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Unit 1 Reservation 酒店预订Unit 1 Reserv Key point:to answer questions concerning reservation to take a reservation to cancel a reservation to confirm a reservation Warm up:Reservation Procedures Greet the guest Ask about reservation information Check the room availability Confirm the reservation/Refuse the reservation Key point:Key words in the text reservation n.预订,预约 responsibility n.责任,职责 advance adj.事先的,预先的 concerning prep.关于 assign vt.分配,指派 cancellation n.取消 revision n.修订,修改,修正 confirmation n.证实,确认,批准 confirm vt.确定,批准,使有效 immediately adv.立即,马上 reply n.答复,回答 paperwork n.文书工作,全部文件 request n.请求,要求 vacancy n.空,空白,空缺,空闲 specified adj.具体指定的 information n.信息,通知,消息 Key words in the text Key words and sentences in Dialogue AVocabularysingle room n.单人间 double room n.双人间available adj.可用到的,可利用的 king-size bed n.大床access n.入口,通道 Internet access n.网络接口continental adj.大陆的,欧洲大陆的 contact n.接触,联系Notes1.Grand Hyatt Hotel 君悦大酒店2.Have you got any vacancies for the nights of 12th and 13th?12、13号两天有空房吗?3.We have a double-room available.我们有一个双人间可以订。4.Do you accept VISA?可以用信用卡吗?Key words and s Key words and sentences in Dialogue BVocabularychange vt.改变,变化 booking n.预订,预约deluxe adj.豪华的,高级的 detail n.细节,详情later adv.后来,随后 remain vi.保持 Notes1.I need to change my booking.我想更改房间预订信息。2.The rate will remain the same.您的房间价格不会变。3.By the way,is there a new confirmation number?顺便问一下,我的信息确认号也变了吗?Key words aRole PlaySituation A:Please write the E-mail to book a single room in advance in the hotel and your partner as a hotel reservationist will reply.Situation B:You are going to make a group reservation for the travellers.Make a dialogue with your partner to make the reservation.Situation C:You have to cancel the reservation that you have made,so you will make a phone call with the reservationist to cancel it.Role PlayFurther extention1.Id like to book a double room for next Sunday.下周日我想订一个双人房间。2.Id like to book a single room with bath from the afternoon of October 5th to the morning of October 10th.我想订一个带洗澡间的单人房间,10月5日下午到10月10日上午用。3.What is the rate,please?请问房费多少?4.What services come with that?这个价格包括哪些服务项目呢?5.Id like to reserve some rooms for a tourist party.我想为一个旅游团订房间。6.Id like to cancel a reservation because the travel schedule has been changed.我取消已经预定的房间因为旅行计划有所改变。Further extention1.Id like Information Corner Ways of rating:European plan(EP)American plan(AP)Modified plan(MP)Continental plan(CP)Bermuda plan(BP)Information Corner Ways of ratUnit 2 Reception and Check In接待与登记入住Unit 2 Reception and Key point:to check in a guest with reservation;to help to fill in the registration form;to show the way to the room;to introduce room facilities Warm up:Check In Procedures Key point:to chec Key words in the textreception n.接待处 doorman n.门卫,看门的人 registration n.注册,报到,登记 bellman n 侍者 impression n.印象,感想 briefly adv.简要地,暂时地staff n.全体职员 introduce vt.介绍,传入,引进register v.记录,登记,注册 facility n.设备,工具employee n.职工,雇员,店员 basic adj.基本的 Key words in the textKey words and sentences in Dialogue A Vocabulary receptionist n.招待员,接待员 passport n.护照 issue n.出版,发行,问题 skip vt.跳过,跳越,略过 complete vt.完成,使完善 departure n.启程,出发,离开 nationality n.国籍,国家 regulation n.规则,规章 Notes 1.Would you please fill out this form while I prepare your key card for you?请您填一下这张表,我来找您的房卡。2.You can just skip that.Ill put in the room number for you later on.