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课件含本单元相关音视频课件含本单元相关音视频 人教版人教版(PEP)(PEP)五年级英语上册五年级英语上册What can you do?Part A(Lets try&Lets talk)Unit Four音视频音视频课件含本单元相关音视频人教版(PEP)五年级英语上册Wh Main scene Main scene点点击击图图片片,播播放放视视频频或点击此处播放视频 Main scene点或点击此处播放视频RevisionFree talkT:What can you do on the weekend?S1:I can wash my clothes.S2:I can.RevisionFree talkT:What can yoLook and sayWhat can they do?They can _.sing English songsShe can _.danceHe can _.do kung fuwonderfulLook and sayWhat can they do?TPresentation Lets try Lets tryLead in:Well have an English next Tuesday!partyWell=We willPresentation Lets tryLead inWhat can Mike do?Listen and tick.What can Mike do?Listen and ti听力原文听力原文Chen Jie:Hi,Mike.Well have an English party next Tuesday!Mike:Great!I like parties!Chen Jie:What can you do for the party?Mike:I can draw pictures.Chen Jie:Its time for English class.Get ready!听力原文Chen Jie:Hi,Mike.Well h Lets talk Lets talkPresentationMike can draw pictures for the party.Task 1:Listen and think.What can Zhang Peng do for the party?What can John do for the party?Lets talkPresentationMike cTask 2:Watch and answer.点点击击图图片片,播播放放视视频频或点击此处播放视频Task 2:Watch and answer.点或点击此Check the answers.Zhang Peng can sing English songs.John can do some kung fu.Check the answers.Zhang Peng句型结构:主语句型结构:主语+will+will+动词原形动词原形+其他其他(表将来的时间)表将来的时间).拓展拓展:Well=We will=We shall知识点1 Will引导的一般将来时引导的一般将来时课文原句:课文原句:Well have an English party next Tuesday.Well have an English party next Tuesday.Language points例句:例句:Zhang Peng and John will play basketball tomorrow afternoon.We will have a meeting tomorrow.句型结构:主语+will+动词原形+其他(表将来的时间).句型结构:问句句型结构:问句 What can+What can+主语主语+动词原形动词原形+其他其他?答语答语 I/We can+I/We can+动词原形动词原形+其他其他.例句:例句:What can you do?I can play the pipa.知识点2 询问对方能做什么的句型询问对方能做什么的句型课本原句:课本原句:What can you do for the party,children?What can you do for the party,children?I can sing English songs.I can sing English songs.特别提醒特别提醒:can 后面的后面的动词用原形。动词用原形。句型结构:问句 What can+主语+动词原形+其他?“How about.?”“How about.?”意为意为“怎么样?怎么样?”常用于引出常用于引出话题后,询问别人的情况怎么样。话题后,询问别人的情况怎么样。知识点3 “How about you?”的用法的用法课本原句:课本原句:How about you,John?How about you,John?例句:例句:I can draw cartoons.How about you?.Sorry,I cant.同义句:同义句:How aboutyou?=What about you?=And you?“How about.?”意为“怎么样?”常用于引出人教版五年级英语上册Unit4-What-can-you-do优秀课件(含音视频共6课时)50-25PracticeWhat can you do?I can sing and dance.PracticeWhat can you do?I can Exercise连词成句。连词成句。1.do can the What she for party (?)2.do I can kung fu some (.)3.next We have English will an Monday party (.)What can she do for the party?I can do some kung fu.We will have an English party next Monday.Exercise连词成句。1.do can tSummary听、说、认读)词汇:听、说、认读)词汇:well,party,next,wonderful What can you do for the party?I can sing English songs 句子:句子:你掌握了吗你掌握了吗?Summary听、说、认读)词汇:well,party,人教版五年级英语上册Unit4-What-can-you-do优秀课件(含音视频共6课时)50-25人教版人教版(PEP)(PEP)五年级英语上册五年级英语上册What can you do?Part A(Lets learn&Do a survey)Unit Four人教版(PEP)五年级英语上册What can you doWarm-up点点击击图图片片,播播放放视视频频 Lets sing或点击此处播放视频Warm-up点 Lets sing或点击此处播放视频 Lets doRun,run,I can run.Jump,jump,I can jump.Draw,draw,I can draw.Read,read,I can read.Swim,swim,I can swim.Fly,fly,I can fly.Lets doRun,run,I can run.PresentationLets learnLets learn点点击击图图片片,播播放放视视频频或点击此处播放视频PresentationLets learn点或点击此处播 Lead inThe animals are reading the notice(通知)(通知).Christmas is coming.