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一、重点单词一、重点单词1._n.吉他2._v.参加、加入3._n.&v.演出、展示 4._ v.教、讲授_(过去式/过去分词)_(n.)5._v.刷、刷净6._adv.&adj.早(的)guitarjoin showteachtaughtteachingbrushearly人教版七年级英语下册期末复习课件全册一、重点单词guitarjoin showteachtaug 7._n.&pron.一半、半数 8._ v.骑 _(过去式)_(过去分词)9._ adj.害怕的、畏惧10._n.梦想 v.做梦 11._ v.打架、争吵_(过去式/过去分词)12._v.杀死、弄死13._adv.只是、恰好14._v.怀念、思念二、重点短语二、重点短语1._ a newspaper看报纸2.go _ 外出(娱乐)half riderode riddenafraid dream fightfoughtkilljustmissreadout 7._n.&pron.一半、半数 3._ a bike骑自行车4._ tea喝茶5.be good_.擅长于6.play the_敲鼓7.make _交朋友8.get_穿上衣服9.take a_洗淋浴10._ of稍微、有点儿e _实现、成为现实12.get_迷路ridedrinkatdrumfriendsdressedshower kindtruelost3._ a bike骑自行车ridedrinka三、重点句型三、重点句型1.Can you swim?你会游泳吗?Yes,I can./No,I cant.是的,我会。/不,我不会。2.What club do you want to join?你们想加入哪个俱乐部?We want to join the chess club.我们想加入象棋俱乐部。3.What time do you usually get up?你通常几点起床?4.He always goes to work at eleven oclock.他总是在11点去上班。5.How do you get to school?你怎么去学校?I ride my bike.我骑自行车。三、重点句型6.How long does it take to get to school?你到学校要花多长时间?It takes about 20 minutes.大约要20分钟。7.How far is it from your home to school?你家离学校有多远?Its only about two kilometers.大约只有2公里远。8.Dont eat in the classroom!不要在教室里吃东西!9.We have to clean the classroom.我们必须打扫好教室。6.How long does it take to g10.Why do you like pandas?你为什么喜欢熊猫?Because theyre kind of interesting.因为它们很有趣。11.Where are koalas from?树袋熊来自什么地方?Theyre from Australia.它们来自澳大利亚。12.What are you doing?你在做什么?Im doing my homework.我正在做家庭作业。10.Why do you like pandas?你为四、交际用语四、交际用语Talk about abilities(谈论能力)What can you do?I can dance.Talk about routines(谈论日常安排)When does Scott go to work?He always goes to work at eleven oclock.Talk about how to get to places(谈论到达方式)How does she get to school?She usually takes the bus.Talk about rules(谈论规章制度)What are the rules?We must be on time for class.Describe animals(描述动物)Why does John like koalas?Because theyre very cute.Talk about what people are doing(谈论人们正在做的事)Whats she doing?Shes washing her clothes.四、交际用语Talk about abilities(谈论能五、重点语法五、重点语法1.情态动词can表示能力2.频度副词以及询问时间3.how 问句以及how long/how far等问句4.祈使句以及情态动词have to/must的用法5.why,where及because 引导的从句6.现在进行时五、重点语法考点一:考点一:In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games.在晚上,我要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏。(P 11)【解析】either的用法:either表示“或者、也”,用法如下:(1)either用作代词,“(两者之中)任一、任何一个”。如:You may go by either road.你两条路都可以走。(2)either用作副词,用在否定句中,表示“也、根本”。如:If you dont go,I wont either.你如不去,我也不去。考点一:In the evening,I either w 【用法拓展】either可用作连词,意为“或者”,常与or连用。either.or.意为“要么要么、或者或者”。如:She is coming either today _or tomorrow.她不是今天就是明天来。Either you or your father must see this young man today.你或是你的父亲今天必须见这位年轻人。【用法拓展】either可用作连词,意为“或者考点二:考点二:How does Mary get to school?玛丽是如何到校的?She takes the subway.她坐地铁。(P13)【解析】take 表示“乘坐”的用法:take用作动词,表示“乘坐”时,几乎可以接任何交通工具,不过交通工具前需加冠词等某种修饰语。