国际经济法教学(华南师范大学)legal system on safeguard measures

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国际经济法教学(华南师范大学)legal system on safeguard measures_第1页
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国际经济法教学(华南师范大学)legal system on safeguard measures_第2页
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国际经济法教学(华南师范大学)legal system on safeguard measures_第3页
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Chapter 9 Legal System on Safeguard MeasuresSection 1 An Overview“clausula rebus sic stantibuswhen legitimate imports cause or threaten serious injury to domestic production,safeguard procedures may be invokedsafeguards constitute a right or response to fair trade practices Article 19 of the GATT 1994 provides for the use of safeguards where increased imports“cause or threaten serious injury(and for the imposition of substantially equivalent concessions in the event safeguards are imposed)GATT 1947Article19-EmergencyActiononImportsofParticularProducts1.(a)If,as a result of unforeseen developments and of the effect of the obligations incurred by a contracting party under this Agreement,including tariff concessions,any product is being imported into the territory of that contracting party in such increased quantities and under such conditions as to cause or threaten serious injury to domestic producers in that territory of like or directly competitive products,the contracting party shall be free,in respect of such product,and to the extent and for such time as may be necessary to prevent or remedy such injury,to suspend the obligation in whole or in part or to withdraw or modify the concession.Safeguardsunder Article 19,safeguards must be applied on a MFN basis(imports of the product from all sources must be treated equally;it is not possible to impose safeguards only against imports from selected countries;this feature tended to increase the“cost of imposing safeguards,as many nations might be affected,and might seek retaliatory action)the result is that safeguards were rarely used,and anti-dumping and countervailing duties were a more attractive and less costly way to protect domestic production(because they could be selective and there was no requirement of compensation)Agreement on Safeguards 1994the Agreement on Safeguards of the Uruguay Round provides a much more stringent standard for administrative proceedings leading to the adoption of safeguard measures(note Article XIX of the GATT 1994 which deals with safeguards)the Agreement provides that safeguards may only be imposed if increased imports,as a result of trade concessions,are the cause or threaten to cause serious injury to the production of like domestic products(as is the case under Article XIX of the GATT 1994)Article 2(2)restates the MFN obligation,thus rejecting selective measures(but see Article 5(2)(b)which provides for some selective measures if a Member can demonstrate that imports from certain Members have increased disproportionately,and the such a selective reduction is equitable and can be justified)Agreement on SafeguardsArticle 3 requires a safeguard investigation pursuant to published transparent proceduresArticle 4 clarifies how a serious injury or threat thereof shall be determined;serious injury is defined as“a significant overall impairment in the position of a domestic industry;all relevant factors must be considered and there must be evidence of a“causal link between the imports and the injury being sufferedthey must be periodically reviewed(at least every four years)and must not remain in force for more than eight years(Article 7)WTO Members must compensate other members in order to maintain a substantially equivalent level of concessions(Article 8)Section 2 Major Legal Sources of Safeguard1.Article 19 of GATT 19942.Agreement on Safeguards3.Agreements on