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定语从句解析与突破定语从句解析与突破填适当的关系代词或关系副词.1.The students _ are visiting the natural museum are very interested in the dinosaurs.2.The committee consists of 20 members,5 of _ are women.3.The river _ banks are covered with trees flows into the sea.4.The books _ I borrowed from the library was newly published.5.The library _ students often study was on fire last night.6.Ill never forget the day _ we first met in the park.why7.Can you tell me the reason _you are late for school.whowhomwhosewhichthatwhichwhenwhy考点一考点一关系代词,关系副词的理解和选择关系代词,关系副词的理解和选择指代人指代人 who,whom,that指代事物指代事物 which,that所属关系所属关系 whose,of which指地点指地点 where指时间指时间 when指原因指原因 why一一.在从句开头引导定语从句。在从句开头引导定语从句。二二.替代先行词。且先行词绝不可省,引导词有时替代先行词。且先行词绝不可省,引导词有时 可省(如引导词在从句中作宾语时)可省(如引导词在从句中作宾语时)三三.在定语从句中充当成分。在定语从句中充当成分。This is the factory _I once worked.This is the factory_ Ive visited.The day _I always remember is Oct.1The day _Nanjing was liberated is Sep.11.The reason _he hasnt come is that he has been ill.Dont believe the reason _he gave you.whereThat/whichThat/which when whyThat/which当表时间,地点,原因的名词,如当表时间,地点,原因的名词,如day,time,place factory,reason等作先行词,等作先行词,在定语从句中作状语时,用在定语从句中作状语时,用where,when 和和why 引导定语从句,在从句中作主语或引导定语从句,在从句中作主语或宾语时,用宾语时,用that 或或which.2.Do you know the student who/that left a moment ago?Do you know the student about whom hes talking?Hes the man(that/which/whom)you can depend on.Do you know the student whose father is an engineer?The train that/which has just left is for Hong Kong.关系代词引导定语从句修饰人并在关系代词引导定语从句修饰人并在从句中作主语时用从句中作主语时用who/that,在从在从句中作宾语时用句中作宾语时用who,whom,that 或省略关系词,但在介词后只能用或省略关系词,但在介词后只能用whom 引导从句并修饰物时用引导从句并修饰物时用which 或或that;在从句中作定语指在从句中作定语指人或物表人或物表“的的”时用时用whose.3.This is the very magazine(that)I am after.You can take any book you like.That 和和 which 在引导定语从句指物时,在引导定语从句指物时,如果先行词前有序数词或形容词最高级例如果先行词前有序数词或形容词最高级例时,或先行词本身是不定代词,如时,或先行词本身是不定代词,如all,everything,nothing,none等时,或先行等时,或先行词被词被the only,the very,just the,any 等等修饰时不用修饰时不用which 用用that 1.Some pre-school children go to a day care center,_ they learn simple games and songs.(07全国全国)A.while B.there C.then D.where2.The village has developed a lot_ we learned farming 2 years ago.(07福建)福建)A.when B.which C.that D.where3.Do you have anything _ you dont understand?(07浙江)浙江)A.that B.which C.who D.where4.Look out!Dont get too close to the house_ roof is under repair.(07福建)福建)A.whose B.which C.of which D.that5.Were just trying to reach a point_ both sides will sit down together and talk.(06山东)山东)A.where B.that C.when D.which6.I walked in our garden,_Tom and Jim are trying a big sign onto one of the trees.(05辽宁)辽宁)A.which B.when C.where D.that 考点二 定语从句与别的从句或强调结构的区别定语从句与别的从句或强调结构的区别 定语从句与非谓语动词的重叠考查定语从句与非谓语动词的重叠考查 定语从句与强调句型的区别两者非常相似,判断是否是强调结构的方法是采用删除法 E.g.Was it during the Second World War that he died?为强调结构。例1-Where did you get to know her?-It was on the farm_ we worked.A.that B.there C.Which D.Where(注:与强调句型的结合.It was on the farm where we worked that I got to know her)2定语从句或别的从句的区别 定语从句与地点状语从句的区别:看有无表示地点的名词作先行词,有则是定语看有无表示地点的名词作先行词,有则是定语从句。从句。Eg.You should leave the toy where you can find.(地点状语)I still remember the bus stop where/at which I met you.(定语从句)定语从句与结果状语从句的区别:定语从句与结果状语从句的区别:看从句的连接词是否在从句中做成分,做看从句的连接词是否在从句中做成分,做成分的是定语从句。成分的是定语从句。Eg.He is such a kind person as everybody likes.(定语从句)He is such a kind person that everybody likes him.(结果状语从句)定语从句与同位语从句的区别:看连接词是否在从句中做成分,做成分的是看连接词是否在从句中做成分,做成分的是定语从句,不做成分而只是表示前面名词的定语从句,不做成分而只是表示前面名词的具体内容的是同位语从句。具体内容的是同位语从句。Eg.The news that he had been back surprised us all.(同位语从句)He had to settle the problem which they left.(定语从句)例2 _ a terrible storm would take place in Hainan.A.Words came which B.Word came that C.Word that came D.Words came that(同位语从句的分割现象。that 后引导的从句与word的同位语)3非谓语动词在定语从句中的应用非谓语动词在定语从句中的应用。