圣诞节快到了。Well have a party next Tuesday.下周二我们将要举行一场表演。Lead inThe animals are readinWhat can you do for the party,children?What can you do for the party,What can you do?I can sing English songs.What can you do?I can sing En单数单数:sing an English song Amy can sing English songs well.单数:sing an English song Amy caWhat can you do?I can do kung fu.What can you do?I can do kung短语短语:do Chinese kung fu 练中国武术练中国武术 He can do kung fu.短语:do Chinese kung fu 练中国武术 HeWhat can you do?I can dance.What can you do?I can dance.现在分词现在分词:dancing短语短语:sing and dance 唱歌跳舞唱歌跳舞现在分词:dancing短语:sing and dance What can you do?I can play the pipa.What can you do?I can play th短语短语:play the guitar 弹吉他弹吉他用法用法:play 后接乐器时要加定冠词后接乐器时要加定冠词the。短语:play the guitar 弹吉他用法:play What can you do?I can draw cartoons.What can you do?I can draw 短语短语:draw pictures 画画画画短语:draw pictures 画画PracticeMake a sentence.Talk with your partner.I can .I can ,too.dancedancePracticeMake a sentence.Talk w Do a survey Do a surveyAsk your partners special skills,then fill in the form.What can you do?I can draw cartoons.I can do some kung fu,too!Step one:Ask your partner.Do a surveyAsk your partnersWhat can you do?I can sing English songs.What can you do?I can sing EngThen fill in the form.Zhang PengPartnerAPartnerBdo some kung fuplay the pipasing English songs dancedraw cartoonsotherThen fill in the form.Zhang Pe Exercise 1.Chen Jie can d_.2.Oliver can d_ c_.3.John can d_ k_ f_.4.Amy can s_ E_ s_.5.Zhang Peng can p_ t_ p_.ancerawartoonsounguingnglishongslayheipa根据首字母提示完成句子。根据首字母提示完成句子。Exercise 1.Chen Jie can d_(听、说、认读、写)词汇:(听、说、认读、写)词汇:dancesing English songsplay the pipado kung fudraw cartoons句子:句子:What can you do?I can draw cartoons.你掌握了吗你掌握了吗?Summary(听、说、认读、写)词汇:你掌握了吗?Summary人教版五年级英语上册Unit4-What-can-you-do优秀课件(含音视频共6课时)50-25人教版人教版(PEP)(PEP)五年级英语上册五年级英语上册What can you do?Part A(Lets spell)Unit Four人教版(PEP)五年级英语上册What can you doRevision What can you do?I can.Free talkRevision What can you do?FreeLets chant Im going to the zooIm going to the zoo.Im going to look at the animals.You can come too.I m going to the zoo.Im going to the zoo.Im going to play football.You can come too.Lets chant Im going to the zLook,this is a good storybook.Its about a fooball player.Lead in Look,this is a good storybooLook,so many balloons.Theyre in the zoo.Look,so many balloons.Theyre Lets spellLets spellPresentationStep 1:Read and listenLets spellPresentationStep 1:点点击击图图片片,播播放放视视频频Step 2:Watch and find或点击此处播放视频点Step 2:Watch and find或点击此处播放你发现规律了吗?你发现规律了吗?booklookfootballgoodballoonnoodlesfoodzoo你发现规律了吗?booklookfootballgoodba字母字母发音及口型发音及口型发音要领发音要领例词例词oo good lookfoodzoo发音时声带振动。发音时声带振动。舌后缩,舌后部舌后缩,舌后部向软腭高高抬起,向软腭高高抬起,双唇呈小圆口型,双唇呈小圆口型,并向前突出。并向前突出。舌尖不触下齿,舌尖不触下齿,舌后部向软腭抬起,舌后部向软腭抬起,舌身后缩,双唇收舌身后缩,双唇收圆,稍向前突出。圆,稍向前突出。