如:Oh,its too far to walk there.We can take a bus.哎呀,太远了,走着去不了,我们可以坐公共汽车。If you take the subway,it will be cheaper.如果你乘地铁去,会更便宜一些。【用法拓展】介词by/in/on与交通工具:(1)用“by交通工具”表示交通方式。泛指“乘/坐某种交通工具”,其中名词前无任何修饰语,且只能用单数。如:by bike,by bus,by car,by plane,by train,by subway 等。考点二:How does Mary get to scho (2)用“in/on 交通工具”,或泛指或特指“乘/坐某种交通工具”,其中名词前常有冠词、物主代词、指示代词或名词所有格等修饰语,名词可以是单数或复数。其中on多接大型交通工具(bike除外);in多与小型交通工具连用。如:I go to work on my bike.我骑自行车上班。One day,you can go to the moon in a spaceship.总有一天,你们可以乘宇宙飞船上月球。【温馨提示】“骑自行车”常用on a bike 或by bike,而不能用in a bike;“骑马、骑骆驼”等表达为:on a horse,on the camel 等。(2)用“in/on 交通工具”,或泛指或 在表示交通工具的名词前若有具体的时刻修饰时,则用介词by 或on 均可。如:by(on)the 7:00 bus。“动词交通工具”相当于“动词by/in/on交通工具”。如:go there by bike/on a bikeride a bike there;walk to schoolgo to school on foot等。【巧学妙记】英语中“乘坐某种交通工具”巧记口诀:在表示交通工具的名词前若有具体的时刻修饰考点三:考点三:How far is it from your home to school?从你家到学校有多远?(P 14)【解析】询问距离的句型:How far is it from A to B?的用法:这是一个询问距离或路程的常用句型,意为“从A地到B地有多远?”疑问词how far意为“有多远”,其答语为Its about.。如:How far is it from our school to the hospital?从我们学校到医院有多远?Its about 10 kilometers.大约有十公里。【辨析】how often,how soon,how long与how far考点三:How far is it from your ho人教版七年级英语下册期末复习ppt课件全册考点四:考点四:But he is not afraid because he loves school.可是他并不害怕,因为他爱他的学校。(P 17)【解析】单词afraid 的用法:afraid为表语形容词,多与be连用,构成以下搭配:(1)be afraid of(doing)sth.意为“害怕(做)某事”。如:The little girl is afraid of dogs.这个小女孩怕狗。(2)be afraid to do sth.意为“害怕去做某事、不敢去做某事”。如:Tom is afraid to swim in the river alone.汤姆不敢一个人在河里游泳。(3)“be afraid(that)从句”意为“担心、恐怕”,是一种委婉语气。如:Im afraid(that)I must go now.恐怕现在我必须走了。考点四:But he is not afraid becau 【温馨提示】be afraid of doing sth.可以转换为be afraid to do sth.“怕、不敢”,也可以转换为be afraidthat从句“恐怕、担心”。如:He is afraid of falling behind the others.他害怕(或担心)落在别人后面。Im afraid 之后可接 so 或 not,表示前面所提到的情况。表肯定时用 so;表否定时用 not。如:Will he be late again?他又会迟到吗?Im afraid so(not).恐怕会(不会)吧。【温馨提示】be afraid of doi考点五:考点五:Dont listen to music in class.不要在课堂上听音乐。(P19)【解析】否定祈使句的结构类型:祈使句的否定形式主要有三种类型:(1)Dontbe/动词原形其他。(2)Please dontbe/动词原形其他。(3)Dont let宾语动词原形其他/Let宾语not动词原形其他。如:Dont go out,will you?别出去,好吗?Please dont run up and down in the classroom.请不要在教室里来来回回地跑个不停。Dont be late again next time.下次不要再迟到了!考点五:Dont listen to music in c考点六:考点六:Parents and schools are sometimes strict,but remember,they make rules to help me.父母和学校有时候很严格,不过请记住:他们制定规章制度是为了帮助我们。(P23)【解析】短语be strict的用法:该短语主要有两种形式:短语be strict with sb.意为“对某人严格要求”,短语be strict in sth.意为“在某方面要求严格”;而短语be strict with sb.in sth.意为“在某事上对某人要求严格”。如:My father is strict with me.我爸爸对我很严格。Our teacher is very strict with us in everything.我们的老师在每一件事上都严格要求我们。考点六:Parents and schools are so考点七:考点七:Why do you like pandas?你为什么喜欢熊猫呢?(P25)【解析】why引导的特殊疑问句的用法:why引导的特殊疑问句通常是提问原因的,意为“为什么”;其答语为Because.,意为“因为”。如:Why do you call it mooncake?你为什么称它为月饼?Because it is round like the moon.因为它圆圆的像月亮一样。