您可以先跳过,等一下我来写房间号。3.It is on the14th floor and the daily rate is 90 dollars.房间在14层,价格是每天90美元。Key words and sentences in DiaKey words and sentences in Dialogue B Vocabulary deluxe adj.豪华的,高级的 detail n.细节,详情 later adv.后来,随后 remain vi.保持 Notes 1.I need to change my booking.我想更改房间预订信息。2.Can you give me the confirmation number,please?请告诉我您的信息确认号码好吗?3.The rate will remain the same.您的房间价格不会变。4.By the way,is there a new confirmation number?顺便问一下,我的信息确认号也变了吗?by the way 作为插入语,表示顺便问一下,顺便说一下。Key words and sentences in DiaRole PlaySituation A:Imagine that you will go on business to New York next Monday and you need to send an E-mail to book a single room in advance in the hotel.Please write the E-mail and your partner as a hotel reservationist will reply to you.Situation B:Anna is a tourist guide.Tomorrow she will receive a touring party from Canada and she needs to make a group reservation for the travellers.Make a dialogue to make the reservation.Situation C:John has booked a room in Mega Hotel in advance,but now he needs to cancel the reservation.Therefore,he plans to make a telephone call to the hotel.Make a dialogue between John and the receptionist.Role PlayFurther extention1.May I have a look at your passport?请出示一下您的护照好吗?2.Could you please fill in this registration card please?请填一下这张登记卡好吗?3.Please dont forget to carry it at all times.请别忘了随身携带。4.Please remember to return your key before you leave the hotel.请在离店时记着归还您的钥匙。5.The porter here will take your luggage and show you the way.行李员会帮您拿行李,并带您到房间去。6.Your baggage will be sent up in a few minutes.您的行李马上有人送过来。Further extention1.May I haveInformation Corner 常见的国际通用的信用卡:酒店一般接受国际通用的信用卡,其中常见的有签证卡/维萨卡Visa(VS)、美国运通卡 American Express(AE/AX/Amex)、万事达卡Master Card(MC)、大莱卡 Diners Club(DC)、联邦卡/发达卡 Federal Card。此外,还有百万卡 JCB Card/JCB International(JB)、长城卡 Great Wall Card、卡特布朗克/黑卡Carte Blanche(CB)、欧洲卡 Eurocard(EC)、巴克莱卡Barclaycard(BC)等等。Information Corner 常见的国际通用的信Unit 3 Mail and Information邮寄与信息咨询台 Unit 3 Mail and IKey point:to handle messages and mails of the guests;to introduce facilities and services of the hotel;to show the way to a certain place in the city;to introduce facilities of the surrounding areaWarm up:The Services of Mail and Information Area usually include:handling messages and mails of the guests;introducing facilities and services of the hotel;showing the way to a certain place in the city;introducing facilities of the surrounding areaKey point:Key words in the texthandle vt.运用,处理,操作 probably adv.大概,或许separate v.分开,隔离,分散 proper adj.适当的,正确的,特有的department n.部门,系,学部 rack n.架子,挂架,limit vt.限制,限定 attempt vt.尝试,企图assist v.援助,帮助 circumstance n.环境,境况surrounding adj.周围的 assistant n.助手,助理Key words in the text Key words and sentences in Dialogue A Vocabulary fax n.传真 message n.消息,通讯,讯息 party n.(电话通话的)对方 airmail n.航空邮件 Notes 1.You have a letter and a fax,also a message was left by a lady one hour ago.您有一封信,一份传真,和一位女士一小时前留的一个留言。2.First 20 grams is 20 yuan.Each additional 20grams is 15 yuan.寄送20克需要20元,此后每20克加15元。Key words and sentences in DiKey words in Dialogue Bamuse vt.使愉快 relaxing adj.放松的,悠闲的recreation n.消遣,娱乐 billiards n.台球,桌球bridge n.桥牌 bowling n.保龄球teahouse n.茶室 classical adj.