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人教版英语人教版英语八八年级上册年级上册单元课件单元课件Unit 7 Will people have robots?人教版英语八年级上册单元课件Unit 7 Will pe1Unit 7 Will people have robots?1sectionA(1a-1c)2sectionA(2a-2d)3SectionA grammar focus-3c4SectionB(1a-1e)5.SectionB(2a-2e)6.SectionB(3a-self check)(单击上面课题进入对应幻灯片)Unit 7 Will people have robot2Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section A(1a-1c)Unit 7 Will people have robots3Will people have robots?4人教版英语八年级上册ppt课件第七单元5Listen and circle6Role play7()1.I often listen to music _ the radio.A.at B.on C.in D.by()2.I hear he will be back _ two days.A.at B.in C.after D.for()3.People _ robots in 100 years.A.will have B.have C.had D.are having()4.-Will the kids go to school with their parents?-_.A.Yes,they are B.No,they will C.Yes,they will D.No,they arent()5.There _ a talk show on CCTV-2 at eight this evening.A.will have B.is going to have C.will be D.is having()6.There _ some paper on the table.A.am B.is C.are D.beCCABBB小结训练()1.I often listen 8Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section A(2a-2d)Unit 7 Will people have robots9Listen and circle the words you hear.Listen and circle the words yo10Listen again.Check()the predictions you hear.Listen again.Check()the pre11Make conversations12 Read and answer the questions 13判断正误:判断正误:1.Jim is reading a book about the cities and environment.()回答问题:回答问题:2.Whats Jills prediction about the future?_3.Does Jill want to live on the earth or other planets?_英译汉:英译汉:4.Everyone should play a part in saving the earth._Cities will be more crowded and polluted.He wants to live on the earth.每个人都应该参与到拯救地球的行动中来。每个人都应该参与到拯救地球的行动中来。判断正误:Cities will be more crow14 Role play 15()1.I hope I have _ free time.I dont like to keep busy.A.more B.less C.many D.much()2.If there are _ trees,the air in our city will be _ cleaner.A.less,more B.more,more C.more,much D.much,more()3.I am happy because I have _ homework to do today than yesterday.A.more B.less C.few D.fewer()4.There _ an English speech contest tomorrow afternoon in our school.A.will have B.will is C.is going to have D.will be()5.The river is dirty._ people go to swim in it.A.Few B.A few C.Little D.A littleDAABB小结训练()1.I hope I have _16Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section A(Grammar Focus3c)Unit 7 Will people have robots17_(将来时什么样子的?将来时什么样子的?)Cities will be _(更多的更多的污染污染).And there will be _(更少的树更少的树)._(一百年后人们将使用钱吗?一百年后人们将使用钱吗?)No,they _._(一切将是一切将是免费的。免费的。)_(世界将会和平吗?世界将会和平吗?)Yes,_(我希望如此我希望如此)._(孩子们将会在家通过电脑学习。孩子们将会在家通过电脑学习。)_(他们将不用去上学。他们将不用去上学。)What will the future be like?Will people use money in 100 years?Will there be world peace?Kids will study at home on computers.more pollutedfewer treeswontI hope so.They wont go to school.Everything will be free.Read and complete_18Fill in the blanks with more,less or fewer.lesslessmorefewermorefewermoremoremoremoreFill in the blanks with more,19Complete20I think there will be more tall buildings,and there will be fewer cars and more buses.DescribeI think there will be 21()1.We should use _ plastic bags to protect our environment.A.more B.less C.fewer D.much()2.I hope people _ to be 200 years old _ the future.A.would live,from B.lived,for C.will live D.live,to()3.I hear that he will be back _ two weeks.A.at B.in C.after D.for()4.If there are _ trees,the air in our city will be _ cleaner.A.less,more B.more,more C.more,much()5.There _ a talk show on CCTV-2 at eight this evening.A.will have B.is going to be C.is having D.haveBBCBC小结训练()1.We should use _22Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section B(1a-1e)Unit 7 Will people have robots23JobsTransportationPlaces to live astronaut house apartment train rocket space station computer programmerWrite each word in the correct column below.Think of other words and write them in the chart in 1a.JobsTransportationPlaces to li24132Listen13225am live worklived took will be will live will flyworkamlivedtook will be will fly will liveListenam workamlivedtook wil26A:Where do you live?B:I live in an apartment.Role playA:Where do you live?27Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section B(2a-2e)Unit 7 Will people have robots28What do you know about robots?What do they look like?What can they do?What do you know about robots?29Paragraph 1 Will robots think like humans in the future?Paragraph 2 What will robots be like in the future?Paragraph 3 What can robots do today?Paragraph 4 What are robots like in movies?Read and matchParagraph 1 301.Robots can build _ in factories.2.They can do _ jobs many times and never get bored.3.Some can _ and _.4.Some can help _ people under _.carssimple walk dance look for buildingsComplete1.Robots can build _31dancemakebe possibletalkdisagreesameneveragreeFill in the blanksdancemakebe 32I think some future robots might look like _.They will_I think some future robots mig33()1.There are many people _ in the park.A.walk B.walking C.to walk D.walked()2.The old man is very kind,he always helps with _ the children.A.look after B.looking for C.looking after D.looks after()3.I _ belive he _ come back in two days.A./,wont B.dont,will C.dont,will D.isnt,will()4.I think its possible _ the students _ English well.A.of,learning B.for,to learn C.of,to learn D.for,learning()5.Its eight oclock.Please _.A.wake up he B.wake up him C.wake him up D.wake his up()6.There are _ people in the cinema watching the new movie.A.two hundred of B.two hunreds C.hundreds of D.two hundreds of BCBBCC()1.There are many peo34Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section B(3a-self check)Unit 7 Will people have robots35A meet work live look keep wear more less fewer take workmoremeetfewerlesskeepwearlivetakelookFill in blanksA 36 job home Free time activites neighborhood What will your be like?job home Free time activites 37Write about your life 20 years from now.Use 3a and 3b to help you._WriteWrite about your life 20 38Write your groups ideas and draw a picture of your robot.draw draw DrawWrite your groups ideas a39 job people pollution robot fresh water paper plant car clean air city free time building money tree more/fewer more/lessSelf check job people 40belikewillwillwilleveryone havewill Well,no oneFill in the blanksbelikewillwi41谢谢观看精品PPT,下载后可编辑使用非常方便2024/7/2142谢谢观看精品PPT,下载后可编辑使用非常方便2023/8/1


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