【温馨提示】在汉语表达中常说“因为所以”,但在英语中却不能把because和so同时并用在前后两个句子中,这一点大家尤其要注意。试比较:考点七:Why do you like pandas?你为 因为他病了,所以他没来上学。because是从属连词,后面一般要接句子;如果后面接名词(短语)、代词等时,要用短语because of。如:They had to stay at home because of the bad weather.由于天气恶劣,他们不得不待在家里。因为他病了,所以他没来上学。考点八:考点八:People say that“an elephant never forgets”.人们说“大象是不会忘路的”。(P29)【解析】forget的用法:forget为动词(forgot;forgotten;forgetting),意为“忘记、遗忘”,与remember为一组反义词。其主要用法如下:(1)forget名词/代词,意为“忘记”。如:He forgot my name when I rang him.我给他打电话时,他忘记了我的名字。(2)forget不定式,意为“忘记要干”。如:Dont forget to bring your new photos.别忘记带你的新照片来。(3)forgetv.ing,意为“忘记干过”。如:We forgot seeing this film in Beijing.我们忘了在北京看过这个电影。考点八:People say that“an elepha (4)forget宾语从句,意为“忘记”。如:Dont forget when we will meet.别忘了我们将在什么时候见面。【解析】forget/leave 与“遗忘”forget和leave均有“遗忘”的意思。一般说来,只表示忘记某物,但不具体说明把某物忘在什么地方,用forget;反之,若要具体说明把某物忘在什么地方,用leave。试比较:Last time you left the umbrella at home.Today mustnt forget it any more.上一次你把雨伞忘在家里,今天可别忘带了。(4)forget宾语从句,意为“忘记考点九:考点九:Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.大象能走很长时间的路且从来不迷路。(P 29)【解析】短语get lost的用法:get lost意为“迷路”,属于系表结构,表示某种结果或状态。如:If you get lost,just hitchhike home.如果你迷路了,直接拦便车回家吧!【温馨提示】类似用法的短语还有:get dressed穿上衣服;get injured/hurt受伤;get married结婚;get paid得到报酬;get burnt遭殃;get drunk喝醉。如:Lets get dressed and leave at once.咱们穿好衣服马上出发。I heard that she got injured in the accident,my heart full of worry.我听说她在这场事故中受伤了,心中充满担忧。考点九:Elephants can walk for a l.单项选择。单项选择。()1.Mr.Smith is very strict _ his students,isnt he?Yes,he is.He is strict _ his work as well.A.with;in B.in;about C.in;with D.with;about()2.He is so careless that he always _ his school things at home.A.forgets B.forgot C.leaves D.left()3.Which do you prefer,tea or coffee?I dont care._ is fine.A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.AllACA.单项选择。ACA()4.Dont forget _ your history and politics books tomorrow morning.Thanks.I wont.A.bring B.to bring C.bringing D.brings()5._ do you have an English party?Once a month.A.How old B.How far C.How often D.How long()6.Help!There is a big snake near the house._ afraid.It will go away later.A.Dont B.Not C.Dont be D.Be()7._ will it take us to get there by bus?About two hours.A.How soon B.How often C.How long D.How quickBCCC()4.Dont forget _.完成下列句子完成下列句子(词数不限词数不限)。1.他到外面喝醉了。He went out and _.2.你的英语老师对你学习英语要求严格吗?_ your English teacher _ you _ your English study?3.我经常骑车上学,有时坐公交车,但从不步行,因为 我家离学校太远。I often go to school _,sometimes _,but never _ because its a long way from my home to school.got drunk Is strict with in by bike/on a bike/on my bike by bus/on a bus on foot .完成下列句子(词数不限)。got drunk Is.句型转换,每空一词。句型转换,每空一词。1.Youd better not go out at night.(改为祈使句)_ _out at night.2.Look out of the window.(改为否定句)_ _ out of the window.3.She usually goes to work by bus.(改为同义句)She usually _ _ _ to work.Dont go Dont look takes a bus.