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民航空乘英语民航空乘英语Unit 3 Unit 3 Meal and Drink Service-民航空乘英语-(2)课件CONTENTS PAGE 目录页Warm UpAnnouncementsPart Part 1 1Part Part 2 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart Part 3 3Part Part 4 4Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1PaTRANSITION PAGE 过渡页Warm UpAnnouncementsPart Part 1 1Part Part 2 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart Part 3 3Part Part 4 4Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1Pa4Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceLabeltheobjectsonthemealtraywiththefoodsgiven.1breadsaladbutterjuiceKnife snackmain coursepenfruitSpoon forkdesert spoonwaterdessert4._2._3._1._5._6._7._fruitbreadsalad dessertjuicebuttermain courseLabel the objects on the meal 5Unit 3MealandDrinkService8._9._10._11._12._13._14._spoonknifebreadsaladbutterjuiceKnife snack main coursepenfruitSpoon forkdesert spoonwaterdessertforkdesert spoonwaterpensnack8._9._10._6Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceReadthemenufromaflightandanswerthefollowingquestions.21.How many meals are served on the plane?2.How many kinds of dishes are there for lunch?3.How many choices do passengers have for the main course at lunch?4.When do you think will this plane take off,in the morning,afternoon or evening?Why?Read the menu from a flight an7Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceReadthemenufromaflightandanswerthefollowingquestions.3Column Ainfant mealchildrens mealvegetarian1 mealHindu2 mealMoslem3 mealColumn BIts a meal for children between the 2 and 12 years old.Its prepared according to Islamic rules on Halal food4.Its a meal for children less than 2 years old.Its for people who do not eat meat.It does not contain any beef.Read the menu from a flight anTRANSITION PAGE 过渡页Warm UpAnnouncementsPart Part 1 1Part Part 2 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart Part 3 3Part Part 4 4Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1Pa9Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceListentotheannouncementsandfillintheblanks.1ShortAnnouncementsLadies and gentlemen,We will be serving lunch soon.Please _ your tray table in front of you.If you have _ diet requirement,please tell the cabin attendants.We also offer you a choice of tea,coffee,beer,_ and other soft drinks1.Hope you could enjoy these.Thank you!put downspecialwineListen to the announcements an10Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceGood afternoon,ladies and gentlemen,We will be serving you meals with tea,coffee and other soft drinks.Welcome to make your choice.Please put down the table _ you.For the _ of the passengers behind you,please return your seat back to the _ position during the meal service.Thank you!in front ofconvenienceuprightGood afternoon,ladies and gen11Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceGood morning,ladies and gentlemen,We will soon be serving breakfast.We are offering you a _ of continental2 breakfast and Chinese breakfast.We have also prepared Moslem and vegetarian breakfast.If you have any special diet requirements,please do not _ to contact us.We hope you a pleasant and comfortable flight.Thank you!choice hesitateGood morning,ladies and gentl12Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceLadies and gentlemen,We are sorry to inform3 you that we cannot serve you hot drinks on this flight because the water system is out of order4.However,we will be able to serve cold drinks.We _ for the inconvenience caused again.Thank you for your understanding.apologizeLadies and gentlemen,apologize13Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceShortAnnouncementsOralpractice.Readtheannouncementsanddiscusswithyourpartneraboutthefollowingquestions.21.What will you say if you are ready to serve meals?2.What should you remind passengers before you serve meals?3.How can you express your apology when you are not able to serve hot drinks?Short AnnouncementsOral practi14Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceListentotheannouncementandlearnthefollowingwords.1LongAnnouncements Vocabulary Bandestimated estmetadj.预计的,估计的illuminate lumnetadj.被照亮的light meal便餐,即食餐available velb()ladj.可获得的,可购得的nominal nmn()ladj.票面上的pass around轮查charge tdn.