AgricultureArticle 5 4.Article 16 of the Chinas Accession ProtocolDiscriminative transitional safeguards specially targeted against the products exported by Chinese exporter.5.Section 242 of the Working Party under Chinas Accession ProtocolSection 3 A Detailed Analysis of the ASG1.Substantive RulesIncreased ImportsAbsolute or relative increase in imports of products (Art 2 of the SA)quantity,not valueUnforeseen Developments,etc.Increased imports as a result of unforeseen development and of the effect of the WTO obligations(Article XIX of the GATT)Determination ofserious injury andcasual linkSerious injury found in terms of economic factors such as imports,production,sales,productivity,etc.,and causal link between increased imports and injury(Article 4 of the SA)实施保障措施的条件:实施保障措施的条件:1.有关产品的进口大量增加有关产品的进口大量增加;2.由不可预见的开展和承由不可预见的开展和承担总协定义务造成的担总协定义务造成的;3.对国内产业造成严重损害或严重损害威胁对国内产业造成严重损害或严重损害威胁;4.进口增进口增加与国内产业损害有因果关系。加与国内产业损害有因果关系。Determination of injury-Article4oftheSADefinitionofSeriousInjury/ThreatofSeriousInjuryserious injury that is clearly imminent(shallbebasedonfactsandnotmerelyonallegation,conjectureorremotepossibility)a significant overall impairment in the position of a domestic industry;“严重损害指对国内某一产业的状况造成重大的总体损害。严重损害指对国内某一产业的状况造成重大的总体损害。“严重损害威胁:指对国内某一产业严重损害威胁:指对国内某一产业的地位造成的重大总体损害还没有发生,但已迫在眉睫。的地位造成的重大总体损害还没有发生,但已迫在眉睫。“国内产业,指在成员方领土内生产相国内产业,指在成员方领土内生产相似产品或直接竞争产品的国内生产者全体,或相似产品或直接竞争产品的总体产量占该成员国内总似产品或直接竞争产品的国内生产者全体,或相似产品或直接竞争产品的总体产量占该成员国内总产量主要局部的生产者。产量主要局部的生产者。InjuryfactorsmustbeconcernedDefinitionoftheDomesticIndustrytheproducersmakingproducts,whichare“likeor“directlycompetitivetotheimportstargetedbytheinvestigation.eitherthewholeofsuchdomesticindustry,ortothatpartthereofwhichamountstoa“majorproportion.Injury Factors(Article 4.2(a)SA)thecompetentauthoritiesshallevaluateallrelevantfactorsofanobjectiveandquantifiablenaturehavingabearingonthesituationofthatindustry,therateandamountoftheincreaseinimportsoftheproductconcernedinabsoluteandrelativeterms,theshareofthedomesticmarkettakenbyincreasedimports,changesinthelevelofsales,production,productivity,capacityutilization,profitsandlosses,employment.进口成员的调查机构必须评估与该产业状况相关的所有客观的和可量化的因素。包括:进口成员的调查机构必须评估与该产业状况相关的所有客观的和可量化的因素。包括:绝对或相对条件下的有关产品的进口的比例和数量,增加的进口所占有的市场份额,绝对或相对条件下的有关产品的进口的比例和数量,增加的进口所占有的市场份额,销售水平、产量、生产率、设备利用率、盈亏及就业状况的变化情况。销售水平、产量、生产率、设备利用率、盈亏及就业状况的变化情况。Causal linkWhen factors other than increased imports are causing injury to the domestic industry at the same time,such injury shall not be attributed to increased imports.如进口增加之外的因素正在同时对国内产业造成损害,那么此类损害不得归因于进口增加Case StudyTextbook,p.244-246.2.Safeguard Measures and Provisional Safeguard Measures Provisional MeasuresBased on preliminary confirmative determinationDuration:not exceed 200 daysForm:tariff increaseDefinitive measuresForm:tariff increase,quantities restrictions and tariff-quotaDurationNot to exceed four years initially,and may be extended to the maximum of eight years(including the period of provisional measure).Levels of Quantitative RestrictionsMust,in principle,not fall below the average of imports in the last three representative years(Art 5).3.The Rules for the Implementation of Safeguard Measures3.1 Non-discrimination3.2 Prior Consultation3.3 Compensation or Retaliation3.4 Progressive Liberalization3.5 Special&Differential Treatment with regard to Safeguard Measures3.6 Elimination of Grey-areas MeasuresArticle 11 requires members to phase out all voluntary restraints and similar import and export measures within four years of entry into force of the GATT 1994,that is,January 1,1999(this is a very significant change)4.China-specific Safeguard MechanismArticle 16 of the Chinas Accession ProtocolDiscriminative transitional safeguards specially targeted against the products exported by Chinese exporter.


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