience.The couple lived _ happy life after they settled into the life in CaliforniaI was aware that I could live _ selling products on the net.ontothroughaby182024/8/2Mozart was dead but his music by means of 用.办法;借助All possible means _(have)been tried,but not every means _(have)worked.all means+V复复 every means+V 单单in this way/manner=with this method=by this means用用这这种方法种方法by all means 当然可以当然可以by no means 决不(句首要倒装决不(句首要倒装)192024/8/2by means of 用.办法;借助All possi-Can I use your computer for a while?-_,I dont use it at present.By all means_shall I make an apology to him.After all he was at fault.By no means202024/8/2-Can I use your computer formake a life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等It was a comfort to know their daughter made a life there.=make a living=earn a living谋谋生生come back to life苏苏醒醒过过来,恢复生机来,恢复生机come to life变变得更有趣,活得更有趣,活跃跃bring.back to life使使.苏苏醒醒过过来来212024/8/2make a life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等It Many people who live along the coast _(谋谋生生)in fishing industry.make/earn a livingWith the help of several doctors,the boy finally _(苏苏醒醒过过来来).came back to life222024/8/2Many people who live along thekeep up 坚持;维持;保留keep up with不落后,跟得上不落后,跟得上keep off不靠近不靠近keep on(doing)继续继续(做(做keep back阻止了;抑制阻止了;抑制keep out(of)阻止进入;不卷入阻止进入;不卷入232024/8/2keep up 坚持;维持;保留keep up withkeWhen something unusual happens to me,my teacher always encourages me to keep _a good state of mind.upWhere he once felt like giving up,he now has the determination to push further and keep _going.onShe was unable to keep _ her tears,and wept freely.back242024/8/2When something unusual happensback to back 背对背heart to heart 心心贴贴心地心地face to face 面面对对面地面地head to head 交交头头接耳接耳shoulder to shoulder肩并肩肩并肩hand in hand手拉手手拉手arm in arm臂挽臂臂挽臂step by step逐渐地逐渐地252024/8/2back to back 背对背heart to heartteam up with 与.合作或一起工作come up with提出提出(建建议议、想法等、想法等)end up with以以.结结束束fill up with装装满满,充,充满满catch up with赶上赶上put up with忍受忍受keep up with跟上跟上262024/8/2team up with 与.合作或一起工作come umark out 用线画出范围,标出.界限Many streets in this city _(已已经经被被标记标记出来出来)have been marked out272024/8/2mark out 用线画出范围,标出.界限Many stake inThe plants have taken in abundant nutrition from under the ground.包括;吸收包括;吸收Apparently she took Tom in completely with her story.欺欺骗骗282024/8/2take inThe plants have taken itake inWhen taking in the meaning of a new word,youd better mark it out.领领会;理解会;理解It occured to me that I could take in a stray animal.收留,收养收留,收养292024/8/2take inWhen taking in the meanIm occupied in writing and cant take _what youre saying.inBriggs will take _ as general manager when Mitchell stops working.overWith the reform pushing,the village takes _ a new look.onPeter will take _ his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month.up302024/8/2Im occupied in writing and catake intake on呈呈现现;雇佣,承担;雇佣,承担take advantage of利用利用take.for granted认为认为.理所当然理所当然take over接管,接任接管,接任take up占据;开始从事占据;开始从事take away拿走拿走312024/8/2take intake ontake over312023/a great/good many 许多,很多a great/good many+可名复可名复+V复复A great many applicants _(send)their photos and certificates to several companies at present.are sendingLarge amounts of money_(be)spent in building the cafe.amounts of/quantities of+不可名不可名+V复复322024/8/2a great/good many 许多,很多a great修修饰饰可数可数many/many a/a great many/a large number of修修饰饰不可数不可数much/a great deal of/a large amount of/amounts of修修饰饰可数可数/不可数不可数a lot of/lots of/a quantity of/quantities of/plenty of332024/8/2修饰可数332023/8/19apply for 申请apply to do sth申申请请做做.apply oneself to(doing)sth专专心于心于(做做)某事某事apply.to将将.应应用于;把用于;把.涂抹到涂抹到.上上 apply to适用于适用于 342024/8/2apply for 申请apply to do sthap


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