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Unit 5 Travelling abroadUnit 5 Travelling abroad1 Do you like traveling?If you could go anywhere in the world,which country would you like to visit?Why?Warming up Do you like traveling?If y2The Pyramids 埃及金字塔埃及金字塔The Pyramids 埃及金字塔3The Grand Canyon 美国大峡谷美国大峡谷The Grand Canyon 美国大峡谷4Great Barrier Reef 澳大利亚大堡礁澳大利亚大堡礁Great Barrier Reef 澳大利亚大堡礁5New Zealand 新西兰新西兰New Zealand 新西兰6London BridgeLondon BridgeLondon Bridge7United States(New York&San Francisco)United States(New York&San 8 Vancouver温哥华温哥华 Vancouver温哥华 9Triumphbogen凯旋门凯旋门France(Paris)Eiffel Tower Triumphbogen凯旋门France(Paris)E10Roman Colosseum罗马竞技场罗马竞技场 (Italy)Roman Colosseum11Italy(Venice威尼斯威尼斯)Italy(Venice威尼斯)12Japan(Fujiyama富士山富士山)Japan(Fujiyama富士山)13Taj Mahal泰姬陵泰姬陵India Taj Mahal14What should we take into account before we decide to travel abroad?Travel abroadMoney ID cardTransportation Local conditions and customsAccommodation Weather Make plansApply for a visaWhat should we take into accou15 We have more and more opportunities to travel or study abroad.Travelling helps us learn a lot about local customs and broaden our views.So,quite a few people try to study abroad.We have more and more 16Do you want to go abroad for a further study?Pre-readingDo you want to go a17Oxford UniversityOxford University18Cambridge UniversityCambridge University19Princeton University普林斯顿普林斯顿大学大学 美国政治家的摇篮美国政治家的摇篮 3333位诺贝尔奖得主位诺贝尔奖得主 Princeton University美国政治家的摇篮 20Harvard UniversityHarvard University21Yale University 总统的摇篮总统的摇篮Yale University总统的摇篮22Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院麻省理工学院 科技宠儿的摇篮科技宠儿的摇篮 Massachusetts Institute of Tec23What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a foreign country?What are the advantages and di24 Advantageswould be easier to learn a foreign languageeasier to learn advanced knowledge and technologylearn a lot about local customs and broaden our viewsfun to live in a new country.relaxing get rid of anxietyhave many new experiencesDisadvantagesdifficult to communicate with otherswill cost a lot of money.may be tiring to live in a new country.must look after oneself.Advantageswould be easier 25 Everyone will meet all kinds of difficulties in life,we should face them bravely,adjust ourselves to the new situation and challenge ourselves constantly.人教选修7-Unit-5-Keep-it-up-课件26 What do you think a Chinese student will find different from studying at a Chinese university?What do you think a Chines27 Keep it up,Xie LeiChinese student fitting in well Keep it up,Xie LeiReadin28The main idea of the whole text.It mainly talks about the Chinese student Xie Leis _ _ _ _,especially about some _ she gets as well as some _ she faces while studying in London.benefitsdifficulties university study and life(30words)Fast reading:The main idea of the whole tex29The main idea to each paragraph.Para.1:Xie Lei,a Chinese girl,is studying in a foreign country-London.Para.2:The general introduction to Xie Lei and her studyPara.3:The difficulties Xie Lei met while living in London.Para.4:The advantages of living with a host family.The main idea to each paragrap30Para.5:Xie Lei is getting used to the Western Universitys way of learning.Para.6:Xie Lei feels much more at home in England now and is living an active life.Para.7:The newspaper will follow Xie Leis progress in later editions.Para.5:Xie Lei is getting us31 Read paragraph 1 and choose the best answer.1)1)WhichoneistrueaboutXieleiinpara1?WhichoneistrueaboutXieleiinpara1?A.ShewenttoLondonbytrainA.ShewenttoLondonbytrainB.B.ThiswasnotherfirsttimetogoabroadThiswasnotherfirsttimetogoabroad C.ShehadbeeninLondonforhalfayearC.ShehadbeeninLondonforhalfayearD.ShewasnotwillingtogotoLondonD.ShewasnotwillingtogotoLondon.Detailed reading Read paragraph 1 and choos32 