古典的,正统派的Key words in Dialogue BRole PlaySituation A:A guest is asking at the information about the restaurants in the hotel,including types(Chinese/western),location,opening hours(for breakfast,lunch),specially recommended dishes and so on.Situation B:Miss Thompson has only two free days and she wants to know where she could visit in the limit time.A clerk of the Information Area will give her some advice and tell her something about the scenic spots.Situation C:Steven is an American and now he is on business in Beijing.He lives in Jianguo Hotel,right now he needs to send a fax to his company which is located in Shanghai.He goes to the business center of the hotel.Please make a dialogue between Steven and the clerk.Role PlaySituation A:A guest Further extention1.Where is the coffee shop,please?请问咖啡厅在什么地方?2.The coffee shop is next to the lift.咖啡厅在电梯旁边。3.Can I get something hot at this hour of night?在晚上这个时间,我是否还能吃上点儿热的东西呢?4.Yes.Over there in the coffee shop.可以,就在那边的咖啡厅里。5.The travel agency in the hotel takes all kinds of booking.酒店的旅行社代办各种预订票。6.You can send your telex and fax in the business center.您可以在商务中心发电报和传真。Further extention1.Where is tInformation CornerHotel facilities usually include:Health ClubSpa&SalonRestaurants&BarsEntertainment&GamingBusiness CentreBanquet and ConferenceShoppingOther facilities include:Airport limousine and shuttle Currency exchange Regular bus&lightrail services Doctor on call Laundry services CheckoutInformation CornerHotel faciliUnit 4 Telephone Desk 电话咨询处Unit 4 Telephone Desk 电 Key point:to use telephone language;to take telephone messages;to listen for details and confirm details;to answer and make various types of telephone calls Warm up:Hotel telephone calls usually include:House calls Calls from outside Key point:Key words in the textobvious adj.明显的,显而易见的 offer vt.提供,出价chief adj.主要的,首要的,首席的 operator n.(电话)接线员,报务员lead vt.领导,引导 principal adj.主要的,首要的role n.角色,任务 incoming adj.引入的,进来的 connect v.连接,联合 desired adj.渴望的,想得到的duty n.义务,责任,职责 listing n.清单,列表ascertain vt.确定,探知 forward vt.转寄,促进 Key words in the text Key words and sentences in Dialogue AVocabularycertainly adv.(口语)当然,行 computer n.计算机dial v.拨 press vt.压,按digit n.数字,数位 final adj.最后的,最终的Notes1.Im leaving for Tokyo tomorrow morning.明天早上我要去东京。2.We have a computer wake-up service.Please dial 5 first and then the time.我们有电脑叫醒服务,请按5,然后按时间。3.There must be five digits in the final number.最后的数字一定要有5位。Key words and sentences in D Key words and sentences in Dialogue BVocabularyresponse n.回答,响应,反应 pass vt.通过,传递 Notes1.Can you put me through to Mr.William Patterson in room 1236?请帮我接1236房间的威廉派特森先生。2.Ill pass your message to Mr.Patterson,sir.我会将您的口信带给派特森先生。Key words and senRole PlaySituation A:A caller wanted to speak to a guest in the hotel who had a reservation but not checked in at that time.Then the caller decided to leave a message.Situation B:You are the operator at your hotel.A guest calls and you answer the phone with a standard greeting.The guest makes a request in English.Student A plays the role of the operator,and Student B the role of the guest.Role PlayFurther extention 1.This is London calling.I have a call for Mr.Wallace.Its a collect call.这里是伦敦。有一个打给华莱士先生的电话。是由接听人付费的电话。2.This is the hotel operator.I have a collect call from Mr.Wallace in London.Will you accept the charges?这里是旅馆总机。华莱士先生从伦敦打来的电话,是由接听人付费的。您愿意付款吗?3.Could you give me the time and the charges after the call,please?通完话后,请告诉我通话时间及费用,好吗?4.We will add it to your final room bill.我们将一并加算在您最终的房费账单上。