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1.He couldnt say _ it was _ troubled him.A.what;that B.what;what C.that;what D.what;who2.I _ there last year,but Dad didnt let me do so.A.was to have gone B.were to go C.was gone D.went3.My letter,_ to the wrong number,returned to me yesterday.A.to be addressed B.being addressedC.having been addressed D.to have been addressed4.There will be an old professor _ with us in the lab.A.worked B.works C.to have worked D.to work5.In face of a failure,it is the most important to _ a good state of mind.A.keep on B.keep in C.keep up D.keep off6._ they won the game was _ we had expected.A.That;which B.Whether;that C.x;that D.That;what7.I didnt know Jane _ in Paris.How long _ there?A.is;doesnt live B.was;has she been C.has been;is she D.were;has she been8._ reading is faster than reading aloud.A.Silent B.Quiet C.Calm D.Still9.Mr Cooper wanted to buy the house and he told me that _ the house cost,it would be _it.A.however;worth B.how much;worth C.whatever;worth D.what;worthy of10.The sailor was supposed _,but a few years later,he became a hero during the war.A.punishing B.to punishC.punished D.to be punished11.-Do you know when the lecture on current affairs will start?-Yes,it _ two hours before it _.A.starts;will start B.will start;will start C.will be;starts D.starts;will be12.Mikes mother kept telling him that he should work harder but _ didnt help.A.He B.which C.she D.it13.He ran back into the room to see if he had _ anything behind.A.forgotten B.laid C.remained D.left14.The boys grandfather died _ a flood and his grandmother died _ old age.A.from;of B.of;from C.from;at D.of;in15.He suggested that the book _ returned to the library at once.A.speaking of should be B.referred to be C.suggested D.spoken to be16.His idea was _ that we all agreed to use it in such _weather.A.such a good one;freezing B.so good one;freeingC.a so good one;frozen D.such good;cold17.Although we hadnt met for twenty years I recognized him _ I saw him.A.the moment B.that moment C.by the moment D.for the moment18._ no need for us to discuss the problem again _ it has already been settled.A.It has;once B.It is;because C.There has;for D.There is;since19.There is _ machine in our factory.You have to ask others for help.A.no such B.not such C.no such a D.not such any20.Its said that he was caught.One _ so,but in fact he wasnt.A.would think B.would have thought C.might think D.ought to have thought21.-Are you pleased with his answer.?-Not at all.It couldnt have been _.A.better B.worse C.so bad D.the worst22.-_ John be coming here tonight?-Im not sure,but he _ stay at home.A.May;might B.Can;must C.Must;might D.Can;might23.-Was your stay pleasant while you were in Shanghai last week?-No,it _ for four days,so we had to stay at a hotel.A.was raining B.had been raining C.would rain D.has been raining24.Children are tired of learning often because they are _ to do better than they can both at school and at home.A.hoped B.permitted C.suggested D.expected25.-Whos making so much noise in the garden?-_ the children.A.They are B.It be C.It is D.There are26.It is Alice and Nancy _ often help us _ our English.A.who;for B.that;with C.who;in D.that;in27.It _that the football match _ put off because of the rain.A.suggested;would be B.suggested;should beC.is suggested;shall be D.was suggested;be28.-Sorry for what I have said to you.-_.A.Lets forget it B.No,certainly not C.No,nothing much D.I do beg your pardon29.I _ you a valuable present for your birthday,but I was short of money at the time.A.would like to give B.would rather have givenC.like to give D.liked to have given30.-I have just had my watch repaired.-How much did they _ for that?A.cost B.charge C.spend D.take31.The workers on march demanded that their working conditions _ improved.A.are B.were C.be D.would be 32.The teacher spoke in a louder voice _ more clearly.A.in order that he was heard B.in order to hearC.in order that he might hear D.so that he could make himself heard33._,Mother will wait for me to have dinner together.A.No matter how late am I B.No matter how I am lateC.No matter how am I late D.No matter how late I am34.Those who are not _with the progress they have made will have greater success.A.proud B.afraid C.praised D.content35.In the flats he was the only man from _ bedroom the thief had stolen much money.A.who B.whom C.whose D.where36.