句型转换,每空一词。Dont 一、重点单词一、重点单词1._ adj.晴朗的 _(n.)2._ v.参观、拜访_(过去式/过去分词)_(n.)3._ v.&n.下雪 _(过去式/过去分词)_(adj.)4._ prep.在后面 5._n.路、马路6._ v.唱歌 _(n.)7._ v.(adj.)享受、喜欢_(adj.)8._v.采、摘 sunny sunvisit visited visitorsnow snowedsnowy behindroad singsingerenjoyenjoyablepick一、重点单词 sunny sunvisit visited9._ n.身材10._ n.特色菜 adj.特别的_(adv.)专门地 _(adv.)尤其11._adj.疲劳的、疲倦的 _(adj.)令人疲倦的12._ v.喂养、饲养_(过去式/过去分词)13._ v.飞、放飞_(过去式)_(过去分词)14._ n.老鼠 _(pl.)15._ n.兴趣、爱好 _(adj.)有趣的;令人感兴趣的 _(adj.)感兴趣的body specialspeciallyespeciallytired tiring feed fed fly fliedflied mouse miceinterestinterestinginterested9._ n.身材body specialspec二、重点短语1._ to.对大声喊叫2.all in _ 总而言之3.blow _ 吹灭 4._ away 跑开 5.get _ 受欢迎、流行 6.get a _ 吃惊7.take ones _点菜 8.make a _许愿 9._ up late深夜不睡、熬夜10.take a _捎口信、传话11.in the _最后12.ride a _骑马shout allout run popular surprise orderwishstay messageend horse二、重点短语shout allout run popu三、重点句型三、重点句型1.Hows the weather?今天是什么天气?Its cloudy/sunny.今天多云/晴天。2.What are they doing?他们在做什么?Theyre playing basketball in the park.他们正在公园里打篮球。3.Hows it going?最近怎么样?Great/Not bad./Terrible!好极了/不太坏/糟透了!4.Im so happy to see them again.我很高兴再次见到他们。5.Can I take a message for him?我可以给他带个口信吗?6.Where are the pay phone?付费电话在哪里?Theyre between the post office and the library.它们在邮局和图书馆之间。7.Its hot in your country now,isnt it?现在在你的国家很热,不是吗?三、重点句型 8.I love to watch the monkeys climbing around.我喜欢看猴子攀爬。9.What do(es)sb.look like?某人看起来什么样子?10.May I take your order?我能为您点菜了吗?11.What kind of noodles would you like?你想要哪种面条?Id like beef noodles,please.我想要牛肉面。12.How was your school trip?你的学校旅行过得如何?It was great!好极了。13.I didnt like the trip at all.我一点儿也不喜欢旅行。14.I was so scared that I couldnt move.我害怕极了,我无法动弹。8.I love to watch the monk四、交际用语四、交际用语Describe the weather(谈论天气)Hows the weather/Whats the weather like in Shanghai?Its cloudy.Ask for and give directions on the street(问路和指路)Excuse me,is there a hospital near here?Yes,there is.Its on Bridge Street.Describe peoples looks(描述人物外貌)What does your friend look like?Shes of medium height/build,and she has long curly hair.Order food(点餐)What kind of noodles would you like?Id like beef noodles,please.Talk about past events(谈论过去的事情)How was your school trip?It was great!Talk about the activities of vacation(谈论假期活动)What did you do last weekend?I did my homework./We went boating.四、交际用语Describe the weather(谈论天五、重点语法五、重点语法1.there be句型2.选择疑问句3.would like表请求的用法4.一般过去时的用法,5.what/who引导的特殊疑问句五、重点语法考点一:考点一:Hi!Hows the weather in Beijing?你好!北京的天气怎么样?(P37)【解析】有关天气句型的用法:Hows the weather.?是询问天气的表达方式之一,在后面还可加上表示地点或时间的短语。另外,询问天气还可以表达为“Whats the weather like.?”(1ike后也可接表示地点或时间的短语)。如:Hows the weather here?这儿的天气怎样?Its snowing.在下雪。What is the weather like in Beijing in winter?北京的冬天天气怎么样?考点一:Hi!Hows the weather in B考点二:考点二:Hello,Rick speaking.喂,我是克里。(P38)【解析】英语打电话的习惯表达:在电话用语中用英语表达“我是”时,常常使用“This is.