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Unit 6 Work quietly!Part BLets learn&Look,match and say人人 教教 PEP 版版 英英 语语 五五 年年 级级 下下 册册Unit6PartBLetslearn&LooCan you read the words?what whenwhowaitwellcan where whoseweather white wall quiet Warm upCanyoureadthewords?whatAct out.My name is Tom.Whats your name?Shh.Talk quietly.Im John.I can show you the English books.Thanks.Here they are.Ok.Can I read the books here?Yes.Of course.Anything else?Yes.Keep your desk clean.Ok,I will.Thanks.Tom:John:Tom:John:Tom:John:Tom:John:Tom:Actout.MynameisTom.WhatsLead inWhat are the rules in the library?Talk quietly.LeadinWhataretherulesintPresentation小声讲话Presentation小声讲话Anything else?Keep you desk clean.Anythingelse?Keepyoudeskcl保持你的课桌干净保持某种状态保持你的课桌干净保持某种状态靠右靠右Can I use your pen?Can I use your pen?OK.Take turns.按顺序来CanIuseyourpen?CanIuseyRead after the tape.Can we use your crayons?Keep to the right.Keep your desk clean.Talk quietly.OK.Take turns.Talk quietly,please.Lets learnReadafterthetape.Canweuse【详解】该句为祈使句。祈使句主要用来表达请求、命令、建议、叮嘱或祝愿等。它的主语多是 you(通常省略)。Language pointsKeep your desk clean.e.g.Keep quiet.Keep silent!句型结构:行为动词原形+其他.【详解】该句为祈使句。祈使句主要用来表达请求、命令、建议、叮祈使句的句式:类类 型型例例 句句行为动词引导的祈使句 Sit down!Come in!Be 引导的祈使句,后常加形容词 Be careful!Be quiet!Let引 导 的祈使句 Lets+动词原形.表 建议,“我们”Lets have a rest.Lets go out and play football.Let us“让我们”,表示希望得到对方允 许Let us buy you a drink.Let us go.祈使句的句式:类型例句行为动词引导的祈使句SitdoLook for pictures based on phrases.Keep to the right.Keep your desk clean.Talk quietly.LookforpicturesbasedonphrWhats missing?Whatsmissing?I say you do.Keep your desk clean.Talk quietly.Keep to the right.Isayyoudo.KeepyourdeskclAct the dialogue.Can we use your crayons?Keep to the right.Keep your desk clean.Talk quietly.OK.Take turns.Talk quietly,please.Actthedialogue.CanweuseyoPractice1.He is talking in the library.A.Keep to the right.2.We are playing a game.B.Talk quietly.3.She is colouring at her desk.C.Take turns.4.They are writing in class.D.Keep your desk clean.5.They are walking on a bridge.E.Work quietly.Look,match and sayHe is talking in the library.Talk quietly.Practice1.HeistalkinginI want to knowNo rules,no circle.-Mencius不以规矩,不能成方圆。-孟子Please follow the school rules!请遵守学校的规则!IwanttoknowNorules,nocir保持某种状态靠右按顺序来 顺序小声说话 听音乐一、汉译英。Exerciseskeepkeep to the righttake turnsturntalk quietlylistening to music保持某种状态靠右一、汉译英。Exerciseskeep()1.Are you from China?.A.Yes,I am.B.Yes,I do.C.No,I dont.()2.Please turns.A.takes B.taking C.take()3.What is Grandma doing?.A.She is sleeping.B.She sleeps.C.She is sleep.二、单项选择。ACA()1.AreyoufromChina三、连词成句。1.on a are they walking bridge(.)_2.is talking the he library in(.)_ 3.we your use crayons can(?)_ They are walking on a bridge.He is talking in the library.Can we use your crayons?三、连词成句。onaaretheywalkingbSummary七彩课堂 伴你成长学习了下列短语:keep to the right,keep your desk clean,talk quietly,take turns等。Summary七彩课堂学习了下列短语:keeptot七彩课堂 伴你成长HomeworkAct the dialogue out and show it to your parents.Do“Look,match and say”with your friends.Talk about the rules and write a short passage.ONETWO七彩课堂HomeworkActthedialogueUnit 6Work quietly!PEP五年级下册习题课件习题课件Unit6Workquietly!PEP五年级下课时课时5PartB5PartB Lets learnLook,match and say课时5PartBLetslearnLoo提示提示:点击点击 进入习题进入习题四四二二三三一一提示:点击进入习题四二三一一、根据图片写序数词。1.2.Keep_.Talk_.3.4.Keep_._ turns.to the rightquietlyyour desk cleanTake一、根据图片写序数词。totherightquietly二、单项选择。()1.We are talking in the library._A.Talk quiet!B.Talk loudly!C.Talk quietly!C二、单项选择。C()2.Im_an email.A.writing B.writeing C.write()3.This toy box is for you._it clean.A.Do B.Have C.KeepAC()2.Im_anemail.A()4.Can we play music with you?OK._.A.Take turns B.Take turnC.Takes turnsA()4.Canweplaymusicwit()5._he do any kung fu?A.DoB.CanC.Is点拨:点拨:空格后面的动词是空格后面的动词是do,排除,排除C;he是第三人是第三人称单数,助动词用称单数,助动词用does,排除,排除A;can是情态动词,是情态动词,不因主语变化而变化,故选不因主语变化而变化,故选B。B()5._hedoanykung三、给下列句子选择相应的图片。()1.We often see this sign on the street.It means,“Dont park your car here.”()2.We often see this sign in the museum.It means,“Dont take photos here.”CF三、给下列句子选择相应的图片。CF()3.We often see this sign in the park.It means,“Dont ride your bike here.”()4.We often see this sign in the zoo.It means,“Dont feed the animals.”BE()3.Weoftenseethissign()5.We often see this sign on the bus or the underground.It means,“Dont eat or drink here.”()6.We often see this sign in the library.It means,“Be quiet.”AD()5.Weoftenseethissign四、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Its Sunday.Yang Ling and Nancy are in the library.They want to read some books.There are some signs(标志)on the wall of the library.The signs mean different things.()1.Yang Ling and Nancy are in the library.()2.They want to buy some clothes.TF四、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。TF()3.There are some pictures of beautiful flowers and green plants on the wall of the library.()4.You can eat and drink in the library.()5.You cant run or play in the library.FFT()3.Therearesomepicture


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