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M3U2 Writing PracticeBilian High School Zhu zhanghaoM3U2 Writing PracticeBilian Hi1Its common for us to eat out nowadays,then what aspects(方面方面)will you consider when choosing a restaurant?A balanced diet,good service delicious/tasty foodreasonable pricespleasant environment Its common for us to eat out 2Come and eat here!Come and eat here!3Come and eat in Wang Pengs restaurant!Come and eat in Yong Huis restaurant!Your choice?Come and eat in Wang Pengs re4MenuRice,Raw vegetables,Fruit,waterMenu Barbecued mutton kebabs Roast pork,Stir-fried vegetables,Fried-rice,Cola,Ice cream+=New menuRaw vegetables with the hamburgersBoiled potatoesIce cream with fresh fruitMenuMenu Barbecued mutton keba5As a result,their balanced diets became a great successThey provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre which is of great benefit to your health.Penghuis RestaurantLi chang:“Nothing is better than their menu.”Offering balanced diets,the restaurant enjoyed great success.As a result,their balanced di6 Li Chang,a regular customer in their restaurant,witnessed the change and development of it.One of his friends Jack asked him about famous restaurant in his area.Li wrote a letter to recommend(推荐推荐)Penghuis Restaurant.Writing:A letter of RecommendationDear Jack,_ Yours Li ChangPara1.knowing that you Id like to recommendPara2.reasons Para3.ending Li Chang,a regular cu7The restaurant I recommend is Penghuis restaurant because they provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre.Penghuis restaurant,in my opinion,is a good choice because they combine their ideas and offer balanced diets.As for well known restaurant,I recommend their restaurantPara1Id like to recommend Penghuis restaurant,which is very popular in our community.The restaurant I recommend is 8他们提供平衡膳食,这对我们健康有益。他们提供平衡膳食,这对我们健康有益。They provide balanced diets and they do good to our health.They provide balanced diets which bring us lots of benefits.They provide balanced diets which are beneficial to our health.They provide balanced diets which are of great benefit to our health.他们提供平衡膳食,这对我们健康有益。They provide9没有什么比提供平衡膳食更重要的没有什么比提供平衡膳食更重要的1.It is the most popular restaurant in our area/community._than theirs in our area._(因他们的平衡膳食而著名因他们的平衡膳食而著名),it is the most popular restaurant in our area/community.No other restaurant is more popular Well known for their balanced dietsNothing is more important than having a balanced diet.Para2 State your reasons没有什么比提供平衡膳食更重要的1.It is the mo102.With extra discount and affordable price,surely you will understand why they are so popular.With _,surely you can_.3.a balanced diet,good service,nice environment (not only,but also)Whats more,they will offer discount from time to time.With so many tasty dishes,surely you can choose whatever you likeWith good service and pleasant environment surely the restaurant can/will impress you a lot.2.With extra discount and aff11表递进:表递进:.Whats more,.MoreoverFurthermoreBesidesIn additionMost importantlyTip:Whats more,besides,furthermoreThey will help you present your ideas more clearly.表递进:.Whats more,.MoreoverF12Dear Jack,Im glad to know you and your family are coming to my place for a visit.As for famous restaurant here,I believe Penghuis is an ideal choice._ Looking forward to your arrival soon!Best wishes,Li ChangYou try:write the second partReasonsDear Jack,You try:write the s13Dear Jack,Im glad to know you and your family are coming to my place for a visit.As for famous restaurant here,I believe Penghuis is an ideal choice.With all kinds of delicious dishes,it is a typical restaurant where you can have a balanced diet.You can not only receive excellent service but also enjoy the story of owners and how they changed their menus.Whats more,its clean environment will impress you a lot and the warm and friendly atmosphere will make you feel at home.Looking forward to your arrival soon!Best wishes,Li ChangsampleDear Jack,sample14Homework:Polish your writing.Homework:151.新闻特写则是用形象的事实说话。它常常抓住事物有特征的一面进行描述,比消息更细腻、更生动、更形象。2.由于新闻特写的画面感特别强,因此常给读者以身临其境的感受。3.“花香蝶自来,题好一半文”,一篇文章有一个好的标题,就像一个人有一双明亮有神的眼睛一样,留给别人的是将是十分美好而深刻的印象,同时也是文学修养,语言功底,思想魅力的最直接的流露,从考试的角度来说,更是作文质量高底的一杆标尺。4.对于话题作文的拟题我们一定要多一些有针对性的训练,掌握一定的技巧,达到需要应用时信手拈来,出语不俗的效果,感动自己,征服读者。5.这些根据材料提供的话题,进一步挖深、提炼出来的题目,源源源于材料而高于材料,加进去个体的感悟与理解,充满了理性的光辉,于平凡中见奇倔,也是很多喜欢定议论文的同学拟题一种好方法,很有思想深度。6.路在脚下,更在心中,“前方转弯”的路牌不是要你停下,而是提醒你该转弯了,心随路转,心路常宽。让思维转弯是人生的智慧,因为挫折往往是转折,危机同时也是转机。7.自主性是天才的基本特征。正如居里夫人所说:“我们每个人都有能力干好一件事。”古今中外,多少仁人志士以自主为经,以勤奋为纬,编织成功。8.生存于宇宙间,同顶烈日炎炎,共沐明月清辉,我不比别人多,也不比别人少。只要勇于展示自己的个性与风采,我就没必要仰视任何人。1.新闻特写则是用形象的事实说话。它常常抓住事物有特征的一面16


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