(sb.speaking)”或“Its.”而不能说“I am.”。也就是说,在英语习惯中,打电话时,一般用this表示“我”,用that表示“对方”,而不用“I”或“you”。【温馨提示】常用的电话用语还有:Is that.(speaking)?你是吗?May/Could/Can I speak to.?请找接电话,好吗?Whos that(speaking)?你是哪位?Hold on,please.请稍等。考点二:Hello,Rick speaking.喂,我是 考点三:考点三:Can I take a message for him?我能给他带个口信吗?(P38)【解析】单词message的用法:message常用作可数名词,意为“信息、消息、留言、短信”。如:They must broadcast the message at once.他们必须立即广播这条信息。Thank you for reading and sharing these messages.感谢你们阅读与分享这些信息。【温馨提示】常见短语:send a message发信息;take a message捎口信、带口信。如:At the meeting,we send a message to the other person.在会议上,我们向其他人发送消息。Shes not in at the moment.Can I take a message?她现在不在,我能帮你带口信吗?【辨析】message,information与news 这三个词都可以作“信息”解,但具体用法有所不同:考点三:Can I take a message for 人教版七年级英语下册期末复习ppt课件全册考点四:考点四:Could you just tell him to call me back?你能让他给我回个电话吗?(P38)【解析】短语“动词副词”的用法:短语call(sb.)back属于“动词副词”结构,其中动词为及物动词,可接宾语。若宾语为名词,位于副词前后皆可;若宾语为人称代词,则只能位于该短语之间。如:Will you please call me back?请你回我一个电话好吗?I recently called back the barber,Dino Ditizii.最近我打电话给那里的理发师蒂提兹。【用法拓展】常用类似短语:pick up捡起;give up放弃;wake up叫醒;hand in/out上交/分发;think over仔细考虑;put off推迟;put away放好;take down取下、拿下;throw away扔掉、丢弃;give away赠送、放弃;blow out吹灭;cut up切碎;put up搭起、举起。考点四:Could you just tell him to考点五:考点五:The pay phone is across from the library.公用电话在图书馆的对面。(P44)【解析】单词across的用法:across prep.&adv.,其用法如下:(1)across可用作介词或副词,可表示动态意义或静态意义,表示动态意义时,意为“横过、到的另一边”;表示静态意义时,意为“在的另一边”。如:Can you swim across?你能游过去吗?(副词用法)I can swim across the river in 10 minutes.我可以在10分钟之内游过河去。(介词用法)My house is just across the street.我家就在街道对面。(介词用法)考点五:The pay phone is across fr (2)短语across from 表静态意义,意为“在对面”,与opposite同义,此时也可省略from只说across。如:Just across from our house theres a school.就在我们房子的对面有一所学校。(3)across的动词形式是cross,在表示“穿过”时,crossgo/walk across。如:Its dangerous for an old man to cross(walk across)such a crowded street.老人穿过这样拥挤的街道很危险。【解析】across,through与over 这三个词在用作介词,表示“穿过”时,其含义与用法有所不同:(2)短语across from 表静态意义 across是指从物体表面经过并且有接触,着重指从一物体表面的一边、一面到另一边、另一面。如:The car is going across the bridge.汽车正从桥上经过。through是指从物体中(空间里)穿过,着重指从空间的一头穿到另一头。如:The elephant cant go through the gate.这头大象不能从门里穿过。The river flows through the city.河水流经这座城市。over是指从物体表面上方经过,不与物体接触;含有“越过、翻越过去”之意。如:The bird flew over the river.鸟从河水表面飞过。After they climbed over the hill,they found many flowers in the fields.他们翻过山之后,发现田野里有许多花。across是指从物体表面经过并且有接触,考点六:考点六:It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there.它(图书馆)非常安静,我喜欢在那儿看书。(P47)【解析】动词enjoy的用法:enjoy意为“欣赏、享受、喜爱、使过得快活”。主要搭配如下:(1)enjoy后接名词或代词。如:They are enjoying their dinner.他们在津津有味地吃饭。(2)enjoy后接v.ing形式。如:I enjoy listening to light music.我喜欢听轻音乐。(3)enjoy first,twoself(have a good time),意为“过得快乐”。如:Did you enjoy yourself at the party?你在聚会上玩得高兴吗?【温馨提示】enjoy后只能接表示褒义的词汇。考点六:It is very quiet and I enj考点七:考点七:What does your friend look like?你的朋友是什么样子的呢?(P49)【解析】句型What does sb.look like?