There is nothing more I can try _ you to say,so I wish you good luck.A.being persuaded B.persuading C.to be persuaded D.to persuade(即时巩固练习)1.(上海2001春)It was for this reason _ her uncle moved out of new York and settled down in the small village.A.which B.why C.that D.how 2.(2002上海)There is feeling in me _ well never know what a UFO is-not ever.A.that B.which C.of which D.what考点三考点三介词介词+关系代词引导定语从句时介词或关系代词引导定语从句时介词或关系代词的选择关系代词的选择1.引导定语从句时,能用于介词引导定语从句时,能用于介词+关系代词引关系代词引导定语从句的代词只有导定语从句的代词只有which和和whom。选择。选择的依据如下:的依据如下:介词与定语从句的先行词或动词,形容词是习惯介词与定语从句的先行词或动词,形容词是习惯性搭配。性搭配。Eg.The farm on which I once worked has taken on a new look Who is the man with whom our teacher is shaking hands?Ours is a beautiful country,of which we are greatly proud.表示表示“所有格所有格”或或“整体与部分关系整体与部分关系”时,用介时,用介词词ofEg.There are over 3.000 workers,eighty percent of whom are women.2.当引导词在定语从句中做介词宾语时,介词可当引导词在定语从句中做介词宾语时,介词可以提前放在以提前放在which或或when前,也可放于原来的前,也可放于原来的位置,但在含有动词固定词组中,介词只能放于位置,但在含有动词固定词组中,介词只能放于原来的位置。原来的位置。Eg.This is the room which/that Luxun used to live in.=This is the room in which Luxun used to live.The man who/whom/that I talked about at the meeting is from Beijing University.=The man about whom I talked at the meeting is from Beijing University.但但This is the person who/whom/that you are lookingfor.这一句中这一句中for不可提前,因为不可提前,因为look for 是短语动词。是短语动词。例1(07辽宁)Eric received training in computer for one year,_ he found a job in a big company.A.after that B.after which C.after it D.after this(即时巩固练习(即时巩固练习)1.(06浙江)I was given three books on cooking,the first_ I really enjoyed.A.of that B.of which C.that D.which2.(05山东)He was educated at a local grammar school,_ he went on to Cambridge.A.from which B.after that C.after which D.from this考点四考点四:as与与which引导非限制性定语从句的区别引导非限制性定语从句的区别as和和which都可指代主句中的一部分或整个句子都可指代主句中的一部分或整个句子内容内容,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语在从句中作主语、宾语或表语,一般情况下一般情况下互换互换.Eg:This elephant is like a snake,as/which anybody can see.(宾语宾语)He left her,as/which was strange.(主语主语)His lessons are interesting,as/which indeed they are.(表语表语)注意下列情况下只能用注意下列情况下只能用as 放在句首时只能用as 表示“正如,正像”之意时,只能用asHe agreed to the plan,as could be expected.比较下面两句子:He got married again,as we expected.(预料之中预料之中)He got married again,which we did not expect.(预料之外预料之外)as可用于类似插入语的句式中,which 不能 eg:as is said above,as is known to all,as it is等例1(06天津)The Beatles,_many of you are old enough to remember,came from Liverpool.A.what B.that C.how D.as 例2.(07湖南)By serving others,a person focuses on someone other than himself or herself,_ can be very eye-opening and rewarding.A.who B.which C.what D.that例3.(07上海)His movie won several awards at the film festival,_ was beyond his wildest dream.A.which B.that C.where D.it 例4.(04北京)_ is reported in the newspapers,talks between the two countries are making progress.A.It B.As C.That D.What考点五考点五:关系代词作主语时谓语中数的判断关系代词作主语时谓语中数的判断Who,which,that 的数应以先行词的数而定,的数应以先行词的数而定,从句中谓语从句中谓语动词应与先行词的单复数一致。动词应与先行词的单复数一致。I talked with the boy who swims fastest in your school.All the boys who are now swimming in the river are from Wuhan.He is one of the teachers who know English well.He is only one of the teachers who knows English well.例1.(02上海春)He is the only one of the students who_ a winner of scholarship for three years A.is B.are C.have been D.has been考点六:几种较为复杂的定语从句考点六:几种较为复杂的定语从句1.way后面的定语从句后面的定语从句 Please tell me the way(that/in which)you did the job.the same.as/that.与与Such.as/that.This is the same bag as I lost yesterday.(同类异物同类异物)This is the same bag that I lost yesterday.(同物同物)He is such a funny sort of person as I dont understand at all.(as引导定语从句,在从句中作成分引导定语从句,在从句中作成分)He is such a funny sort of person that I dont understand him at all.