字母发音及口型发音要领例词 Listen,circle and say.Listen,circle and say.Step1:Look and listen.Look,listen and write.goodfoodI make_ _.You_ _.look cool I have a _ _.football book Step1:Look and listen.Look,Look at your book.It is good.I eat noodles in the afternoon and see a balloon.Step 2:Talk show Look at your book.It is good.IExercise()1.book foot()2.cook look ()3.too zoo ()4.good food()5.afternoon balloon()6.football noodles判断读音是否相同判断读音是否相同Exercise()1.book f字母组合字母组合oooo的发音规律的发音规律1.1.发音:发音:/u u/u:/u:/2.2.发音要领:发音要领:/u u/:舌尖不触下齿,舌尖不触下齿,舌后部向软腭抬起舌后部向软腭抬起,舌身后缩舌身后缩,双双唇收圆唇收圆,稍向前突出。稍向前突出。/u:/u:/:发音时声带振动。舌后缩,发音时声带振动。舌后缩,舌后部向软腭高高抬起,双唇呈舌后部向软腭高高抬起,双唇呈小圆口型,并向前突出。小圆口型,并向前突出。你掌握了吗你掌握了吗?Summary字母组合oo的发音规律你掌握了吗?Summary人教版五年级英语上册Unit4-What-can-you-do优秀课件(含音视频共6课时)50-25人教版人教版(PEP)(PEP)五年级英语上册五年级英语上册What can you do?Part B(Lets try&Lets talk)Unit Four人教版(PEP)五年级英语上册What can you doRevisionFree talkWhat can you do?I can.and.RevisionFree talkWhat can you Lets tryLets try Lead inPresentationCan you.?你会你会吗?吗?I can sing.Can you sing?I can draw cartoons.Can you draw cartoons?Lets try Lead inPresentationCan he do any kung fu?Yes,he can.Can he do any kung fu?Yes,heCan Mike do any kung fu?Listen and tick.Can Mike do any kung fu?Liste听力原文听力原文Zhang Peng:We have a PE class at 2 oclock.Mike:Yes.Its kung fu today.Its cool but I cant do it.Can you?Zhang Peng:Yes,I can.I will help you!Mike:Thanks.听力原文Zhang Peng:We have a PE clNo,I cant.no problemanyNew wordsCan you do any kung fu?No problem.Today well learn some kung fu.Cool!learnNo,I cant.no problemanyNew woPresentation Lets talk Lets talk Lead in:Johns class are having PE class now.The PE teacher is talking with the children.Lets listen together and know something about their talking.Presentation Lets talk Lead Task 1:Listen and think.What can John do?Can Oliver do any kung fu?Task 1:Listen and think.What 点点击击图图片片,播播放放视视频频Task 2:Watch and check the answer.或点击此处播放视频点Task 2:Watch and check the ancheck the answer.He can do some kung fu.No,he cant.What can John do?Can Oliver do any kung fu?.check the answer.He can do somTask 3:Listen and fill in the blanks._Task 3:Listen and fill in the Language points句型结构:问句句型结构:问句 can+can+主语主语+动词(短语)原形动词(短语)原形+其他其他?答句答句 Yes,I/we can./No,I/we cant.Yes,I/we can./No,I/we cant.例句:例句:Can you speak English?Yes,I can.知识点1 询问对方是否会做某事的句型询问对方是否会做某事的句型课本原句:课本原句:Can you do Can you do anyany kung fu,John?kung fu,John?Yes,I can.Yes,I can.句中的句中的“any”用于疑问句和用于疑问句和否定句中,后接可数名词的否定句中,后接可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词。复数形式或不可数名词。Language points句型结构:问句 can+主这句话在这里表示安慰,意为这句话在这里表示安慰,意为“没关系没关系”。知识点2 “No problem”的用法的用法课本原句:课本原句:No problem.No problem.拓展:拓展:用来表示同意或愉快地回答请求,意为:没问题;小事一桩。用来表示同意或愉快地回答请求,意为:没问题;小事一桩。can you help me get that box?can you help me get that box?Yes,No problem.Yes,No problem.用来表示有能力做某事,意为:没问题;不在话下。用来表示有能力做某事,意为:没问题;不在话下。Can you make a kite?Can you make a kite?No problem.No problem.这句话在这里表示安慰,意为“没关系”。知识点2 “No 用来表示安慰(也说用来表示安慰(也说 Thats no problem),Thats no problem),意为:没问题;那不成问题。意为:没问题;那不成问题。I dont have many apples.I dont have many apples.(ThatsThats)no problem.no problem.