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ContentsvBackground and PurposesvNatural Capital as a key concept for Qinghai-Tibet PlateauvFramework designing for assessing and managing Natural CapitalvIssues and conditions for implementing the framework in QinghaivFuture works1.Background and PurposesChinas National Goal vConstructing a somewhat all-out abundant societyNational GDP:4 times by 2020=4000US$per capital vThe Western Development Strategy brings a millennium chance for people in Western RegionsA chance which people in western regions have awaited for long.A challenge which they have never before experienced.Challenges in Western DevelopmentvConflicts between environment conservation and economic development“Forestation Program”does not insure improvement of peasants income and living conditions.vConflicts between resource development and improvement of life to local people.Without local industrial bases,resource development may not bring much benefits to local residentsPurposes of Our ProjectvUsing Natural Capital as a key concept to build a sustainable development strategy for balancing environment conservation,economic development and improvement of human well-being.vDesigning a framework for practicing the strategy.vClarifying issues and conditions for applying the framework in Qinghai Province.2.Natural Capital as a key concept for DevelopmentNatural Ecosystems must be a fundamental factor in market economySocial CapitalRoads,Harbors and Airports etc.Industrial CapitalFinance,Factories and Equipment etc.Human CapitalLabors,Knowledge and skill etc.NatureClean air,pure water and fertilized soil etcEconomic SocietyNatural CapitalClean air,pure water and fertilized soil etcTotal value of ecosystem services supporting lives on the earthValue of Ecosystem services of the EarthRobert Costanza et al,The value of the worlds ecosystem services and natural capital,Nature,Vol.387,253-260,1997Part of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as hotspot of Biodiversity of the Earth Source:Hilary French,2000,Vanishing Borders,A Worldwatch book,NortonThe Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,the water tower of AsiaSource:Microsoft Encarta 2003Water Heads of Asian RiversQinghai-Tibet PlateauQinghaiTibetSichuanYunnanContrast of the environment in the PlateauUsing Natural Capital for conservation and development of the plateauvHuge ecosystem services in fountain regions:Water resources,highland ecosystems,traditional culturesvNatural Capital could be traded in market for fundraising:Trade of natural capital is not the trade of nature itself but natural ecosystem services.vIt is a key issue for the plateau to draw out the potential of the ecosystems and make it to be a driving force for social development.3.Framework Designing for Assessing and Managing Natural CapitalBasic ConsiderationsTechnologies(GIT,ICT)Local KnowledgeScientific Methods(Models)Performance(Multi-Scale)Participation(Network)Understanding the EcosystemsAssessing the Ecosystem servicesMaking Policies and LegislationsEstablishing Market MechanismsStagesFactorsProductsFieldworkFramework for assessment and management of Natural CapitalInventoryingAssessingManagingMarketingNetworkSensingMappingMonitoringInterviewingDocumentingSamplingScalingZoningOverlayingAccountingProtectingRestoringRebuildingPlanningDevelopingMethodMediaModelMechanismEcosystemsServicesCapitalEcotopesWell-beingSpatial DataEcomapsPoliciesApplyingExchangingCertifyingFundingReinvestingProjectionsProceduresProcessesProductsParticipationInvolvement of Communities,Local and Central Governmental Sectors,World-wide NGOs and Academicians Features of the framework:IntegrationvIntegration of images,maps,documents,local knowledge by multi-mediavIntegration of multi-scale scientific methods by zoning,sampling and scalingvIntegration of technologies,scientific methods,policy making procedures and market mechanismvIntegration of fieldworks for practicing and networks for participating4.Issues for Implementing the Framework in QinghaiInventorying the information resources and monitoring the environmentvEstablishing an innovative inventorying and monitoring systems in the highland with low cost and high performancemodern satellite observation networksvObserving and monitoring the ecosystems in multi-resolutionreasonable ground observation networksvAutomatically collecting in situ environment datagrassroots human networksvgathering local knowledge of natural ecosystems and culturesvReceiving contemporary scientific knowledge and information serviceIntegration of geographic information and local knowledgeMODIS imageSRTM DEM DataLadnuse map by GRIDIn situ dataLocal knowledge Assessing the ecosystem services of the highland vProduction services(the highland specific goods)peculiar plant and animal resources in the highland serving as healthy food and medicinal resources.vRegulation services(balance of water and atmosphere)ecosystems of the highland control the climate of Asian and impose great impacts on the environment of the planet.vHabitat services(specific biological diversity)there live a lot of valuable animals and plants which are irreplaceable as genome bank and biodiversity resources.vInformation services(culture,religions and tourism)beautiful natural landscape,various ethnic customs and traditional religious cultures in the plateau are worthy resources of human being and with potential for developing traveling industry.Yokohama CityArea:300km2Population:3,000,000With Green Master Plan Tsuzuki WardArea:25km2Population:140,000With well-designed green matrix Sample Site:Area:40haPopulation:100 Homogenous land use zoneLatest Satellite ImagesThematic MapsLand useGeologyGeomorphologyVegetationAero photograph&FieldHigh resolution aero-photographInventories of treesImpervious