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写作指导写作指导话题作文话题作文写作指导话题作文the city of Beijingthe Tiananmen Squarethe city of Beijingthe Tiananthe Great Wallthe Great Wallthe Palace Museum/the Forbidden Citythe Palace Museum/the Forbidthe Temple of Heaventhe Temple of Heaventhe Summer Palacethe Summer Palacethe Beihai Parkthe Beihai Parkthe Beijing Zoothe Beijing Zoothe Olympic Parkthe Olympic ParkWriting Steps Writing Steps 1.PREWRITE 2.OUTLINE 3.DRAFT 4.REVISE 5.PROOFREAD 6.PUBLISH 构思构思/审题审题列提纲列提纲打草稿打草稿改进改进校对校对定稿誊写定稿誊写Writing Steps 1.PREWRITE 北京是一座美丽的城市,作为一名北京的中学生,你一定北京是一座美丽的城市,作为一名北京的中学生,你一定对这里的景点非常熟悉。某英语报纸正在向北京的中学生征文,对这里的景点非常熟悉。某英语报纸正在向北京的中学生征文,请你通过一次旅行经历,介绍你去过的一个景点,在那儿所做请你通过一次旅行经历,介绍你去过的一个景点,在那儿所做的事情以及你的感受。的事情以及你的感受。提示词语提示词语:the Beihai Park,go boating,take pictures,interesting 提示问题提示问题:Where did you go?What did you do there?How did you feel about the trip?Writing Task 北京是一座美丽的城市,作为一名北京的中学生,你一定对Prewrite-How?What?Prewrite-How?What?1.1.明确文章的用途和功能明确文章的用途和功能2.2.标注出主题和要点中的关键词标注出主题和要点中的关键词3.3.确定好每个要点的时态确定好每个要点的时态4.4.确定好每个要点的人称确定好每个要点的人称Prewrite-How?What?1.明确文章的用 北京是一座美丽的城市,作为一名北京的中学生,北京是一座美丽的城市,作为一名北京的中学生,你一定对这里的景点非常熟悉。某英语报纸正在向北京你一定对这里的景点非常熟悉。某英语报纸正在向北京的中学生征文,请你通过一次旅行经历,介绍你去过的的中学生征文,请你通过一次旅行经历,介绍你去过的一个景点,在那儿所做的事情以及你的感受。一个景点,在那儿所做的事情以及你的感受。提示词语:提示词语:the Beihai Park,go boating,take pictures,interesting 提示问题提示问题:Where did you go?What did you do there?How did you feel about the trip?审题:用途、主题、要点、时态、人称审题:用途、主题、要点、时态、人称 北京是一座美丽的城市,作为一名北京的中学生,你一定 Three paragraphs Three answers/Three topic sentencesOutline Three paragraphsOutlinePara 1-Answer 1(Topic sentence1)_Para 2-Answer 2(Topic sentence2)_Para 3-Answer 3(Topic sentence3)_Outline I went to the Beihai Park last weekend.I went boating and took a lot of pictures.The trip was very interesting because.Outline I went to the Beihai PThree paragraphsUse sentence patternsUse transitional wordsMake sure you write correct sentences DraftThree paragraphsDraftKeep in mindKeep in mindBasic principles of being good writing:honesty,clarity,brevity,and variety.Being honest:Base your writing on the subject.Being clear:Dont puzzle your readers.Being brief:Dont waste your readers time;dont repeat.Seeking variety:Vary sentence length/expressions/vocabulary,work on aliveness.Keep in mindBasic principles o第一档:(第一档:(910910分)分)完全符合题目要求,观点正确,要点齐全,句式完全符合题目要求,观点正确,要点齐全,句式多样,词汇丰富,语言准确,语意连贯,表达清楚,多样,词汇丰富,语言准确,语意连贯,表达清楚,具有逻辑性。书写规范,卷面整洁。具有逻辑性。书写规范,卷面整洁。REVISE REVISE 第一档:(910分)REVISE Come straight to the point:I went to the Beihai Park last weekend.Description of the place:The Beihai Park lies in the center of Beijing and it is famous for the White Tower.Significance comes first:The Beihai Park is one of the most popular places to visit in Beijing.Quotes and sayings:As the saying goes,“He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”REVISE-丰富内容丰富内容Where did you go?Come straight to the point:I*visit old buildings/palaces*enjoy the beautiful flowers and green trees*take photos(of)/climb the hill/the mountain*learn about Chinese culture/go boating*take a walk/have a picnicREVISE-丰富内容丰富内容What did you do there?