-Could you post this letter for me on your way home,please?-_.A.Im glad,too B.Its pleasure C.Never mind D.With pleasure37.For some reason or another,Tom had to be _ out his plan immediately.A.made not to carry B.made not carry C.making not to carrying D.made not carrying38.More than one student _ in carrying out the task ahead of time.A.has succeeded B.have succeeded C.was succeeded D.were succeeded39.Please give a seed _.A.every one meter B.every other meter C.every first meter D.every a meter40._ from her parents for a long time,Alice is now looking forward to _ a letter from them.A.Having not heard;get B.Heard;gotC.Not having heard;getting D.Hearing;be getting41.Things of _kind come together;people of _ kind fall into _ same group.A.the;the;the B.a;a;the C.the;the;a D.a;the;the42.The pipe made of bamboo can _ water.A.be used to carry B.be used to carrying C.used to carry D.be used for carry43.New comers _ my attention from the speaker.A.took off B.took away C.took out D.took back44.I cant give you an answer yet.Id like to use _ more time to consider my decision.A.fairly B.quite C.rather D.hardly45.-What do people wear when they go to the theater?-Well,it isnt very _.People can wear anything they like.A.special B.certain C.modem D.simple46.-He failed his exam again.-But what did you _ from him?Had he ever been working hard?A.think B.expect C.consider D.regard47.-Did you visit the famous museum?-No.We _ it,but we spent too much time shopping at that time.A.could have visited B.must have visitedC.cant have visited D.shouldnt have visited48.The vegetables didnt taste very good.They _ for too long.A.cooked B.were cooked C.had cooked D.had been cooked49.-I heard Back Street Boys will sing at the New Theater.-Where did you _?A.pick that up B.put that up C.make that up D.take that up50.-He seldom has lunch at school,_?-_.A.does he;No,but he did B.does he;No,he hasntC.has he;Yes,he has D.hasnt he;Yes,he doesnt51.Just after finishing writing the composition,_.A.the doorbell rang loud B.Nancy heard the doorbell ringC.someone knocked at the door D.the doorbell was rung52.-Could you tell me where Jim lives?-_Jim used to live next door to us and now he is living in another town.A.At the time B.At one time C.At a time D.At times 53.-Have a sweet dream.-_.A.Yes.I will B.Thank you all the sameC.All right D.You too54.Why did you throw the bottle out of the window?You _ somebody.A.might hurt B.could have hurt C.would hurt D.must have hurt55.I came home very late last night,_,early this morning.A.at latest B.on the whole C.in a word D.or rather56.You look not a bit older than you did 5 years ago.How do you _ so young?A.change B.grow C.become D.stay 57.-Why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop only for a blouse?-Oh,she was very _ about her clothes.A.special B.particular C.especial D.unusual58.-I love you more than her,child.-You mean more than _ love her or more than she loves _?A.you;me B.I;you C.you;you D.I;me59.Youd better go back the same way _ you came.A.where B.that C.from which D.as60.Maria is the player whose skill in the game is far better than _ in her team.A.any other player B.anyone elses C.whoever elses D.any players61.Well be back _ five oclock,that is,_ about two hours.A.at;after B.until;in C.after;in D.at;for62.He seemed to be more nervous than I _ at the meeting.A.spoke B.were speaking C.speaking D.spoken63.Swimming is _ in importance _ to track and field events.A.second;only B.second;noneC.the second;other than D.the second;except64.Many a good student,like many a good scientist _ as much from _ mistakes as from successes.A.learn;their own B.learns;her C.learn;his or her D.learns;their own 65._ is the question of going on a holiday.A.What they interested in B.What interested themC.What is interested D.What they are interested66.The museum he paid a visit _ at the west end of the street.A.stand B.stands C.to stand D.to stands 67.-Will you go to see the film with me?-_,but Im engaged.A.Thats a good idea for you B.Its very good of youC.Thank you all the sameD.Id love to 68-What do you think of the TV play Hand in Hand?