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精品资料3你怎么称呼老师?如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式?教师的教鞭“不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘”“太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早”4Choose the right adjectives to describe the pictures.paleweakfatthinsleepyangryA.Jerry loves hamburgers.He is very _.fatfatTick the activities you did before.paleweakfatthinsleepyangryB.Mrs.Smith has a bad cold.She is very _.weakweakTick the activities you did before.paleweakfatthinsleepyangryC.Jane has too much work to do every day.She easily gets _.angryangryTick the activities you did before.paleweakfatthinsleepyangryD.Mr.Twain seldom goes out.He is so _!palepaleDiscuss and match.Have a good rest and drink Have a good rest and drink more water.more water.Eat more fruit and vegetables.Eat more fruit and vegetables.Do more outdoor activities.Do more outdoor activities.Work less and relax.Work less and relax.Listen and tick.holidayshomeworkhobbiesListen again and decide true or false.Tom wants to climb the mountain with Tom wants to climb the mountain with his brothers.his brothers.Sara wants to stay at home and read a Sara wants to stay at home and read a book.book.Sara looks very healthy.Sara looks very healthy.Sara decides to go out with Tom.Sara decides to go out with Tom.Tom thinks staying at home is healthy.Tom thinks staying at home is healthy.【】【】【】【】【】FTFFFListen again and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.climbthemountaindooutdooractivitieswatchTVstayathome Tom met Sara in school.Sara would like to _ for the weekend,but Tom preferred to _.Tom asked Sara to _,but Sara said that she would rather _ at home.stay at homestay at homeclimb the mountainsclimb the mountainsdo more outdoor activitiesdo more outdoor activitieswatch TVwatch TVpreferprif::like betterpreferred-preferred-preferring wouldprefer宁愿;更喜欢prefertodo宁可做某事;更喜欢做某事Iprefertogoatonce.我愿意马上就走。preferdoing喜欢做某事PreferAtoB.“宁愿.而不.”Ipreferteatomilk.我宁愿喝茶也不喝牛奶。IpreferwatchingTVtogoingout.我宁愿看电视也不出去。prefertodosth.ratherthandosth.“宁愿做.而不做.”IprefertowatchTVratherthangoout.我宁愿呆在家里也不出去。Read aloud after the tape and underline.Mary:Jack:Mary:Jack:Mary:Hello,Jack.What do you want to do this weekend?Id like to go boating with my friends.What about you,Mary?Im not sure.Maybe Ill stay at home and read books.Stay at home?Thats too boring.Why dont you join us?Well,I prefer to stay at home.Read aloud after the tape and underline.Jack:Mary:Jack:Mary:Thats why you look so pale.I think you should do more outdoor activities.Lets go boating!Oh,no,Id rather stay at home.I love reading English novels.Well,all right.See you then.See you!Have a good time!Talk about weekend activities in pairs.dancingreadingwatching DVDsclimbing mountainslistening to musicplay basketballwatch moviesread novelsgo swimminggo boatingA:What do you like to do on weekends?B:I enjoy/I like/I loveA:Well,I prefer to/Id like toWhat about you?Discuss which club you want to join and why.Example:Example:IwanttojointheReadingClub.Iamcrazyaboutreading.I enjoy reading.I enjoy reading.Id like to go boating.Id like to go boating.I like playing basketball.I like playing basketball.Im keen on painting.Im keen on painting.Im a music fan.Im a music fan.Im crazy about football.Im crazy about football.我喜欢阅读。我喜欢阅读。我想去划船。我想去划船。我喜欢打篮球。我喜欢打篮球。我迷恋绘画。我迷恋绘画。我是一个音乐迷。我是一个音乐迷。我特别喜欢足球。我特别喜欢足球。Discuss and decide which is healthy and which is unhealthy.Eating only what you like.Eating only what you like.Eating more vegetables and fruit than meat.Eating more vegetables and fruit than meat.Eating no breakfast.Eating no breakfast.Drinking no more than two cups of coffee every day.Drinking no more than two cups of coffee every day.Seldom doing exercise.Seldom doing exercise.Getting up late and going to bed late.Getting up late and going to bed late.