的用法:What do(es)sb.look like?是用来询问某人的长相、外貌特征的常用句型,意为“长得什么样?”,句中的like是介词。如:The little girl looks like her father.小女孩看上去像她爸爸。What does Cathy look like?凯茜长得什么样?Shes tall,and she has black hair.她个子很高,一头黑发。【用法拓展】与上述句型类似的句型如:What be sb.like?该句型既可以用来询问外貌特征,也可用来询问性格、品质特征等,意为“是个什么样的人?”,句中like也是介词。如:Whats Ruth like?露丝是个什么样的人呢?Shes quiet and a little shy.她很文静,有点害羞。考点七:What does your friend look考点八:考点八:Yeah,but I may be a little late.是的,但我可能有点晚。(P50)【解析】little的用法:(1)little作为形容词,主要有两种意思,其一意为“小的”;其二意为“很少的、几乎没有”。如:I have a little brother.我有一个小弟弟。I had little money and little free time.我没什么钱,也没多少空闲时间。(2)little作为副词,意为“几乎不”,主要作状语。如:I care little for fame now.我现在对名气不怎么在乎。【辨析】few/a few/little/a little a few/few 可数名词复数,反义词是many;a little/little 不可数名词,反义词是much。考点八:Yeah,but I may be a littl a few/a little为肯定含义,意为“还有一点”;few/little为否定含义,意为“没有多少”。试比较:A few friends are coming over tonight.Would you like to join us?一些朋友今晚要来。你要来参加吗?He had few friends,and spent most of his time alone.他很少有朋友,大多数时间一人度过。She made a little money by begging.她通过乞讨赚点钱。You work very hard,but you earn very little money.你们辛苦工作,但是挣的非常少。【巧学妙记】区分口诀:a few/a little为肯定含义考点九:考点九:OK,Id like the beef noodles,please.好的,我想要牛肉面条。(P 55)【解析】句型sb.would like.的用法:句型Sb.would like.意为“某人想要”,其后可接以下几种形式。(1)Sb.would like名词。如:Id like(I would like)an iPhone 7.我想要一部 iPhone 7。(2)Sb.would liketo do意为“某人想要去做”。如:Id like to go there alone.我想单独去那里。(3)Sb.would like名词to do.,意为“希望做”。如:Id like them to stay for dinner with us.我希望他们留下来和我们共进晚餐。考点九:OK,Id like the beef nood 【用法拓展】Would you like.?常用于寻求对方的意向或劝问,其肯定答语为Yes,please.或Yes,Id like/love to.;否定答语为No,thanks.或Id love/like to,but I cant.I have to.等。如:Would you like some coffee?你想来点咖啡吗?Yes,please./No,thanks.好的,来一点吧。/不,谢谢。Would you like to go with us?你想和我们一起去吗?Yes,Id like/love to.是的,我很乐意。【用法拓展】Would you like.考点十:考点十:May I take your order?我可以帮您点菜了吗?(P56)【解析】单词order的用法:order可用作名词和动词,其用法如下:(1)用作名词,意为“命令、顺序、定单、点菜”,是可数名词。如:The four seasons follow in order.四个季节依次轮换。Can I take your order now?现在可以请您点菜了吗?Here is an order for 2,000 machine tools.有一张要买2,000 台机床的订货单。(2)用作动词,意为“命令、定购、点菜”。如:I have ordered for you.我已为你点好菜了。考点十:May I take your order?我可以帮 【用法拓展】order的常用搭配:in order to do sth.意为“为了去做某事”,其中不定式作目的状语;in order that意为“为了”,其中that引导目的状语从句。如:In order to do this,you have to build up confidence.为了做到这一点,你一定要建立起自信。order sb.(not)to do sth.意为“命令或叫某人(不)去做某事”。如:The doctor ordered him to stay there.医生嘱咐他留在那里。常见短语:take first,twos order听某人的吩咐、记下顾客点的饭菜、订购;in order整齐、秩序井然;out of order发生故障、次序颠倒。【用法拓展】order的常用搭配:考点十一:考点十一:The next morning,my sister and I got a terrible surprise.第二天早上,我和妹妹大吃一惊。(P71)【解析】surprise/surprising/surprised与“惊奇”这三个词都与“惊奇”有关,具体用法辨析如下:surprise既可用作动词,也可用作名词。作动词用时意为“使(某人)惊奇或吃惊”;作名词时意为“惊奇、吃惊”。如:The bad news didnt surprise them.这个坏消息没使他们吃惊。I want to throw her a surprise party.我想帮她办个惊喜派对。