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Cranial nerveDept.of Anatomy Zhou Hong YingCranial nerveDept.of Anatomy Key Points of LearningvName vComponents vPassing throughvPeripheral distributionvCentral connectionvFunction Key Points of LearningName 2 olfactory optic occulomotor trochlear trigeminal abducens facial vestibulocochlear glossophryngeal vagus accessory hypoglossalCranial nerve olfactory facialCranial ner3Cranial nerve:connect with brainCranial nerve:connect with br4Openings and fissures on base of skull for CNOpenings and fissures on base 5CRANIAL NERVEGeneral somatic motor(GSM)General visceral motor(GVM)Special visceral motor(SVM)General somatic sensory(GSS)Special somatic sensory(SSS)General visceral sensory(GVS)Special visceral sensory(SVS)Every pair of CN has not all of the above components.CRANIAL NERVEGeneral somatic m6CRANIAL NERVECRANIAL NERVE7Pure sensory CNu olfactory n.u optic n.u vestibulocochlear n.Pure sensory CN olfactory n.8 Olfactory nerve CN IPure sensory(SVS)-smellOlfactory bulb of telencephalonLeaves cranial cavity through foramina in cribriform plate Distributes to mucosa of superior part of lateral and septal walls of nasal cavity.Olfactory nerve CN IPure sen9Olfactory nerve CN IOlfactory nerve CN I10optic n.()pure sensory(SSS)-sightConnects with optic chiasma of diancephlon.Leaves cranial cavity through optic canal.Distributes to retina of eyeballoptic n.()pure sensory(SSS)-11optic nerve,chiasma,optic tractoptic nerve,chiasma,optic tr12 vestibulocochlearconveys impulses from inner ear.sense of position terminates in vestibular N,sense of hearing in cochlear N vestibulocochlear13Vestibulocochlear N.vPure sensory(SSS)vInternal acoustic meatus internal earvVestibular nerve is responsible for equilibriumvCochlear nerve is responsible for hearingVestibulocochlear N.Pure senso14Pure motor CNu oculomotor n.u trochlear n.u abducens n.u accessory n.u hypoglossal nervePure motor CN oculomotor n.15oculomotor n.trochlear n.abducens n.oculomotor n.trochlear n.ab16Oculomotor n.Oculomotor n.(GSM and GVM)l Midbrain lSuperior orbital fissure lSuperior division-superior rectus&levator palpebrae superioris lInferior division supplies inferior&medial rectus,&inferior oblique.lGVM fibersparasympathetic,supply ciliary muscle and sphincter pupillae.Trochlear NlPure motor(GSM);midbrain;Superior orbital fissure;Superior oblique mAbducens NlPure motor(GSM);Pons ;Superior orbital fissure lLateral rectus m Oculomotor n.(GSM and GVM)17人体解剖学颅神经cranialnerves课件18accessory n.accessory n.vTwo roots vPure motorvMedulla&spinal cord vJugular foramen vCranial root-joins X vSpinal root-sternocleidomastoid&trapeziusaccessory n.Two roots 19()()Hypoglossal n.()Hypoglossal n.20()()Hypoglossal nerve Pure motor(GSM)Medulla Hypoglossal canal extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of tongue.()Hypoglossal nerve Pure moto21Mixed CNu trigeminal n.u facial n.u glossopharyngeal n.u vagus n.Mixed CN trigeminal n.22Trigeminal nerve VponsHas three divisions:ophthalmic,maxillary,and mandibular nerveHas both sensory and motor components.It is the main sensory nerve for head and face.Its motor nerve innervates the muscles of mastication,etc.Trigeminal nerve Vpons23l Three divisions:OphthalmicSuperior orbital fissure into orbital cavityMaxillary-foramen rotundum into pteygopalatineMandibular foramen ovale Three divisions:Ophthalmic24 Trigeminal nerve ophthalmic NTrigeminal nerve ophthalmic N Trigeminal nerve ophthalmic25Trigeminal nerve ophthalmic Nusuperior orbital fissureu Lacrimal nerve to lacrimal gland.u Frontal nerve to foreheadu Nasociliary nerve to eyeball,part of nasal cavity,and skin of dorsum of nose from root to top.Trigeminal nerve ophthalmic N26Trigeminal