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2.I can understand the story and act the story.我能理解对话内容并表演对话。我能理解对话内容并表演对话。1.I can talk about TV shows.我会谈论电视节目。我会谈论电视节目。3.I wont watch too much shows play more with my parents and friends.我将少看电我将少看电视,多陪视,多陪伴父伴父母和朋友。母和朋友。Learningaims学习目目标2.I can understand the story 1 TV TV 2 TV shows 电视节目电视节目 TV shows 3 From this show we can see the reports(报道报道)of all kinds of sports.Lets guess!(猜一猜猜一猜)sports shows 体育节目 From this show we can see 4 They are a great way to relax(放松放松).Lets guess!(猜一猜猜一猜)variety shows 综艺节目 They are a great way to rel5 We can see in these shows.Lets guess!(猜一猜猜一猜)cartoons 卡通动画 Lets guess!(猜一猜)car6Brainstorming (头脑风暴头脑风暴)TV shows5What other TV shows do you know?小组讨论,说出其他的电视节目名称,越多越好。小组讨论,说出其他的电视节目名称,越多越好。cartoonssports showsvariety shows.Brainstorming (头脑风暴)TV shows7CCTV News 中央电视台新闻联播Evening News 晚间新闻Fashion Shows 时尚节目CCTV News 中央电视台新闻联播Eve8Chinese Cooking 舌尖上的中国Man and Nature 人与自然Law Today 今日说法Chinese CookingMan and NatureL9Hope English 希望英语Weather ReportWeather Report 天气预报天气预报Sports NewsSports News 体育新闻体育新闻Hope English 希望英语10What is my favourite show?Why?请猜老师最喜欢的电视节目并说出老师喜欢它的理由。请猜老师最喜欢的电视节目并说出老师喜欢它的理由。猜猜我最喜欢哪种电视节目?为什么?猜猜我最喜欢哪种电视节目?为什么?GuessWhat is my favourite show11My favourite show is Chinese Cooking.It is on at 8 oclock in the evening.Its very useful and interesting!I can learn how to cook yummy food from it.有趣的有趣的有趣的有趣的有趣的有趣的有趣的有趣的My favourite show is Chinese C12What is your favorite TV show?Why?My favourite show is It is very useful/interesting/What is your favorite TV show?13 What are they talking about?Listen and find(听录音找答案)(听录音找答案):TV shows What are they talking about?L14When do their favourite shows start?Skip and find(快速浏览全文找答案)(快速浏览全文找答案):When do their favourite shows 15What are their favourite TV shows?Why?family member favourite favourite TV show reason(原因原因)MikeMikeDadDadMumMumScan and finish the tabLe(仔细阅读全文完成表格)(仔细阅读全文完成表格):a cartoona cartoon a sports showa sports show a variety showa variety show funfun excitingexciting interestinginterestingWhat are their favourite TV sh16What do they do at last?Why?Read and underline(划出关键句)(划出关键句):电What do they do at last?Why?17Listen and repeat(听录音并跟读)(听录音并跟读):Tips:Tips:让我们一起模仿课文的让我们一起模仿课文的语音语调读课文吧!语音语调读课文吧!Listen and repeat(听录音并跟读):18Lets read:3.Read in roles.(分角朗读分角朗读)2.Read after one.(跟着一个人读跟着一个人读)1.Read together.(齐读齐读)以4人小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读课文!4.(其它方式读其它方式读)Lets read:3.Read in role191.I can act it out but not very well.1.I can act it out but not very well.我能表演但语音语调不太有把握。我能表演但语音语调不太有把握。我能表演但语音语调不太有把握。我能表演但语音语调不太有把握。2.I can act it out accurately and fluently.2.I can act it out accurately and fluently.我能正确流畅地表演。我能正确流畅地表演。我能正确流畅地表演。我能正确流畅地表演。3.I can act3.I can act it out with actions and it out with actions and emotions.emotions.我能增加动作和表情正确地表演。我能增加动作和表情正确地表演。我能增加动作和表情正确地表演。我能增加动作和表情正确地表演。表演秀1.I can act it out but not 20 Between watching TV and playing with our parents and friends,which is more meaningful(更有意义)?Why?辩论:看电视节目和与父母朋友一起玩耍游戏,哪辩论:看电视节目和与父母朋友一起玩耍游戏,哪 一个更有意义?请用你的语言支撑你的观点,句子一个更有意义?请用你的语言支撑你的观点,句子越多越好哦!越多越好哦!Between watching TV and pla21I think watching TV shows I think watching TV shows is more meaningful,is more meaningful,becausebecauseI think playing with our I think playing with our parents and friends is more parents and friends is more meaningful,because.meaningful,because.interesting;cool;great fun;usefulI can know.about.I can.Use your words to Use your words to support support your opinionsyour opinions.Be polite.Be polite.用你的语句支持你的观点,说用你的语句支持你的观点,说的越多越好,辩论过程中要有的越多越好,辩论过程中要有礼貌哦!礼貌哦!I think watching TV shows is m22Lets PK!23Dont watch TV too much!Its bad for our health and study!Dont watch TV too much!24 Try to spend more time on playing or chatting with our parents and friens.Try to spend more time on 252.I can understand the story and act the story.我能理解对话内容并表演对话。我能理解对话内容并表演对话。1.I can talk about TV shows.我会谈论电视节目。我会谈论电视节目。3.I wont watch too much shows play more with my parents and friends.我将少看电我将少看电视视,多陪多陪伴父伴父母和朋友。母和朋友。How many stars can you get?你能得到多少颗星?你能得到多少颗星?2.I can understand the story 26 搜集自己喜欢的电视节目的相关资料并搜集自己喜欢的电视节目的相关资料并写出报告写出报告(包括电视栏目名称包括电视栏目名称,主持人以及播主持人以及播出时间出时间),并与同伴分享。并与同伴分享。搜集自己喜欢的电视节目的相关资料并写出27人教版一年级起点五年级上册英语-Unit-5-TV-Shows-Story-Time(一等奖课件)-1281minute1minute2950seconds50seconds3040seconds40seconds3130seconds30seconds3220seconds20seconds3310seconds10seconds349seconds9seconds358seconds8seconds367seconds7seconds376seconds6seconds385seconds5seconds394seconds4seconds403seconds3seconds412seconds2seconds421seconds1seconds43Time is up!44


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