费用,价钱Listen to the announcement and15Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceOralpractice.Listentothelongannouncementanddiscussthefollowingquestionswithyourpartner.2LongAnnouncements1.How many main meals will be served by this flight?2.What kinds of beverages are available on this flight?3.Do you know what a special meal is?Give some examples you know.Oral practice.Listen to the lTRANSITION PAGE 过渡页Warm UpAnnouncementsPart Part 1 1Part Part 2 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart Part 3 3Part Part 4 4Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1Pa17Unit 3MealandDrinkService.Listentothedialoguesandfillintheblanks.M:I was _ if I could order something to drink.CA:Yes,we have alcoholic beverages as well as coffee,tea,and soda.M:How much do drinks cost?CA:Our alcoholic beverages are five dollars each.All others are complimentary1.M:When will our meals be served?CA:We will serve a snack with the beverages at first.Dinner will be served a few hours after departure.M:What are our dinner choices?CA:You will have a choice of _,fish,and beef.I will bring a menu by shortly2.M:I am a vegetarian and need a _ meal.CA:Vegetarian meals need to be requested at least two days before your flight.I might be able to find you extra3 servings of vegetables,however.M:Thank you very much.wonderingchicken1vegetarian.Listen to the dialogues and18Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceCA:Excuse me,sir.Well be serving lunch shortly.Would you like a drink before lunch?M:Id like a gin and tonic4 please.CA:Sorry,sir.We dont have that on board.Would you like something else?We have whiskey5 and red wine.M:All right.Ill have a glass of wine.CA:Would you _ dry or sweet6,sir?M:Make it sweet,please.CA:OK.Please wait a moment.prefer.Listentothedialoguesandfillintheblanks.2CA:Excuse me,sir.Well be s19Unit 3MealandDrinkService3.Listentothedialoguesandfillintheblanks.CA:Excuse me,sir.What would you like for dinner?M:We ordered the low-fat meals7.Do we get a choice of entres8?CA:Yes.Today we have broiled shrimp with rice pilaf 9 and chicken teriyaki served with noodles10.M:Ill have the chicken.W:Id like the shrimp.M:What else _ with the meal?CA:Vegetable salad and yogurt for _.Would you care for some wine with dinner?W:Sure.Were celebrating.This is our second honeymoon.Lets live a little11.CA:Congratulations.White or red?M:Wed both like white.CA:Yes,sir.Here you esdessert3.Listen to the dialogues an20Unit 3MealandDrinkService.Oralpractice.Readthedialoguesanddiscusswithyourpartneraboutthefollowingquestions.1.According to dialogue 1,when should the vegetarian meal be requested before the departure?2.How will you explain to a passenger who asks for gin and tonic which has been run out of?3.According to dialogue 3,what kind of food contains low-fat meals on this flight?.Oral practice.Read the dia21Unit 3MealandDrinkService.Workinpairs.Chooseoneofthefollowingsituationstomakeadialoguewithyourpartneraccordingtothedialoguesabove.Situation 1:A passenger is hungry and asks for something to eat and you list several kinds of the meals on board for him to choose.Situation 2:You are serving meals.What the passenger orders is not available on board and you give him another choice.Work in pairs.Choose one oTRANSITION PAGE 过渡页Warm UpAnnouncementsPart Part 1 1Part Part 2 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart Part 3 3Part Part 4 4Warm UpAnnouncementsPart 1Pa23Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceMeal ServiceAn airline service,especially an international one,is a huge organization with many complex functions.No matter which airline a passenger selects,he will get convenient routes,a safe aircraft,experienced pilots,and nourishing food.During the flying,the cabin attendants have to try their best to offer all kinds of services.Food and drink service is included especially in long-distance flights.The meals are served depending on the flight schedules.The main meal mostly consists of salad,appetizer,soup,main course and the dessert.Text 1Meal ServiceText 124Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceThe salad is a combination of raw vegetables and some may include meat or fish.It can be served cold or at room temperature.The commonly used salad dressings are Thousand Island dressing,Vinaigrette