5.Your call tolastedminutes.It will cost.U.S.dollars.您打到的电话持续了分钟,费用是美元。Further extention 1.This is Information Corner 1.26个英文字母的代称“北约音标字母表”2.常用的电话号码Information Corner 1.26个英文字母的Unit 5Business Center商务中心Unit 5Business Center商务中心 Key point:to offer secretarial services to guests to offer convention services to gueststo book tickets for guestsWarm up:The services of Business Center usually include:Secretarial servicesConvention servicesTicket services Key point:to offer secrKey words in the textaffair n.事务,事件 auditorium n.会堂,礼堂projector n.投影仪,放映机 personnel n.人员,职员translator n.翻译者 interpreter n.口译人员flight n.班机,航班 secretarial adj.秘书的,书记的convention n.会议,大会 businessman n.商人print v.打印,印刷 material n.材料,原料Key words in the textKey words sentences in Dialogue AVocabularycongress n.大会,国会 enough adj.足够的Notes1.We are going to have a congress on 17th November.Id like to book some facilities and personnel for it.十一月十七号我们要开个会,我想预定一些设施并安排一些工作人员。2.We need an auditorium for 40 people,a projector and a video camera.我们需要一间40人的会议室,一台投影仪和一架摄像机。Key words sentences in DialoguKey words sentences in Dialogue BVocabularyeconomy n.经济,节约 aisle n.走廊,过道Notes1.First class or economy class?头等舱还是经济舱?2.Awindow seat or an aisle seat?靠窗的座位还是靠走道的?Key words sentences in DialoguRole PlaySituation A:At the Business Center,a guest asks for some information about your hotel.Answer these as best as you can.Situation B:A guest who wanted to watch Peking Opera came for advice.After receiving recommendations from the clerk,he/she asked for ticket-booking service.Situation C:Mr Smith is a meeting organizer of an English company.He needs a secretary to help him with the office work.You are a clerk in Business Center.You ask him when he needs the service and tell him the cost.Role PlaySituation A:At the BFurther extention1.Id like to copy/type/print this.我想要复印/打字/打印这个。2.How many copies would you like?您需要复印多少份?3.Ill leave the original here.Please call me when the copy is ready.我把原件先放在这里,等复印好了就打电话通知我吧。4.Would you like me to staple these for you?需不需要我帮您把这些装订起来?5.Shall I copy these on both sides to the paper?我进行双面复印,好吗?6.Your original is not very clear.I cant guarantee your copy will be good.您的原件不太清晰,我不敢保证复印的效果会很好。Further extention1.Id like tInformation Corner北京主要的星级酒店:1.北京天伦王朝饭店 9.北京饭店 2.北京国际饭店 10.北京喜来登长城饭店3.北京华侨大厦 11.北京亚洲大酒店4.北京昆仑饭店 12.北京新世纪日航饭店5.北京港澳中心瑞士酒店 13.北京世纪金源大饭店6.北京兆龙饭店 14.北京贵宾楼饭店7.北京西苑饭店 15.北京香格里拉饭店8.北京王府井大饭店 Information Corner北京主要的星级酒店:Unit 6Unit 6Cashier and Check OutCashier and Check Out结账Unit 6Cashier and Check Out Key point:to check out a guest;to explain the bill to a guest;to correct the miscalculation of a bill;to exchange foreign currencyWarm up:Check Out Procedures Key point:to checkKey words in the textcashier n.出纳员,收支员 involve vt.包括,潜心于frequent adj.时常发生的,频繁的 perform vt.履行,执行,表演change n.找回的零钱,找头 convert v.使转变,转换foreign adj.外国的,外来的 currency n.通货,货币cash vt.兑现 settle vt.支付,解决account n.账目,账单 bill vt.给.开账单 n.账单charge n.费用 various adj.各种各样的 Key words in the textcashier Key words sentences in Dialogue AVocabularytin n.罐 total v.总数达,达到credit card n.信用卡,签帐卡 receipt n.收条,收据Notes1.Id like to check out.我想办理离店手续。2.Ill call the department concerned.我询问一下相关部门。3.Do you accept Visa?Visa 维萨信用卡Key words sentences in DialoguKey words sentences in Dialogue B Vocabulary exchange n.交换,兑换 memo n.备忘录 Notes 1.Id like to change some US dollars into RMB.我想用美元兑换人民币。