*visit old buildings/palacesREIt was a/an wonderful/terrific/unforgettable trip because.How did you feel about the trip?I enjoyed the trip very much because.The trip was full of surprises becauseIt helped me learn more about the culture.I was impressed with the beautiful views and the old buildings.“A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history,beauty,and in the point of Life.”(Thomas Jefferson)REVISE(改进)(改进)-丰富内容丰富内容It was a/an wonderful/terrific First,Then,After that,Finally,In the morning In the afternoonREVISE-逻辑清晰、衔接自然逻辑清晰、衔接自然 First,REVISE-逻辑清晰、衔接自然万能句型:万能句型:1.not onlybut also2.It is necessary/important(for sb.)to do 3.spend doing sth./on sth.4.help(sb.)do sth./with sth.5.make sb./sth.do /make sb./sth.adj.6.sothatREVISE-句型意识很重要句型意识很重要万能句型:REVISE-句型意识很重要The trip was interesting.was full of fun was meaningful was of great value made a difference to my life REVISE-词汇丰富词汇丰富The trip was interesting.REV PROOFREADPROOFREAD PROOFREADPUBLISHPUBLISHPUBLISHA sample writing The Beihai Park is one of the most popular places to visit in Beijing.I went there with my classmates last weekend and we had a great time.We arrived there early in the morning.The air was cool and fresh.As we walked along the lake,we saw many people doing exercises and dancing.We also took lots of pictures of the beautiful flowers in the Garden.Then we crossed the bridge and climbed up the hill.It was great to enjoy the views from the top.In the afternoon we took a boat tour in the lake and we sang happily together.It was a wonderful trip.We all felt relaxed and happy.Im looking forward to visiting more beautiful places in Beijing.A sample writing The The Beihai Park is one of the most popular places to visit in Beijing.I went there with my classmates last weekend and we had a great time.We arrived there early in the morning.The air was cool and fresh.As we walked along the lake,we saw many people doing exercises and dancing.We also took lots of pictures of the beautiful flowers in the Garden.Then we crossed the bridge and climbed up the hill.It was great to enjoy the views from the top.In the afternoon we took a boat tour in the lake and we sang happily together.It was a wonderful trip.We all felt relaxed and happy.Im looking forward to visiting more beautiful places in Beijing.A sample writing The Beihai Park is 初三英语中考复习课-写作指导话题作文-课件整理+学案-无答案Homework1.Finish the draft.2.Revise your draft.3.Publish your writing.HomeworkFinish the draft.1.新闻特写则是用形象的事实说话。它常常抓住事物有特征的一面进行描述,比消息更细腻、更生动、更形象。2.由于新闻特写的画面感特别强,因此常给读者以身临其境的感受。3.“花香蝶自来,题好一半文”,一篇文章有一个好的标题,就像一个人有一双明亮有神的眼睛一样,留给别人的是将是十分美好而深刻的印象,同时也是文学修养,语言功底,思想魅力的最直接的流露,从考试的角度来说,更是作文质量高底的一杆标尺。4.对于话题作文的拟题我们一定要多一些有针对性的训练,掌握一定的技巧,达到需要应用时信手拈来,出语不俗的效果,感动自己,征服读者。5.这些根据材料提供的话题,进一步挖深、提炼出来的题目,源源源于材料而高于材料,加进去个体的感悟与理解,充满了理性的光辉,于平凡中见奇倔,也是很多喜欢定议论文的同学拟题一种好方法,很有思想深度。6.路在脚下,更在心中,“前方转弯”的路牌不是要你停下,而是提醒你该转弯了,心随路转,心路常宽。让思维转弯是人生的智慧,因为挫折往往是转折,危机同时也是转机。7.自主性是天才的基本特征。正如居里夫人所说:“我们每个人都有能力干好一件事。”古今中外,多少仁人志士以自主为经,以勤奋为纬,编织成功。8.生存于宇宙间,同顶烈日炎炎,共沐明月清辉,我不比别人多,也不比别人少。只要勇于展示自己的个性与风采,我就没必要仰视任何人。1.新闻特写则是用形象的事实说话。它常常抓住事物有特征的一面


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