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Unit 5 My FamilyUnit 5 My FamilyPart APart AUnit 5 My Family字母大战快速反应字母大战FADhIBOkPFamilyFADhIBOkPFamilyFamilyFamilyUnit 5 My FamilyUnit 5 My FamilyPart APart AUnit 5 My Family闽教版小学英语三年级上册Unit5-My-Family-Part-Appt课件闽教版小学英语三年级上册Unit5-My-Family-Part-Appt课件闽教版小学英语三年级上册Unit5-My-Family-Part-Appt课件闽教版小学英语三年级上册Unit5-My-Family-Part-Appt课件闽教版小学英语三年级上册Unit5-My-Family-Part-Appt课件闽教版小学英语三年级上册Unit5-My-Family-Part-Appt课件闽教版小学英语三年级上册Unit5-My-Family-Part-Appt课件闽教版小学英语三年级上册Unit5-My-Family-Part-Appt课件Unit 5 My FamilyUnit 5 My FamilyPart APart AUnit 5 My FamilyWe are a We are a familyfamily.We are a family.Who is Who is hehe?He He is is Who is he?He is Who is Who is SheShe?SheShes s Who is She?Shes hehe他sheshe她What can you find?What can you find?你发现了什么?你发现了什么?s s小提醒:小提醒:sheshe(她)(她)比比 hehe(他)(他)多了多了字母字母s s,s s 就像女生头上扎的马尾辫。就像女生头上扎的马尾辫。he他she她What can you find?s小提醒:Whos he?He is _.Whos he?He is _.Whos she?She is _.Whos she?She is _.Whos he?He is _.Whos he?He is _.Whos he?He is _.Whos he?He is _.Whos he?He is _.Whos he?He is _.24可编辑24可编辑Whos she?She is _.Whos she?She is _.Whos She?She is _.Whos She?She is _.Whos he?He is _.Whos he?He is _.Whos he?He is _.Whos he?He is _.Whos she?She is _.Whos she?She is _.Who is Who is hehe /she she?Who is he/she?I.Listen and闽教版小学英语三年级上册Unit5-My-Family-Part-Appt课件Who is Who is hehe?He is BenHe is BenWho is he?He is BenI.Listen Who is Who is sheshe?She is KateShe is KateWho is she?She is KateI.List?How does Sally introduce them?How does Sally introduce them?.Listen follow and find.?Ho?Hes my Hes my brotherbrother,Ben.Ben.Listen follow and find.?He?Shes my Shes my sistersister,Kate.Kate.Listen follow and find.?Shebrotherbrothersistersisterandandbrothersisterandbrotherbrothersistersisterandandbrothersisterandsistersisters ssisters brother,brother,brother I love my brother.sister,sister,sister I love my sister.siChant:siq queenueenqueenr rabbitabbitrabbitF Fa am mi il ly yFatherFathermother,mother,andandI love you!I love you!FamilyFathermother,andI love ySpeakingSpeaking A:Whos he?A:Whos he?B:Hes.B:Hes.A:Whos she?A:Whos she?B:ShesB:Shes同桌两人或前后桌四人一个小组,用所带图片进行自由问答。Speaking A:Whos he?1.1.听课文听课文36-3736-37面三遍并跟读。面三遍并跟读。2.2.完成活动手册完成活动手册29-3029-30面。面。Homework1.听课文36-37面三遍并跟读。HomeworkThank you,Bye!47可编辑47可编辑


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