新人教必修二 Unit3 Computers-Warming up and Pre-reading

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新人教必修二 Unit3 Computers-Warming up and Pre-reading_第1页
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Unit3ComputersUnit3ComputersPeriod1Period1WarmingupWarmingupThe whole class will be divided into four groups,and each group send a student to stand before the platform,who guess what the object is and the rest of the group mates can only do some movements to let his or her group representative guess what the object is and the group mates who guess the object must use the following expressions:I am a machine which is a good helper in doing house work.I wash clothes for people.Who am I?Who am I?Riddles(谜语谜语):washing machine A machine that you use to talk to other people even in a far-away place.We are connected by wire or radio.Now each of us often has a number.Who am I?Who am I?Riddles(谜语谜语):telephoneWith this you can watch different programmers just at home.Im a machine that has a screen with moving pictures and sounds.But watching me too much is bad for your eyes.Who am I?Who am I?Riddles(谜语谜语):TV set I am very old now.I was born in China.Many people used me for calculating in the past,but now I am a bit lonely because they dont like me now.Who am I?Who am I?abacusRiddles(谜语谜语):Iamverysmall.Icanbeusedforcalculating.InChina,alotofstudentsusemewhensolvingmathematical problems.Who am I?Who am I?calculatorRiddles(谜语谜语):I can be used for calculating.Besides,I can also be used for watching DVD,sending e-mail and communicating through the Internet.However,I am not a PC,because Im small enough for you to take me with you.notebook computerWho am I?Who am I?Riddles(谜语谜语):DiscussionDiscussionIsitveryimportanttolearncomputerskillsforus?Whyorwhynot?Usethefollowingexpressioninyourdiscussion.IthinkthatInmyopinionIbelievethatWhatsyourreason?Whydoyouthinkso?Components of a computerScannerScannerPrinterPrinterMonitorMonitorFloppy Floppy DiskDiskMouseMouseSpeakerSpeakerHowmuchdoyouknowaboutacomputer?GivetheEnglishnameofthefollowingpicturesofthecomputercomponents(组件组件)WhatisitinEnglish?Mainboard(主板主板)WhatisitinEnglish?CPU(centralprocessingUnit)中央处理器中央处理器WhatisitinEnglish?RAM(随机存储器随机存储器)(RandomAccessMemory)WhatisitinEnglish?harddisc硬盘硬盘WhatisitinEnglish?Keyboard(键盘键盘)WhatisitinEnglish?Powersupply(电源电源)WhatisitinEnglish?CRTdisplay(CathodeRayTube阴阴极射线管)极射线管)纯平显示器纯平显示器WhatisitinEnglish?mouse鼠标鼠标WhatisitinEnglish?displaycard显卡显卡DVDROMDigitalVersatile DiscReadOnlyMemory 数字通用光盘数字通用光盘 What can we do on a computer and through the Internet?Computer and Internet typemyhomeworkdrawpicturesplaygamescommunicatewithmyfriends.gatherinformationformylessonslistentomusicwatchmoviesUseTypingShoppingCalculatingTranslating Playing games CommunicatingSearching informationEditing multimedia documentsNowadays,what does a computer mean to you?A useful machine?A wise expert?A close friend?You can use these expressions in your presentation:I think that In my opinion I believe that I agree/disagree because Computers have great power.They make our lives more colorful and more convenient.BUT Dont forget that computers are modern tools which cant take the place of real people.Never ignore the people beside you or even far mon adj.普通的普通的,共同的共同的,常见的常见的in common共同的共同的,共有的共有的,共用的共用的have nothing in commonhave little in commonhave something in commonhave a lot in commonYou know,Dorothy,you and I have one thing in common.We just had nothing in common and I couldnt communicate with his dull business friends.I suddenly felt we had a lot in common.


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