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Unit1AttheAirportBy Wen HuangUnit1AttheAirportByWenHuairport 机场pWe arrived at the airport 8 a.m.airport机场机场Wearrivedattheaicheck-in counter 办理登记柜台pYou need to check the luggage at the check-in counter.check-incounter办理登记柜台办理登记柜台Youneeticket/E-ticket 机票/电子机票pHave you printed out your E-ticket?ticket/E-ticket机票机票/电子机票电子机票Haveyitinerary英英atn()(r)r行程单pIm sorry I didnt print out my ticket,but I printed out my itinerary.itinerary英英atn()(r)r行行passport 护照pWould you show me your passport,please?passport护照护照Wouldyoushowmeyvisa 签证pIm trying to get a visa for Poland.pexit/entry/transit visa 出境出境/入境入境/过境签证过境签证visa签证签证Imtryingtogetavisboarding pass 登机证(登机牌)pYour seat information is on your boarding pass.boardingpass登机证登机证(登机牌登机牌)Yourseabaggage/luggage 行李pchecked baggage/luggage 托运行李托运行李pcarry-on baggage/hand baggage 随身行李随身行李baggage/luggage行李行李checkedbaggscale 磅秤pPlease put your luggage on the scale.p美语:美语:scale;英式英语:;英式英语:scalesscale磅秤磅秤Pleaseputyourluggagbaggage claim tag 行李提领证pBaggage claim tag can help you find your bag if it is lost.baggageclaimtag行李提领证行李提领证Baggagefirst class/business class/economy class 头等舱/商务舱/经济舱pWe flew first class/business class p/economy class.firstclass/businessclass/morning flight 早班飞机pI booked a morning flight to Beijing.morningflight早班飞机早班飞机Ibookedanight flight 晚班飞机pI caught a night flight in order to be here this morning.nightflight晚班飞机晚班飞机Icaughtaniairline 航空公司pWhich airline is the worlds largest discount airline?Budget Airline 廉价航空廉价航空airline航空公司航空公司Whichairlineisttrolley 行李推车pYou need a trolley for your three suitcases.trolley行李推车行李推车YouneedatrolleyDepartures board班机起飞时间告示牌pWould you please go and check departures board and see if our flight is on time?Departuresboard班机起飞时间告示牌班机起飞时间告示牌Wouldsecurity gate安检门pYou have to take off your belt and shoes to go through security gatesecuritygate安检门安检门Youhavetotamechanical passage 电动步道pLets go down the mechanical passage.Itll save us some time.mechanicalpassage电动步道电动步道Letsgduty free shop 免税商店pThere is still an hour left.Lets hang out the duty free shopdutyfreeshop免税商店免税商店Thereisst(departures)gate 登机门pWould you please tell me where Gate 9 is?(departures)gate登机门登机门Wouldyoudeparture lounge/waiting room候机楼pYou can charge your phone in the departure lounge/waiting room.departurelounge/waitingroomrunway 跑道pHere comes our plane on the runway.runway跑道跑道Herecomesourplanefragile item 易碎物品pAre there any fragile items in your bag?fragileitem易碎物品易碎物品ArethereanyVIP lounge机场贵宾室pWaiting in the VIP lounge must be really enjoyable.VIPlounge机场贵宾室机场贵宾室Waitinginthewindow seat 靠窗座位pI prefer window seats.windowseat靠窗座位靠窗座位Ipreferwindoaisle seat靠走道座位pIf there are no more window seats,Id like an aisle seat then.aisleseat靠走道座位靠走道座位IftherearenoMore words and phrasesMake a reservationFlight number Check inOne-way ticket/Single ticketRound-trip ticket/Return ticketOpen return(ticket)预订机票班机号办理登机手续单程票往返票回程时间不定(的机票)MorewordsandphrasesMakearDirect flight/nonstop flightReconfirm the ticketCarry-on bagExcess baggageBaggage allowanceDepartureLocal timeDelay直飞班机再次确定机位随身行李超重行李免费行李限额起飞当地时间误点Directflight/nonstopflight直飞直飞ConversationsConversationsMaking a Reservation 预订机票Raymond:Id like to make a reservation to Los Angles for next Monday.Ground Staff:Just a second and Ill check the schedule.Raymond:Ill need an economy ticket with an open return.Ground Staff:American Airlines has a flight leaving at 9:25 a.m.Raymond:I guess thats OK.What time should I check in?Ground Staff:You have to be there two hours before departure time.MakingaReservation预订机票预订机票RaymoChecking in 办理登机手续Raymond:Id like to check in.Ground Staff:May I have your ticket and passport,please?Raymond:Here you are.Id like a window.Ground Staff:No problem.Put your baggage on the scale,please.Raymond:All right.Ground Staff:OK.Here is your ticket,boarding pass,passport and baggage claim tag.Youll be boarding at Gate 8.The boarding time is 9 a.m.Raymond:Thank you very much.Checkingin办理登机手续办理登机手续Raymond:IdUseful expressions1.Are there any planes to Boston on Sunday?2.How often is there a flight to Paris?3.We have flights to Paris every hour.4.At what time does the next plane to London leave?Usefulexpressions1.Arethere5.Whats the next one after that?6.The next one is flight 10 at 10:45.7.How long is the flight from New York to Washington?8.Well,supposedly one hour,but its sometimes longer.5.Whatsthenextoneaftert9.Id like to make a reservation to Chicago for tomorrow.10.I can give you a reservation on that.11.Do I have to reconfirm?11.我需要再次确定机位吗?12.You must make a reconfirmation 48 hours ahead.9.Idliketomakeareservat13.How much is the round trip?14.The one-way ticket from San Francisco to Boston is 700.15.Are they non-stop flights?16.Is that a direct flight?13.Howmuchistheroundtrip17.Yes.Direct to Paris.18.That is not a direct flight.You need to transfer in Bangkok.19.Id like to travel first-class,please.20.When am I supposed to check in?21.Where is the check-in counter for Air China?17.Yes.DirecttoParis.22.May I check-in here for flight MU562 to Tokyo?23.Thats right.May I have your ticket and passport.Please?24.I would like to check in.25.Do I have to pay the airport tax?26.Id like a window seat.22.MayIcheck-inhereforfl27.An aisle seat,please.28.Im sorry,but there are no window seats available.29.Do you have any other seats open where we can sit together?30.Im afraid that all the flights are fully booked.27.Anaisleseat,please.31.Do you have any baggage to check in?32.How many bags would you like to check in?33.Please put your bags on the scale.34.Whats the baggage allowance?31.Doyouhaveanybaggageto35.Can I carry this bag on?36.Please walk through the security gate.37.Please open your bag.Wed like to have a look.38.Just make sure you dont have any liquid with you.39.Test again.39.行李再过一次扫描。35.CanIcarrythisbagon?40.When is the boarding time?41.Im afraid your flight is delayed.42.May I have your attention,please.Thai Airlines flight TD635 to Bangkok is now boarding.Passengers in the first class,please proceed to the boarding gate now.40.Whenistheboardingtime?43.Attention,please.Due to weather condition,all flights to Taipei will be delayed.We truly regret the delay.Thank you for your cooperation and patience.We will inform you of the new departure time as soon as possible.Thank you.43.Attention,please.Dueto


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