Read para.2 and 3 and tell whether the following are true or false1.Xie Lei came to the university to complete a science qualification.2.At first,Xie Lei didnt get used to the life in London,now she gets used to it.business Read para.2 and 3 and tel33Benefits of doing a preparation course 1.to learn how to _ _ _ Western academic requirementsget used toof living with a host family 1.to learn more about _ _ _ 2.to ask my host family_ _ the new culturefor help of having a tutor 1.to explain about why you cannot _what other people had said without _them.2.to _ you to express your own ideas.writeacknowledgingencourageRead Para 4 andPara 5Benefits of doing a preparati34Difficulties at the university1.learning to read _ texts and _what you had read.2._ones own opinions and explaining the _.differentanalyzegivingreasonof a new way of life1.finding a _ between study and a _.2.making new _.balancesocial lifefriendsDifficulties at the university35 Read Para 6 and 7 and Underline(划出)划出)the following phrases.1.感到像在家一样感到像在家一样_2.忙于做某事忙于做某事 _3.在学习和社交之间有一个平衡在学习和社交之间有一个平衡 _4.跟踪某人的进展跟踪某人的进展_5.希望某人一切都好希望某人一切都好_6.应该取得成功应该取得成功_ feel at homebe occupied with sth.have a balance between study and social lifefollow ones progresswish sb.all the best deserve to succeed Read Para 6 and 7 and Underli361 Answer these questions about the text.Comprehending 1.What is Xie Lei in England for?How long has she been in England?She is in England to study at a university.Shes been in England for six months.1 Answer these questions about372.Why is she doing a preparation course first?Because studying in England is different from studying in China and she needs to learn about these differences and improve her English.2.Why is she doing a preparat383.Why did Xie Lei feel like a child when she first arrived in England?Because she has to learn how to do everyday things like using a telephone,paying on a bus,finding her way around a strange city;understanding English as spoken in real life;learning how to write essays acceptable to her British lecturer.3.Why did Xie Lei feel like a394.Which two types of people have helped Xie Lei most since she came to England?The host family and her teachers.5.Why has Xie Lei decided to join a few clubs?Because she thinks its important to have a balance between study and a social life,and she wants to make new friends.4.Which two types of people h401.What kind of person do you think Xie Lei is?Find evidence in the article to support your opinion.2.In groups,discuss the following questions.1.What kind of person do you 41I think Xie Lei is an excellent diligent girl,she can face difficulties bravely and she has firm determination,she studies well and has already made progress.Evidence:1.“Its not just study thats difficult.You have to get used to a whole new way of life.”I think Xie Lei is an excellen422.“When I miss my family,its a great comfort to have a substitute family to be with.”3.“I have been so occupied with work that I havent had time for social activities.”人教选修7-Unit-5-Keep-it-up-课件43 2 Why do you think the reporter used some direct speech in the article?The writer used direct speech to show that he got the information in the article from Xie Lei herself.It also makes the article more interesting and gives some insight into Xie Leis character.2 Why do you think the report443 Where do you think this article might have been published?It may have been published in a student newspaper/magazine or in a small local newspaper.3 Where do you think this arti454.In groups,make a list of problems that the article mentions Xie Lei had when she first went to England.Add two or three other problems she might have had.4.In groups,make a list of p461)She didnt know how to use the phone,how to pay on the bus,how to ask a shopkeeper for things she didnt know the English for.2)When she got lost and had to ask a passer-by for directions,she didnt always understand.The problems mentioned in the article:1)She didnt know how to use 471)Cant understand the expressions others say.2)Miss her family.3)Unable to adapt to different teaching methods.