surfaces.City ecomapDistrict ecomapValue of trees in the siteLand cover classificationEco-topeDefinition&GIS overlayEcosystem services of treesStudy area selectionEcological and geographic informationGIS-based operationEcosystem services of trees in the wardEcosystem services of trees in the cityOutputExpansion to the ward Expansion to the cityBlock ecomapTracing the canopies and inventoryingtreesMethod for Assessing Ecosystem Services by GISMaking policies for conservation and development Ecological systemsSocial SystemsSpatial PlanningInformation SystemsRestorationSocial DevelopmentNatural DatabasesSatellite imagesIn situ dataMap dataSocial databasesPopulationIndustryCultureEcosystems and Human interaction analysisglobal changes impactlocal activities impactEcological ZoningSocial renewingUrbanizationLand use simulation Land use allocationdevelopingurbanizationEnvironment PlanningSocial LegislationDigital Asia NetworkUnderstanding the highland ecosystemsUnderstanding the highland social systemsPublic InvolvementEstablishing the mechanism for trading ecosystem services(eg.CO2)Emission right buyerEmission right sellerOverloadDomestic company CEmission rightTrade companiesDomestic company ACompany B aboard CutReal emissionGoalCutSaleSaleGoal-Real emissionBegins from 2005 in JapanReal emissionGoalChina Needs Ecosystem Services Trading Mechanism like CDM?vThere exist public consciousness on ecosystem service trading in China.vCentral government and eastern people dont expect production of timber and pasture but ecosystem services of regulation and information.vWho should pay for the costs of afforest in western regions?Without any compensation,why do we ask the western peasants endure the poor living condition.vEcosystem service trading mechanism will link the constructors of environment and the consumers of ecosystem services.This could increase incentive of people for environment restoration and conservation.5.Resources and conditions for implementing the framework in Qinghai at presentThe Peculiar Geographic Location and the Highland Ecosystems vQinghai has advantages to investigate,to evaluate,and to manage the Natural Capital prior to western provinces and districts.vNearly half of Qinghai Province is enclosed in Sanjuangyuan Natural Protection Zone.vThe vulnerable ecosystems in the highland are not suitable for large-scale industrial development.vTibetans are not welcome any dramatic changes of lifestyles.vTherefore,searching for ecosystem services trading between the highland and other regions becomes the most reasonable choice for Qinghai,especial the southern Qinghai.Research ResourcesvQinghai University,supported by Chinese Ministry of Education,has equipped with basic education and research facilities,and has achieved a workable level in the investigation,management and assessment of the highland environment.vThe scientific team of Chinese Academy of Science has investigated the highland for 50 years,and accumulated abundant findings and information on the ecosystems there.vEarth Observation Satellites,Information and Communication Technologies offer systems for investigating and monitoring the wild land in high speed and low cost.Chinese Governments SupportsvA China,opening to the world more and more,secures basic condition for international collaborations.vThe Great Western Development Strategy and the desire of Chinese people for having greenery national land promise the possibility for introducing the market mechanism of ecosystem service trading.vChinese Government and Chinese scientists have engaged in Millennium Assessment project.Their experience is helpful for implementing the framework in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.International Collaboration NetworkvThe international exchanges of Qinghai University are active in recent years vAn international network with environmental experts who are willing to contribute to the development and conservation of the highland is established.vThis network,correspondent to the calling from the Embassy of China in Tokyo and the auspices of Chinese Education Ministry,is working functionally as a node for assisting Qinghai with resources abroad.Keio Universitys COE ProjectvKeio University,one of the most famous university in Japan has started the project under the auspices of the Japanese Governments 21 Century Center of Excellence(COE)Program,Policy Innovation Initiative:Human Security Research in Japan and Asia since 2003,in which the collaboration of China and Japan on environment policy is a key issue in the coming five years.vEven before the COE project,Keio University has done many collaborative works with China such as afforest in Kangping County,Liaoning Province and Tongliao City in Inner Monglia Autonomous District.vThese projects aim to assess the effect of absorption of CO2 by afforest and to explore the possibility to build the scheme for economic development by CDM.Networks from Local to International vCounties in the heart of the Plateauresidents,local governments,NGOsvXining City:Provincial Government,Qinghai UniversityvBeijing:Central Government,Chinese Academy,UniversitiesvJapan:Embassy of China and Keio UniversityvInternational societyAcademic Organizations:UNU in Tokyo,MA NGOs:ICRSE(USA),Plateau Perspective(Canada),International Experts for Assisting China Western(Japan)Further ActionsvPracticing the framework with the support of KEIOs COE Project vImplementing the framework in local counties and Xining CityvSetting up research center in Xining and sub-center in the upper highland,like Zhiduo CountyTheWaterHeadofYellowRiverTheWaterHeadofYellowRiverYou are welcome to join us to practice this new strategy for sustainable development at the unique site on the planet.


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