(that引导状语从句,且不在从句中作成分引导状语从句,且不在从句中作成分)例例1(04湖北)湖北)What surprised me most was not what he said but_ he said it.A.the way B.in the way that C.in the way D.the way which(即时巩固练习)(即时巩固练习)1.My hometown is not the same_ it used to be.A.like B.as C.that D.which2.We will give you such data_ will help you in your work.A.who B.that C.as D.which3.He answered with the same simplicity_ he asked.A.like B.as C.which D.unlike 易错点一易错点一:1.不能透彻地理解“关系词”具有的三种三种功能。在从句开头引导一个定语从句;指代或替代“先行词”且先行词不能省略,引导词有时可省;在定语从句中作适当成分2.不注意介词+关系代词引导定语从句时介词的习惯搭配。介词与定语从句的先行词是习惯性搭配 介词与定语从句的动词是习惯性搭配 介词与定语从句的形容词是习惯性搭配 表示“所有格”或“整体与部分”关系时用介词of 1.Put the book_ it should be when you have finished reading it.A.where B.in which C.at the place D.the place where 2.I can never forget the day_ we worked together and the day_ we spent together.A.when,which B.which,when C.what,what D.on which,when 3.The train_ she is traveling is arriving.A.by which B.in which C.that D.which(即时巩固练习)1.The machines we use today are much better than_ we used ten years ago.A.those B.ones C.which D.them2.Would you please put the book_ it belongs?A.to whom B.to which C.to that D.where易错点二:不能区别定语从句与别的从句或结构,易错点二:不能区别定语从句与别的从句或结构,极易弄混定语从句与强调结构,定语从句与状语极易弄混定语从句与强调结构,定语从句与状语从句的表语从句之间的区别。从句的表语从句之间的区别。例1Keep away from such things_ will do you harm.A.as B.that C.to which D.which(即时巩固练习)1.He is such a funny sort of person_ I dont understand at all.A.who B.that C.whom D.as2.The temperature can fall to-30._ is 30 below freezing point.A.Which B.It C.That D.This易错点三易错点三:不注意标点符号及句子的结构不注意标点符号及句子的结构 1.一般情况下两句话间以逗号连接一般情况下两句话间以逗号连接,则两句话间应则两句话间应是一种逻辑上的主从关系是一种逻辑上的主从关系(特殊情况除外特殊情况除外);另外另外that不能引导非限制定语从句不能引导非限制定语从句 例1.Carol said the work would be done by October,_ personally I doubt very much.A.it B.that C.when D.which 例2._ is known to all,China will be an advanced and powerful country in 20 or 30 yearstime.A.That B.This C.As D.It2.不注意句子的结构不注意句子的结构 例3.The largest collection ever found in England was one of about 200,000 silver pennies,_ over 600 years old.A.all of them B.all of which C.all of it D.none of which 例4.All_ is needed is a supply of oil.A.不填 B.that C.what D.which(即时巩固练习)1.In our school there are 2000 students,about two fifths of _ are girls.A.whom B.who C.which D.them2.Last night I saw the man_ you said was away.A.who B.whom C.whose D.as易错点四易错点四:不能准确断句不能准确断句例1.The rich,for _ money was not a problem,wanted to stay at an expensive hotel.A.their B.his C.whose D.whom例2.I can still remember the sitting-room,_ my brother and I used to sit in the evening.A.which B.when C.that D.where(即时巩固练习)(即时巩固练习)1.Next winter,_ you will spend in Harbin,Im sure,will be another exciting holiday.A.which B.when C.in which D.where2.Madam Curie,for_ life had once been very hard,was successful later.A.whom B.which C.whose D.that热身过关1.(08山东高三联考)The weather turned out to be very good,was more than we could expect.A.what B.which C.that D.it2.(08南京 八校联考)He was so pleased with all we had done for him he wrote us a letter to praise us for it.A.what,whatB.what,that C.that,what D.that,that3.(08黄冈高三联考)Disney,money was now no problem,started a new film company.A.for whose B.for whom C.for whichD.to which BDB4.(08黄冈高三联考)Tomorrow would be Christmas Day,and she had only$1.87 .A.with which to buy a present to Jim B.by which to buy Jim a present C.With which she could buy a present for Jim D.in which to buy Jim a present 5.(08黄冈高三联考)The project Wang Lins life is one of the many government programms improving the situation for the poorest people in China.A.that has saved,aiming at B.which has saved,aimed at C.which had saved,aimed at D.that saved,aiming at6.(08湖北高三联考)I tried to get out of the business,I found impossible.A.when B.what C.that D.whichCBD7.(08海定区期中)Early in the 1990s no one had any idea that J.K Rowling had come up with the story of Harry Potter,later became a best seller.A.what B.who C.whom D.which8.