()()()()()()()()()()()()Read the stories.Im a university girl.I wanted to look slim,so Im a university girl.I wanted to look slim,so I started to eat less and sleep less a year ago.I I started to eat less and sleep less a year ago.I often skipped supper and stayed up.However,I often skipped supper and stayed up.However,I still put on weight.I decided to join the fitness still put on weight.I decided to join the fitness club.club.My coach said I should have some My coach said I should have some vegetables and fruit for supper.She also advised vegetables and fruit for supper.She also advised me to get enough sleep and do more exercise.I me to get enough sleep and do more exercise.I followed her advice.I have lost 2 pounds since I followed her advice.I have lost 2 pounds since I came here.I think I can become slimmer next came here.I think I can become slimmer next month.month.Read the stories.Five years ago,I used to be very fit.I cycled to work Five years ago,I used to be very fit.I cycled to work and I exercised a lot.Then I got a much better job two and I exercised a lot.Then I got a much better job two years ago.The pay was much higher,but the working years ago.The pay was much higher,but the working hours are a lot longer too.I started driving to work.And I hours are a lot longer too.I started driving to work.And I stopped doing exercise.The job gave me lots of stress.stopped doing exercise.The job gave me lots of stress.Perhaps thats why I started drinking and smoking.Perhaps thats why I started drinking and smoking.Two months ago,I had a heart attack.Luckily,it was Two months ago,I had a heart attack.Luckily,it was not serious.I decided to have a change and joined this not serious.I decided to have a change and joined this club.The coach said that I should get rid of my bad habits.club.The coach said that I should get rid of my bad habits.Now I no longer smoke,I ride a bicycle to work and I jog Now I no longer smoke,I ride a bicycle to work and I jog for half an hour every day.I feel great!I hope I can become for half an hour every day.I feel great!I hope I can become healthier next year!healthier next year!Fill in the chart.Advice from the coach(forthe coach to fill in)Reasons to come hereLiving habitsCareerGenderSara No.005255Please write down your personal information.The club will keep this as a secret.Thank you for your cooperation.femalea university studentskipped supper and stayed upput on weighthave some vegetables and fruit for supper,get enough sleep and do more exerciseFill in the chart.Advice from the coach(forthe coach to fill in)Reasons to come hereLiving habitsCareerGenderAllen No.005398Please write down your personal information.The club will keep this as a secret.Thank you for your cooperation.maleworks in a companydrove to work;stopped doing exercise;drank and smokedhad a heart attackget rid of the bad habitsWhich were Saras and which were Allens unhealthy habits.I didnt do any exercise.I stayed up late.I worked on the computer all the time.I smoked a lot.I didnt eat supper.SaraAllenComplete the coachs diary.Ihavetwonewmembersinmyclub,SaraandAllen.Sarastudiesinauniversity.Shewantedtolookslim,sosheoftenskippedsupper.Butshestill_ _.Iadvisedhertoeat_forsupper.Shefeelsgreatnowbecauseshehas_ _.Allenworksinacompany.Heusedtowork_andsitinfrontofthecomputerforlonghours.Whenhecametotheclub,Itoldhimto_hisbadhabitsandto_ _.Nowheisdoinggreat.some vegetables and fruitsome vegetables and fruitput onput onweightweightfollowed my advicefollowed my adviceunder stressunder stressget rid ofget rid ofride a bicycle to workride a bicycle to workand jog for half an hour every dayand jog for half an hour every dayused to/play computer games/go to bed lateused to/play computer games/go to bed lateJim used to play computer games and go to