用来表示安慰(也说 Thats no problem)Can you do it.cook sing English songs speak English do some kung fumake a puppet/robot/.sing the birthday songCan you do it.cook sing EPractice Group workI can cook the meals.I can cook the meals.Sorry,I cant.Sorry,I cant.I cant cook the I cant cook the meals.Can you?meals.Can you?Who canWho can?Practice Group workI can cook I canI canI cantI cantWho canWho can?Fill in the form.I canI cantWho can?Fill in thExercise()1.can you do?A.Who B.What C.Where()2.you cook?A.Can B.Are C.can()3.Can Peter do kung fu?A.some B.a C.any()4.Well some kung fu.A.to learn B.learn C.learningBACB单项选择单项选择Exercise()1.can y(听、说、认读)词汇:(听、说、认读)词汇:learn、any、problem、no problem句子:句子:Can you do any kung fu John?Yes,I can./No,I cant.你掌握了吗你掌握了吗?Summary(听、说、认读)词汇:你掌握了吗?Summary人教版五年级英语上册Unit4-What-can-you-do优秀课件(含音视频共6课时)50-25人教版人教版(PEP)(PEP)五年级英语上册五年级英语上册What can you do?Part B(Lets learn&Write and say)Unit Four人教版(PEP)五年级英语上册What can you doWarm upplay a gameWhat can you do?击鼓传花击鼓传花教师敲击桌子,学生传彩球,教师停止敲桌教师敲击桌子,学生传彩球,教师停止敲桌子时彩球传到哪位学生的手里,哪位学生就子时彩球传到哪位学生的手里,哪位学生就站起来与教师进行对话,如:站起来与教师进行对话,如:T:What can you do?S:I can.Warm upplay a gameWhat can youPresentationLets learnLets learnWhat can she do?She can swim.Can you swim?肯定回答肯定回答 Yes,I can.否定回答否定回答 No,I cant.PresentationLets learnWhat ca 现在分词:现在分词:swimming Do you like swimming in the sea?短语短语:go swimming 现在分词:swimming Do you like swWho is he?Hes Ma Long.Can he play basketball?No,he cant.He can play ping-pong.Who is he?Hes Ma Long.Can h 同义词:同义词:table tennisLets play ping-pong.同义词:table tennisLets play piWhat can he do?He can play basketball.He is a good basketball player.What can he do?He can play bas 拓展:拓展:play football 用法:用法:play 后接球类运动单词时不加定冠词后接球类运动单词时不加定冠词the 拓展:play football 用法:play 后接球类Can you.?playfootballbasketballping-pongvolleyballCan you.?playfootballbasketbWhat can they do?They can cook.Can you cook?What can they do?They can cook 短语:短语:cook food 做饭做饭 一词多义:一词多义:cook n.厨师厨师Everyone should learn to cook.短语:cook food 做饭 一词多义:cook n.What are they doing?They are talking about something in English.What are they doing?They are t 联想:联想:speak Chinese 说汉语说汉语 We sometimes speak English after class.联想:speak Chinese 说汉语 We somet点点击击图图片片,播播放放视视频频Lets learn或点击此处播放视频点Lets learn或点击此处播放视频Write and sayWrite and saycan cant(Step 1):fill in the form.(What you can do and cant do)draw cartoonsspeak Englishplay ping-pongplay basketballswimsing play the pipaspeak Chinesedo kung fudanceWrite and saycan cant(Step 1(Step 2):Talk about your special talents with partners.I can sing songs.I can speak English.I can play ping-pong,but I cant play basketball.What can you do?Practice(Step 2):Talk about your specI can cook.I can dance.I can do some kung fu.I cant sing songs.What can you do?I can cook.I can dance.I can Exercise()1.speak English 说英语说英语()2.cook 烹饪烹饪()3.play basketball 踢足球踢足球()4.swim 游泳游泳()5.play ping-pong 打乒乓球打乒乓球判断正误。判断正误。Exercise()1.speak EnglishSummary (听、说、读、写)词汇:(听、说、读、写)词汇:cook、swim、play basketballplay ping-pongspeak English你掌握了吗你掌握了吗?