考点十一:The next morning,my sist 【用法拓展】surprised和surprising都是由动词surprise变来的两个形容词,但其用法区别在于:surprised有被动意味,表示“对感到惊奇”,主语习惯上是人,且其后多接介词at;surprising有主动意味,指“使人惊奇的”,作表语时主语习惯上是事。试比较:I was surprised at his answer.我对他的回答感到吃惊。Your success is surprising.你们的成功使人吃惊。【温馨提示】in surprise惊奇地和to first,twos surprise使某人感到吃惊的是都是含有名词surprise的两个短语。如:The two men looked at each other in surprise.那两个人惊奇地互相看着。To their surprise,the poor boy didnt die.使他们吃惊的是,那个可怜的男孩没有死。【用法拓展】surprised和surpri.单项选择。单项选择。()1._?Its a cloudy day.A.What day is it today B.Whats the date today C.Whats the weather like today D.What season is it today()2.Hello,this is Wendy.Can I speak to Jessica?Yes,_.A.Jessica is me B.Jessica,please C.my name is Jessica D.this is Jessica speaking()3.Whats the weather like today?_.A.It is snow B.It was like cloudy C.It is rainy D.It was very coldCDC.单项选择。CDC()4.Could you give me a hand,please?Sure.What would you like me_?A.do B.to do C.doing D.does()5._?He is tall.A.How is he B.What does he look like C.What does he like D.What is he like()6.Would you like to go out for a walk with us?_,but I must finish my homework first.A.Of course not B.Thats all right C.Id love to D.Yes,I do()7.They cant climb _ the mountain if they cant keep going.A.on B.through C.over D.acrossBBCC()4.Could you give me a()8.Can I take your_ now?Well,just two bowls of egg and tomato noodles.A.size B.list C.menu D.order()9.Can you speak English,Mr.Wang?Yes,but only_.A.little B.a little C.a lot D.a few()10.The expert spoke slowly _ everyone should understand him.A.in order to B.in order that C.in order D.now that()11.The child will go_ the road after the light turns green.A.through B.across C.over D.out()12.Each of us has _ life goals,which will guide us to a bright future.Without life goals,we may waste our lifetime.A.a little B.few C.a few D.little DBBBC()8.Can I take your_.根据汉语提示完成下列句子根据汉语提示完成下列句子(词数不限词数不限)。1.We all _(欣赏这音乐会).2.They _(玩得很开心)at the party last Sunday.3.Most children enjoy _(看故事书).4.把它们拣走、扔掉或是送人。All you have to do every day is to pick them up and _.enjoyed the concert enjoyed themselves/had fun/had a good timereading storybooks put them away,throw them away or give them away.根据汉语提示完成下列句子(词数不限)。enjoyed t.用用surprise的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1.Im having a _ party for Lana on Friday night.2.The writer is well-known for her excellent plots(情节)and _ endings.3.They were _ at seeing the teacher in front of them.请从请从message,news,information中选词填空。中选词填空。1.Sorry,he is not in right now.Could I take a _ for you?2.She found some useful _ about education of several countries.3.You think there may be some important _ or _ for you.surprise surprising surprised message information newsmessages/information.用surprise的适当形式填空。surprise s


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