2.Would you sign your name here on the exchange memo?您能否在兑换备忘上签字?3.Please keep the memo;youll have to produce it when you want to change your money back.请收好备忘,如果您想兑换回美元需要出示。Key words sentences in DialoguRole PlaySituation A:When checking out,the guest wanted a detailed explanation on every item on the bill.During the explanation a miscalculation was found.After correcting it,the clerk apologized to the guest.Make a conversation between them.Situation B:William Jefferson is an American,who is living at Sheraton Hotel in Beijing.Before departure,he wants to change the RMB that he has into US dollars,and the rate today is 6 yuan 20 to the dollar.William has 1050 yuan in total.Make a conversation between him and the cashier.Situation C:A guest asks for the bill.He would like to pay by signing the bill.But he does not have his hotel passport with him.Make a conversation between them.Role PlaySituation A:When cheFurther extention1.Just a moment,please.Ill draw up your bill for you.请稍等一下,我帮您结算账单。2.Would you like a breakdown of your bill?您的账目要细分吗?3.Im afraid its not enough to cover the amount.恐怕那不够付账。4.May I have a receipt?可以给我开张发票吗?5.Your bill will be paid by*Company.您的账单将由*公司支付。Further extention1.Just a momInformation Corner主要货币的英文符号:人民币 CNY(RMB)美元 USD日元 JPY 欧元 EUR 德国马克 DEM 瑞士法郎 CHF 法国法郎 FRF 加拿大元 CAD 澳大利亚元 AUD 港币 HKD 奥地利先令 ATS 芬兰马克 FIM 比利时法郎 BEF 爱尔兰镑 IEP 意大利里拉 ITL 卢森堡法郎 LUF 荷兰盾 NLG 英镑 GBP Information Corner主要货币的英文符号:Unit 7Unit 7Guest RoomGuest Room客房客房Unit 7Guest Room客房Key point:types of guest room;to show a guest to the room;to explain valuables deposit to the guests to introduce room services and facilitiesWarm up:Types of Guest Room Key point:types of guest Key words in the textcurtains n.窗帘 glass n.玻璃窗stand lamp n.落地灯 scale n.磅秤shower curtain n.浴帘 carpet n.地毯Key words in the textKey words sentences in Dialogue A Vocabulary suitcase n.手提箱,衣箱 drawer n.抽屉 dresser n.梳妆台 brochure n.小册子 luggage n.行李,皮箱 correct adj.正确的 Notes 1.After you.您先请。2.And in the first drawer of the dresser,youll find a brochure with full information about the facilities and services of our hotel.在梳妆台的第一个抽屉里,您可以找到酒店指南,里面有我们酒店设施和服务的全部信息。Key words sentences in DialoguKey words sentences in Dialogue BVocabularyswitch n.开关 wardrobe n.衣柜,衣橱surf the Internet 上网 booklet n.小册子panel n.嵌板,镶板 nightstand n.床头柜Notes1.You can surf the Internet free of charge.您可以免费上网。2.The hot water supply is around-the-clock.热水全天候供应。3.Are the drinks complimentary?这些饮料免费吗?Key words sentences in DialoguRole PlaySituation A:A floor attendant greets a guest on his floor and escorts the guest to his room.Then,the floor attendant introduces the facilities in the room.Situation B:A guest just arrives in his room,and asks the housekeeper about shopping in the city,as he wants to buy some souvenirs for his friends.Situation C:A guest accidentally breaks something in the guest room(glass,mirror,etc.).He agreed to pay for it but was not so much willing to pay the original price.You are the clerk,trying to explain and convince him.Role PlaySituation A:A floor Further extention1.Please come this way,sir.请这边走,先生。2.Please follow me.Your room is right at the end of the corridor.请随我来。您的房间就在走廊尽头。3.The bellman will bring up your luggage/baggage very soon.行李员很快就会把您的行李送上来。4.Your room is facing the garden.Its very quite.您的房间正对着花园,很安静。5.I wish you would enjoy your room.