bed late.Jim used to play computer games and go to bed late.Describe each picture with one sentence.often/feel tired/fall asleep in classoften/feel tired/fall asleep in classHe often felt tired and fell asleep in class.He often felt tired and fell asleep in class.Describe each picture with one sentence.Jim decided to have a change and he joined a health club.Jim decided to have a change and he joined a health club.decide to have a change/join a health clubdecide to have a change/join a health clubDescribe each picture with one sentence.thecoach/dooutdooractivities/gotobedearlierthecoach/dooutdooractivities/gotobedearlierThe coach advised Jim to do more outdoor activities and go to bed earlier.The coach advised Jim to do more outdoor activities and go to bed earlier.Describe each picture with one sentence.now/dogreat/neverfeeltirednow/dogreat/neverfeeltiredNowJimisdoinggreatandneverfeelstired.NowJimisdoinggreatandneverfeelstired.Describe each picture with one sentence.Jim hopes he can be healthier and do better in exams.Jim hopes he can be healthier and do better in exams.hope/behealthier/dobetterinexamshope/behealthier/dobetterinexamsDescribe each picture with one sentence.Hello,ImJim,amiddleschoolstudent.IusedtoHello,ImJim,amiddleschoolstudent.IusedtoPut all the sentences together to tell the story of Jim.playcomputergamesandgotobedlate.Ioftenfelttiredandfellasleepinclass.SoIdecidedtohaveachangeandjoinedahealthclub.Thecoachadvisedmetodomoreoutdooractivitiesandgotobedearlier.NowIamdoinggreatandneverfeeltired.IhopeIcanbehealthieranddobetterinexams.Grammar focusThedoctorsaidthatIwastooweak.ThedoctorsaidthatIwastooweak.ThecoachsaidthatIshouldgetridofmybadThecoachsaidthatIshouldgetridofmybadhabits.habits.IthinkthatIcanfindtheplace.IthinkthatIcanfindtheplace.IhopethatIcanbecomehealthiernextmonth.IhopethatIcanbecomehealthiernextmonth.Read and underline.Idontknowthatgirl.Idontknowthatgirl.Shealwaystalkslikethat.Shealwaystalkslikethat.Thisisyourdesk.Thatismine.Thisisyourdesk.Thatismine.MycoachtoldmethatIshouldeatsomevegetablesandMycoachtoldmethatIshouldeatsomevegetablesandfruitforsupper.fruitforsupper.Ihopethatwecanhavelunchtogether.Ihopethatwecanhavelunchtogether.IthinkthatJennyknowstheanswer.IthinkthatJennyknowstheanswer.Ba.that he didnt want to be a a.that he didnt want to be a teacher any more.teacher any more.b.she can become slimmer.b.she can become slimmer.c.that I should get rid of my c.that I should get rid of my bad habits.bad habits.d.she should work harder.d.she should work harder.e.that her mother was very e.that her mother was very angry.angry.f.that he should help her with f.that he should help her with the housework.the housework.Match the two columns to form complete sentences.A1.Alices teacher said1.Alices teacher said2.My doctor explained2.My doctor explained3.Jane hopes3.Jane hopes4.Bills mother said4.Bills mother said5.Linda found5.Linda found6.Bob felt6.Bob feltDiscuss in groups and write down your advice for Jason.1.Jason always stays up late to play computer games.Discuss in groups and write down your advice for Jason.2.Jason always runs to school in the morning without breakfast.Discuss in groups and write down your advice for Jason.3.Jason often sleeps in the classroom.The teacher is very angry.Discuss in groups and write down your advice for Jason.4.Jason has a huge lunch,steaks,hamburgers and Coca Cola.Discuss in groups and write down your advice for Jason.5.Jason goes to a gym and exercises a lot immediately after lunch.Discuss in groups and write down your advice for Jason.6.Jason feels hungry and has fast food for supper.3.3.Jason often sleeps in the classroom.The teacher is very angry.Jason often sleeps in the classroom.The teacher is very angry.I think he should I think he shouldAdvice for Jason.1.1.Jason always stays up late to play