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Module 6 The Worlds Cultural 外研版高中英语选修七ppt课件:Module+6Int“Just as there is paradise in heaven,there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.”“上有天堂上有天堂,下有苏杭。下有苏杭。”“Just as there is paradise in Have you been to Suzhou?How much do you know about Suzhou?Do you know what happened in Suzhou in June 2004?Have you been to Suzhou?Look at the pictures and 外研版高中英语选修七ppt课件:Module+6Int虎虎虎虎 丘丘丘丘虎 丘沧浪亭沧浪亭沧浪亭沧浪亭沧浪亭寒寒山山寺寺寒山寺拙政园拙政园拙政园拙政园拙政园狮子林狮子林狮子林1.What do you know about Suzhou?Example:Where is it?How many people live there?Why is it famous?1.What do you know about SuzhSuzhou is in Jiangsu Province,near Shanghai.About six million people live there.It is famous for its classical Chinese gardens.2.Do you know what happened in Suzhou in June 2004?The 28th World Heritage Conference took place there.Suzhou is in Jiangsu Province,Look at the words in the box and Look at the words in the box and discuss the questions.discuss the questions.beliefs buildings museums paintings poems pop stars sports teams traditionsLook at the words in the box a2.Which do you think are the most important items?Give your reasons.1.Which of the items in the list are part of a countrys cultural heritage?buildings,museums,paintings,poems,traditions2.Which do you think are the Check the meaning of the following phrases,then compare your answers with your partner.unique natural beauty:It is a beautiful landscape which cannot be found elsewhereCheck the meaning of the folloa conference venue:a place where a conference is heldpreserved ancient buildings:buildings which are protected by law and cannot be demolished changed in any waya conference venue:Read the passage and find out what happened in the following years.1972:1985:The World Heritage Committee established the World Heritage List.China signed the agreement.Read the passage and find out 2003:2004:Suzhou invested 6 billion yuan to preserve the towns character.The 28th World Heritage Conference took place in Suzhou.2003:Suzhou invested 6 billion1.belief 1)相信相信;信任信任,信赖信赖 U+in 如:如:My father hadnt much belief in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine.我父亲不太相信中医。我父亲不太相信中医。1.belief2)信念信念,看法看法 U 如:如:My belief is that the visiting team will lose.我看客队会输。我看客队会输。3)信条信条,教义教义 C =religion 如:如:He explained the beliefs of Taoism to us.他向我们讲解了道教教义。他向我们讲解了道教教义。beyond belief 难以置信难以置信,不可思议的不可思议的2)信念,看法 U 如:2.divert vt.使转向使转向;使改道使改道 (+from/to)e.g.They diverted the river while they were building the dam.建坝时建坝时,他们让河水改道。他们让河水改道。3.preserve vt.1)保存保存,保藏保藏;防腐防腐(+from)e.g.Oil preserves metal from rust.油保护金属免于生锈。油保护金属免于生锈。2.divert vt.使转向;使改道 (+fro2)保护保护;维护维护;维持维持 e.g.We have taken effective measures to preserve our natural resources.我们已采取有效措施保护自然资源。我们已采取有效措施保护自然资源。3)腌腌(肉等肉等);把把.做成蜜饯做成蜜饯(或果酱或果酱);把把.制成罐头食品制成罐头食品(+in)e.g.We preserve fish in salt.我们用盐腌鱼。我们用盐腌鱼。2)保护;维护;维持How much do you know about the worlds cultural heritage?In your opinion,what items is a countrys cultural heritage?Could you give some examples?How much do you know about the外研版高中英语选修七ppt课件:Module+6Int


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