-Just so-so.I dont think it is worth watching_.A.a second time B.the second time C.for the second time D.secondly 69.-Not all present at the meeting would believe what he said,Im afraid.-_.A.So do I B.Nor am I.C.I agree D.Im afraid,too70.-It was careless of you _ your bike unlocked outside all night.-My God!So I did.A.to leave B.left C.had left D.to have left71.My son _ his English composition last night,now hes continuing it.A.wrote B.was writing C.had written D.has written72.Enough of it!Nobody here thinks what youre saying should make any _.A.excuse B.sense C.use D.value73.-Did you have trouble finding the house?-_.A.No,completely none B.Yes,completely noneC.No,hardly one D.Yes,Ive got one74.Mrs Black is expecting another baby and hopes _ will be a boy.A.he B.that C.it D.who75.-Do you still remember the day when we went to the Great Wall7 -I cant remember it well,but _ sometime last autumn?A.might it be B.must it have beenC.could it have been D.could it be 76.Ive listened to Dr Johnsons talk about pollution,but I still havent a good understanding of its key _.A.words B.points C.information D.notes77._ your business becomes international,_constantly will be part of your life.A.For;flying B.Since;flight C.Now that;flight D.Once;flying78.The death of the dog made her sad,and it took a long time to _it.A.put off B.get down C.get over D.come across 79.I dont think he could have done such a stupid thing last night,_?A.do I B.could he C.did he D.has he80.Its a _ difficult question,so it is _impossible for me to answer it.A.too;quite B.so;fairly C.rather;quite D.very;rather81.Ive already forgotten _ I put the dictionary.A.that it was where B.where it was that C.where was it that D.that was it where82.-Where _?-I got stuck in the heavy traffic,or I _ here earlier.A.did you go;had arrived B.are you;wasC.were you;would come D.have you been;would have been83.-Look!How busy the building workers are!-Yes,I see.The houses _ by them will be completed next week.A.built B.being built C.to build D.to be built84.In character-training of children,what really _ much is what their parents say and do.A.matters B.cares C.considers D.minds85.The final examination is coming;you really must _ your studies.A.get along B.get down to C.get on with D.get up86.-Is this radio show still _?-No.It will be broadcast again next month.A.by air B.through the air C.on the air D.in the air87.I beg _ tomorrows meeting.A.to be excused attending B.to excuse from being attendedC.to be excused from attending D.to excuse from attending88.The teacher asked _ students to be strict with ourselves in everything.A.the B.his C.us D.our89.Quite a few people watch TV only to _ time.A.waste B.spend C.kill D.pass90.Its likely that an accident will _ the march.A.show during B.break out to C.be taken place in D.happen on91.They have cut us off because we havent paid the phone bill _on time.A.due to be paid B.due to pay C.is paid D.should be paid92.Will you see to _ that my children are taken good care of while I am away?A.me B.yourself C.them D.it 93.How did it _ that you failed to _ in time yesterday?A.come up;turn over B.come about;turn upC.come over;turn off D.come up;turn down94._ different life today is _ what it was 20 years ago!A.What a;with B.What a;from C.How;from D.How;with95.-Are you satisfied with what shes done?-Not a little.It couldnt be _.A.any worse B.any better C.so well D.so bad96.-How fortunate Mr Li was _ to the USA for further study!-Have you heard from him lately?A.sent B.to have sent C.having been sent D.to have been sent97.-Why did he let you repeat his instruction time and time over?-_ that I remember what was _ after he went out.A.To make sure;to do B.Making sure;to be doneC.To see to it;to be done D.Seeing to;done98.-The experiment is of particular importance.-I see.Well carry on with it _ we can get enough money.A.until B.unless C.whether D.however99.Mr Li,though in bad health,is always well prepared _ students attend his lecture.A.in order that B.so far as C.whoever D.however many100.Anyone who wants to watch the air show,_ to get in.A.has to won a permit B.allowed C.should order a ticket in advance D.be sure to pay


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