computer games.Jason always stays up late to play computer games.I think he should I think he should2.2.Jason always runs to school in the morning without breakfast.Jason always runs to school in the morning without breakfast.I think he shouldI think he shouldstop playing computer games at night.stop playing computer games at night.have breakfast before going to school.have breakfast before going to school.listen to the teacher carefully,and its good listen to the teacher carefully,and its goodfor his study.for his study.5.5.Jason goes to a gym and exercise a lot immediately after Jason goes to a gym and exercise a lot immediately after lunch.lunch.I think he should I think he shouldAdvice for Jason.4.4.Jason has a huge lunch,steaks,hamburgers and coca cola.Jason has a huge lunch,steaks,hamburgers and coca cola.I think he should I think he should6.6.Jason feels hungry and has fast food for supper.Jason feels hungry and has fast food for supper.I think he shouldI think he shouldeat more fruit and vegetables for lunch.eat more fruit and vegetables for lunch.eat less fast food.eat less fast food.have a short rest after lunch before exercising have a short rest after lunch before exercising in the gym.in the gym.Vocabulary practiceMatch the verbs with the nouns in the box.taketakeoutdoor exercisedancingfor a walkfruitskiingbasketballfast foodthe advice of the doctorboatingfootballa balanced dietsome medicineswimmingvolleyballvegetablessome medicinesome medicineoutdoor exerciseoutdoor exercisethe advice the advice of the doctor of the doctor skiingskiinggogofor a walkfor a walkboatingboatingdancing dancing swimmingswimmingoutdoor exercisedancingfor a walkfruitskiingbasketballfast foodthe advice of the doctorboatingfootballa balanced dietsome medicineswimmingvolleyballvegetablesMatch the verbs with the nouns in the box.fast foodfast foodeateata balanced dieta balanced dietfruitfruitvegetablesvegetablesoutdoor exercisedancingfor a walkfruitskiingbasketballfast foodthe advice of the doctorboatingfootballa balanced dietsome medicineswimmingvolleyballvegetablesMatch the verbs with the nouns in the box.playplaybasketballbasketballfootballfootballvolleyballvolleyballoutdoor exercisedancingfor a walkfruitskiingbasketballfast foodthe advice of the doctorboatingfootballa balanced dietsome medicineswimmingvolleyballvegetablesMatch the verbs with the nouns in the box.Give as many suggestions as possible.Lily,ayounglady,isonadiet.Sheonlyhascarrotsforsupper.1Mrs.Twain,aged60,oftenfeelsweakandtired.3 2Jane,acollegestudent,wantstoexercise,butshedoesntlikeballgames.4 3ZhangHua,amiddleschoolstudent,wantstogrowtaller.4Mr.Li,a40-year-oldboss,oftengetsangry.5Complete the success stories of“All Fit Health Club”.diet/onadietadvise/adviceloseweight/putonweightgetridofAll Fit Health ClubSuccess Stories The club helped me to _ my bad habits.I no longer overeat.I am _ now.I have bread,cereal and fruit for breakfast.I dont have hamburgers any more.Saraget rid ofget rid ofon a dieton a dietComplete the success stories of“All Fit Health Club”.diet/onadietadvise/adviceloseweight/putonweightgetridofAll Fit Health ClubSuccess Stories I love the meal plan in this club.I used to eat less and exercise a lot,but I still _.Now,with the help of this plan,I no longer feel hungry and I have _.I can wear my tight jeans now!Its a great thing.Barbraput on weight.put on weight.lose weightlose weightComplete the success stories of“All Fit Health Club”.diet/onadietadvise/adviceloseweight/putonweightgetridofAll Fit Health ClubSuccess Stories I was a heavy smoker and never did any sports.My coach,Mr.Jonson_ me to smoke less every day and designed a great fitness plan for me.I followed his _,and Ive stopped smoking.I love sports now.I feel great.Thank you for everything.SteveadvisedadvisedadviceadviceI prefer football