希望您在这个房间过的愉快。Further extention1.Please comInformation Corner 关于关于“小费小费:享受服务之后给小费,这在国外很多国家是很自然的事情。它既能代表客人对服务人员的尊重,也是客人对其服务的肯定和感激。当然,这也体现了客人的文化修养。在国外的酒店里,站在柜台的服务员一般是不收小费的,那些来回走动的或贴身的服务员(比如bellmen,housemaid)则要给小费。在餐饮业,给的小费一般是小费总额的10%到20%。对于铺床的服务员,客人常将小额纸钞放在枕头底下,一般露出一个小角。是否收取小费应该以酒店的管理制度为准,若酒店制度不允许,则应礼貌的拒绝,比如可以说Im afraid we dont accept tips,以免让客人误解或者尴尬。Information Corner 关于“小费:Unit 8 Room Cleaning 房间清理Unit 8 Room Key point:to do room cleaning to bring something on requestWarm up:Items that the housemaid usually checks during room cleaning include:Sheet Pillow cases Bath towels Soap Washcloths Bathmats Ashtrays Clothes hangers Key point:Key words in the textestablishment n.旅馆,企业 soil vt.弄脏,污染assign vt.分配,分派 disinfect vt.给消毒specialized adj.专门的,专业的 laundry n.要洗的衣服,洗熨 dust vt.擦去的灰尘 polish vt.擦光,磨光linen n.亚麻布,亚麻织品 bedding n.卧具,寝具,铺盖 thorough adj.细致的,彻底的 article n.物件,物品 occupant n.居住者,使用者 luxurious adj.奢侈的,豪华的cart n.手推车 cleanser n.清洁剂 Key words in the text Key words and sentences in Dialogue AVocabularyconvenient adj.便利的,方便的helpful adj.有帮助的,有用的,有益的 Notes1May I do the turn down service for you now?现在可以给您做开床服务吗?2I have to meet a guest here.Could you come back later?我正在会客,你过一会再来可以吗?3What time will be convenient for you?什么时间合适您?Key words and s Key words and sentences in Dialogue BVocabularybother vt.烦扰,打扰 prefer vt.更喜欢,宁愿 sherry n.雪利酒,葡萄酒 dry adj.无甜味的,酸的 Notes 1.We will bring you one as soon as possible.Would you like an evening newspaper tonight,too?我们会尽快给您拿来。晚上您还需要晚报吗?2.Its free of charge,sir.这是免费的,先生。Key words and sentRole PlaySituation A:A housekeeper would like to clean the room,but the guest says he doesnt need it right now,as hes talking with his friends online.The housekeeper says she may come back later.Situation B:A guest wants one more pair of slippers,so she calls the floor service.A housekeeper knocks at the door saying shes just brought what the guest requested.Situation C:It is 9:30 p.m.A guest wants turn-down service after his/her meeting with a friend,who has not come yet.But the maid will go off(下班)at 10:00 p.m.The maid then agrees to come back before 10:00 p.m to check,or she would ask the overnight staff to do it.Role PlayFurther extention1.Housekeeping.May I come in?房间清理。我可以进来吗?2.Turn-down service.May I come in?开床服务。我可以进来吗?3.Im afraid Im a bit busy/tied up now.恐怕我先在有点忙/有点事情。4.Im sorry,but Im on the phone now.对不起,我现在在打电话。5.Yes,please come in.请进来吧。6.Shall I come back later,madam?夫人,要我等会儿再来吗?7.What time would you like me to come back?您希望我什么时候再来?Further extention1.HousekeepiInformation Corner 1.客房清理服务基本礼仪 2.床具的主要类型Information Corner 1.客房清理服务基Unit 9 Room Service 送餐服务Unit 9 Room Se Key point:to explain room service to guests;to take a room service order;to send a meal to the guest room;to serve the meal to guestsWarm up:Types of breakfast include:Continental Breakfast American Breakfast English Breakfast Chinese Breakfast Key point:Key words in the textpersonnel n.人员,职员 aware adj.明白的,意识到的 importance n.重要(性),价值 depend vi.依靠,依赖rely v.依赖,依靠,信赖 beverage n.饮料peak adj.最高的 indicate vt.指出,显示serve v.招待,侍候,供应 deliver vt.递送,交付hang vt.悬挂,附着 plan vt.计划,设计efficient adj.有效率的,有效的 nevertheless conj.然而,不过demand n.要求,需求(量),需要 thus adv.因而,从而provide v.供应,供给 Key words in the text Key words and sentences in Dialogue AVocabularytype n.类型,典型 toast n.烤面包(片),吐司面包chill


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