dressing,etc.The appetizer is served before the main course.It can be snack foods such as canaps,caviar.The salad is a combination of 25Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceThe soup is a savory food made from a combination of meat,vegetables,herbs,beans and hot water,like lentil soup and minestrone.The main course refers to the primary meal and is usually a heavy substantive meal.Main courses on board may vary but would normally include a bottle of water,a bowl of yoghurt,bread,butter,ketchup,a rectangular dish with meat,vegetables and rice.The dessert is a course that typically comes at the end of a meal,usually consisting of sweet food,such as cake,candies,cookies and ice cream.The soup is a savory food made26Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceLearnthewordsintheboxandthencompletethesentenceswiththem.Changetheformifnecessary.1herbnourishingappetizerrectangulardressingexperienced1.The meal served by the cabin attendant is set on the _ tray table.2.Herbal diet is a kind of meal that cooked with food and _.3.Butter,salad _,cream and cheese are high-calorie food.4.Caviar is a common _ in the western food.5.As a cabin attendant,Li Cong is very _ and she can handle every sudden situation.6.It is very important to eat _ and healthy food.It has a good impact on our health.rectangularherbs dressingappetizer experiencednourishingLearn the words in the box and27Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceLookatthepicturesandrearrangethemaccordingtotheorderofserving.212345_42135Look at the pictures and rearr28Unit 3MealandDrinkService1.No matter which airline a passenger selects,he will get convenient routes,a safe aircraft,experienced pilots,and nourishing food._2.The main meal mostly consists of salad,appetizer,soup,main course and the dessert._3.Soup is a savory food made from a combination of meat,vegetables,herbs,beans and hot water,like lentil soup and minestrone._TranslatethesentencesintoChinese.3无论乘客选择哪种航空公司,他都会得到方便的航线,一架安全的飞机,有经验的飞行员和营养丰富的食品。主餐主要包括沙拉、开胃菜、汤、主菜和甜点。汤是由肉类、蔬菜、草药、豆类和热水混合煮成的味道可口的食物,如扁豆汤和蔬菜通心粉。1.No matter which airline a p29Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceText 2Pre-book MealsDepending on seasonality1 and availability2,as well as flight and duration,different selections of special meals will be on offer.Special meals may contain nuts3,gluten4,seafood5,eggs or dairy6.The provision7 of in-flight meals is subject to availability.Special meal orders should be made at least 24 hours before the airplane takes off,or it will not available.Changes to pre-booked meals may only be done more than 24 hours prior to flight departure time.Guests must pay the price difference if the price of the new meal booked is higher than original meal paid.Text 2Pre-book Meals30Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceChanges to pre-booked meals may only be done more than 24 hours prior to flight departure time.Guests must pay the price difference if the price of the new meal booked is higher than original meal paid.The boarding pass is the proof8 of purchasing the pre-booked meal and it must be presented to the cabin attendants onboard to redeem9 the pre-booked meal.No other forms of redemption10 will be entertained.The airlines reserve the right to substitute11 any components12 of a pre-booked meal or change the recipe or specifications of a pre-booked meal.Airlines will endeavor13 to provide the value of any pre-booked meals that has been changed to similar meals.Changes to pre-booked meals ma31Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceReadthetextagainanddecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrue(T)orfalse(F).11.If you want to eat some crab on the flight,you should pre-book it at least 24 hours before the departure time of your flight.2.If you want to change your dairy meal to gluten meal,you can do it within 24 hours before departure.3.The pre-booked meals are all free.4.You can redeem your pre-booked meal by your ticket.TFFFRead the text again and decide32Unit 3MealandDrinkServiceWriting.Searchontheinternet.Selectandwritedownhowmanykindsofspecialmealscanbeservedinflightandchoosetwoorthreekindsforfurtherexplanation.2 Writing.Search on the internThank You-民航空乘英语-(2)课件


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