to basketball.I would rather stay at home than go out.Write sentences with“preferto”and“would rather”.Find the health star.Your school wants to hold a health star competition.Now please choose the health star in your class to take part in the competition.Workingroups.Discussthehabitsofahealthstar.Example1.Go to bed early and get up early.2.Exercise every day.Do you exercise every day?How many hours do you sleep every day?Find the health star.2.Afterthediscussion,developaquestionnaire.3.Eachgroupchooseonestudenttogotoothergroupsanddotheinterview.4.Discusstheresultoftheinterviewandchoosethestudentwhohasthemosthealthyhabitsandthefewestbadhabits.5.Thewholeclassdecideonthehealthstar.Find the health star.Girl:Waiter:Girl:Listen and pay attention to the linking of sounds.Idlikeahugeicecreamwithchocolate,creamandasliceofcucumber(黄瓜).DidIhearyouright?Didyousayasliceofcucumber?Goodheavens,youreright!ForgetthecucumberImonadiet.()fond()fond()stay up()stay up()low-fat food()low-fat food()cycle()cycle()relax()relax()lose weight()lose weight()advise()advise()stress()stress()boring()boring()put on weight()put on weight()advice()advice()terrible()terrible()pale()pale()diet()diet()slim()slim()talkabouthealthyhabits.()talkabouthealthyhabits.()showagreementanddisagreement.()showagreementanddisagreement.()givesuggestions.()givesuggestions.()useobjectiveclauses.()useobjectiveclauses.adj.(脸色或肤色脸色或肤色)苍白的苍白的v.放松;休闲放松;休闲adj.热衷的,对热衷的,对 着迷的着迷的对对 热衷的,喜好热衷的,喜好 adj.痴迷的;疯狂的痴迷的;疯狂的adj.苗条的苗条的v.故意略去;跳过故意略去;跳过熬夜熬夜n.重量,体重重量,体重增加体重增加体重palerelaxkeenbekeenoncrazyslimskipstayupweightputonweight减轻体重减轻体重n.教练教练v.向向 提出建议,提出忠告提出建议,提出忠告在压力下在压力下去除去除不再不再v.慢跑慢跑n.&v.日常饮食;节食日常饮食;节食节食节食loseweightcoachadviseunderstressgetridofnolongerjogdietbeonadietDoyouwanttokeephealthy?Iftheansweris“yes”,youdbetterDoyouwanttokeephealthy?Iftheansweris“yes”,youdbetterdoatleastonekindofsportandkeeppracticingit.Sportdoesntsimplydoatleastonekindofsportandkeeppracticingit.Sportdoesntsimplymean“boring”and“tiring”.Thefollowingaretwotypesofpopularmean“boring”and“tiring”.Thefollowingaretwotypesofpopularsport.sport.Street Dancing(hip pop)Street Dancing(hip pop)Streetdancing,alsocalledhippop,isakindStreetdancing,alsocalledhippop,isakindofverypopulardanceamongyoungpeople.Itofverypopulardanceamongyoungpeople.ItwascreatedbyAmericanblackteenagersinthewascreatedbyAmericanblackteenagersinthe1970s.Therearenoformalrulesinhippop.1970s.Therearenoformalrulesinhippop.DancersdancequitefreelyandtheyinteractDancersdancequitefreelyandtheyinteractwithotherdancersandtheaudience.Newstreetwithotherdancersandtheaudience.Newstreetdancesaredevelopingallthetime.dancesaredevelopingallthetime.YogaYogaTheword“yoga”comesfromtheTheword“yoga”comesfromtheIndianword“Yuj”.Itmeanstoyoke,Indianword“Yuj”.Itmeanstoyoke,joinorunite.Whenyoupracticeyoga,joinorunite.Whenyoupracticeyoga,youjoinyourbodywithyourmind.Youyoujoinyourbodywithyourmind.Youshouldfocusonyourthought,yourshouldfocusonyourthought,yourbreathandyourmovement.Thenyoubreathandyourmovement.Thenyouwillfeelhappy,balancedandrelaxed.Inwillfeelhappy,balancedandrelaxed.InIndia,peopleofallagespracticeyogainIndia,peopleofallagespracticeyogaintheirdailylife.theirdailylife.Nowadays,yogaispopularNowadays,yogaispopularthroughouttheworld.Peopleoftenthroughouttheworld.Peopleoftenpracticeyogainaquietandcomfortablepracticeyogainaquietandcomfortableenvironmentwithlightmusic.Sinceenvironmentwithlightmusic.Sinceyogacanhelppeoplerelaxandkeepfit,yogacanhelppeoplerelaxandkeepfit,manyofficeladiesarefondofit.Thoughmanyofficeladiesarefondofit.Thoughitdoesntrequireyoutojumportorun,itdoesntrequireyoutojumportorun,itcouldstillhurtyouinsomepostures.itcouldstillhurtyouinsomepostures.YoushouldalwaysdoyourbestinsteadYoushouldalwaysdoyourbestinsteadofcompetingwithothers.ofcompetingwithothers.


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