(08东城目标检测)-Did you remember the days we worked on the farm?-Certainly.Especially the hard times we spent together.A.which,whenB.when,which C.when,whenD.which,which 9.(08西城抽样测试)The project turned out to be very good,was more than we could expect.A.whatB.thatC.which D.thisDBC10.(08成都毕业检测)There are many things in different areas we can do to reduce the possible dangers of AIDS.A.whereB.thereC.whatD.that11.(08 南通九校联考)Mr.White will come to the party on Sunday,he promised to every one of us.A.whenB.thatC.whatD.which12.(08黄冈高三检测)Beijing was attacked by such a terrible sandstorm few residents had ever experienced before.A.and it was B.as C.which D.thatDDB13.(08南京高三调研)A survey was carried out on the death rate of newborn babies in that area,were surprising.A.as results B.which results C.the results of it D.the results of which 14.(08西安质量检测)The people,had been damaged by the flood,were given help by the Red Cross.A.all whose homes B.all their homes C.all of their homes D.all of whose homes15.(08石家庄毕业复习)That unforgettable ball was the last happy moment I enjoyed myself.A.whenB.thatC.whichD.whereDDA 1.The road conditions there turned out to be very good,_was more than we could expect.(全国卷)A.it B.what C.which D.that2.Ill give you my friend home address,_I can be reached most evenings.(北京卷28)A.which B.when C.whom D.where 3.The growing speed of a plan is influenced by a number of factors,_are beyond our control.(湖南卷31)A.most of them B.most of whichC.most of what D.most of that4.For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread out further,_New York is an example.(四川卷4)A.for which B.in which C.of which D.from which5.The man pulled out a gold watch,_were made of small diamonds.(陕西卷13)A.the hands of whom B.whom the hands of C.which the hands of D.the hands of which6.Yesterday she sold her car,_she bought a month ago.(浙江卷8)A.when B.where C.that D.which考点:考查非限制性定语从句7.Animals suffered at the hands of Man _they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural land to provide food for more people.(江西卷34)A.in which B.for which C.so that D.in that8.Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers _consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.(江西卷35)A.where B.when C.who D.which考点:考查从句的用法9.I used to love that film _I was a child,but I dont feel it that way any more.(辽宁卷32)A.once B.when C.since D.although考点:考查时间状语从句的连词用法10.Nancy enjoyed herself so much_ she visited her friends in Sydney last year.(福建卷28)A.that B.which C.when D.where考点:考查易混句型的比较11.By nine oclock,all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma,_appeared a rare rainbow soon.(福建卷31)A.of which B.on which C.from which D.above which考点:本题考查“介词which”引导的定语从句结构12.All the neighbors admire this family _the parents are treating their child like a friend.(安徽卷26)A.why B.where C.which D.that 考点:考查从句和关联词的选用13.The Science Museum,_we visited during a recent trip to Britain,is one of Londons tourist attractions.(江苏卷24)A.which B.what C.that D.where考点:考查定语从句14.They will fly to Washington,_they plan to stay for two or three days.(重庆卷21)A.where B.there C.which D.when15.We went through a period_ communication were very difficult in the rural areas.(上海卷38)A.which B.whose C.in which D.with which16.Occasions are quite rare_ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.(山东卷26)A.who B.which C.why D.when17.Youd better not leave the medicine_ kids can get at it.(山东卷31)A.even if B.which C.where D.so that p经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量pStudyConstantly,AndYouWillKnowEverything.TheMoreYouKnow,TheMorePowerfulYouWillBe写在最后感谢聆听不足之处请大家批评指导Please Criticize And Guide The Shortcomings结束语讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日


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