(ask host family for help)(live with a host family)(be confident and give your opinion)Possible problems she might have and solutions:1)Cant understand the expres484)How to have a balance between study and a social life.(join some university clubs and meet people you have things in common with)4)How to have a balance betwe49 Xie Lei is a_girl,who went to London to complete a _ _.She tried to _ _ _ a whole new way of life there.Unlike some of the students who live in student accommodation,she lives with a _ _.SummaryChinese business qualificationget used tohost family Xie Lei is a_girl,wh50When writing the essay,Xie Lei has some difficulties in understanding her tutor,but she finally _ the idea and her marks _.She says its important to have a balance _ study and a social life and hopes to _ _ _.acceptimprove betweenmake many friendsWhen writing the essay,acc51HomeworkUnderline the words,phrases or sentences that you dont understand.HomeworkUnderline the words,p52 谢蕾,再接再厉谢蕾,再接再厉中国学生适应能力强中国学生适应能力强 六个月前,谢蕾告别了她在中国的家人和朋友,登上了前往伦敦的飞机。六个月前,谢蕾告别了她在中国的家人和朋友,登上了前往伦敦的飞机。这是她第一次离开自己的祖国。课间休息时我在学生餐厅碰到正排队的谢这是她第一次离开自己的祖国。课间休息时我在学生餐厅碰到正排队的谢蕾,她告诉我说:蕾,她告诉我说:“拿到签证后我很激动,因为我很久以前就梦想着能有拿到签证后我很激动,因为我很久以前就梦想着能有这么一天,但是我又非常紧张,因为我不知道我所期望的是什么。这么一天,但是我又非常紧张,因为我不知道我所期望的是什么。”谢蕾今年谢蕾今年2121岁,来我们大学上学,希望获得工商管理资格证书。大多数外岁,来我们大学上学,希望获得工商管理资格证书。大多数外籍学生在申请学位课程之前都要学习一年预科,而谢蕾已经读完半年了。籍学生在申请学位课程之前都要学习一年预科,而谢蕾已经读完半年了。她非常看重预科课程。她说:她非常看重预科课程。她说:“预科课程非常有益。在这儿学习跟在中国预科课程非常有益。在这儿学习跟在中国学习是相当不同的。你必须事前做些准备。学习是相当不同的。你必须事前做些准备。”“困难不仅仅只在学习方面,你还必须习惯一种全新的生活方式,在一开困难不仅仅只在学习方面,你还必须习惯一种全新的生活方式,在一开始的时候这就会占去你的全部精力,始的时候这就会占去你的全部精力,”谢蕾解释说。她在中国时一直居住谢蕾解释说。她在中国时一直居住在同一座城市。她还告诉我,几乎每件事她都得重新学习。她说:在同一座城市。她还告诉我,几乎每件事她都得重新学习。她说:“有时有时候我觉得自己像个小孩似的,我得学习如何使用电话,乘公交车时该怎样候我觉得自己像个小孩似的,我得学习如何使用电话,乘公交车时该怎样付款,在商店买东西时如果不知道商品的英文名字时,又怎样问店主。当付款,在商店买东西时如果不知道商品的英文名字时,又怎样问店主。当我迷路不得不向过路人问路时,经常听不懂他们说的话。他们说的话不像我迷路不得不向过路人问路时,经常听不懂他们说的话。他们说的话不像我们在听力磁带上听到的那样,我们在听力磁带上听到的那样,”谢蕾说着笑了。谢蕾说着笑了。谢蕾,再接再厉53 谢蕾同房东一家人住在一起,他们给了她许多建议。虽然有些外国学生住在学生宿舍谢蕾同房东一家人住在一起,他们给了她许多建议。虽然有些外国学生住在学生宿舍或公寓房里,但是有些学生选择寄宿在英国人的家中。有的房东家也许会住着其他大或公寓房里,但是有些学生选择寄宿在英国人的家中。有的房东家也许会住着其他大学生,跟这样的人家住在一起会给她提供机会,更好地了解新的文化。学生,跟这样的人家住在一起会给她提供机会,更好地了解新的文化。“当我听到我当我听到我不理解的成语时,我可以向房东家里的人请教,不理解的成语时,我可以向房东家里的人请教,”谢蕾解释说。谢蕾解释说。“还有,当我想家的还有,当我想家的时候,房东家就是我家的替身,和他们在一起给了我很大的安慰。时候,房东家就是我家的替身,和他们在一起给了我很大的安慰。”谢蕾的预科课程帮助她熟悉了西方大学里的学术方面的要求。她对我说:谢蕾的预科课程帮助她熟悉了西方大学里的学术方面的要求。她对我说:“我还记得我还记得我交给导师的第一篇论文。我在网上找到一篇文章,看来跟我所需要的信息恰好一样。我交给导师的第一篇论文。我在网上找到一篇文章,看来跟我所需要的信息恰好一样。于是我就那篇论文写了一篇小结性的文章,修改了草稿,然后交给了导师。我原以为于是我就那篇论文写了一篇小结性的文章,修改了草稿,然后交给了导师。我原以为我会得到高分的,结果只得了一个我会得到高分的,结果只得了一个E E。我非常吃惊!于是去找导师理论,想换个分数。我非常吃惊!于是去找导师理论,想换个分数。他告诉我说,首先,我不能把别人的话写下来而不表示感谢。此外,他认为,别人的他告诉我说,首先,我不能把别人的话写下来而不表示感谢。此外,他认为,别人的想法并不是最重要的。他想要知道的是我所想的是什么。这倒把我弄糊涂了,因为我想法并不是最重要的。他想要知道的是我所想的是什么。这倒把我弄糊涂了,因为我认为该文作者所知道的比我多得多。导师给我解释说,我得阅读大量的、有关不同观认为该文作者所知道的比我多得多。导师给我解释说,我得阅读大量的、有关不同观点的文章,并进行分析。然后,在我的论文中,我得表明我自己的观点,并且引用别点的文章,并进行分析。然后,在我的论文中,我得表明我自己的观点,并且引用别的作者的观点来说明为什么我相信我的观点。最后,他甚至鼓励我反驳我读过的那些的作者的观点来说明为什么我相信我的观点。最后,他甚至鼓励我反驳我读过的那些作者的观点!起初,我缺乏信心,而现在我开始懂得了,并且我的分数也已经有所提作者的观点!起初,我缺乏信心,而现在我开始懂得了,并且我的分数也已经有所提高了。更重要的是,我现在是一个自主学习者。高了。更重要的是,我现在是一个自主学习者。”谢蕾告诉我说,现在她在英国感到自在多了。以前看似很奇怪的事,如今觉得似乎很谢蕾告诉我说,现在她在英国感到自在多了。以前看似很奇怪的事,如今觉得似乎很正常了。正常了。“我还有一件事要做,我一直忙于学习,以至于没有时间参与社会活动。我我还有一件事要做,我一直忙于学习,以至于没有时间参与社会活动。我认为在学习与社会生活之间的平衡也是很重要的,所以我打算参加几个俱乐部,我希认为在学习与社会生活之间的平衡也是很重要的,所以我打算参加几个俱乐部,我希望会结识一些新朋友。望会结识一些新朋友。”关于谢蕾的进步,我们将在今后几期报纸中做跟踪报道。同时我们衷心祝愿她学业有关于谢蕾的进步,我们将在今后几期报纸中做跟踪报道。同时我们衷心祝愿她学业有成。她是应该取得成功的。成。她是应该取得成功的。谢蕾同房东一家人住在一起,他们给了她许多建议。虽然有些外国54


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