句子:句子:Can you swim?Yes,I can.Summary(听、说、读、写)词汇:cook、swim、人教版五年级英语上册Unit4-What-can-you-do优秀课件(含音视频共6课时)50-25人教版人教版(PEP)(PEP)五年级英语上册五年级英语上册What can you do?Part B(Read and write&Lets check&Lets wrap it up)Part C(Story time)Unit Four人教版(PEP)五年级英语上册What can you doRevisionWhat can you do?I canI canI canI cansing English songsdo some kung fudanceplay the pipadraw cartoonsswimspeak Englishplay basketballplay ping-pongcookdancesing English songsspeak Englishplay ping-pongCan you think more?RevisionWhat can you do?I cansPresentationRead and writeRead and writeLead inRobin wants to make friends with us.Do you want to be his friend?Heres an email from him.Lets see what he can do?want 要;想要要;想要email 邮件邮件 PresentationRead and writeLead Skimming(略读课文)Task1:Read the text quickly and fill in the blanks.Robin is a _.He is_and_.funnyfriendlyrobotTip1:SkimmingTask1:Read the Intersive reading (精读课文)Task 2:Read carefully,then ask the questions,finally judge the sentences true or false.Tip2:Intersive readingTask Q1:What can Robin do?Then ask the questions.speak Chinese do kung fu play ping-pongspeak English Q1:What can Robin do?Then ask Q2:What cant Robin do?swimcant请根据实际情况帮忙补充其他请根据实际情况帮忙补充其他Robin Robin 不会做的事情。不会做的事情。cant drinkcant eatcant play the pipaQ2:What cant Robin do?swimcanWhat can Robin do?Tick or crossFinally judge the sentences true or false1.()He can speak English.2.()He can play basketball.3.()He cant play ping-pong.4.()He can swim.5.()He can do some kung fu.TFFFTWhat can Robin do?Tick or croDo you want to be Robins friend?Write three sentences about yourself.1、I can_.2、I cant_.3、_.sing English songscookI can play ping-pong1、I can_PracticeRepeat the text:I m Robin.Im_and_.I can_.I can_,butI cant_.friendlyfunnyspeak English and Chinese.do some kung fuplay ping-pongswimPracticeRepeat the text:I m RLets checkLets checkListen and tick or cross.play basketballplay ping-pongJohnZhang PengLets checkListen and tick or 听力原文听力原文 John:I can play basketball.Can you,Zhang Peng?Zhang Peng:No,I cant.John:What can you do?Zhang Peng:I can play ping-pang.Can you?John:Yes,of course!Zhang Peng:Lets play ping-pang together!John:Great!听力原文 John:I can play basketbFill in the blank.Zhang Peng and John can _together.play ping-pongFill in the blank.Zhang Peng Lets wrap it upLets wrap it upLook and write.Lets wrap it upLook and writeCan you play the_?Can you play_?footballpipaCan you play the_?Can youLanguage points(1 1)play+play+球类球类例如:例如:play basketballplay basketball play football play football(2 2)play+the+play+the+乐器乐器例如:例如:play the pianoplay the piano play the erhu play the erhu(3 3)play+with+play+with+人人/物品物品例如:例如:play with my friend.play with my friend.知识点知识点 play的多种用法的多种用法Language points(1)play+球类知识点 ExampleI can play baseball.I can play the guitar.ExampleI can play baseball.I cExercise 英汉互译。英汉互译。1.a new friend_2.send me an Email_3.既友好又幽默既友好又幽默_4.说中文说中文_一个新朋友一个新朋友给我发一封邮件给我发一封邮件friendly and funnyspeak ChineseExercise 英汉互译。1.a new friend_Story timeStory time点点击击图图片片,播播放放视视频频或点击此处播放视频Story time点或点击此处播放视频(听、说、认读)词汇:(听、说、认读)词汇:want、send、email、at了解掌握了解掌握playplay的多种用法。的多种用法。你掌握了吗你掌握了吗?Summary(听、说、认读)词汇:你掌握了吗?Summary人教版五年级英语上册Unit4-What-can-you-do优秀课件(含音视频共6课时)50-25温馨提示本单元相关音视频文件请前往链接:https:/ 提取码:035p免费下载请将下载的音视频文件与本课件存放于当前同一文件夹中,以保证音视频能正常播放。点击删除此绿块返回首页返回首页温馨提示点击删除此绿块返回首页


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