nerve maxillary NTrigeminal nerve maxillary Nforamen rotundum pterygopalatine fossa inferior orbital fissure,sulcus,canal and foramento part of nasal cavity,maxilla,upper teeth,and skin between eye and mouthTrigeminal nerve maxillary Nf27Lingual nerve to anterior 2/3 of tongueInferior alveolar nerve to mandible,lower teeth,and chinBuccal nerve to cheekAuriculotemporal nerve to parotid gland and temporal regionSVM fibers supply muscles of mastication,tensor veli palatini,and tensor tempani,etc.Mandibular n.Lingual nerve to anterior 2/3 28 tensor tympani M tensor tympani M 29 Anterior belly of digastric M Anterior belly of digastri30Sensory fibers of CN VSensory fibers of CN V31 Facial nerve in the temporal bone and Facial nerve in the temporal bone and main branches and distributionmain branches and distribution lMixed(SVM,GVM,SVS)Pons internal acoustic meatuscanal of facial nervestylomastoid foramen parotid glandlSVM fibers supply muscles of facial expression&stapediuslGVM fibers synapse in pterygo-palatine ganglion to supply lacrimal gland;in submandibular ganglion submandibular&sublingual glandlSVS fibers receive taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue Facial nerve in the tempora32 Facial nerve facial n in the internal auditory meatus facial n in the internal auditory meatus Facial nerve facial n in the33facial n in the internal auditory meatus,canal,through the stylomastioid foramenfacial n in the internal audit34 Facial nerve distributes to expression muscles Facial nerve distributes to35 Facial nerve distributes to mucous of tongue taste Facial nerve distributes to36 CN CN distributes to submandibular gland and sublingual gland through the submadibular ganglion CN distributes to submandib37()glossopharyngeal n.Mixed;medulla;jugular foramenGVS fibers to carotid sinus and body,oropharynx,and posterior 1/3 of tongueSVS fibers receive taste from posterior 1/3 of tongueSVM fibers supply stylopharyngeusGVM fibers synapse in otic ganglion to supply the parotid gland()glossopharyngeal n.Mixed;38 ()glossopharyngeal n.distributes to pharyngeal muscle,parotid salivary gland ()glossopharyngeal n.distrib39()distributes to carotid body(chemoreceptors)carotid sinus(baroreceptors)()distributes to 40 ()glossopharyngeal n.distributes to tongue general somatic and special taste sensory(posterior third)()glossopharyngeal n.distri41()glossopharyngeal n.()glossopharyngeal n.42The vagus nerve in the neck,thorax,and abdomen Mixed;medulla;jugular foramen;carotid sheath,on the side of mediastinum,esophgeal plexus,esophgeal hiatus anterior and posterior vagal trunksThe vagus nerve in the neck,t43Parasympathetic fibers in the vagus nerveParasympathetic fibers in the vagus nervel Parasympathetic fibers originate from the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus.l They are distributed widely throughout the respiratory,gastrointestinal system and cardiovascular.l GVM GVM Parasympathetic fibers in the 44The afferent fibers of vagus n.1.receptor for general sensation in tympanic membrane,external autitory meatus,and part of the concha of the external ear.2.receptor for general viscera sensation are distributed widely throughout the mucous membrane of the respiratory,gastrointestinal system and internal layer of the cardiovascular.3.chemoreceptors are distributed in aortic bodies and baroreptors in the aortic archGVS,GSSThe afferent fibers of vagus n45motor fibers in the vagus nerve innervates to the muscles of larynx and pharynx through the superior laryngeal nerves and the recurrent nervesSVMmotor fibers in the vagus nerv46Nerves of eyeNerves of tonguenerves of pharynxSUMMARIZENerves of eyeNerves of tongue47


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